Professional Philosophy LW

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Lauren Williamson

Professional Philosophy

As I sat thinking about where I wanted to end up, I reflected on the values and

experiences that I had throughout college. I concluded that my personal growth was influenced

by the people I encountered and that allowed me to develop a strong passion for helping others

with their personal development and growth. I realized that I aspired to aid people in their

development and growth by empowering and equipping them with resources to better their life

experiences. These reflections and refining moments inspired me to want to serve and shape the

experience of students through a career in higher education. I hope to make a strong impact on

students, through a role in academic enhancement, by helping them transition, grow, and pursue

their passions. I believe when students have the support and resources to better themselves, it can

impact their experience, encourage self-growth, and influence how they impact society.

I value education and investing in students. I want to guide and help them get to where

they want to be and, as an academic coach, I have been able to practice this philosophy. I believe

you can never stop learning and when I interact with students, I see their drive to learn, grow,

and adapt to the world around them. The students I interact with are changemakers, leaders,

intellects, and many more things. I see the opportunity higher education offers them to develop

their skills and ambitions. Working with students motivates me and allows me to support them in

their endeavors. Knowing that the small things I do matter and can make a huge difference in a

student’s journey drives me to continuously show up for them. 

I function with intentionality when I encounter students because it allows me to fully

engage and see them holistically. Their unique experiences and identities are important in

understanding how I can meet their needs and best guide them. As an academic advisor and
coach, I always strived to support students in more than just their academics but personally and

professionally too. I aim to give students a safe space to talk and ask questions by practicing

unconditional positive regard. I want students to be their authentic selves and not be afraid to

make mistakes and learn from them. During my encounters with students, I also want to show up

as my authentic self and build rapport so students can feel comfortable expressing themselves in

different manners.

My supervisors, instructors, and mentors have shown me how they see the uniqueness in

each student, how to encourage diversity in thought, experience, and background, and how to

create spaces that inspire curiosity and growth. These people have helped further shape my value

for diversity and inclusion. Each student brings a different perspective and multiple identities,

and I want to ensure they are appreciated, supported, and respected. Higher education has

histories of traditional structures related to its students and curriculum. The new realities of the

world are different, which is why diversity in the student body, staff, and faculty should be

encouraged. The rich perspectives that people bring and the differences in how people learn and

engage are critical to changing the traditional structures of higher education. I also want to

implement these values by sharing my perspective and experiences, through an intersectional

lens, and finding creative ways to connect and serve the diverse communities within higher

education. I believe representation and vulnerability can provide pathways for better inclusion.

Higher education has a lot to offer and trying to navigate a complex environment can be

hard for students because it allows for many opportunities. Opportunities to develop, challenge

oneself, and engage in new and continuing passions. Those are aspects that made my journey as

an undergraduate and graduate student memorable, which is why I aim to guide students toward

those opportunities too. Those opportunities can allow them to learn, discover what they can do
in the community, and how they can apply that knowledge throughout their lifetime. The world,

job market, demographics, and engagement are changing. These changes motivate me to be

proactive and innovative in how we engage students within the changing world and understand

how the opportunities of higher education can create value for everyone. 

I value the intrinsic strengths, abilities, and worthiness of each student and want to allow

space for students to harness those traits. I have a deep determination to help students succeed –

however they define success. Whether that means having a three-hour meeting with a student to

make sure they have a plan for next semester or hearing feedback from students on how they

want a specific program to change, I hold space for them. My goal in holding space is that it

allows them comfort and hope. Through active listening and empathy, I will make sure students

feel heard. I believe as a student affairs professional, it is important to be mindful of the

environment we create.

Overall, I am eager to continue my journey in higher education. My time as an academic

coach in student support services will allow me to aid students in cultivating their successes. I

strive to learn and grow in this field, where I can help students discover opportunities and pursue

their ambitions. I want to serve as a resource by mentoring and encouraging others. I believe

collaborative, intentional, and creative efforts are crucial to gain a holistic perspective of the

student experience and advocate for their changing needs within higher education. Through my

values, I hope to contribute to the development of students, higher education, and the

community. I am committed to being a part of the developmental journey of students, higher

education, and myself.

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