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ExaMPLE 1. An AC
voltage is given by (a) frequency of the wave form
Vo+ V, cos or. What is its rms value for one cycle? (b) average value of voltage
Solution. The waveform repeats itself after every 100 ms. So, its time
Solution. v v cos cor)d period is T= 100 ms =0-1 s.
(a) Therefore frequency. f= 1/T=|10Hz
(b) The average value of voltage can simply be calculated as the area
G+2Vy cos or+V cos or) dt in one time period divided by the time period.

/2 )x01x10 _5 V
ms 0-1

ExAMPLE 2. If the current ExAMPLE 5. Find the rms and the average values of the saw
function of time is given as
as a
tooth wave-form shown in fig. 3.37.
I =2vt ampere, then calculate
the average and rms values over
t 2s to 4 s. S)
Solution. The instantaneous current is
given as I =
During the period = 2s to 4 s.

Pdr=2 jrdi=r-12 FIGURE 3.37
ms2 v3 A Solution. The graph is perodic with time period T= l s.
For 0 SI< 1.f() = 4 1-2
ExAMPLE 3. Find the time required for 50 Hz
alternating current
to change its value from zero to rms value.
Solution. Here f= 50 Hz
Let I=l6 sin = l sin 100 t
0=2nf= 100 t rad/s Iroa-i jar-a =(2/2-- 2-
Note that this value can directly be obtained
Now, I= 0 at 1 = 0. by inspection. The areas
under the graph above the X-axis and below the
If t is the time taken for the current X-axis are equal. Hence.
to reach its rms value, i.e., Ja 0 .
I = 1/^2, then we have

=I sin l00 o sin 100 T

1 Jrms-Joà-je-2de =J 16- 4) d
100= o400 =|25ms
ExAMPLE 4. A periodic voltage waveform is shown in fig. 3.36 EXAMPLE 6. The current in
Determine the i= i t
discharging LR circuit is
where, t is the time constant of the circuit. given by
rms current for the Calculate the
AV (in volt) period t = 0 to t = t.

Solution. i= ig e t

> (in ms)
100 200
Now. Z =R+(1/%C
EXAMPLE 7. If/= o sin o and V=
V% cos (0+ TU3), find phase =C vz2 -

R =
y400 -

20) =

200 3 2

between I and V
ution. To find the phase difference betwcen = 9.2x 10F =|92 F
I and V, both must be C
written as cither sine function or cosine function. 2nx 50x 2003
Here.=l sin of and V = Vocos (or+ TU3)
ExAMPLE 12. In the fig. 3.38 shown, L
If both are written as sine function, then
the generator delivers four times as much
I= lo sin and V=
Vo sin ( + T/3+ T/2) current at very low frequencies than it

Therefore. phase difference. = 73+ z/2=5w6 does at very high frequencies. Find the
ratio R/R, of the resistances.
If both are written as cosine function, then
Solution. At very low frequencies, the
I l cos (o -

T/2) and V= Vo (or

cos + T/3) reactance of L tends to zero and of C tends
3--T/2) =

|5 w6 to infinity. At very high frequencies, the

reactance of L tends to infinity and of C
EXAMPLE 8. In a LCR circuit with an AC source, R = 300 2, tends to zero. The circuit in the two cases FIGURE 3.38
C 20 uF, L = 10 H, Vrms = 50 V and f = (50/7) Hz. Find rms
can be reduced as shown in fig. 3.39
current in the circuit.
Solution. R =300 2, C= 20 uF, L= 1-0 H, Vrms = 50 V,
S= (50/t) Hz and w = 2 nf= 100 rad/s R
ZROC-o300 100x 20x 10
- 100x1
= 500 2 Very low Very high
frequencies frequencies
rms Z -01A FIGURE 3.39

t is given that = 4
EXAMPLE 9. A 200 N resistor and 1 H inductor are joined in
series with an AC source of emf 10/2 sin (200 ) V. Caleulate the R 4 R, + R,
phase difference between emf and current. R +R, =4 R
Solution. R = 200 2, L = | H and V = 10/2 sin (2001)
R = 3 R
The phase difference p is given by EXAMPLE 13. A coil takes a current of 2 A and 200 W power
from an alternating current source of 220 V, 50 Hz. Calculate
tan Xc-XL0-0L 200x resistance and inductance of the coil.
R R 200 Solution.
Tns 2 A, P 200 W,
0-Tt/4 FTDs220 V, f= 50 Hz.
As is negative, the current lags voltage by u/4. Power, P = Iims R

EXAMPLE 10. When 10 V, DC is applied across a coil, the current P 200

R 2 50
through it is 2:5 A. If 10 V, 50 Hz AC is applied, the current reduces 1
to 2 A. Calculate the reactance of the coil.
Solution. The resistance and impedance of the coil are respectively Tnsms Z = Ims yR + (»L)?
R= 10/2.5 = 4 N and Z= 10/2 = 5 2

L= V -R 50
ms 2Tx50 V2
X= Vz2 - R? = vs2 -42 =[3Q
=0 312 H
to an AC ExaMPLE 14. A 100 uF capacitor in series with a 40 N resistance
EXAMPLE 11. A 50 W, 100 V lamp is to be connected
is essential to be put in is connected to
a 110 V, 60 Hz
mains of 200 V, 50 Hz. What capacitance supply.
series with the lamp? (a) What is the peak eurrent in the circuit?
200 S2
Solution. The resistance of lamp is R =100-/50 =
(b) What is the time lag between the current maximum and the
100/200 = 05 A voltage maximum?
and the current through it is ms
in series. The impedance of circuit Solution.
Ce, the lamp and the capacitor are
C= 100 uF R 40 2 f 60 Hz
400 2
Vrmms 200/05
Z= =
with large impedance is
ExAMPLE 17. An AC voltmeter
inductor, the capacitor and the resict
(a) =v2ms 2 ms=
in turn (one by one) across the
emf of 100 V. If the
R2 +(1/0Cc in a series circuit having an
in each case, what is this
gives the same reading in volts ng
= 324 A Solution. Vms V +(Vc -V
40+ (2 Tx60) x (100 x 10-6) where Ve Vc and V are respective
voltages. rms

(b) Phase difference between the current maximum and the voltage Here Vms 100 V and VR Vc= VL V
(say) =

maximum is
Then, 100=yv2+(V-V)? =V V 100 VV
1/%C = [an

R (2Tx60)x(100x10O) x 40 ExAMPLE 18.

of the voltage across an
o = = 0:586 (a) In a LCR circuit, can the amplitude
inductor be greater than the amplitude of thhe generator emf?

0-586 1-55x 10- sec (6) Consider a LCR circuit with V% 10

= =
10A, L = 10H, and
V, R
2Tx 60 across the inductor
C=10uF. Find the amplitude of the voltage
at resonance.
ExAMPLE 15. In given circuit, find the voltage across inductor.
VR 60 V V=? (a) The amplitude of voltage across inductor is VoL 1 0 XL = x
So, if X > Z, then the amplitude of voltage Voz across inductor
will be greater than the amplitude of the generator emf V.

V= 100/2 sin or volt Answer is yes.

FIGURE 3.40 (b) Here Vo= 10 V, R = 10 2, L = 1-0 H and C = 1-0 uF

Solution. Here, V= 100 V and Vg = 60 V
Resonance frequency, 0= = 1000 rad/s
VLC VIx10-6
For LR circuit, V
V =v2-V? = v100-60 - 80V Z R= 10 Q and X, = L = 1000 x1 = 1000

ExAMPLE 16. In the circuit shown in fig. 3.41, what is the reading
V x, =x1000=1000
of AC ammeter and what are the potential differences across resistor
EXAMPLE 19. An alternating source drives a series LCR circuit
inductor and capacitor?
with an emf amplitude of 6 V in which the current leads voltage by
20 102 30". When the potential difference across the capacitor reaches its
maximum positive value of 5 V, what is the potential difference across
w0000 h the inductor?
Solution. Here, V = 6 V, ¢ = 30" and Voc = 5 V

oRt(oc-Vor and tano =.
V= 100 sin wt 100 t

FIGURE 3.41 6=VoR +(6-VoL and tan 30 -%

Solution. Here R = 10 2, X = 202, Xc = 102 and VoR
VoR =36-(5-Vo and
VTns100//2 =50V2 v
Z =R +Xc -X, = V10 + (10-20 10v2 36-Vo =36-5 Vot
4 x 5 -Vo) =36 5- VoL =t3
The reading of AC ammeter is
VoL = 2 V, -

8 V
We ignore VoL =- 8 V
50V2 VaL=2V
Tms =
Z 102 -5A
ExAMPLE 20. An LCR series circuit with a
resistance of 100 5
The p.d. across R, L and C are respectively
is connected to an ac source of 200 V. When the
VR=msR = 5 x 10 = |50 v capacitor is removed
from the circuit, current lags behind emf by 45°. When the inductor
is removed from the circuit, keeping
V m s XL= 5 x 20 = |100 v capacitor and resistor in the
circuit, current leads by an angle of tan (1/2). Calculate the current
and VcrmsXc= 5 x 10 =50 V and the power dissipated in the LCR circuit.
Solution. When capacitor is removed,
X = v4002 2002 =200 3 Q
tano L or tan 45° AL
R R X =R
When inductor is removed,
L - 2 0 0 _ 2 5H
tan R or
R Xc= R/2 EXAMPLE 24. An AC circuit consists of a 220 A resistance and a
7H choke. Find the power absorbed from 220 V and 50 Hz source
Forthe LCR circuit, Z =R (X,-X +
connected in this circuit if the resistance and choke are joined
(R -

R/2) (a) in series

R -x 1005 =2502 b) in parallel
rms Z 250 08A (a) Z= R? + (oL? = y220 +(2mx50x 07)2 = 311

Power dissipated. P = Vms ms = 200x 08 x 100 s ms = 0-707
ms - =

250 143-1W 311

Therefore, power absorbed is
EXAMPLE 21. A coil takes a current of 2 A
and 200 W power
from an alternating current source of 220 V, 50 Hz.
Calculate P msR =(0-707)2 220 =|1101 W x

resistance and inductance of the coil. (b) In parallel, the power is absorbed only by resistor.
Solution. Irms = 2 A. P = 200 W,. VPms = 220 V and f = 50 Hz.
P 220 220 W
200 R 220
Power. P = rms R
R ms EXAMPLE 25. A voltage of 10 V and frequency 10 Hz is applied
to (1/t) uF capacitor in series with a resistor of 500 Q. Find the
Tsme Z=1Tms \R (oL) power factor of the circuit and the power dissipated:
Solution. Vrms = 10 V,f= 10 Hz, C = (1/T) uF and R = 500 2

*- R2=2x50 V250
Xc 2tfC 2Tx10' x (l/7) x 10-6
500 2

-0.312 H Z= R+X = vso02+s00 =s00 a

ExAMPLE 22. When an alternating voltage of 220 V is applied
across a device K, a current of 0-5 A fows through the circuit and is R 500
in phase Power factor, cos o =Z
applied voltage. When the same voltage is applied
with the 5002
across another device Y, the same current again flows through the
circuit but it leads the applied voltage by n/2 radians. Power dissipated,
(a) Name the devices X and Y. VZ 10
P Vrms rms COS =01 W
b) Calculate the current fowing in the circuit when same voltageis
applied across the series combination of X and Y.
Solution. ExAMPLE 26. A coil has a power factor of 0-866 at 60 Hz. What
will be power factor at 180 Hz?
(a) Xis resistor and Y is capacitor.
(b) The resistance and reactance of X and Y respectively are
Solution. Let the power factor be denoted by PF

At 60 Hz, PF = 0-866 = V3/2

R 05 440 2 and Ac 220 440 o
05 The coil has resistance and inductance. For the coil connected to AC
The impedance of the series combination is source,

Z R+Xx? =va40? +440 =440 V2a PF-

Therefore, the current in the circui, R +X
440 V2
series cireuit is 05 when
DXAMPLE 23. The power factor of a LR resistance of
X =R/3
sin 100 u volt. If the
e applied voltage is V 100 the =

inductance of the circuit. Alf'= 180 Hz = 3f, XL =2r f'L =3X, = V3R
Circuit is 200 2, then calculate
and R 200 2
1/2, V= 100 sin 100 u

Solution. cos ^ =

R2+(3 0
R) 5
200+ X
source, the current is 4 A.
EXAMPLE 27. A LCR circuit has L = 10 mH, R = 30 2 and C = 1 to 12 V DC
Solution. When connected
F connected in series to a source of emf V= 15 cos o. Calculate resistance of the coil
the current amplitude and the So, the
average power dissipated at a R= 12/4 3 2.
frequeney that is 10% lower than the resonance frequeney. 12 V, 50 rad/s
AC source, the current is 24 A.
When connected to
Solution. L 10 mH, R= 30 2, C= 1 and V= 15 cos

uF o So the impedance of the coil


Resonance frequency, VLC

10 rad/s Z= 12/2-4 = 5 Q

V10x103x10 vz?-R? = vs2 -3? =4Q

Actual frequencyis 10% lower than x, =

0 =0-9 h = 9 x 10 rad/s
in series,
Z= R+|L.
L When a capacitor C 2-0 mF is connected

Xc C 50x2x10
30+ 9 x 1 0 x10-69x10° x10x10-3
The new impedance and current in the circuit are respectively

Therefore, the current amplitude. Z'= R? +(Xc -X,} y32 +(10-4)2 =

=041367 0-41 A 12 4

and the average power

dissipated, Therefore, the power dissipated is

P R= x30=252 W R=x3 -06 W

ExAMPLE 28. An inductive circuit draws a power 550 W from a ExAMPLE 30. A coil, a capacitor and an AC source of rms voltage
220V 50 Hz source. The power factor of the circuit is 0-8. The 24 V are conected in series. By varying the frequency of the source,
current in the circuit lags behind the voltage. Show that a capacitor a maximum rms current 6 A is observed. If this coil is connected to
of 75-4 F will have to be connected in the circuit to bring its power a battery of emf 12 V and internal resistance 2 , calculate the
factor to unity.
current through the coil.
Solution. Here. P = 550 W. Vms= 220 V, f= 50 H and cos =
08 Solution. The coil has resistance and inductance. The current is
Since the current lags behind voltage, the circuit is inductive. maximum at resonance when Z= R. So, R = Vrms!rs= 24/6 = 4

R When the coil is connected to battery of emf e = 12 V and intemal

= cos 0 = 0-8
R =064 (R? + X})
R-X resistancer=22, the current through the coil is

= 064 X; =0.36 R2
ExAMPLE 31. A series LCR circuit containing a resistance of
120 Q has angular resonance frequency 4 x 10S rads At resonance,
the voltages across resistance and inductance are 60 V and 40 V
2 respectively. Find the values of L and C. At what frequency, the
Tms R= ms
P ms R= 5RI4 25 R current in the circuit lags the voltage by 45°?
Solution. R = 120 2, a 4 x 10 rads, Ve= 60 V. V, = 40V

= R= ms - 16220 s632 2
25 P 550 m
msR 05 A X ===80
and X R-4224
To bring the power factor to unity, capacitor must be added such that
L-4 x 1 0 =2x 10H =0-2 mH

= 42:24

100 Tx 42-24 75.4 x 10-6 F =| 75.4 uF C

L (4x10)x02x10 32OF
ExAMPLE 29. A current of 4 A fMows in a coil when connected to We shall now find the frequency at which the
a 12 V DC source. If the same coil is connected
to a 12 V, 50 rad/s 45. As the current lags voltage, we have
current lags voltage by
AC source, a current of 2-4 A flows in the circuit. Determine the
X> Xc
inductance of the coil. Also find the power dissipated in the circuit lan 45°=4LAc
if a 2-0 mf capacitor is connected in series with the coil. R= »L-
120 0x 2 x 104. EXAMPILE 34. Radio receiver recives a signal at 300 m band. If
Ox (1/32) x 10-6 the inductance of LC circuit is 1 mH, then calculate required
-6x 10 o-16 x 100 0 capacitance.
Solution. Radio receives EM waves. Its specd is c 3 x 10° m/s and =
(0-8x 10) (0 +2x 10) = 0
the wavelength of signal is 300 m. The frequency of LC circuit

= 8 x 10 rad s-1| used in the receiver must be equal to the frequency of the signal. So,

FXAMPLE 32. 1 10*

-2TVLC = 3x0-
A box P and a coil 10 Hz
Q are connected in series with
an of
AC source variable frequency. The emf of the source is 10 V. 300
BOxP contains a capacitance of 1 uF in series with
a resistance of
120. Coil Q has a self-inductance of 4-9 mH and a resistance of 68
(27x10)L (2Tx106)2 x 103
gin series. The frequency is adjusted so that the maximum
nows in P and Q. Find the impedance of P and Q at this frequency. = 25 x 102 F=[25 pF
Also find the vlotages across P and Q respectively.
LXAMPLE 35. A radio can tune over the frequency range of a
| 1uF, 322 4-9mH 682 portion of MW broadcast band 800 kHz to 1200 kHz. If its LC circuit
HEw OW00-w has an effective inductance of 200 uH, what must be the range of its
CR L R2 variable capacitor?
Box P Coil Q
Solution. Frequency range of broadcast is

fmin 800 kHz and Smax = 1200 kHz.

FIGURE 3.42 Frequency of transmissions
Solution. C=1 uF, R = 32 2, L = 4-9 mH, R = 68 Q
Current is maximum at resonantce frequency. The resonance frequency, fTLC C
rad/s min L (2T Jmax 200x 10- (2mx1200x10*)
V49x103 x10-6 7
The impedence of P and at this frequency are respectively 8-8 x 10- F =|88 pF
max L(21t Smin 200x 106 (27x800x 10*)2
C331010-7 = 1-98 x 10-10 F =
|198 pF
Therefore, the range of variable capacitor is 88 pF to 198 pF.
Z R + 976 EXAMPLE 36. In a certain oscillating LC circuit, the total energy
The current in the circuit at resonance frequency is is converted from electrical energy in the capacitor to magnetic
energy in the inductor in 1-50 us.
Tms ms= 10
= 0-1 A (a) What is the time period of oscillation'?
R+ R2 (6) How long after the magnetic energy is maximum will it be
Hence, Vp =!ms Zp = 0 1x77 =7-7 V maximum again?
Solution. The time in which the total energy is converted from capacitor
and Vo= Ims Zo=0-1 x 97-6 =[9.76V to inductor is T/4 = 1-5 us.
(a) The time period T of oscillation is T= 4 x 1.5 = |6 us
EXAMPLE 33. Obtain the resonance frequency and Q-factor of aa
series LCR circuit with L = 3 H, C= 27 uF and R 740. How will (b) The time it takes for the magnetic energy to be maximum again is

circuit by a factor of
you improve the sharpness of resonance of the halfthe time period of oscillation, i.e., TI2 = |3 Hs
2 by reducing its full width at half maximum?

uF and R 74 M ExAMPLE 37. An LC circuit contains a 20 mH inductor anda

Solution. L =3-0 H, C = 27 =

50 uF capacitor with an initial charge of 10 mC. The resistance of

Resonance frequency is
the circuit is negligible. Let the circuit be closed at t = 0.
(a) What is the total energy stored initially?
fo 2 TVLC 27V3x 27x 10 =|1768 Hz (6) What is the natural frequeney of the circuit?
(c) After what minimum time is the energy stored is completely
RNT74 V27x10 45
-actor, (d) At what times is the total energy shared equally between

-factor can be made twice by making the value of Rhalf, i.e..3-75 2 inductor and the capacitor?
Solution. L = 20 mH, C= 50 uF and Qo = 10 mC
reducing C. It should
by increasing L
e-Tactor can also be increased (a) Initially, energy is stored only in capacitor. So, the total energy
has to remain
noted that since resonance frequency 9% =l/VLC stored initially is
of L and C) must not change.
Same, the value of LC (i.e., the producttwice value of L (10x10)
can also be
made by making the U
nerefore, Q-factor 2x50x10-6 1 0 J
C half, i.e..135 uF
wice, i.e., 6 H and the value of
(b) = Solution.
VLC 1010 rad/s 14 uF and lo = 12-0 mA
20 10x50x 10-6
20x (a) Here L = 8-0 mH, C

Therefore, the natural

frequency of the circuit is
f= o/2 T =
10*/2 r
=|159 Hz Now.L2C
103 14 x10
VLC =12x 103 V8x
(c) The x
energy stored is
complctely magnctic after time ,
2 7T = 1-27x 10°C =|127 uC
4 o 2 x103 = 157 x 10 s = |1.57 ms

(d) The instantaneous frequency of oscillation is

charge stored in (b) The angular
capacitor is
Q =
2o cos = 9:45 x
10 rad s-
The total energy is shared V8x10x14x 10-6
equally between inductor and capacitor LC
when the energy stored in the inductor
is half of the total At= 0, the energy in inductor is maximum and that in capacit.
instantaneous charge on the capacitor is
is zero. So, the
i.e.. or -
or cos r = Q =0 sin

sin or dUc 6 sin 2 o

= t/4
Uc =-2C
Uç 2C dt 2C
3-14 The earliest when this rate of change of energy is maximum is
0 - 7 8 x 10-3 s =|0-78 ms
4 4x103 when 2 ot = Tt/2

ExAMPLE 38. 83 x 100 s =
83 us
4 4x9.45x 103
(a) an
oscillating LC circuit, in terms of the maximum charge of energy is
Qo the capacitor, what is the charge on it when the
on (c) The maximum rate of change
in the electric field is one third of that in the
magnetic field?
b) What fraction of the time period must
elapse following the time
dUc-o0 945x 10 x(1-27x10-5)2
dt max 2C 2x1-4x 10-
the capacitor is fuly charged for this condition to occur?
Solution. =5-44 x 10-3 Js-1|
(a) U =
/2C and here
U/3 Uc =
ExAMPLE 40. A series circuit containing inductance L and
capacitance C oscillates at angular frequency o. A second series
Now. U =
Uc +
U; Uc +3 Uc=
= 4 Uc Uc= U/4 circuit, containing inductance L2 and capacitance C2, 0scillates at
If Q is the charge on the capacitor, then
the same angular frequency. In terms of o, what is the angular
frequency of oscillation of a series circuit containing all four of these
elements? Neglect resistance.

(b) The instantaneous charge on the capacitor for Q = 20 at t = 0 is Solution. Here, o=. L C =L C2 =

Q =2 cos When all the four elements are connected in series, the equivalent
inductance, Leg=L + L
=2 cos or = cos Ot =
and the equivalent capacitance,
6 Ce4C+ C2
The new angular frequency of oscillation of the series circuit is
Therefore, the fraction of time period elapsed is 1/6
ExAMPLE 39. In an oscillating LC circuit, L = 8-0 mH and C+C2
C 1-4 uF. At time t = 0, the current is maximum at 12-0 mA. yylL+LGC_) V4CC2 + L C,C
(a) What is the maximum charge on the capacitor during the

(b) At what earliest timet >0 is the rate of change of energy in the C+C2 C+C
capacitor maximum? VoC2+ C C+C
(c) What is that maximum rate of change?

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