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HCI midterm

1/What is a User Interface?

It means what the user sees, and includes:

-the physical (controls – buttons, etc).

-what the system looks like ?

-how the system accepts input from the user?

-how the system responds to user input?

-how the system outputs the results of processing?

2/ What Makes a Good User Interface?

Good user interfaces are:

-Safe (not ambiguousor, confusing).

-Effective (do what they’re supposed to do, and quickly).

-Efficient (clear and easy to use).

-User-friendly ( intuitive and easy to learn).

-Enjoyable .
3/Good Interface Design 2:
There are four considerations for an
interface designer:

Who:( Who is going to use the system, what are their ages,etc.?)
What: (What tasks are they likely to want to perform? Repetitive, complex,
simple, etc.)

Environment: (Where is the computer to be used? In a

hazardous or noisy environment?)

Feasibility:( What is technologically available? Designers

should not add elements to the interface that)
(Benefits/ advantages) of a common interface:
1/ Increased speed of learning.

2/ Ease of use.

3/ Confidence for novice users.

4/ Increase the range of solvable tasks by users.

5/ Greater range of software available to the average computer user.

4/Goal of HCI
1/ improve the interactions between users and computers by making
computers more usable and receptive to the user's needs.

HCI is concerned with:

-Methodologies and processes for designing interfaces .

- Methods for implementing interfaces.

- libraries Methods for implementing interfaces.

- Techniques for evaluating and comparing interfaces.

- Developing new interfaces and interaction techniques.

- Developing descriptive and predictive models and theories of

Goals of interaction design:
-Develop usable products Usability means:

• easy to learn.

• effective to use.

• enjoyable experience.

-Usable products = successful products.

- Involve users in the design process.

Utility, Usability, Likeability

- Utility: a product can be used to reach a certain goal or to
perform a certain task.

- Usability: relates to the question of quality and efficiency. E.g. how

well does a product support the user to reach a certain

goal or to perform a certain task.

- Likeability: this may be related to utility and usability but not

necessarily. People may like a product for any other reason.
What is Usability?
{ is a quality attribute that assesses how easy user interfaces are to

use. The word ‘usability’ also refers to methods for improving ease-of-
use during the design process.}

#Usability five quality components:

-Learn ability: How easy is it for users to accomplish basic tasks

(the first time they encounter the design?)

- Efficiency: Once users have learned the design, how quickly

can they perform tasks?

- Memorability: When users return to the design after a period of

not using it, how easily can they reestablish proficiency?

- Errors: How many errors do users make, how severe are these

errors, and how easily can they recover from the errors?

- Satisfaction: How pleasant is it to use the design?

Why is Usability Important?
{Many everyday systems and products seemed to be designed with
little regard to usability this leads to:


2/wasted time


# Improving usability can

• increase productivity of users

• reduce costs (support, efficiency)

• increase sales/revenue (web shop)

• enhance customer loyalty

• win new customers

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