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Principles of Scientific Management

F.W. Taylor has given us five principles of scientific management to

strengthen the efficiency and productivity of the organization. Taylor’s
focus was on operational workers and the supervisory level of
managers on increasing their working efficiency.

Scientific management means using scientific tools to bring efficiency

to operations. It has proved how scientifically proven tools can be
implemented in the management of businesses.

Let’s discuss the principles of the scientific management theory of F.W.


Science, Not Rule of Thumb

Scientific management believed that there is a science to doing every

job. It explains even a small task can be done effectively when science
is used in it.

Taylor described science as knowledge from depth observation,

experiment, and analysis that can bring the results as expected. And,
rule of thumb as intuition, knowledge, experience, and ideas
of managers on doing organizational activities.

This principle emphasizes managers should employ scientific tools to

bring efficiency while conducting the company’s activities instead of
the rule of thumb.

It is in favor that scientific methods are proven as they are clearly

observed, tested, and analyzed the likely consequences of a decision if
it is taken. If the scientific method is used the result will be exactly as

On the other hand, however, if the manager is experienced, he will not

be 100% sure that his action will give the exact result because the
situation may change.

Harmony, Not Discord

In the second principle, Taylor stressed that the relationship between

the management and employees should be harmonized and
congenial. There should be a good working environment and they
must have importance for each other.

Because when there is conflict this is not beneficial either for

employees or managers, especially for the organization’s future. Both
employees and managers must know the importance of being with
each other. Because the organization is for people, without people
there is no organization (management).

You should give conscious effort to create a harmonized workplace

culture where peace, team spirit, a positive attitude, a sense of
discipline, respect for each other, sincerity, no conflict, etc. will be
produced. You must realize that your business is a collection of people
who must be in a coordinated manner.

A good harmony among workers and employees helps for good

understanding and feeling of togetherness. This helps to reduce
conflicts, misunderstandings, fatigue, and tiredness and increases
mutual trust.
Cooperation, Not Individualism

There should be a cooperative and coordinated environment in your

organization. Harmony and cooperation often make us confused,
however, both are needed to achieve efficiency and productivity.

Taylor describes that harmony means staying together in a cohesive

manner and cooperation means helping each other to achieve
common goals.

Here, he explains that a single individual 

Here, he explains that a single individual is not enough to bring the

desired organizational outcomes. There should be proper cooperation
and coordination among employees and managers so that their
collective efforts result in effective and efficient outcomes.

In simple terms, cooperation, not individualism, states that group

efforts build synergy and always bring greater results than separate
individual efforts.

For this, it is required to build up trust, respect, and confidence among

management and workers. This helps to build group effort instead of
priority to an individual which ensures the attainment of
organizational goals with greater effectiveness and efficiency.

Maximum Output In Place of Restricted Output

This emphasizes that the production should not be based on the

quota system instead the focus should be on attaining maximum
Scientific management has always focused on increasing the
productivity of businesses. It focuses on the proper utilization of
organizational resources i.e. men, machines, money, and materials
which result in productivity and profit for the firm.

When productivity is achieved the company will have more profits and
the workers will get higher wages. Thus, it states that employees
should be encouraged to give their maximum contribution to
increasing productivity.

In addition, to extract employees’ maximum effort Taylor has

suggested providing monetary benefits and a peace wage rate system
where the pay is based on how much an employee has performed
instead of how much time he spent on performing.

Development of Employees For Their Greatest Efficiency and


It is undeniable fact that for every organization employees are the

greatest assets. This principle of scientific management states that
employees should be trained to reach their greatest efficiency and be
able to do the given task in a way they feel natural but supports the
productivity of the organization.

The abilities, skills, knowledge, capabilities, and expertise of employees

determine the effectiveness and efficiency of the business. You should
train employees regularly using scientific tools, technology, and best
practices so that your employee’s efficiency and effectiveness will be

In addition, there should be scientific selection and placement of

employees. And, the right training to the right employee as well as
duties should be assigned considering their capabilities and ability
that further ensures the efficiency in working.


In Conclusion… these are the 5 principles of F.W. Taylor’s scientific

management you can employ to bring efficiency and productivity to
your business.

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