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Some people believe that it is a good idea that older people continue to work if it is

positive for them to do. Do you agree or disagree? 

In recent times, there has been an increasing number of older people inclining to carry out the
abolishment of retirement policy, and they can be seen as a section of the workforce. However,
I believe that this statement should be subjected to modification for several reasons. 

On the one hand, the continuation of the ageing's working life brings some advantages. Due to
the higher living quality and modern medical systems, there has been a significant increase in
life expectancy, leading to the subsequent extension of working life. This is not to mention that
older employees have a wealth of experience and specialized knowledge they obtained through
their decades-long working life that can be a necessary element to enhance the development of
society. Additionally, with the reservoir of knowledge, they can introduce the clarified approach
for the younger workers as well as define several appropriate strategies for the workplace. 

On the other hand, those justifications for longer working lives, working for a long time without
retirement might not be suitable for some older people. One of the striking reasons is about the
high technology adaptation. That means, people nowadays are living in a competitive era so
that there is an enormous number of high-end technologies. It seems that older workers who
don't have many opportunities to approach modern infrastructure than the younger generation
find the struggle to adapt to the rapid changes of the world. Additionally, from the perspective of
the working burden, the worker may suffer a large amount of workload which brings
disadvantages for the elderly. For instance, manual labour demands briskness as well as robust
health of the workers so that it may have a detrimental influence on the older’s health. 

In conclusion, older workers should be subject to decide whether to retire or not based on
several different factors such as their requirement, favour as well as their suitability for the

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