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Version 1.


Written by Ethan H. Reynolds

Design by Ethan H. Reynolds

Art gathered from

Copyright © 2021 Ethan H. Reynolds

All rights reserved. Document may be duplicated once one player of the game has purchased this document.
Customers may also alter the games rules, lore, and systems to suit their need.For editorial purposes, or
expressing concerns about the document, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions
Coordinator,” at the email address

Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Names, characters, and
places are products of the author’s imagination.

CW: Drug Use, Violence, Body Augmentation, Police Brutality, Oppression

To my family and friends who had my back the whole way. This is for you.


All of the people who playtested this game. You mean the world to me.

My Patrons on Patreon/Kofi
Bogus Cheesecake
Gavin and Aine Moore
Alex Thir and the wonderful illustrators listed below for their artwork included in this handbook:

a-arrow Sketchify Philipines

Allies Interactive sorembadesignz
ArmOkay studiog
creativepriyanka vasabii
Clkr-Free-Vector-Images from pixabay vectortradition
DAPA Images Victoruler
djvstock Xinh Studio
Elionas from pixabay
GDJ from pixabay
HiteshHtSharma from pixabay
mohamed_hassan from pixabay
OpenClipart-Vectors from pixabay
Pawel Nolbert from Unsplash
Roundicons Pro


Table of Contents
Acknowledgements.........................pgs. 1-2 NPC Sheets.............................pgs. 69-91
Introduction...................................pgs. 4-14 Ruffians.......................pgs. 69-72
Preface.........................pgs. 4-5 Police...........................pgs. 73-79
How to Play. .................pgs. 5-12 Juggernauts..................pgs. 80-83
Making a Character. ......pgs. 13-14 Banebloods...................pgs. 81-84
Occupations. ..............................pgs. 15-25 Automatons..................pgs. 85-88
Traits. 26 Knights of Asgore...........pgs. 89-91 27-30 Character Sheet..................pgs. 92-93
Perks. ........................................pgs. 31-49 Glossary............................... pg. 94
Close Quarters Combat (CQC).......pgs. 31-33
Gunfighting. ................pgs. 34-37
Speech. ........................pgs. 38-40
Sabotage.......................pgs. 41-43
Knowledge....................pgs. 44-46
Vitality......................... pgs. 47-49
World 50
Wealth................................pgs. 51-52
CogWare.............................pgs. 53-55 56-58
Weapons..............................pgs. 59-64
Equipment Upgrades..............pgs. 65-67 68

It all started with fiery ambition and a voyage to the clouds.

After years of turmoil on the planet Ilustrium, a woman named Mildred Garfield decided to create their own country
in a part of the world that was near uninhabitable. After decades, plant and wildlife flourished across a beautiful plain,
and small villages and cities were erected that acted as their own communities with their own laws and cultures.

Things went well until a man from the larger nation, one Alfred Lancaster, sent a small military force to wipe out the
seceded nation by any means necessary. Mildred knew this would occur, of course, and at it's founding, Nimbus City
was equipped with rockets that was powered by vapors in the sky to power its engines and would ascend into the sky if
threatened by the outside world. As tanks and horses lined the outer rim of Nimbus City, Mildred commanded the
Great Ascension, and thus the city soared into the clouds above, leaving Alfred and his military in a cloud of dust.

Mildred acted as the Grand Duke of Nimbus City, and led her people into a cultural and intellectual renaissance that
lasted until her death. After her passing, there was great debate on who would become the ruler of Nimbus City, until a
coup held by a mysterious man wiped out the past occupation of all of Mildred's subjects. The ruler was none other
than Jacques Lancaster, the son of Alfred, and thus he claimed to be Grand Duke of Nimbus City. His forces segregated
the people of Nimbus City by class, and corporations that saw a power vacuum took the mantles of Advisory Council to
the Grand Duke.

Hundreds of years have passed since that moment. The Trans-Atlantic Trade Corporation, as of the 400th year after
the First Succession of the Lancasters, have majority power over the council, and have slithered their way into law
creation and policing the masses. Their efforts have funded great technological feats that were only sectioned for the
wealthier class, such as Tesla technology, nuclear-steam powered machinery, and the moon base Lancaster Prime
where only the wealthy reside, and is said to be a heavenly paradise in the stars.

The people below Lancaster Prime are stuck to the surface of Nimbus City, floating alongside masses of smog that has
arisen from the Underworld. There is a great restlessness, and due to this, gangs have arisen, revolutions have been
plotted, and heroes and villains have been born.

What mark will you make upon this city amongst the clouds?

How to play (1)
On Rules, Systems, and Lore in this Handbook

In this handbook, there are only recommendations. There is no set lore, settings, people, or history to Tales from the
Aerosphere or Nimbus City. If there are things, rules, perks, items, weapons, or CogWare that you want to alter,
remove, or add, please do so. This system by no means is perfect as of 1st Edition, so please make the game as
enjoyable for yourself and your players in any way you, as Game Master, sees fit.

Dice and Rolling

In Tales from the Aerosphere, all types of dice are used (4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20, and 100 sided dice), but all Trait checks and
accuracy checks (whether you hit an enemy or not) are all done using a d20. Dice sides are denoted by a "d" and then a
number. For example, a d20 is a 20 sided die, a d12 is a 12 sided die, a d6 is a 6 sided die, and so on. To the left of the
dice side number, there usually is a number to denote how many dice need to be rolled using that certain die. For
example, "1d20" denotes that to make this roll, you need one 20 sided die. "2d20" denotes that you need two 20 sided
die, and 3d12 means you need three 12 sided die to make that roll.

You may also roll with Advantage or Disadvantage. Advantage means that you roll two dice and choose the highest
number out of the two. Disadvantage means you must roll two dice and choose the lowest number. In Tales from the
Aerosphere, Advantage and Disadvantage compound and subtract one another. This means that if you have perks that
let you roll multiple times for Advantage, you add an additional d20 die and choose the highest number. Disadvantage
is the same, where you roll one additional die and choose the lowest out of the rolls. If you are disadvantaged, an
advantaged roll cancels it out as well.

You will have to roll for many things, such as whether an attack hits or misses, to succeed a Trait check, or to
determine a certain random outcome. Be sure to add or subtract any modifiers you have for these types of rolls. These
modifiers are granted by leveling up, perks, items, and random status effects, so be sure to know what Traits do what
and what bonuses/debuffs you have with your character.

How to play (2)

In Tales from the Aerosphere, there is no experience levelling option. Instead, in this edition, it is purely up to the
digression of the GM then and how players level up. Ways to level up can include succeeding in missions/quests,
roleplaying well, eliminating enemies, ending a session, or simply just by having fun.

Each level, you are granted an additional point to place in any Trait you desire (not exceeding +5 by levelling). Your
items/perk bonuses do NOT impact the Trait points acquired by creating your character or levelling, so ignore those
numbers when levelling up.

Every 2 levels (2, 4, 6, etc.), you are granted a roll of 3d2 for additional HP (Health Points).

Every 3 levels (3, 6, 9, 12, etc.) grants 5 additional points to take Perks with.

Perks are, as previously stated, acquired through levelling up. Each point matches the stat requirement needed for
each Perk. For example, if a Perk requires +5 Sharpshooting, choosing that perk uses 5 points, leaving you with no
points left.

There is also no level cap or maximum level in Tales from the Aerosphere, but be careful; more Perks means more to
keep up with.

Death Saves
Dying young and violently is a natural occurrence in Nimbus City. In Tales from the Aerosphere, when your HP
reaches zero, you will have to succeed a roll of 10 or above using 1d20 to survive after going unconscious. To give you a
bonus to survive, you add any bonuses to your Willpower to help you survive. If someone heals you, you automatically
revive, but otherwise, you will have to wait an hour to awaken. Each time your character goes unconscious after being
revived, you roll with a -3 to your Death Saves until you have a long rest. Once you fail the throw, you are dead.
Handling death as a GM may be handled in any way they see fit.

How to play (3)

In Tales from the Aerosphere, it is very easy to die. The world around you is ruthless, and will stop at nothing to see you
in the ground. In order to survive all of your encounters, it is imperative that you and your allies strategize.

Each round of combat in Tales from the Aerosphere lasts about 4 seconds. This time limit means that your character can
only make two Actions. Actions can be shooting or striking with a weapon, reloading a weapon, moving, speaking,
using an item, jumping, pushing, tackling, and throwing items/weapons. Movement is determined, in combat, using
a 1d6 dice roll to determine how many tiles (diagonally, horizontally, or vertically) you will move on the map, while
also adding/subtracting the total with any Perks, CogWare, or items that may impact your overall movement. You
cannot go lower than 1 movement. Perks can increase your action amount, but as a default, only two Actions are
available to each character. With these Actions, you may use them in any order, as well as multiple times (not
exceeding your Actions limit). You can shoot twice, move twice, use an item twice, and all the other Actions twice, or
once, in a turn as a baseline. You may also React by using an action before an enemy strikes you to add your AR +
Reflexes modifier to dodge an attack, attack after their attack on you, or use an item. You must roll a 10 or above to
successfully React to an enemies movement. On your next turn, regardless of outcome, you sacrifice an entire action
next turn.

Perks and modifiers from your Traits can also increase your accuracy when rolling to hit an enemy, or can raise your
AR (Attack Resist) and MR (Mental Resist) so that it is harder for you to be hit. Your AR guards against projectile and
melee attacks, while MR guards against hacking and Microwave attacks (attacks that can damage/alter your mind). If
an enemy rolls to hit and meets your AR or MR, they hit their attack. The same goes the other way, where if you make
an attack and meet or exceed the enemy's AR or MR, you succeed in hitting your opponent. Damage rolls are made
using the damage of your equipped weapon after you succeed a hit. If you are dual wielding weapons, you roll with
disadvantage to hit, but if you land a hit, roll the damage dice of both weapons when dealing damage.

Whenever a player rolls to make a Rigging check, they roll Intelligence for their roll, which can be halted by an enemy’s
Mental Resistance, or MR. If they fail the check, then they fail their rigging attempt which is noted on whatever device
you use. If you succeed, you then can do what your rigging item says it is able to do. If it is a general rigging item, then
you roll another d20 after your request to do what you ask the enemy to do. If it fails, your rigging attempt fails, if it
succeeds, then your request is granted.

How to play (4)
Combat (Cont.)


Range in Tales from the Aerosphere functions by weapon type. In order to hit any enemy, however, you need to not only
be in the appropriate tile or distance range, you need to have direct line of sight of your target in any direction,
meaning that the enemy must be aligned with your character and must be within your weapon's range. Also, if you
decide to use a projectile weapon farther than the range listed, not only do you shoot with disadvantage, but every tile
(5 feet) past the distance listed subtracts 2 from your overall roll.

The ranges weapons can have are as follows unless otherwise specified:

CQC- Close Quarters Combat damage type. Range is up to 1 tile away, only used with Melee Weapons.
Short Range- Typically the range of pistols and shotguns. Range is 5 up to tiles away.
Long Range- Typically the range of rifles and sniper rifles. Range is up to 10 tiles away, sometimes 15.

Weapon/Damage Types

Weapons in Neon Nights also have categories of weapon/damage types. They usually are attributed to either the weight
of the weapon or the caliber of the weapon.

They are as follows:

Light- A lighter weapon or calibered weapon.

Medium- An average weight weapon or calibered weapon.
Heavy- A heavy weight weapon or calibered weapon.
Explosive- A weapon, or weapon with a projectile, that explodes.
Microwave- A weapon that uses microwaves to deal damage. Uses MR instead of AR to hit.

How to play (5)
Status Effects

In Tales from the Aerosphere, there are many ways to inflict damage or effects onto yourself other than just decreasing
your HP. Weapons and items can have the ability to inflict a Status Effect, an effect that impacts you until your
Willpower roll meets/exceeds the GMs established number.

The status effects in Tales from the Aerosphere are as follows:

Addicted- Whenever you take a drug of any kind (oils, alcohol, nicotine, etc.) roll a Willpower check. This will
determine if you are addicted to the drug you have ingested. When addicted, all Traits, as well as your ACC, are
decreased by -2. This status effect can only be healed by a clinic, in which you will have to pay a large amount of money
to be cured.

Blinded- You have been blinded by either a weapon, object, or chemical. All attacking rolls are modified with negative
debuff to your ACC stat which will be determined by your GM. Roll Willpower to resist this effect. Amount needed to
meet or surpass number to resist effect is determined by the GM.

Paralyzed- You have been paralyzed by either a weapon, object, or chemical. You cannot move or act until a successful
roll to resist this effect. Roll Willpower to resist this effect. Amount needed to meet or surpass number to resist effect
is determined by the GM.

Poisoned- You have been poisoned by a chemical in any shape of matter. You will take damage every turn until poison
is resisted or cured. Roll Willpower to resist effects each turn. Amount needed to meet or surpass number to resist
effect is determined by the GM.

Stunned- You have either been stunned by a weapon, object, or mental fear which does not allow you to move. You
may still act, but movement is disabled. Roll Willpower to resist this effect. Amount needed to meet or surpass number
to resist effect is determined by the GM.

How to play (6)
Running a Game

Tales from the Aerosphere is a game meant to be played with a GM (Game Master), and 2-8 other players. You can
technically play with more, or even solo, but the experience may differ very greatly than with the suggested range.

This game is also very open ended with its suggestions on how to run a game. There is no set geography for Nimbus
City (as of this version) so feel free to design your own Nimbus City or other worlds using this system for any purpose.

When designing NPC's, having their AR, MR, and HP at the ready is a must. Things such as weapons, abilities, and
Traits can be added as well for extra information. It is recommended that for all common enemies that are not bosses
or important characters that they have around the same possible HP, AR, and MR of the players at that level. Bosses
can have as much other stats as you want, but you want to be sure that common enemies match the common level of
the characters (unless they are facing a higher-level NPC at a low level which negates this suggestion). Also, matching
the AR, MR, and HP with certain character archetypes is good as well (for example, scientists having high MR, soldiers
having high AR and/or HP, and machines having high AR).

For levels 1-3, it is recommended enemies to have 1-12 HP, 5-10 AR, and 7-18 MR.

For levels 4-9, it is recommended enemies to have 12-50 HP, 8-20 AR, and 10-22 MR.

For levels 9-15, it is recommended enemies to have 20-100 HP, 10-24 AR, and 15-25 MR.

Above level 15, it is recommended enemies to have 30-200 HP, 14-30 AR, and 15-25 MR.

Also, give enemies standard "Skills", like "Three-Actions", "Increases all allies' ACC by +2 next turn" or "Invulnerable to
critical hits". These, instead of standard Perks, will help when managing combat as a GM.

There will be a section later on in this book that has pre-made NPCs from different organizations you can use. Please
feel free to use those sheets as a template for how you create your own NPCs in a game.

How to play (7)
Creating the World

Sometimes, a GM may need a little help with creating the world for a game, and since as of 1st Edition there is no
maps, below will be a table of possible settings, objectives, and antagonists to choose from.


1. Nimbus City (Inner City)- This is the largest section of Nimbus City. The urban areas sprawl for miles hovering
above the clouds and are separated by wealth classes. The Inner City is where most of the wealthiest people reside,
as the Outer City is the opposite.
2. Nimbus City (Outer City)- This is the outer rim of Nimbus City, and it is the most impoverished area in all of the
floating city. Streets are cramped, crime is rampant, and gangs control most of the neighborhoods in small
3. The Wilds- The Wilds are an uninhabited area of land where forests and grasslands expand for miles. Not many
people live in this area due it being shut off from the city. There are also fearsome beasts that live here that have
been released there due to experiments by the many orgs in Nimbus City.
4. The Underworld- The world beneath Nimbus City is a cruel place. Much of the land is desolate due to the constant
wars that have ravaged the area. Only the Ravagers reside there and what is left of Alfred's failed empire.
5. Lancaster Prime- The moon that floats above Nimbus City has been colonized for nearly 100 years. Grasslands are
present, many towns and villages have sprung, and fauna and other life reside there. The only thing is that it is
ruled by the Trans-Aerospheric Trade Company, and anyone who does not pay their taxes to reside on Lancaster
prime or causes trouble are immediately eradicated.


1. You and your allies must seek out treasure that has long been forgotten, but whispers have awoken imagination.
2. You and your allies have been tasked with a mission from an organization, and are under contract to complete it.
3. You and your allies have assembled to take out a target that has wronged you all, and only revenge will suffice.
4. You and your allies are normal citizens who have stumbled into an adventure far above your heads.
5. You and your allies have discovered a terrible secret and must expose it to the public or die trying.
6. You and your allies are travelers looking to make it big in Nimbus City by whatever means necessary.

How to play (8)
Creating the World (Cont.)


1. A business mogul who manipulates the market in unfair ways, does business with horrible separate corporate
entities, and/or treats their employees horribly. Revenge is the only way to shut them down.
2. A gang leader who took everything from the party and will stop at nothing to retrieve money, drugs, items, and/or
their heads to get what they want.
3. A police chief who has unlawfully commanded his police force to harass, beat, arrest, and kidnap innocent
civilians off the street.
4. A mercenary, either known to the party or not, gone rogue who is attacking your allies or close friends for an
unknown reason.
5. A secret, synthetic creature who has escaped the confines of a lab, and now is sought after by many parties.
6. A politician who has done nothing but subjugate the people of Nimbus City to horrible living conditions and is
uncaring to the general populace, all without a care in the world as long as their pocket is filled with cash.
7. An eco-terrorist hellbent on destroying the setting and creating a wildland ruled by them.
8. A fascist ruler that is leading the unheard people of the setting down a dark path with promises of tyrannical rule
and violent overthrow.

*NOTE: All players start with a natural 5 AR, 20 MR, and 3d2 HP.

1. Choose Your Occupation- Choose one occupation that you have done in the past or currently do. These occupations
will both impact the Traits of your character, as well as some roleplaying aspects in-game. Your Occupation will also
have a Skill which will aid you in various ways.

2. Put 5 Points Into Any Trait(s) of Your Choosing- Traits add a certain amount to rolls in each of the trait categories.
Use 5 Modifier points when making your character. Every +1 to a Trait uses 1 point. Every level after 1 adds +1 to any
Trait of your choice.

3. Choose an Organization (if any)- Choosing your organization will open you up to unique story elements, both
positive and negative. If you choose none, you choose to be fully independent, for better or for worse.

4. Use 9 Perk Points to Choose Starting Perks- The modifier that is shown next to what Perk you choose signifies both
the required amount needed to unlock that perk, as well as the amount of points it uses when choosing it. For example,
a Perk that says “Requires Investigation +5” means you must have +5 Investigation and that it uses 5 points to acquire.
You may also acquire perks that are added into that amount, for example, a Dexterity Perk that requires +2 and a
Strength Perk that requires +3. Every 3rd level lets you acquire perks with 5 Perk points to spend as well. If you cannot
find a Perk to choose at the moment, you may save those Perk Points until your next 3rd level.

5. Put 8 Points Into any World Stat(s)- These stats determine what the world sees your character as. You have 8 points
to put in any of them to begin with. These World Stats may increase during your story if the Gm decides to do so.

6. Roll for Wealth and Health- Each character must roll (unless otherwise specified) their Wealth and Health. The
character, when rolling, can either choose the number they are given, or any other options that are below their roll.
With Health, you just roll a 3d2 to reveal what Health you start with. Every 2 levels lets you increase your HP by 3d2.

7. Choose Your CogWare and Supplies- When creating your character, you have 10 points to buy CogWare with
money you rolled in the Wealth section. Each CogWare has a specific point amount. Also, CogWare has an MR penalty
attached noted by an "-". You cannot go below 1 MR. Also, you are allotted 6 points for supplies at the start of the game.
Each item is 1 point unless otherwise specified. Your character will NOT always start with a weapon, transportation, or
residence. You must choose the "x1 Weapon" option on the Supplies page in order to obtain weapons. You can choose
any item as many times as you desire, as long as they do not exceed the point total of 6.

8. Write Your Background- this is entirely up to the player’s discretion. Make sure that your background makes sense
within the world and how you build your character. Your background can affect story elements throughout your

These rules are set to change at any moment. The GM can also change these rules as they see fit.

Occupations (1)
Actor- You are an entertainer at heart. The adoration of the crowd is something you constantly strive for, but with this
comes a mentality that can lead to mental hardship. Whatever size actor you are in Nimbus City is your decision, but
your character's passion for the theatrical arts remains. (+2 Persuasion, +2 History, +1 Investigation, -1 Willpower, -1
Mental Fortitude)

Actor Skill: Improvise

Whenever you improvise a skit, dance, song, or any other kind of entertaining action to influence a roll in Amicability,
Persuasion, or Diplomacy, roll with an added +3 to your roll.

Assassin - There are no short supply of discreet killers in Nimbus City, and you are proof of that. Your skills with
sneaking and guns is remarkable, and the art of the kill is what you strive for as long as no one knows where you are.
(+2 Sneaking, +2 Sharpshooting, +1 Melee Fighting, -2 Physical Fortitude)

Assassin Skill: Light Steps

When failing a Sneaking check, you are not discovered immediately, and may redo one failed Sneaking roll per long

Athlete- You are an athlete of any kind and prefer to remain fit and agile in whatever sport you choose. You live for
competition, and strive to become one of the best in Nimbus City. (+2 Physical Fortitude, +2 Mental Fortitude, +1
Strength or Dexterity, -2 History, -1 Strength or Dexterity)

Athlete Skill: Special Training

Choose an action (grappling, running, jumping, lifting/carrying, throwing) and roll +3 on all rolls where you do that
specified action.

OCCupations (2)
Barbarian- You are the very embodiment of rage and combat prowess. You have probably lived a life in The Wilds, a
place filled with terrible beasts and limited technological resources. You have learned how to use the physical objects
that surround you to transform them into killing machines. Frankly, for combat purposes, a group is blessed to have
you. (+2 Melee Fighting, +2 Physical Fortitude, +1 Intimidation, -2 Persuasion)

Barbarian Skill: Flaming Rage

Three times per long rest, go into a bloodthirsty rage where you roll a disadvantage dice on all strikes for the entire
combat, and have -3 to hit, but all damage is doubled, and on critical hits, your damage is tripled

Bodyguard- You are/were a bodyguard, protecting either a person of interest, or a building that needs people to stay
out, or in of its doors. You know the ins and outs of dealing with people, but prefer to deal with them with an iron will.
(+2 Intimidation, +2 Physical Fortitude, +1 Melee Fighting, -2 Amicability)

Bodyguard Skill: Let Me In, or Keep You Out

When rolling to move past a group of people standing in your way, or when rolling to guard something or someone
from inquiring parties, roll with a +4 to your Intimidation rolls.

Celebrity- Ah, the life of a celebrity; a life filled with incredible notoriety, possible economic freedom, and the love and
adoration of others. On the flip side, it is a life full of enormous stress, strife, and competition. To you, the only thing
that matters is the people's opinion, and you'll do whatever it takes to create the reputation you desire. (+2 Amicability,
+2 Willpower, +1 Persuasion, -2 Mental Fortitude)

Celebrity Skill: Instant Notoriety

On your World Stats, raise your Fame stat instantly to 8 when creating your character. Now, by default, nearly
everyone in Nimbus City knows your name.

OCCupations (3)
Educator- You are an educator in one of the many public institutions of Nimbus City. Whether you taught small
children, or young adults, you use your intellect and want to learn and teach to your advantage. (+1 Mental Fortitude,
+1 History, +2 Intelligence, +1 Diplomacy, -1 Sharpshooting, -1 Melee Fighting)

Educator Skill: Gift of Knowledge

Once per long rest, give the party a lesson in one of these Traits (History, Intelligence, Bartering, Diplomacy) and raise
the party's modifier in that Trait by +2 until the next long rest.

Farmer- Farming is a rough occupation, even for the mechanically knowledgeable in Nimbus City. In great floating
fields have you toiled tending to crops, animals, and many other things, and with this experience comes a hardy body,
strong back, and knowledge of mechanics that only a farmer can have.
(+2 Strength, +2 Physical Fortitude, +1 Intelligence, -2 History)

Farmer's Skill: Seeds of Life

Start with 5 seeds of any plants you choose when creating your character. They go for a high price, and, if tended to,
can grow into organic plants that cost a fortune on the market.

Gangster- You are a gangster who has fallen into the trap of crime and violence that riddles Nimbus City. You are a
hardened criminal, able to intimidate others to do your bidding, persuade others with your silver tongue, and
knowledge on how the world works as a whole. (+2 Intimidation, +2 Persuasion, +1 Intelligence, -2 Diplomacy)

Gangster Skill: Loyal Ties

Create a name for a gang, or choose one from the Organizations List. Whenever a member of the gang interacts with
you, gain advantage on all Persuasion, Amicability, Bartering, and Diplomacy rolls. If they are in combat with you,
gain +1 ACC for each member of that gang in your party that combat.

OCCupations (4)
Gangster- You are a gangster who has fallen into the trap of crime and violence that riddles Nimbus City. You are a
hardened criminal, able to intimidate others to do your bidding, persuade others with your silver tongue, and
knowledge on how the world works as a whole. (+2 Intimidation, +2 Persuasion, +1 Intelligence, -2 Diplomacy)

Gangster Skill: Loyal Ties

Create a name for a gang, or choose one from the Organizations List. Whenever a member of the gang interacts with
you, gain advantage on all Persuasion, Amicability, Bartering, and Diplomacy rolls. If they are in combat with you,
gain +1 ACC for each member of that gang in your party that combat.

Historian- History of Nimbus City's many wars, its uprisings, and its technological marvels is something that fills
your heart with a passion to learn all you can about these things. Books are your food, and they work double-time to fill
your mind with information that could be extremely vital in any situation.
(+2 History, +2 Investigation, +1 Bartering, -2 to Sneaking)

Historian Skill: Historical Applications

Choose a topic (CQC, Gunfighting, Speech, Sabotage, Knowledge). Whenever you read a book in that field, double all
benefits gained from it.

Homebody- You are someone who chose a simpler life than that of the typical gangster or mercenary; you became a
stay-at-home caregiver. This could either be a sophisticated ruse to protect your identity, or it could be your genuine
lifestyle, but either way, you know how to take care of people, and that's a fine skill to have in a group. (+2 Reflexes, +2
Willpower, +1 Mental Fortitude, -2 Persuasion)

Homebody Skill: Caregiver's Comfort

Tell your group a story before a long rest, or tend to their needs, such as giving them some food, or lending an ear to
one who needs it. Whenever your party takes a long rest after doing one of these things, add an additional 1d6 HP for
the rest of the following day.

OCCupations (5)
Lawbringer-You are a lawdog of the state for whatever purpose you deem appropriate. Whether it be fighting crime in
a crime-ridden part of town, or simple hunger for power, you wear a badge and wield some power of the state at your
(+2 Diplomacy, +1 Reflexes, +1 Sharpshooting, +1 Melee Fighting, -2 Mental Fortitude, -2 Sneaking)

Lawbringer Skill: Good Cop, Bad Cop

Choose one of two perks to start with, free of any Perk Point usage:
Arrest- Gain the ability to use an attacking action to roll Diplomacy to Stun a target to subdue them if you are holding a
Long or Short Range weapon.
Desperado- If you are using a pistol in battle, add +5 to your initiative.

Mechanic- You are a machinist, capable of fixing and breaking down all sorts of machinery. Nuts and bolts are your
cup of tea, and the smell of gasoline and oil fills your heart with joy. With skills as practical as a mechanic's, almost any
group of misfits could use you on their team. (+2 Perception, +1 Investigation, +1 Intelligence, +1 Bartering, -1
Persuasion, -1 Dexterity)

Mechanic Skill: If It's Broke, Fix It

Choose a type of item (Weapons, Armor, Vehicles), and roll with advantage when attempting to fix a broken item in
the chosen category.

Medico- You are a specialist in the medical field in any meaning of the word. Your knowledge of anatomy and
physiology know no bounds, and with someone like you on a team, they can count on you to be their guardian angel in
the most horrible of situations. (+2 Intelligence, +2 Mental Fortitude, +1 Reflexes, -2 Intimidation)

Medico Skill: Breath of Life

Three times per long rest, use an action to wake someone up from falling unconscious on the battle. Once per long
rest, use an action to roll Intelligence to save someone from death.

OCCupations (6)
Mercenary- You are a gun for hire under a specific organization, or for anyone who pays well. Nevertheless, you spend
no time getting down and dirty using your weapons, not your words. You are skilled at combat of all forms, and will
stop at nothing to accomplish a goal that involves money. (+2 Melee Fighting, +2 Sharpshooting, +2 Reflexes, -2
Amicability, -2 Diplomacy)

Mercenary Skill: Headhunter

At the beginning of the game, roll a 1d20 to determine how high a profile target you will start with at character
creation. Ask the GM who the bounty is for, and how much the bounty is worth. (Decision on both is made by GM).

Musician- You are a musician of great skill, whether famous or not. You pride yourself in the arts of music in whatever
genre you play in, while also applying them in the real world through either gigs or simply lifting spirits. (+2
Amicability, +2 Reflexes, +1 Bartering, -2 History)

Musician Skill: The Gift of Music

First, your character starts with any instrument that can be carried at the start of the game. Second, you may play a
song twice per day for the following purposes (+5 on a Diplomacy roll with groups of people, +3 Initiative at the start of
a battle (Must sing for first two turns, taking all actions to do so on your turn), or +4 ACC for all allies for one turn
(must use all actions on a turn to activate)

Night/Day Runner- The racing scene, despite its limited vehicles, is a very prevalent scene in Nimbus City. You are
one of the Runners, a racer of either steed or Teslacraft, and love the thrills of a race and of competition. Your skills as
an experienced driver is very useful in any party that would be lucky to have you.
(+2 Willpower, +2 Reflexes, +1 Dexterity, -1 History, -1 Diplomacy)

Night/Day Runner Skill: Faithful Steed

When starting the game, roll with a +4 to your Transportation roll in the Wealth section, also, your vehicle costs no
money or item points at the beginning of the game.

OCCupations (7)
Nomad- You are a wanderer of either the streets of Nimbus City, or the expansive plains of The Wilds. Staying in one
place has never been in your blood. Seeing new sights, smelling new scents, and hearing new sounds is imperative to
live your life in the fullest way possible. The road is your ally, and your toughness and skills in trading while on the
road will serve you well. (+2 Physical Fortitude, +2 Bartering, +1 Perception, -2 Persuasion)

Nomad Skill: Toughin' It

Choose a type of area (City, Wasteland, Water). Every short rest you take you regain 1d8 HP back in that area (Any HP
above your cap is added as temporary HP that can't be healed back).

Office Worker- You are the employee of one of the many offices scattered throughout Nimbus City. Your boss was
likely cruel, your hours likely awful, and your mind likely in tatters from seemingly endless labor. With this, however,
you have become resilient in your will, and know how to calm your fellow peers, even though they might not be
working with or for you. (+2 Willpower, +2 Diplomacy, +1 Bartering, -2 Mental Fortitude)

Office Worker Skill: Long Shifts

You may use all Perks that say "once per long rest" another time per long rest.

Pickpocket- You are a thief with quick hands and quick thinking. The amount of Gildans you have stolen is countless,
and whether you worked for an Org. or for yourself, your hustle is quite skillful on the streets of Nimbus City. (+2
Dexterity, +2 Reflexes, +1 Intelligence, -2 Strength)

Pickpocket Skill: Known Fence

Your character knows a fence in the setting your are playing in. Any stolen goods may be sold at this fence, and items
can also be bought as well. It is up to the GM to assist in creating this character.

OCCupations (8)
Politician- You are a politician for whatever end goal you seek. Maybe your quest for power was stumped by a rival
competitor, or maybe you are a fighter for the people, seeking to directly inspire people to believe in your cause.
Whoever you are, you are a natural diplomat, and know how to make a good first impression. (+2 Amicability, +2
Diplomacy, +1 Persuasion, -1 Strength and Dexterity)

Politician Skill: Vox Populi

Whenever you give a speech to a crowd of 5 people or more, roll advantage on all Persuasion, Intimidation, and
Diplomacy rolls targeted toward the crowd.

Priest- You are a priest/figurehead for a religion of your choice. People look to you for guidance on many different
issues that plague the populace of Nimbus City, and almost always, you have the answer. You are a master of the arts
of speech, for good or otherwise, and seek to assist those in and out of your party with whatever spiritual ailments they
may have. (+2 Persuasion, +2 Diplomacy, +1 History, -2 Investigation)

Priest Skill: Divine Intervention

All who hear whatever prayer or partake in any ritual you preform can negate one failed roll per long rest.

Pugilist- You are a fighter of your own chosen skill level. Guns and grenades never suited your flavor of combat, rather
it is your balled fist, or stiff knee, or swift kick that deals the final blows to your enemies. You also, through intense
training, have heightened your other physical attributes to be as strong and quick as you can be. (+2 Melee Fighting, +1
Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Reflexes, -1 Mental Fortitude, -1 Amicability)

Pugilist Skill: Martial School

Choose a trait to add an additional natural +2 to (Intelligence, History, Reflexes, Willpower). Decrease one of those
traits by -1.

OCCupations (9)
Revolutionary- You are/were a person who fights for the cause you believe in that is separate from the State. The
populace in Nimbus City feel abandoned and abused by the State, and it is only by revolution that these powers can be
toppled, no matter the cost. (+2 Diplomacy, +1 Persuasion, +1 Melee Fighting, +1 Strength, -2 Bartering)

Revolutionary Skill: Fight the Power

When fighting against any servant of the State (Police, Executives, Corporations, Mercenaries for the Office or
professional Org.), gain +3 to initiative, +1 Movement, and +1 ACC for the entire battle.

Rigmaster- In Nimbus City, steam powers the continent. You are no stranger to the ins and outs of the physics and
mechanics that go into this strange technology, and you even have tampered with CogWare and its effects on the
human population. You are a skilled mechanic, but one that focuses on breaking down than fixing up.
(+2 Intelligence, +2 Reflexes, +1 Sneaking, -2 Melee Fighting)

Rigmaster Skill: Clockwork Master

Whenever you roll to rig a machine, you have one extra chance to rectify a failure after a failed roll.

Scavenger- You are a scavenger of any chosen area in the world you play in. Whether you did it for survival or just for a
hobby is irrelevant, because your tendency to stay out of the eye of those who might judge you, paired with your keen
eye for what you seek has made you an excellent scout and finder of loot. (+2 Sneaking, +2 Investigation, +1 Strength,
-2 Bartering)

Scavenger Skill: Eye for Gold

Whenever looting a body, roll Investigation to find better loot. Higher numbers should lead to better loot. The loot
discovered is up to the GM.

OCCupations (10)
Scientist- You are a scientist of a chosen field of study. Throughout the years, you have yearned to find answers to
problems in life using numbers and code, and with it has come some successes, and some failures. Your skills of using
knowledge gained from years of study will come in handy in all knowledge-based situations in your party. (+2
Intelligence, +2 History, +1 Mental Fortitude, -2 Intimidation)

Scientist Skill: Scientific Method

Twice per long rest, you may redo any non-combat-based roll.

Smuggler- You are a smuggler of some kind. Whether you worked on your own volition on a hustle of your own, or
you worked with corporations to bypass government law, you know the art of stealth and bribery, two useful skills on
the streets of Nimbus City and beyond. (+2 Sneaking, +2 Dexterity, +1 Bartering, -2 Willpower)

Smuggler Skill: Smuggled Goods

Add 3 more points to choose items when you reach the Supplies page. Also, choose one to automatically start with: 2
CogWare augmentations to be sold, an extra weapon to be sold, or any set of armor to be sold (cannot use item that you
choose, as they are solely to be sold).

Soldier- You are a soldier employed by the a various organization within Nimbus City or beyond. You can be a
mercenary employed to fight in an army, or simply a soldier of an organization fighting for a cause you believe in.
Nevertheless, combat is your prime specialty. (+2 Sharpshooting, +2 Melee Fighting, +1 Intimidation, -2 Willpower)

Soldier Skill: This Weapon is Mine

Choose a type (CQC Weapons, Gunfighting Weapons), gain a permanent +2 ACC with your chosen weapon type.

OCCupations (11)
Spy- You are a spy for a certain organization that employed you as a secret operative to go behind enemy lines.
Whether you were a spy working for a corporation looking to steal another company's secret documents, or for the
government as a double agent, or simply for a low-level gang, it matters not, for your skills in sabotage and deception
are priceless. (+2 Investigation, +2 Sneaking, +1 Persuasion, -2 Bartering)

Spy Skill: Master of Espionage

When in hostile territory, gain +3 on all Sneaking, Persuasion, and Investigation rolls.

Street Punk- You are a street punk, a denizen of the streets by day and night. You are familiar with all the slang slung
in tongues across the city, and know what alley's to travel and at what time. You've seen what the police do to innocent
people, and have seen first-hand the apathy of politicians and the State which sits in the prettiest parts of town. Your
knowledge of the streets and its denizens are unfathomably useful in a place like Nimbus City. (+2 Persuasion, +1
Dexterity, +1 Melee Fighting, +1 Investigation, -2 Diplomacy)

Street Punk Skill: Street Sage

Instantly raise your Street Smarts and Street Cred world stats to 6.

Trader- You are/were a merchant by trade. You live and breathe the many arts of many deals, and have sold countless
items in your lifetime. Whether you are a wealthy entrepreneur, or a hot-dog vendor, your knowledge of your market
and of people's likings is great to have as someone who can strike a good deal. (+2 Bartering, +2 Amicability, +1
Perception, -2 Intimidation)

Trader Skill: Deal Artiste

Make a sweet deal with the patron/buyer of your goods three times per day. If it's a good pitch, roll with advantage and
+2 to your roll. If it's not, roll with only an extra +2 to your roll.

**When making a character, allot 5 points into any Trait(s) of your choosing. At every new level, add 1 point to a Trait of your

Amicability- Used when making first impressions. Usually rolled when encountering a character who does not like
you or when you seek to make a good impression.
Bartering- Used when making deals, whether it be buying, trading, or selling.
Dexterity- Used when doing acrobatic feats, such as jumping, running, or balancing. Each point adds 5 feet of
movement on movement actions.
Diplomacy- Used when solving conflicts or persuading large groups of people.
History- Used when making checks about knowing information about different groups, companies, and
organizations. Also used to analyze historical items, weapons, and languages, and to succeed in healing. Used to save
someone from Death Saving throws.
Intelligence- Used when hacking, rewiring, and making CogWare or explosives.
Intimidation- Used when scaring others to persuade or cause them to flee.
Investigation- Used when analyzing objects up close, or for signs of a person’s character through observation.
Melee Fighting- Adds +1 ACC with Melee Fighting weapons for every point in Melee Fighting.
Mental Fortitude- Used to resist status effects, raises MR by +1 for every level in Mental Fortitude.
Perception- Used when scoping out a large area for notable items, landmarks, or other things.
Persuasion- Used when persuading another character.
Physical Fortitude- Used to resist damage, adds +1 to your HP and AR for every point in Physical Fortitude.
Reflexes- Used when lockpicking and using sleight of hand, dodging attacks, or driving cars. Also used in "Dodge"
Sharpshooting- Adds +1 ACC with Sharpshooting weapons for every point in Sharpshooting.
Sneaking- Used when hiding and staying hidden from characters.
Strength- Used when doing strength-related feats, such as climbing, lifting, and carrying. Roll as a modifier to hit
when throwing any weapon.
Willpower- Used when sustaining an action for a long period of time, resisting the negative effects of drugs, alcohol,
and poisons, and resisting death during Death Saves.

Organizations (1)
Abe’s Armory- Abe’s Armory was the very first corporation to exist exclusively in Nimbus City. Founded by Charles
Abernathy, he sought to help the citizens and military to defend themselves upon any threat that may harm their ways
of life. Since then, their prices have dropped significantly, and many of the poorer areas of Nimbus City have cast
amounts of this brand of weaponry and armor. Charles is said to still lead the company, but it is unknown how, as
they would have to have lived for centuries. They are known for their high caliber weaponry, but rather antiquated
rates of fire and magazine size.

Alabaster & Co.- Alabaster & Co. is the newest company in all of Nimbus City, but has since then gained the most
influence out of them all. With the invention of Tesla technology by a mysterious man named Jacques Latesce, Tesla
technology has spread all the way to the highest technological facilities in all of Nimbus City. It is with Tesla
technology that the Lancaster moon colony was created, and how Teslacrafts act as a vital tool for transport in the
higher-class sections of Nimbus City.

Automatons- The Automatons are a group of sentient Clockworkers (Androids with Tesla-Powered clockwork
mechanisms) who rebelled against their creator who’s name is classified. They have grown significantly in numbers
after many mechanics and scientists joined their cause for liberation and to be treated like a normal being. Because of
this explosion, Clockwork people do exist, but they are usually relegated to laborious jobs and are usually lobotomized
so they may not rebel, and the Automatons are fighting against this.

Banebloods- The Banebloods are mostly known for their harassing of the TATC in particular. They attack trade ships
and Teslacrafts who funnel goods to their higher areas of Nimbus City. When they were founded by Elron Baneblood
near the founding of Nimbus City, they gave the remaining funds stolen from the TATC to the poorer areas of the city,
but now, under the command of Xavier Terrorbeard, the goods only goes toward the Banebloods.

Derrik- The Derrik organization is a manufacturer not officially recognized by the nobility of Nimbus City. They were
established by a Derrik Oleg in the lower-class areas of Nimbus City. He then gained in popularity after many
Juggernauts and Banebloods began using their weapons. The NCPD and Tatsies began to smuggle these confiscated
weapons to sell back on the markets, and thus a huge demand for these weapons were born, creating a cycle of misuse
and violence, even at the highest level. The weapons are known for their high damage and rate of fire, but their
unreliability is well known, and no marksman ever uses a Derrik weapon for that very reason.

Organizations (2)
Franklin Arms- Franklin Arms is the second newest company in Nimbus City. The specialize in weapons
with high-capacity magazines that allow for more bullets to be fired before reloading. The company was
founded by a man named Franklin Tsarev who fought with the Soaring Phoenix. They have since grown
further from their revolutionary roots to gain profits in the higher areas of Nimbus City.
Government- The government of Nimbus City is ruled by a Duke who acts as a figurehead to the city and
has full power of the Parliament of the People, the congressional hub for Nimbus City. They, in recent
times, have reverted to a near fascist state, save for corporations like the TATC imposing their wills upon
laws and legislation in the Parliament. They are elected by votes, but commonly use the many gangs and
organizations within Nimbus City to force the common people to vote for a particular leader that will be
best for the nobility of the city.

Juggernauts- The Juggernauts are a gang of ruffians who guard lower-class neighborhoods from the TATC
and NCPD, but at a cost. They are known to harass people for money, smuggle drugs into communities they
inhabit, and war with other orgs and militias who want to control their territory. They can be identified by
their red and blue jackets with a mythical hammer symbol embroidered on the back.

Knights of Asgore- The Knights of Asgore were founded by a fanatical cult leader named Primarch Asgore,
or Cassius the Bright, who prophesized that Nimbus City would rise to the heavens after the Knights of
Asgore rid the city of all heresy and evildoing. Thus, this following grew, and after a century the Knights of
Asgore, led by a leader known as the Primarch, have gained a staggering following of religious fanatics who
don armor of a bygone era and fight only with melee weapons. They only target the Banebloods, Hushman,
Talon Syndicate, and Juggernauts, showing them no mercy and exterminating them in what they call
“Paths to Purity”.

Military- The military of Nimbus City does little. They are very heavily invested in, as the military industrial
complex is one of the most profitable and booming markets in Nimbus City, but they do not do much.
When they are deployed, it is almost always for fighting against the Rising Phoenix or other Syndicate
threat. They sometimes are deployed to fight the Wild Ones or people from the Underworld (the land below
Nimbus City), but only in very rare cases.

Organizations (3)
Police- There are many types of police in Nimbus City. There are detectives, patrol officers, special
operations units, and corporation-owned police forces. Each department varies, but the police of Nimbus
City are often known to overstep their bounds and harm the public rather than protect them. They do offer
public services, such as fighting fires, medical aid, and protection, but they are all paid with a Protector’s
Tax that all must pay. If a person dies not, they are refused service.

TATC- The Trans Aerospheric Trade Company is the largest corporation in all of Nimbus City. Since their
inception they have had a firm grip on the markets in Nimbus City, and have now grown to such immense
power that they influence all ways of life within Nimbus City. They sell all sorts of goods, own shops called
Tatsy Marts all over the city, and even have their own police force called the TATCPC, also known as the
Tatsies, that have spread across all corners of the land. They have their hands in every sort of capital-
gaining business there is, and it is rumored that they will overtake the government in Nimbus City and will
rule the people…until their time, too, is up.

The Hushmen- The Hushmen are a theieves guild that reside in Nimbus City. They work as professional
robbers, fraudsters, conmen, and pickpockets to sell to the Syndicate for a great amount of profit. Those
goods are then ransomed by the Hushmen to buy back from them, or have them sink deep into the Dark
Bazaar, a lawless market that lay in hidden parts in the darkest areas of Nimbus City.

The Soaring Phoenix- The Soaring Phoenix are an underground organization funded by the Talon
Syndicate. They are led by Anaiyah Fireheart, a woman with a passion of revolution and change. Sadly, due
to the costly nature of organizing, she had to partner with the Talon Syndicate for extra cash. For this, they
frequently hunt TATC and NCPD officers and smuggle their equipment for the Hushmen and go on airship
hunts with the Banebloods. They envision Nimbus City as a possible bastion of security and equality, and
will stop at nothing to achieve that goal.

Organizations (4)
The Talon Syndicate- The Talon Syndicate is a group of assassins, mercenaries, and thieves who have banded
together to form a large underground organization. They are responsible for most of the assassinations of public
figures, heists, and drug operations in all of Nimbus City. Within the Syndicate resides many other smaller
organizations who all pay taxes for Syndicate protection, like the Hushman, the Soaring Phoenix, and the
Banebloods. They are extremely powerful, and wield almost all power when it comes to shady dealings in Nimbus

The Wild Ones- The Wild Ones reside on the outskirts of Nimbus City. While Nimbus City technically is the name of
the entire floating island, the outsides of the metropolitan areas of Nimbus City have been deemed The Wilds for their
more agrarian appearance. The closest areas of the Wilds are the farms that grow the crops for the city, and beyond
that are forests that act as a natural barrier between the city and The Wilds. The Wild Ones are protectors of the
Wilds, and have organized in small clans to fight against any TATC or other corporate powers that may threaten their
land. Most are peaceful and unified, while others form clans solely to absorb resources from The Wilds to sell to the
TATC and other organizations in Nimbus City.

Close Quarters Combat

Harder Hitter- Strike with +2 ACC to hit when dealing CQC damage (Requires Melee Fighting +1)
Close Combat- Add an additional CQC attack per attacking action, with the second strike modified with -5 ACC
(Requires Melee Fighting +2)
CQC Senses- If there are three or more enemies in a 3x3 area around you, add +4 ACC when dealing CQC damage
(Requires Melee Fighting +3)
Heavy Strike- Take two actions to hit and deal triple damage if the strike hits (Requires Melee Fighting +4)
Relentlessness- If an attacking roll is a natural 18 or higher, strike again with your weapon (Requires Melee Fighting

Gliding Feet- When wielding a CQC weapon on your turn, add an extra +1 to movement after your perform a single
attacking action if you choose to move after an attack (Requires Dexterity +1)
Swift Dodges- AR is raised by +2 when being struck with CQC damage (Requires Dexterity +2)
Sliding Step- After an enemy attempts its strike and either misses / deals damage to you, you may roll movement and
move after their turn (Requires Dexterity +3)
Long Reach- Extend your reach of CQC weapons by 10 feet (additional 2 tiles) (Requires Dexterity +4)
Bobber and Weaver- Enemy rolls with disadvantage to hit when dealing CQC damage to you (Requires Dexterity +5)

Elbow Strike- After dealing CQC damage, roll to attack again to add 1 CQC damage with your elbow, damage cannot
be increased by any means (Requires Strength +1)
Power-Strikes- If you are using no weapon (only your Fists or Legs), your attacks now do 1d6 damage (Requires
Strength +2)
Grapple- Allows ability to grapple if you have either a fist weapon or no weapon equipped, which is your Strength vs.
the enemy's to disable them from attacking next turn, each turn decreases grappling change by -3 (Requires Strength
Staggering Strike- If using a fist weapon, every 3rd strike doubles your damage dice (Requires Strength +4)
Bone Break- If you are using a fist weapon, you crit on natural 19s and 20s (Requires Strength +5)

Perks (cqc 2)
Blinding Speed- Add +2 to your movement rolls if wearing Light Armor and wielding a CQC weapon (Requires
Reflexes +1)
Roguish Duelist- When dual wielding two Light CQC weapons, add +3 ACC to hit (Requires Reflexes +2)
Dual Duelist- You may wield two Light CQC weapons without any penalty to dual wielding (Requires Reflexes +3)
Swift Strikes- You may add a single CQC damage attacking action alongside a movement action (Requires Reflexes +4)
High Technique- Add another action on your turn while wielding a CQC weapon (Requires Reflexes +5)

Sneak Submission- Add +3 ACC to a sneak attack with CQC damage (Requires Sneaking +2)
Fell Strike- Deal double damage on your sneak attacks with CQC weapons, on a natural 20 roll, add another damage
roll (Requires Sneaking +4)
Ensured Assassination- When rolling to strike with a sneak attack using a CQC weapon, roll with triple advantage to
hit (Requires Sneaking +5)

Pressure Points- On a 19 or 20 with CQC damage, deal 1d10 extra damage (Requires Intelligence +3)
Paralyzing Points- On a natural 20, stun an enemy for an entire turn when striking with a CQC weapon (Requires
Intelligence +5)

Martial Focus- Take a turn, raise CQC accuracy by +3 for three turns (Requires Willpower +3)
Martial Will- Roll advantage to hit on each enemy in combat once when using a CQC weapon (Requires Willpower +5)

Confident Stance- Only on the first round of combat, raise your AR by +5 if wielding a CQC weapon (Requires
intimidation +1)
Serpent Stance- Any enemy who strikes you with CQC damage rolls with -2 damage (Requires Intimidation +3)
Dragon Stance- All enemies who strike you with CQC damage roll disadvantage on damage rolls (Requires
Intimidation +5)

Martial Artist- Specialize what body part you fight with (Fists, Legs) with no added weapon attachment, roll with an
added +3 to hit with that body part (Requires History +2)
Manual Memory- When fighting with a bare body part, double your damage die (Requires History +4)

Perks (cqc 3)
Competitive- After an enemy strikes you with CQC damage, roll with +5 ACC next turn (Requires Amicability +1)
Respected- For the first turn of combat (unless Targeted or are the only one fighting), all damage is halved if wielding a
CQC weapon (Requires Amicability +3)
Sensei- Cannot be crit by CQC damage (Requires Amicability +5)

Strong Arm- When wielding a two-handed CQC weapon, add +2 to hit (Requires Physical Fortitude +1)
Crushing Blow- When using a two-handed CQC weapon, you may roll to Stun an enemy three times before a long rest
(Requires Physical Fortitude +2)
Heavy Handler- Receive no accuracy debuffs if you wield a two-handed CQC weapon that has one (Requires Physical
Fortitude +3)
Frothing Bellow- While wielding a two-handed CQC weapon, you may increase your temporary HP by 1d4 (Requires
Physical Fortitude +4)
Stone Skin- All CQC damage is halved against you (Requires Physical Fortitude +5)

Peacekeeper- When wielding a Light CQC weapon, gain +2 to Diplomacy rolls (Requires Diplomacy +1)
Justiciar- When wielding a Medium CQC weapon, gain +3 to your Diplomacy rolls (Requires Diplomacy +3)
Paladin- When wielding a Heavy two-handed CQC weapon, gain +3 to your Diplomacy rolls with advantage on your
rolls as well (Requires Diplomacy +5)

Perks (Gun. 1)

Keen Eye- Gain +2 to hit with Short-Range / Long-Range weapons (Requires Sharpshooting +1)
Steady Aim- Aim for one turn, then roll with triple advantage next turn to hit (Requires Sharpshooting +2)
Pacing Shots- Every 2 turns in combat, you may add another attacking action when using Short or Long-Range
weapons (Requires Sharpshooting +3)
Quick Reload- No longer takes a turn/turns to reload your weapon (Requires Sharpshooting +4)
Bang for Your Buck- Choose a range type (Short, Long), then a size (Light, Medium, Heavy), double your damage die
when using that combination of weapon (Requires Sharpshooting +5)

Heavy Weapons Handler- Gain +1 ACC with Ranged Heavy Weapons for every point in Strength (Requires Strength
Heavy Weapon Specialist- Add 1d10 extra damage with Ranged Heavy Weapons (Requires Strength +4)
Dual Wielder- Dual wield all non-Heavy Gunfighting weapons without rolling disadvantage to hit (Requires Strength

Pistoleer- When using pistols, gain +3 to hit (Requires Dexterity +1)

Cowboy- Shoot an additional shot with pistols in one hand with -2 to hit on the second shot (Requires Dexterity +2)
Guns Akimbo- When dual wielding pistols, gain +4 ACC and no disadvantage to hit (Requires Dexterity +4)

Scope Sight- If 10 or more tiles (150 ft) away from a target with a sniper rifle, add +3 to hit (Requires Perception +1)
Sniper Sense- When using a sniper rifle, gain +5 ACC to hit (Requires Perception +3)
Kill Shot- Roll advantage to hit with every shot with a sniper rifle (Requires Perception +5)

Duelist- Add your Reflexes modifier to your initiative when using a Short or Long-Range weapon (Requires Reflexes
Fast Shooter- Gain another shot on your attacking action with disadvantage to hit (Requires Reflexes +2)
Tool for the Job- Swap weapons without an action to do so (Requires Reflexes +4)

Perks (gun. 2)
Shadow Shot- Add your Sneaking modifier to hit with Short or Long-Range weapons (Requires Sneaking +1)
Shock Shot- When stealthed, on your first shot that hits, roll an additional damage die that matches your weapon (ex.
3d6 weapon adds 1d6 damage with this skill) (Requires Sneaking +3)
Drop Shot- Always critical strike when shooting from stealth; if you roll a natural 20, triple your damage (Requires
Sneaking +5)

Gun Savant- Gain +1 ACC with all Gunfighting weapons (Requires Intelligence +2)
Trajectory Master- Gain 15 feet of shooting range without rolling disadvantage to hit (Requires Intelligence +4)

Arrest- Gain the ability to use an attacking action to roll Diplomacy to Stun a target to subdue them if you are holding a
Long or Short-Range weapon (Requires Diplomacy +3)
Rally Arms- Everyone who has a Short or Long-Range weapon in your party receives +2 to their ACC (Requires
Diplomacy +5)

Gun Nut- Choose a weapon weight (Light, Medium, Heavy), add +2 to your ACC when using this weapon (Requires
History +1)
Oldhead- When using lever action, bolt-action, or break action weapons, roll with an added +4 ACC (Requires History
Firearms Expert- Choose a weapon range (Short-Range, Long-Range), add your History modifier to your ACC
(Requires History +5)

Called Shot- Call a shot. If you land it, deal double damage. If not, roll disadvantage to hit on the next three turns
(Requires Persuasion +1)
Show Off- Gain +5 to hit on your first turn of combat (Requires Persuasion +3)
Cruel Smile- If you have killed or harmed an individual with a Long or Short-Range weapon before talking to an NPC
that day, roll +4 on all Persuasion rolls after those acts (Requires Persuasion +5)

Perks (gun. 3)
Firearms Instructor- Choose a gun type (Short, Long), all allies carrying those weapons have an +1 to hit (Requires
Amicability +1)
Allies in Arms- Before combat, increase all allies initiative by 2 if they are using a Short or Long-Range weapon
(Requires Amicability +3)
Commander- Before battle, you and your allies can choose to position yourselves on the battle-map wherever the
owner of this perk tells them if they have a Short or Long-Range weapon, otherwise, they are positioned where the GM
states (Requires Amicability +5)

Unwavering Focus- Once per combat, choose a target, roll with +2 to hit against them until you are either hit or you
attack another target (Requires Willpower +1)
Target Acquired- Once per battle, choose a target, roll advantage to hit them until you are either hit or you attack
another target (Requires Willpower +3)
Stand Your Ground- When standing still after one turn, roll with an added +5 to hit with any Ranged weapon as long
as you do not move from that position (Requires Willpower +5)

Gunner- Choose a type of Heavy weapon (Short, Long-Range), add +3 to hit with it (Requires Physical Fortitude +1)
Shredder- When using any automatic Heavy Long or Short-Range weapon, roll advantage on your damage dice
(Requires Physical Fortitude +3)
HWC- Roll advantage to hit with any Heavy Long or Short-Range weapon (Requires Physical Fortitude +5)

Soldier- When using a Long or Short-Range weapon, enemies roll with -2 to hit you with a Long or Short-Range
weapon (Requires Mental Fortitude +1)
Battle-Hardened- When using a Long or Short-Range weapon, enemies cannot disarm you (Requires Mental
Fortitude +3)
Battle Focus- When using a Short or Long-Range weapon, enemies roll disadvantage to resist all status effects you
inflict (Requires Mental Fortitude +5)

Perks (gun. 4)
Threatening- Raise your initiative by +1 (Requires Intimidation +1)
Operator- If you have a Medium Long or Short-Range weapon equipped, roll with an added +4 to your initiative
(Requires Intimidation +2)
Towering Force- If you have a Heavy Long or Short-Range weapon equipped, add +4 to your initiative (Requires
Intimidation +3)
Desperado- If you are using a pistol in battle, add +5 to your initiative (Requires Intimidation +4)
Slayer- If you have a Short or Long-Range weapon equipped, roll advantage on Initiative rolls (Requires Intimidation

Perks (Speech 1)

Deceiving Smile- When deceiving someone, add +2 to your Persuasion roll (Requires Persuasion +1)
Seducing Aura- When seducing an NPC, add +3 to your Persuasion roll (Requires Persuasion +2)
Liar, Liar- Roll advantage on your Persuasion roll when deceiving someone (Requires Persuasion +3)
Eye Contract- Gain +2 to any Persuasion roll (Requires Persuasion +4)
Smooth Talker- Roll advantage on all Persuasion rolls (Requires Persuasion +5)

Natural Speaker- When rolling Diplomacy, add an extra +2 to your roll (Requires Diplomacy +1)
Orator- When speaking to a crowd more of 5 people, roll with an additional +3 to Diplomacy (Requires Diplomacy +2)
Leader- Give your each member of your party +4 to any single roll once per short rest (Requires Diplomacy +4)
Cult of Personality- Any roll below a 10 in Diplomacy is always a ten (Requires Diplomacy +5)

Two of a Kind- When investigating someone within your organization, roll with an added +3 to Investigation rolls
(Requires Investigation +1)
Insight- When rolling to find out who or what a person is or what they do, roll with an added +3 to Investigation
(Requires Investigation +2)
Looker- Add your Amicability modifier to all investigation rolls (Requires Investigation +3)
True Colors- When rolling to find out who or what a person is or what they do, roll with advantage (Requires
Investigation + 4)
Detective- When investigating any PC or NPC, roll with advantage (Requires Investigation +5)

People's Favorite- When you meet a new NPC, add an extra +3 to your Amicability roll (Requires Amicability +1)
Loving Smile- When you meet a new NPC, gain advantage to your Amicability roll (Requires Amicability +2)
Encouraging Spirit- When meeting or interacting with another NPC from your chosen organization or lack thereof,
roll with an added +4 to Amicability (Requires Amicability +4)
Entertainer’s Gift- Whenever you perform in any way, gain advantage and +3 on your Amicability roll (Requires
Amicability +5)

Perks (speech 2)
Buyer’s Bid- Whenever you buy an item, lower the price by 10% automatically (Requires Bartering +1)
Merchant Cant- When rolling to lower a price by 20% or less, roll with an additional +3 to your Bartering roll (Requires
Bartering +2)
Art of the Sale- When selling items, receive 30% more money (Requires Bartering +3)
Money Shark- Gain an additional +4 to all Bartering rolls (Requires Bartering +4)
Expert Haggler- Roll advantage on all Bartering rolls (Requires Bartering +5)

Smart Speak- When speaking to any STEM related worker, add +4 to your Bartering roll (Requires Intelligence +2)
Aura of intellect- When speaking about scientific topic to other people, roll an added +5 to your Intelligence and
Persuasion rolls (Requires Intelligence +4)

Intimidating Presence- When meeting someone for the first time, add +2 to your Intimidation rolls (Requires
Intimidation +1)
Fire-Eyes- If you’re talking to a member of a military force, add an extra +3 to your Intimidation rolls (Requires
Intimidation +2)
Threat-Maker- When making a threat against someone, roll with an added +3 to your Intimidation rolls (Requires
Intimidation +3)
Ruthless Trader- If you are intimidating a merchant or a seller of any kind, add +4 to your Intimidation roll (Requires
Intimidation +4)
Aura of Authority- Add your Intimidation Trait modifiers to any Bartering, Diplomacy, and Persuasion roll (Requires
Intimidation +5)

Teddy Bear- If you are wearing Heavy armor, roll with an added +2 to Amicability, Persuasion, and Diplomacy
(Requires Physical Fortitude +2)
Big Heart- Add your bonus AR to one of these Traits as a modifier (Amicability, Persuasion, Diplomacy) (Requires
Physical Fortitude +5)

Perks (speech 3)
Perky- Whenever you succeed a Persuasion, Amicability, or Diplomacy roll, raise those modifiers by +1 (successes
stack, all effects in this Perk reset after Long Rest) (Requires Mental Fortitude +2)
Positive Outlook- Add your MR as a modifier to Amicability, Persuasion, or Diplomacy twice per short rest (Requires
Mental Fortitude +4)

Street Speak- When speaking to punks, revolutionaries, gangsters, or hackers, choose a Trait to roll with an added +2
(Persuasion, Amicability, or Diplomacy) (Requires Sneaking +1)
Criminal Mind- When speaking to criminals, roll with an added +2 to Bartering, Amicability, Persuasion, and
Diplomacy (Requires Sneaking +3)
Crime Boss- When speaking to criminals, roll advantage on all Bartering, Amicability, Persuasion, and Diplomacy
rolls (Requires Sneaking +5)

Trigger Finger- Choose a weapon damage type (Short / Long-Range), roll with +4 Persuasion and Diplomacy when
that damage type is equipped (Requires Sharpshooting +2)
Enforcer- Add your Sharpshooting modifiers to your Persuasion rolls (Requires Sharpshooting +4)

Wined-N'-Dined- When under the influence of drugs or alcohol, gain +2 to Amicability, Persuasion, and Bartering
(Requires Willpower +2)
Party Fouler- When under the influence, lower Amicability, Persuasion, and Bartering by -2, but raise Intimidation,
Reflexes, and Strength by +5 (Requires Willpower +4)
Disciple of Dionysus- When under the influence of drugs or alcohol, raise all Traits by +2, regardless of negative drug
effects (Requires Willpower +5)

Strongperson- Whenever you preform a physicals feat in front of someone, roll with an added +3 to all Speech related
rolls after a Strength check (Requires Strength +2)
Herculean Feats- Whenever you preform a physical feat in front of someone, roll with advantage ion all Speech related
rolls after a Strength check (Requires Strength +5)

Perks (sabotage 1)

Silent Steps- When equipped with Light Armor, gain an added +3 to Sneaking rolls (Requires Sneaking +1)
Dark Lurker- When hiding in shadow, roll with an added +4 to Sneak (Requires Sneaking +2)
Incognito- When in a group of people of 5 or more, roll with an added +4 to Sneak (Requires Sneaking +3)
In Plain Sight- Roll advantage on all Sneak rolls during the day (Requires Sneaking +4)
Shadowlurker- When rolling sneak, add your Dexterity, Perception, or Investigation modifier to your roll (Requires
Sneaking +5)

Bomb Expert- Whenever you create an explosive, add +3 to your roll (Requires Intelligence +2)
Boom Maker- When using Explosive Weapons, add +3 to your accuracy and damage (Requires Intelligence +4)
Infallible Results- When using Explosive Weapons, roll advantage on your damage roll(s) (Requires Intelligence +5)

Sticky Fingers- When pickpocketing, add +2 to your Reflexes roll (Requires Reflexes +1)
Shaker- When pickpocketing in the daytime, roll with an added +3 to your roll (Requires Reflexes +2)
Sneak Thief- When pickpocketing at night, add +3 to your roll (Requires Reflexes +3)
Stick ‘Em Up- When robbing an NPC, roll with advantage in initiative (Requires Reflexes +4)
Swift Hand- Roll advantage on all pickpocketing rolls (Requires Reflexes +5)

Scout- When surveying a large area (60 sq ft or more), roll with an added +3 to Perception rolls (Requires Perception
Dark Vision- You now do not roll disadvantage when rolling Perception in the dark (Requires Perception +4)
Vision of the Owl- When in darkness, when rolling a Perception check, roll with advantage and +5 to your roll
(Requires Perception +5)

Perks (sabotage 2)
Mine Maestro- When placing a mine, enemies roll with -3 to Investigate the mine (Requires Investigation +1)
Trap Spotter- If you are indoors, roll with an added +3 to Investigate for traps or mines (Requires Investigation +2)
Field Expert- If outdoors, roll with an added +4 to Investigate for traps or mines (Requires Investigation +3)
Fine Wirer- Roll advantage when dealing damage with all mines and traps (Requires Investigation +4)
EOD- Roll advantage on all Investigations searching for traps or mines (Requires Investigation +5)

Intimidating Dealer- When rolling a Barter check, you may add Intimidation to your Bartering roll as well (Requires
Bartering +2)
Tough Bargainer- When rolling Intimidation to make a deal, roll with advantage (Requires Bartering +4)

Chaser- When rolling to pursue an enemy on foot, roll with an added +3 (Requires Dexterity +1)
Escapist- When running away from an enemy, roll with advantage to escape (Requires Dexterity +2)
Assassination- You may now do 2 Sneak attacks on each enemy in combat instead of one per enemy (Requires
Dexterity +4)

Pitcher- When throwing a weapon or item, add your Sharpshooting modifier to your chance to hit (Requires Strength
Pinpoint Throws- You may throw an item or weapon up to 10 tiles (50 ft) away with no disadvantage (Requires
Strength +5)

Knife Proficiency- If using a dagger or a knife, roll with an added +3 to hit (Requires Melee Fighting +2)
Deadly Fangs- Roll advantage on damage for all strikes using a dagger or knife (Requires Melee Fighting +4)

I’m In- When entering forbidden territory, add your History modifier to all rolls when speaking to personnel in that
territory (Requires History +2)
Dedication- Choose an organization you are part of. Add your History modifier to all rolls made when speaking to an
individual in that organization (Requires History +4)

Perks (sabotage 3)
Sweet Talker- When talking to military personnel (Military, Guards, Mercenaries), roll with an added +3 to persuasion
(Requires Persuasion +2)
Not Me!- When being questioned or pursued by military personnel, roll with an added +5 to Persuasion (Requires
Persuasion +4)

Law Follower- When meeting any lawbringer, roll with an added +5 to all Amicability rolls (Requires Amicability +2)
Innocent Eyes- Roll advantage on all Amicability rolls with lawbringers (Requires Amicability +4)

Wheeler- Choose a Vehicle type (Cycle, Racer, SUV, Sedan, ATV), roll with an added +3 to Willpower rolls when
steering (Requires Willpower +2)
Speedster- Choose a Vehicle type (Cycle, Racer, SUV, Sedan, ATV), roll with an added +4 to all Willpower rolls while
going above 60 MPH (Requires Willpower +4)
Street Racer- Choose a Vehicle type (Cycle, Racer, SUV, Sedan, ATV), when engaged in a street race, roll advantage on
all rolls with that vehicle (Requires Willpower +5)

Extra Pockets- You can carry 2 more grenades on your person (If no weight or item limit, gives +2 to hit when using
grenades) (Requires Physical Fortitude +1)
Lobber- When using thrown weapons, add your Physical Fortitude modifier to your ACC (Requires Physical Fortitude
Pyromaniac- Roll advantage to hit with all thrown Explosives (Requires Physical Fortitude +5)

Evader- When evading in a vehicle, roll with an added +1 to all rolls (Requires Mental Fortitude +1)
Gear Shifter- When starting your car and you roll above a 10 in initiative, add +2 to all rolls until you get out of your car
(Requires Mental Fortitude +3)
Top Gear- Roll with an added +2 to all rolls when driving (Requires Mental Fortitude +5)

One Alike- When calming criminals, roll with an added +3 (Requires Diplomacy +2)
False Word- If you intend to betray an NPC while rolling Diplomacy, roll with an added +7 to Diplomacy (Requires
Diplomacy +4)

Perks (Knowledge 1)

Computer Geek- When rolling to hack a computer, add an extra +2 to your roll (Requires Intelligence +1)
Numbers Whiz- When solving a code (passwords, riddles, codewords), roll with an extra +4 to your roll (Requires
Intelligence +2)
Synthetic Smarts- When rigging CogWare, roll with an added +4 (Requires Intelligence +3)
Counter Hack- When rolling against a hack against you of any kind, roll with advantage to resist (Requires
Intelligence +4)
Savant- Roll advantage on all hacking rolls (Requires Intelligence +5)

Brand Guru- Choose/create a brand of weapons OR apparel, roll with an added +2 ACC to hit / double added bonuses
on items by this brand (Requires History +1)
Street Freak- When rolling to know different street gangs, roll with an added +3 (Requires History +2)
Corporate Knowledge- When rolling to know about certain corporations and their practices, roll with an added +4
(Requires History +3)
One of Us- When rolling to persuade an individual that you are part of an organization you are not a part of, roll with
an added +4 and your History modifier (Requires History +4)
Professor- Gain advantage on all History rolls (Requires History +5)

Studious- When reading to gain information, roll with a +3 to retain the information (Requires Perception +1)
Habitat of Choice- Pick a land type (Water, Wasteland, City) and roll with an added +5 on your chosen Perception rolls
three times a day in that land area (Requires Perception +2)
Area of Expertise- Pick a land type (Water, Wasteland, City) and roll advantage in your chosen landscape three times a
day in that land area (Requires Perception +3)
Book Worm- When rolling to retain knowledge, roll with advantage (Requires Perception +5)

Perks (Knowledge 2)
Alley Cat- In alleys, roll with advantage to successfully sneak (Requires Sneaking +1)
City Rat- In cities, add an extra +3 to your Sneak rolls (Requires Sneaking +2)
Costumer- When wearing an outfit of an organization, roll advantage on all Sneak, Persuasion, and Bartering rolls in
that organization (Requires Sneaking +3)
Imposter- If you are sneaking in hostile territory, add +5 to your Sneaking rolls (Requires Sneaking +4)
Blind Spotter- If there is no surveillance, roll advantage on all Sneak rolls, and gain the ability to backstab an enemy
twice (Requires Sneaking +5)

Peoples Person- Choose an organization, roll with an added +4 in Amicability and Persuasion rolls when speaking to
others in that organization (Requires Amicability +2)
Friend’s Friend- Choose an / another organization, roll with advantage on all Amicability rolls (Requires Amicability

Tinkerer- When repairing equipment, roll with an added +3 to your roll (Requires Willpower +2)
CogSmith- When crafting CogWare, cut production time in half (Requires Willpower +4)
Expert CogSmith- Whenever an allies CogWare is damaged, you may use a Short Rest to automatically fix it to its
normal state, can use three times per day (Requires Willpower +5)

Group Identity- Choose an organization, roll with an added +3 to your Diplomacy (Requires Diplomacy +2)
Identitarian- Choose an organization, roll advantage on all Diplomacy rolls (Requires Diplomacy +4)

Gun Buff- Choose a weapon type (CQC, Short Range, Long Range), roll with an added +2 to your Bartering rolls when
bartering over these weapons (Requires Bartering +1)
Selective Trader- Choose a type of merchant (Cybersmith, Dealer, Doctor, Arms Trader, Tinkerer, General Goods), roll
with an added +4 to your Bartering rolls when bartering with your selected merchant (Requires Bartering +2)
Hypebeast- Choose a type of apparel (Light, Medium, Heavy), roll with an added +5 to your Bartering rolls when
haggling over that apparel type (Requires Bartering +3)
My Kinda Seller- Choose a type of merchant (Cybersmith, Dealer, Doctor, Arms Trader, Tinkerer, General Goods), roll
advantage on all Bartering rolls (Requires Bartering +4)
Executive Mind- When haggling with corporations or executives, roll with an added +7 to your Bartering rolls
(Requires Bartering +5)

Perks (Knowledge 3)
Bobby Expert- When picking a physical lock, roll with an added +3 to your Reflexes (Requires Reflexes +1)
Picklock- Lockpicks only break on failed rolls at or less than 4 (Requires Reflexes +3)
Skilled Hands- Roll advantage on all lockpicking attempts (Requires Reflexes +5)

Chosen Suspects- Choose a type of PC (Civilian, Military, Trader, Tinkerer, Intellect), roll an added +5 to
Investigation against them (Requires Investigation +3)
Insider- Choose an organization, roll advantage on all Investigation rolls against them (Requires
Investigation +5)

Caregiver- Once per day, you may automatically heal another player of their Status effect (Requires Mental
Fortitude +1)
Med-Tech- When healing a body part that is Synthetic, roll with an added dice that matches the dice of the
healing item (1d4 is an added 1d4, 2d6 is an added 1d6) (Requires Mental Fortitude +2)
Counselor- Raise party MR by +3 (Requires Mental Fortitude +3)
Life Giver- Once per character, automatically revive a character from death (Requires Mental Fortitude +4)
Miracle Worker- Double all heals done by you to yourself or allies (Requires Mental Fortitude +5)

Preferred Targets- Choose a type of NPC (Civilian, Executive, Military, Trader, CogWare Mechanic,
Scientist), roll with an added +5 to hit that type of PC (Requires Sharpshooting +2)
Executioner- Choose a type of NPC (Civilian, Executive, Military, Trader, CogWare Mechanic, Scientist),
add another damage die to your attack (Requires Sharpshooting +4)
Vengeful Hunter- Choose a type of NPC (Civilian, Executive, Military, Trader, CogWare Mechanic,
Scientist), critically strike on natural attack rolls of 15 or higher (Requires Sharpshooting +5)

Perks (Vitality 1)

Hardy- Add 1d4 to your HP (Requires Physical Fortitude +1)

Tough Heart- Add 1d6 to your HP total (Requires Physical Fortitude +2)
High Pain Tolerance- Add 2d4 to your total HP (Requires Physical Fortitude +3)
Ol’ Painless- Add 2d6 to your total HP (Requires Physical Fortitude +4)
Near Unstoppable- Add 2d8 to your total HP (Requires Physical Fortitude +5)

Mind Hardy- Add +2 MR (Requires Mental Fortitude +1)

Rested Mind- Every time you get a Long Rest, add +3 to your MR for that day (Requires Mental Fortitude +2)
Never-ending Thoughts- Every day you go without a Long Rest, add +3 to your MR until you take a Long Rest
(Requires Mental Fortitude +3)
Experienced Teacher- Add +4 MF but only for CogWare attachments (Requires Mental Fortitude +4)
Mental Professional- Add +5 MR, add +3 MF for CogWare attachments (Requires Mental Fortitude +5)

Not Yet- When rolling to survive a Death Save, add +2 to your roll (Requires Willpower +1)
Brushed with Death- Instead of -3 after surviving a Death Save, roll with a -2 (Requires Willpower +2)
Promised Damnation- If your character is a neutral to evil character, roll with +5 to your Death Save rolls (Requires
Willpower +3)
Death’s Problem Child- You may survive one extra Death Save fail (Requires Willpower +4)
Unearthly Will- You may survive extra 3 Death Save fails, but if you fall unconscious after the third, you instantly die
(Requires Willpower +5)

Quick Reactions- You may use an action to dodge a strike as you are being attacked, gaining +2 AR when you choose
this action, but you sacrifice an entire action the following turn, can use 5 times per combat (Requires Reflexes +1)
Slow-Mo Mind- You may use an action to dodge a strike as you are being attacked, gaining +4 AR when you choose
this action, but you sacrifice an entire action the following turn, can use 5 times per combat (Requires Reflexes +3)
The One- You may use an action to dodge a strike as you are being attacked, gaining +6 AR when you choose this
action, but you sacrifice an entire action the following turn, can use 5 times per combat (Requires Reflexes +5)

Perks (Vitality 2)
Thrillmaster- If health drops below 25% your total HP, gain +4 ACC until healed above that amount (Requires Strength
Survival Instinct- If health drops below 50% your total HP, gain +4 ACC until healed above that amount (Requires
Strength +3)
Hardened Warrior- If health drops below 25% your total HP, all attacks are rolled with advantage to hit (Requires
Strength +5)

Knife Fighter- If fighting someone who wields a knife, they have a -3 to their chance to strike you (Requires Dexterity
Dagger Gladiator- If fighting someone who wields an edged weapon, they have a -4 to their chance to strike you
(Requires Dexterity +3)
Blade Duelist- If fighting someone who wields an edged weapon, they roll disadvantage to hit you (Requires Dexterity

Keen Ear- If enemy is using a Long-Range weapon, they roll with a -3 to strike you (Requires Perception +2)
Bullet Echo- If enemy is using a Long-Range weapon, they roll disadvantage to strike you (Requires Perception +5)

Disarming Presence- At the beginning of combat, roll to Intimidate an enemy of your choice, if you succeed, they roll
with a -3 to strike you for the entire combat (Requires Intimidation +1)
Barbaric Yawp- Three times per long rest you may roll to Intimidate a chosen enemy, if succeeded, they roll
disadvantage to strike you for the entire combat (Requires Intimidation +3)
Bellowing Scream- Before every battle, roll to Intimidate the entire enemy squad (will be a high DC, typically), if you
have succeeded, roll with an added 2d8 to temporary HP for the entire combat (Requires Intimidation +5)

Perks (vitality 3)
Wound Assessment- You may take an action to roll Investigation on a wound during combat, after a successful roll,
your next heal on them is rolled with advantage (Requires Investigation +1)
Anatomical Scholar- You may take an action to roll Investigation on a wound during combat, after a successful roll,
their next heal is doubled, if healed to full, add +2 to their ACC (does not stack) (Requires Investigation +3)
Patient’s Dream- All heals after a successful Investigation roll to assess a wound adds bonus HP if heal reaches past
user’s maximum HP, lasts 5 hours (Requires Investigation +5)

Swords Expert- If fighting against an enemy with an edged weapon and you have an edged weapon equipped, enemy
rolls with -5 to strike you (Requires Melee Fighting +2)
Parry Artist- If fighting against an enemy with a CQC weapon and you have a CQC weapon, enemy rolls with a -5 to
strike you (Requires Melee Fighting +4)

Gunslinger- If fighting an enemy with a Short-Ranged weapon and you have a Short-Ranged weapon, enemy rolls
with a -4 to strike you (Requires Sharpshooting +2)
Returning Fire- If struck at with a Sharpshooting weapon, raise ACC by +4 until end of combat for each shot that deals
damage to you (does stack) (Requires Sharpshooting +4)

Scholar of War- Choose an enemy type (Mercenary, Guard, Military, Police, Revolutionary, Commoner), the chosen
enemy type rolls with a -2 to strike you (Requires History +1)
Battle Student- Roll History before a combat encounter on a specific enemy to know their battle strategies, if you
succeed that roll, they have a -5 to their roll to strike you (Requires History +3)
I Know You- If you are fighting a well-known enemy either in the lore or in your world, they roll with -7 to strike you
(Requires History +5)

world stats
World Stats

World Stats are purely for roleplaying. They do not impact combat or add bonuses to your characters directly.
However, World Stats function as determiners for interactions with the world.

Each level determines how impactful the character's presence is to the setting around them. From levels 1-3 in a World
Stat, people will either not acknowledge you or will have an adverse effect to the world around you (Level 1
Professionalism may have executives perceive you at a slob or rude, or a 1 in Public Fear means people may treat you
like a pushover). With 4-6 there are some impacts to the world around you within that specific World Stat, 6-9 the
entire city is impacted within that World Stat, and level 10 shows that your presence is known throughout the entire
world using the World Stat that reaches that amount. The maximum World Stat level you can reach is 10.

Each of the 7 statistics impact a certain aspect of the character's life in significant ways. They are as follows.

Fame- Determines your general popularity with the general populace of your surrounding world, for better or for
Respect- Determines how well people respect your words, decisions, and skills, real or imaginary.
Professionalism- Determines how corporate entities, business owners, and other professionals perceive you in all
Street Smarts- Determines your general knowledge of the streets of cities, giving you an edge when travelling in
Street Cred- Determines your respect among street dwellers rather than with the general populace.
Public Fear- Determines the level of fear the general populace has of you.
Style- Determines your level of style in any chosen field which impacts interactions with people engrossed in style.

When creating your character, allot 8 points to any of the world stats. Points are added by the GM when they feel
necessary. The points should directly impact the ways the world revolves around your character.

wealth (1)

Your wealth is determined by rolling dice that match with the amount of options provided (8 options is 1d8, and 12
options is 1d12). Once this number is rolled, the player may choose any option up to and below the number rolled, but
never above (unless the GM allows it).

When it comes to transportation and residences, the symbol "-" is how much money (from the roll you made for how
much cash you have) will cost. This also goes for the costs of weapons and CogWare. The "g" that follows a number is
how many Gildans it will cost.

More money, weapons, and property has great positives for your character, but keep in mind that many people in the
world of Tales from the Aerosphere are envious, and will try anything to take a slice from you, however big or small.
More money equals more problems.

Cash (Every character rolls this) (roll d12)

1. 10 Gildans
2. 20 Gildans
3. 40 Gildans
4. 70 Gildans
5. 85 Gildans
6. 100 Gildans
7. 150 Gildans
8. 250 Gildans
9. 350 Gildans
10. 600 Gildans
11. 1,000 Gildans
12. 2,000 Gildans

wealth (2)
Transportation (If you choose this item) (roll d8)

1.Bicycle, -2g
2. Trolly Pass, -3g
3. Teslatrain Pass, -4g
4. Mount (Automaton), -10g
5. Mount (Natrural), -25g
6. Mount (CogWare Attachments), -50g
7. Carriage and 2 Mounts, -250g
8. Teslacraft, -1,000g

Residence (If you chose this item) (roll d12)

1.Shoddy Apartment, -5g

2.Decent Apartment, -10g
3.Good Apartment, -20g
4.Decent Townhouse, -25g
5.Luxury Townhouse, -50g
6.Shoddy House, -55g
7.Decent House, -100g
8.Good House, -250g
9.Luxury House, -500g
10.Mansion, -750 g
11.Luxurious Mansion, -1,000g
12. Corporate Building, -1,500g

CogWare (1)

When creating a character, you will have have 10 points to spend. The stronger your CogWare is, the more your MR
gets reduced. Cannot go below 1 MR (all characters begin with 15 MR, Mental Fortitude adds MR). Characters can start
out with one free CogWare installment with an extra 50% MR Penalty to that enhancement.

Dr. Varic's Brass Heart- Replaces heart with improved brass clone with the inability to fail organically, but causes
heavy mental toll, increases HP by 1d8 (3 points, -7 MR), -10g

Siren's Gift- Lets you breathe underwater for up to 2 hours. (4 points, -4 MR), -15g

Smith's Hands- Place small blowtorches at the ends of your fingers. Do 1d2 damage if used against an enemy, but does
1d12 damage against structures for every minute you use it. (1 point, -3 MR) -5g

Hawksense- Mental implant that increases your hearing, smell, and touch, adds +3 to Perception (2 points, -6 to MR),

Dr. Varic's Herculean Formula (EXPERIMENTAL MIXTURE FOR LAB USE ONLY)- Injects naturally made steroids
into your brain 24/7 at a high cost, increase HP by 1d8, raise 4 Traits by +1, and raise AR by +2 (5 points, -10 MR), -25g

Alabaster's Braniac Coils- Adds small Tesla coils in brain to elevate electrical signals to brain, adds +1 to History and
Intelligence (1 point, -5 MR), -10g

Alabaster's Scholar's Delight- Adds small Tesla coils in brain to stimulate intellectual thoughts and retention, adds +3
to your Intelligence (2 points, -7 MR), -15g

Jolly Voice Box Knob- Replaces vocal cords with brass box that lets the user change tone, pitch, and volume at whim.
Will have positive/negative effects depending on situation. Voice also sounds like it is coming through a radio at all
times. (-4 points, -6 MR), -20g

CogWare (2)
Shock Breaker- Strengthens the bones in your body, you may ignore fall damage from up to 150 ft .(5 points, -8 MR),

Franklin Assassin Gun- Gun barrel is attached inside of limb, lets you shoot two Short-Range pistol rounds (1d8, 2
shot) from your arm (3 points, -5 MR), -12g

Alabaster's Eye of Wrath- Lets you shoot a 1d20 Long Range Tesla beam for 2 seconds once a day, can cut through
metal up to 1 inch thick (5 points, -9 to MR), -50g

Dr. Varic's Analytic Lenses- Increases your vision to view smaller objects closer, increases your Investigation by +3 (3
points, -5 to MR), -7g

Dr. Varic's Vascular Filtration Unit- Makes your brain and body less susceptible to status effects, adds +2 to Willpower
(5 points, +3 extra MR (not capped at 5)), -9g

Lion's Eyes- Replaces both eyes with eyes that grants you the ability to see in the dark, any perks that add Night Vision
gives advantage to seeing at night (1 point, -2 MR), -15g

Dr. Varic's Lens Enhancers- Increases your vision distance by 60 ft (4 points, -2 to MR), -20g

Alabaster's Thermal Eyes- Replaces both eyes with eyes that can be used for x-ray vision up to 3-ft away. (3 points, -7
MR), -40g

Derrik Booster-Legz- Places small propulsion jets in your calves, allowing you to jump 10 feet higher (2 points, -5 MR)

Dr. Varic’s Auto-Injector- Can deposit any liquids into injectors of quantity up to 3 containers to deposit at will or
when unconscious (3 points, -8 MR), -25g

Brass Oxy Tank- Adds a large brass tank to your back that helps with delivering oxygen to the body, adds +2 movement
(10 feet) and +2 Initiative (2 Points, -6 MR), -10g

cOGwARE (3)
Franklin Springlegs- Replaces your normal legs with robotic legs, increases movement speed by +2, unarmed strikes
with Springlegs adds an additional 1d6 damage (3 points, -6 MR), -20g

WireSpine- Replaces much of your spinal column with a flexible wire, adds +3 to your Dexterity (4 points, -5 MR), -15g

Dr. Varic's Dermal Shield- Replaces your skin with a thin layer of steel, adds +2 AR (3 points, -6 MR), -8g

Steam-Powered Muscles- Increases your carrying capacity by 50 lbs, adds 25ft. to throwing distance. (2 points, -4 MR),

Franklin Clockwork Arms- Replaces your arms with robotic arms that increase your Strength by +3, makes Unarmed
damage deal an additional 1d6 damage (4 points, -8 MR), -20g

Alabaster's Quickened Mind- Increase the chemicals in your brain that make you more attentive using Tesla coils that
increase synapses in brain, add +2 Reflexes and +2 to Initiative (2 points, -4 MR), -25g

Derrik Ursine Clawz- Places retractable blades in your fists, which makes your unarmed damage increase by 1d4
damage when using your fists (3 points, -4 MR), -15g

Radio-Head- Inserts an extendable antennae and speakers to the side of head to play music. Will have
positive/negative effects depending on situation. (1 point, -10 MR), -30g

Icarus Wings- Attaches two light alloy wings that allow for flight. Every level in Dexterity allows for 1 additional tile (5
feet) of movement with wings. Must roll Willpower to maintain flight. (5 points, -9 MR), -50g

Alabaster's Teslablood- Attaches tubes across entire body to allow for the manipulation of Tesla energy within their
body, lets user shoot an SR blast of 1d4 Tesla Energy 6 times a day. Uses Sharpshooting Trait for ACC. (6 points, -8 MR),

Hook-Arm- Replaces your hand with a grappling hook that can be shot up to 50ft. away, can cling to surfaces, must
roll Strength to successfully pull yourself up, and roll Willpower to sustain that action. (3 points, -7 MR), -15g

supplies (1)
Items (Spend 6 points on items to start with. Every Item is 1 point unless otherwise specified)

x1 Weapon (Each point is one weapon. Must choose to obtain weapons)

x1 Transportation (Roll Wealth for this) (3 Points)

x1 Residence (Roll Wealth for this) (3 Points)

x1 Equipment Upgrade (Choices Under Upgrades section, 3 points)

x1 Unclaimed Bounty (roll 1d20 to determine the profile of the target, GM decides who and where person is)

x1 Binoculars

x1 Academic Books (increases natural Trait stat by +1), (2 Points)

x1 Ditzy's Energizing Oil (ingested oil used to increase ACC and Movement, roll 1d20 for strength of Oil)

x1 Pill Bottle (roll 1d20 for random effect),

x1 Dr. Varic's Stick-it-Out Oil (1d4 Temporary HP, lasts 1 hour)

x1 CogWare Parts (used to directly repair 1 piece of broken CogWare)

x1 Gun Parts (used to directly repair 1 broken firearm)

x1 Smithing Parts (used to create 1 firearm, melee weapon, or explosive)

x1 Mysterious Chemical (roll 1d20 to determine type of chemical, GM decides effect)

x1 Serpent's Kiss (Raises all Speech Skill traits by +2 for one hour)

supplies (2)
x1 Light Body Armor (Raises AR by +2)

x1 Heavy Body Armor (raises AR by +4, -1 movement, -1 Initiative)

x1 JPC Combat Armor (2 points, raises AR by +6, -2 movement, -2 Initiative, Heavy Armor)

x1 Camera (Video or Picture, choose one)

Dr. Varic's Soothing Oil (Heals 1d4 HP)

x1 Personal Trinket (roll 1d20 to determine strength of trinket, GM decides effects)

x1 Real / Fake Police Badge

x1 Skeleton Pick (can fail a lock up to 10 times)

x1 Anti-Microwave Helmet (raises MR by +2, can only take 1)

x1 Improved Anti-Microwave Helmet (3 points, raises MR by +4, can only take 1)

x1 Alabaster's Microwave Nullifying Suit (6 points, raises MR by +8)

x1 Alcohol (roll 1d20 to determine kind, quality, and effects)

x1 Nectar (Ingested oil that increases Intelligence, History, and Reflexes rolls by +2 for one hour)

x1 Targeting Goggles (+2 ACC with Gunfighting Weapons)

x1 Instrument (Gain ability to play songs with instrument, skill is determined by the Amicability Trait)

x1 Gas Mask (Nullifies any toxic gases from entering your body when wearing)

supplies (3)
x1 Street Clothes (+2 to Style World Stat, Light Armor)

x1 Wild One Armor (+3 AR, +2 to Public Fear World Stat, Medium Armor. 2 points)

x1 Jenson's Business Suit (+2 to Professionalism World Stat, +1 to Style, 2 points)

x1 Small Pet (Rat, snake, small dog, small cat, lizard) (1d2 HP, gains 1 HP every 2 levels after obtaining, deals 1d2 CQC
damage), costs varying amount of cash (up to GM)

x1 Medium Pet (Medium sized cat, medium sized dog, monkey, wolf, fox) (1d4 HP, gains 1d4 HP every 2 levels after
obtaining, deals 1d4 CQC damage, 2 points), costs varying amount of cash (up to GM)

x1 Large Pet (horse, bear, kangaroo, large cat, large Dog) (1d8 HP, gains 1d8 HP every 2 levels, deals 1d8 CQC damage,
5 points), costs varying amount of cash (up to GM)

x1 4 Pack of Thunderpop Soda) When consumed, increase Reflexes, Dexterity, and Investigation by +1 for 1 hour)

x1 12 piece Pack of Mr. Sweet's Jumpstart Chewing Wax (When consumed, increase History, Intelligence, and
Amicability by +1 for 1 hour)

x1 Pack of Vegetable/Fruit Seeds (2 points)

x1 Poor Weapon Holster (+1 Initiative)

x1 Normal Weapon Holster (+2 Initiative, 2 points)

x1 High Quality Weapon Holster (+5 Initiative, 3 points)

x1 Alabaster Tesla Cloak (Enemies roll with disadvantage against you when wearing this cloak when being attacked
with Tesla Weapons, must use action to shield yourself)

x1 Portable Typewriter w/ Paper (Can easily store in your pocket, comes with paper that must be attached as you type)

weapons (1)

In order to attack an enemy, you must be in a direct line of sight to attack an enemy (horizontally, vertically,
diagonally). Otherwise, you roll with disadvantage that compounds if using outside of damage range.

*NOTE: You must find a realistic way to store your weapons. Weapons that are also openly displayed increase the
likelihood for you to get targeted by NPC's for better or for worse.

Melee Fighting Weapons (CQC, 1 tile range)


Wacker (Baton): 1d4, -1g

Alabaster Stunner (Tesla Baton): 1d8, knocks target unconscious when HP reaches zero, kills has zero HP, -8g

1h Light Tool (ex. wrench, crowbar, screwdriver, ice pick, kitchen knife. Can be used to fix things with your tool as
well, granted the use matches your tool): 1d4 minus 1 (cannot go lower than 1), -2g

Rugged Knife: 1d4 minus 1, (cannot go lower than 1), crits on 19-20 rolls to hit, -1g

Abe’s War Dagger: 1d6, crits on 19-20 rolls to hit, -5g

Alabaster Thunder Dagger: 2d4, crits on 18-20 rolls to hit, -10g

Brass Knuckles (2h): Adds 1d2 to your Fist damage, -2g

Spikers (2h, Spiked Brass Knuckles): Adds 1d2 to your Fist damage, crits on 19-20 rolls, -5g

Alabaster Pulverizers (2h, Tesla Knuckles): Adds 1d6 to your Fist damage, -15g

Buckler Shield (1h): Deals 1d2 damage with -3 ACC, adds +1 to AR, -5g

weapons (2)

2h Medium-Sized tool (ex. baseball bat, 2h wrench, large crowbar. Can be used to fix things with your tool as well,
granted the use matches your tool): 1d6 minus 1 (cannot go lower than 1), -5g

Sword: 1d6 when one handed, 1d8 when two handed, -7g

Alabaster’s ShockSword: 1d8 when one handed, 1d10 when two handed, -25g

Abe’s Steam-Fist (1h, steam-powered mechanical fists): Adds 1d6 to your Fist damage, can dual wield without penalty,

Abe’s Gun-Fist (1h, Steam-Fist mixed with an SR Sharpshooting weapon): Adds 1d6 to your fist damage, can use as a
gun for 1d4 Short Range damage, 2 shot, -25g

Normal Shield (1h): Deals 1d4 damage,-3 ACC, adds +2 to AR, -5 feet of movement unless Strength is +3 or higher, -25g


2h Large-Sized tool (ex. a sledgehammer, chain and ball, pickaxe, ). Can be used to fix things with your tool as well, :
-4 ACC, 1d12 minus 1 if Strength is below 5, 2d8 minus 1 if Strength is 5 (cannot go lower than 1), -10g

2h Large Sword: -2 ACC, 1d12 if Strength below 5, 3d6 if Strength is 5, -25g

2h Alabaster’s Highlander’s Might (Tesla): -2 ACC, 3d6 if Strength below 5, 3d8 if Strength is 5, -75g

2h Battle Hammer: -4 ACC, 3d6 if Strength below 5, 3d8 if Strength is 5, -40g

2h Alabaster’s Surge Hammer: -4 ACC, Deals 3d6 in Short Range line in front of user if Strength is below 5, deals 3d8
damage in Short Range line in front of user if Strength is 5, 100g

Heavy Shield (1h): Deals 1d6 damage with -3 ACC, adds +4 to AR, -15 feet of movement unless Strength is +4), 45g

Weapons (3)
Gunfighting Weapons

Short Range (1-5 Tile range (5-25 feet)


Derringer Pistol (1h): 1d4, 2 Shots, 2 actions to reload, -2g

Abe’s Powder Pistol (1h, 2h for +2 ACC): 1d8, 1 Shot, 2 actions to reload, -6g

Abe’s Double Shot Pistol (1h or 2h): 1d6, 2 Shots, 2 actions to reload, -15g

Franklin Sect Shooter Pistol (1h, 2h for +2 ACC): 1d6, 6 Shots, takes 2 actions to reload, -30g

Franklin Revolving Pistol (1h, 2h for +2 ACC): 1d6, 7 Shots, -45g

Alabaster’s Thunder Shot Pistol (Tesla) (1h, 2h for +2 ACC): 1d10, 5 shots, -120g


Abe’s Scattergun Shotgun (2h, -4 ACC for each tile when 6 or more tiles away): 2d6, 2 actions to reload, 1 Shot, 10g

Abe’s Blunderpistol (1h r 2h, -4 ACC for each tile when 5 or more tiles away: 2d4, 1 Shot, 8g

Abe’s Evergreen Shotgun (2h, -4 ACC, -2 ACC for each tile when 5 or more tiles away): 2d8, 2 Shots, 18g

Franklin Hiveshot Shotgun (2h, -4 ACC for each tile when 6 or more tiles away): 2d4, 4 Shots, 65g

Derrik’s Dusta Shotgun (2h, -6 ACC, -4 ACC for each tile when 5 or more tiles away): 2d8, 4 Shots 40g

Alabaster Tendrilizer Shotgun (Tesla) (2h, -2 ACC for each tile when 5 or more tiles away): 2d6, 3 Shots, 130g

Weapons (4)

Abe’s Decimator Shotgun (2h, -4 ACC, -4 ACC for each tile when 6 or more tiles away): 2d10, 1 Shot, 30g

Franklin Hailstorm Shotgun (2h, -4 ACC, -4 ACC for each tile when 6 or more tiles away): 2d8, 4 Shots, 100g

Derrik’s Sweepa Shotgun (2h, -8 ACC, , -4 ACC for each tile when 5 or more tiles away): 2d12, 4 Shots, 150g

Alabaster Ultra-Tendrilizer Shotgun (2h, -2 ACC, -2 ACC for each tile when 5 or more tiles away): 2d12, 3 Shots, 200g

Long Range (1-10 Tile range, 5-50 feet)


Abe’s Bolter Mini Crossbow (1h): 1d4, crits on natural, 18-20 to hit, 1 Shot, 2g

Franklin’s Stackshot Mini Crossbow (1h): 1d4, crits on natural 19-20 to hit, 4 Shots, 8g

Alabaster Bolt-Thrower Mini Crossbow (1h): 1d8, crits on natural 17-20 to hit, 1 Shot, 20g

Abe's Hidden Arm-Bow: 1d2, crits on natural 10-20 rolls, on natural 20, deal x4 damage, undetectable unless searched
thoroughly, 1 shot, 20g

Flare Gun: -5 ACC, Deals 1d2 damage over 3 turns, enemy can resist effect if they roll a Willpower roll at or above 10,
sends bright flare into area fired, 1 shot, 3g

Weapons (5)

Abe’s Manhunter Rifle (2h): 1d12, +2 ACC, 1 Shot, takes 2 actions to reload, 10g

Abe’s Double Shot Rifle (2h): 1d12, 2 Shot, takes 2 actions to reload, 25g

Abe’s Bolter Rifle (2h): 1d10, +2 ACC, 4 Shots, 15g

Franklin Revolving Rifle (2h): 1d10, 6 Shots, 25g

Franklin Burster Machine Gun (2h): 1d6, can shoot twice in one action for 2d6, 20 Shots, 50g

Alabaster Lightning Spewer Machine Gun (2h): 1d8, can shoot twice in one action for 2d8, 14 Shots, 150g

Derrik Repeata Rifle (2h, -4 ACC): 1d12, 6 Shots, 35g

Abe’s Stagkiller Crossbow (2h): 1d8, crits on natural 18-20 to hit, 1 Shot, requires 2 actions to reload, 10g

Franklin’s Stackshot Crossbow (2h): 1d8, crits on natural 19-20 to hit, 4 Shots, requires 2 actions to reload, 30g

Derrik Cranka Crossbow (2h, -4 ACC): 1d12, crits on natural 19-20 to hit, 4 Shots, requires 2 actions to reload, 60g

Alabaster Bolt-Thrower Crossbow (2h): 1d10, crits on natural 19-20 to hit, 3 Shots, requires 2 actions to reload, 100g

Abe’s Heartstriker Bow: 1d10, crits on natural 18-20 to hit, 1 Shot, 5g

Alabaster Stormarrow Bow (Telsa): 2d8, crits on natural 19-20 to hit, 1 Shot, 50g

Weapons (6)

Abe’s Mammoth Shot Rifle (2h): 2d10, 1 Shot, takes 2 actions to reload, 20g

Franklin Chamberlain Rifle (2h): 2d8, 6 Shots, takes 2 actions to reload, 50g

Derrik Hellstorma Rifle (2h, -6 ACC): 2d10, 6 Shots, takes 2 actions to reload, 75g

Alabaster Plasma Shot Rifle (2h): 2d10, 4 Shots, takes 2 actions to reload, 175g

Franklin Ripper Gatling Gun (2h, requires 3 Strength to use without disadvantage to hit): 3d12, 10 Shots, takes two
actions to reload, 1,000g

Throwing Weapons (Uses Strength as ACC modifer)


Throwing Knife: 1d4, crits on natural 19-20 rolls to hit, 2g

Throwing Axe: 1d6, 5g



Liquor Bomb: 1d12 in 3x3 area for 3 rounds, 1g

Dynamite: 1d20 in 3x3 Area, 25g

Derrik Sploda: 2d20 in 3x3 area, 75g

Tesla Bomb: 3d20 in 3x3 Area, 200g

Equipment Upgrades (1)

In Tales from the Aerosphere, players may upgrade their weapons, armor, and equipment to make themselves more
lethal in combat. Each upgrade may be purchased at the coordinating vendor within the world you have built.

Players may choose a upgrades for a weapon of their choice at the beginning of the game for 3 Supply Points.

Weapon Upgrades


Extender: Place a long, sturdy rod in your weapon that allows it to be 2h for +1 ACC. If it is a 2h weapon, raise reach of
weapon by 1 tile (5 feet).

Return Engine/Return Bracelet: Place a small steam powered module within the weapon to allow it to return to you at
command. Must also wear a Return Bracelet, which is supplied with this attachment.

Scabbard: Raises Initiative if using chosen weapon at start of combat by +3, can only use for chosen weapon.

Pistol Attachment (1h or 2h Weapons): Add a Light Pistol attachment on your chosen CQC weapon. Can use as a 1 shot,
1d4 Short-Range weapon.

Rifling Attachment (2h Weapons): Add a Medium Rifle attachment on your chosen 2h CQC weapon. Can use as a 1
Shot, 1d8 Long-Range weapon.

Sharpening Scabbard: When placed in this scabbard, gain +2 to hit with the weapon it was holstered in before combat.

Fire-Starter: Add a quick flint-and-steel on the inside of your weapon’s grip. Can start fires in 1 minute with this

Dual-Weapon: Can mold two chosen CQC weapons together. Effects are to be chosen by the GM.

Equipment Upgrades (2)

Scope: Increases your accuracy with your chosen weapon by +4 if using a Rifle or Crossbow, +2 if using anything else.
If weapon is 2h, weapon now qualifies as a "sniper rifle".

Enhanced Rifling: Increases range of weapon by 3 tiles (15 feet). All range debuffs are applicable with 3 added tiles to

Extended Ammo Capacity: Adds 50% more Shots to your weapon before reloading, round amount if odd (if it is a
single shot weapon, increases size to 2)

Bayonet: Can add a 1d4 CQC bayonet to your weapon that critically strikes on rolls to hit of natural 19s and 20s.

Better Reload Mechanism: Decrease time to reload by one action, regardless. If you already have a perk that allows
this, add +2 Initiative to your weapon.

Slick Holster: Add +2 Initiative and +1 ACC when drawing the weapon secured in the holster at the beginning of

Tesla-Light: Add small flashlight to your firearm, allows vision at night up to 50 feet (10 tiles).

Enhanced Grip: Adds a better grip to your weapon, adds +2 ACC with that certain weapon.

Equipment Upgrades (3)

Extra Padding: Adds extra padding underneath armor, raises AR by +2

Extra Plating: Adds extra armor plating on your armor, decreases initiative by -2, raises AR by +3

Shadow Paint: When wearing this armor, in darkness raise Sneaking by +5

Camouflage: When wearing this armor, in a grassy environment raise Sneaking by +6

Lighter Load: Decrease the weight of your armor, negates any Movement and Initiative debuffs

Stylish Colors: When wearing this armor, increase Style by +5

Spikey Armor: When hit with a CQC attack, deals 1d4 damage to enemy.

Organization Colors: Depending on what organization you are wearing the colors of, raise any World Stat by +3 (GM

Magnetic Shield: When wearing armor where this shield is attached, bullets have a -3 chance to hit you, but Tesla
Weapons have a +3 chance to hit you.

Stretchy Fit: Increases Dexterity by +2 when wearing this armor

If you would like to play a game of Tales from the Aerosphere where ammo is limited, use the information below for
prices of bullets and kinds needed for each weapon. Please feel free to change costs and quantities for chosen

x5 Light Ammo: Used in Light Gunfighting weapons, 1g

x5 Medium Ammo: Used in Medium Gunfighting Weapons, 2g

x5 Heavy Ammo: Used in Heavy Gunfighting Weapons, 6g

x10 Bolts/Arrows: Used in Bows and Crossbows, 1g

x5 Tesla Capsules: Used in all Tesla Gunfighting Weapons: 10g

x5 Armor Piercing Light Ammo: Used in Light Gunfighting Weapons, adds +2 ACC when using this ammo, 3g

x5 Armor Piercing Medium Ammo: Used in Medium Gunfighting Weapons, adds +2 ACC when using this ammo, 7g

x5 Armor Piercing Heavy Ammo: used in Heavy Gunfighting Weapons, adds +2 ACC when using this ammo, 13g

x10 Poison Bolts/Arrows: Used in Bows and Crossbows, inflicts Poison status effect on enemy, deal 1d4 damage per
round, 10g

x10 Exploding Bolts/Arrows: Used in Bows and Crossbows, deals added 2d4 damage in a 3x3 radius, 30g



HP: 3 INITIATIVE: +0 Lore: The common ruffian within Nimbus City. Nothing
special here.
Suggested Encounter Level: 1+
MR: 15

ACC: +1


Club (1h): 1d4



Experienced Ruffian

HP: 8 INITIATIVE: +2 Lore: The common ruffian within Nimbus City. Nothing
special here.
Suggested Encounter Level: 3+
MR: 18

ACC: +4


Shoddy Crowbar: 1d6 damage if one handed, 2d4 damage

if two-handed, -5 to hit

Flintlock Pistol (1h, Short Range): 1d8 damage, 1 shot,

-5 to hit


Burgle- Roll a 1d4, after every successful melee attack,

take that many Gildans.


Veteran Ruffian

HP: 15 INITIATIVE: +6 Lore: The common ruffian within Nimbus City. Nothing
special here.
Suggested Encounter Level: 6+
MR: 22

ACC: +6


Crowbar: 1d6 damage if one handed, 2d4 damage

if two-handed.

Franklin Sect Shooter Pistol (1h, 2h for +2 ACC,

Short Range): 1d6, 6 Shots, takes 2 actions to reload


Enhanced Burgle- Roll a 1d8, after every successful melee attack,

take that many Gildans.


Yeev Talon (Head of Talon Syndicate)

HP: 80 INITIATIVE: +20 Lore: Yeev Talon is well known across the entire city to be a
ruthless, greedy, and generally unpleasant person. They have
AR: 16 MOVEMENT: +4 been blamed for almost all of the crime that occurs within
Nimbus City, and there is a 100,000g bounty for his head
MR: 35 because of it.

ACC: +9 Yeev is generally unseen by the general public, as he has an

unknown hideout said to lay deep within the city's lower
WEAPONS: income areas. That said, he has been caught by the police
countless times, but escapes the same day without a known
The Golden Rule (Pistol, +2 ACC when 2h): 10d2, route for escape.
12 Shots
If you come across Yeev, be sure to bargain, whether that be for
SKILLS: any stolen goods you come across, or for your life itself.

Backup- Every round of combat, summons Suggested Encounter Level: 9+

a Veteran Ruffian on their turn.

Mercy...At a Cost- If Knocked unconscious, instead

of killing party, will take all equipment and place them
in a random part of Nimbus City. If Yeev is encountered
again, this skill is nullified.


Booker (Low-Rank)

HP: 8 INITIATIVE: +2 Lore: The Nimbus City government has employed a very high
number of individuals sworn to protect the Duke at all
AR: 10 MOVEMENT: +0 costs...or so they would want. Instead, many Bookers and other
police people within Nimbus City take advantage of the weak
MR: 14 and poor, arresting them with no probable cause or harassing
them for no reason. While there are some Bookers that
ACC: +4 genuinely want to keep the city safe from the many ruffians
within it, a majority are there for two things: pay and power.
Suggested Encounter Level: 1+
Alabaster Stunner (Tesla Baton): 1d8, knocks target
unconscious when HP reaches zero, can kill if target
has zero HP.

Abe’s Double Shot Pistol (1h or 2h, Short Range):

1d6, 2 Shots, 2 actions to reload


Arrest- Once enemy is unconscious, user may

place enemy under detainment as a free action,
must be within 1 tile of range to detain.


Booker (Average-Rank)

HP: 15 INITIATIVE: +3 Lore: The Nimbus City government has employed a very high
number of individuals sworn to protect the Duke at all
AR: 12 MOVEMENT: +0 costs...or so they would want. Instead, many Bookers and other
police people within Nimbus City take advantage of the weak
MR: 14 and poor, arresting them with no probable cause or harassing
them for no reason. While there are some Bookers that
ACC: +6 genuinely want to keep the city safe from the many ruffians
within it, a majority are there for two things: pay and power.
Suggested Encounter Level: 3+
Enhanced Alabaster Stunner (Tesla Baton): 1d12,
knocks target unconscious when HP reaches zero,
can kill if target has zero HP.

Franklin Revolving Pistol (1h, 2h for +2 ACC): 1d6,

7 Shots


Arrest- Once enemy is unconscious, user may

place enemy under detainment as a free action,
must be within 1 tile of range to detain.


Booker (High-Rank)

HP: 25 INITIATIVE: +6 Lore: The Nimbus City government has employed a very high
number of individuals sworn to protect the Duke at all
AR: 16 MOVEMENT: +0 costs...or so they would want. Instead, many Bookers and other
police people within Nimbus City take advantage of the weak
MR: 18 and poor, arresting them with no probable cause or harassing
them for no reason. While there are some Bookers that
ACC: +8 genuinely want to keep the city safe from the many ruffians
within it, a majority are there for two things: pay and power.
Suggested Encounter Level: 6+
Enhanced Alabaster Stunner (Tesla Baton): 1d12,
knocks target unconscious when HP reaches zero,
can kill if target has zero HP.

Enhanced Franklin Revolving Pistol (1h, 2h for +2 ACC):

1d6, 7 Shots


Arrest- Once enemy is unconscious, user may

place enemy under detainment as a free action,
must be within 1 tile of range to detain.


Commissioner Silvia Whitemane

HP: 50 INITIATIVE: +15 Lore: Sylvia Whitemane is a recent appointee as Lead

Chairwoman to the Nimbus City Policing Committee, a board
AR: 25 MOVEMENT: +0 of all the policing orgs in the city. She previously was a
legendary officer, said to be responsible for collapsing many
MR: 35 criminal organizations that sprouted before the Talon
ACC: +10
Older, wiser, and riddled with CogWare that lets her perform
WEAPONS: nearly at the capacity he did in her youth, her main mission is
to crush the Talon Syndicate at all costs. She will incriminate,
Commissioner's Cane (Tesla): 3d8, knocks target abuse, and/or kill anyone who has any connection to the
unconscious when HP reaches zero, can kill if Syndicate, and is said to have a personal grudge against Yeev
target has zero HP, can also deal 2d10 SR damage Talon for an unknown reason.
with Tesla orb on top of cane.
Suggested Encounter Level: 9+
Justice Served (Pistol, 1h, 2h for +2 ACC): 3d10,
8 Shots


Arrest- Once enemy is unconscious, user may

place enemy under detainment as a free action,
must be within 1 tile of range to detain.

Master Strategist- Cannot use "React" action against

this enemy.


Juggernaut (Rookie)

HP: 15 INITIATIVE: +0 Lore: The Juggernaut Gang is known for their preference in
melee weapons, as well as undergrounds street brawls that
AR: 10 MOVEMENT: +1 occur for the thrill seekers and gamblers of Nimbus City. They
claim to guard areas of lower-income sections of Nimbus City,
MR: 10 and then charge ludicrous taxes for said protection.

ACC: +0 Suggested Encounter Level: 1+


2h Medium-Sized tool (ex. baseball bat, 2h wrench,

large crowbar, Can be used to fix things with your
tool as well, granted the use matches your tool): 1d6
minus 1 (cannot go lower than 1)



Juggernaut (Bully)

HP: 25 INITIATIVE: +0 Lore: The Juggernaut Gang is known for their preference in
melee weapons, as well as undergrounds street brawls that
AR: 13 MOVEMENT: +2 occur for the thrill seekers and gamblers of Nimbus City. They
claim to guard areas of lower-income sections of Nimbus City,
MR: 8 and then charge ludicrous taxes for said protection.

ACC: +0 Suggested Encounter Level: 3+


2h Battle Hammer: 3d6 if Strength below 5, 3d8

if Strength is 5


Triple Actions- This NPC may have 3 actions per

turn instead of 2.


Juggernaut (Veteran)

HP: 40 INITIATIVE: +0 Lore: The Juggernaut Gang is known for their preference in
melee weapons, as well as undergrounds street brawls that
AR: 15 MOVEMENT: +4 occur for the thrill seekers and gamblers of Nimbus City. They
claim to guard areas of lower-income sections of Nimbus City,
MR: 5 and then charge ludicrous taxes for said protection.

ACC: +4 Suggested Encounter Level: 6+


2h Enhanced Battle Hammer: 3d8 if Strength below

5, 3d10 if Strength is 5


Triple Actions- This NPC may have 3 actions per

turn instead of 2.


Borus the Brutalizer (Juggernaut Leader)

HP: 150 INITIATIVE: +0 Lore: Borus the Brutalizer is an absolute powerhouse of a

person. They are said to be the failed experiment of a secret
AR: 20 MOVEMENT: +0 organization with in Nimbus City, which would explain their
terribly large size. They stand about 8 feet tall, and weighs 500
MR: 10 pounds. They have long, flowing brown hair, and have
CogWare implanted all across their body.
ACC: +7
Borus is known to be a frontline-unit in battles against rival
WEAPONS: gangs and the Nimbus City police organizations. They have
claimed the lives of many allies of the state, and takes pride in
Iron Fist: 5d10, crits on natural rolls of 18 and them, as on their massive club that resembles a giant fist, they
higher, once per combat can deal damage in a tally each life taken by their weapon.
Short-Range line that hits all in its path
Suggested Encounter Level: 9+

Triple Actions- This NPC may have 3 actions per

turn instead of 2.

Trample- Can pass through any unit and obstacle,

Deals 1d8 damage to those they pass through, can
only deal damage once to each player every action.


Baneblood (Newbie)

HP: 8 INITIATIVE: +2 Lore: The Banebloods are the scourge of the TATC, and have
vowed to steal and harass their airships that only deliver to the
AR: 8 MOVEMENT: +0 more fortuitous section of Nimbus City. What used to be a
valiant group of swashbuckling heroes became a group of
MR: 20 greedy thieves who sell their goods to the Talon Syndicate. They
do not have the best armor or vitality out of the other gangs,
ACC: +4 but they do know how to use their weapons well as combat is an
everyday occurrence in the life of a Baneblood.
Suggested Encounter Level: 1+
Abe’s Powder Pistol (1h, 2h for +2 ACC): 1d8, 1 Shot,
2 actions to reload

Baneblood Cutlass: 1d6, +2 ACC to hit with this




Baneblood (Deckhand)

HP: 15 INITIATIVE: +4 Lore: The Banebloods are the scourge of the TATC, and have
vowed to steal and harass their airships that only deliver to the
AR: 10 MOVEMENT: +0 more fortuitous section of Nimbus City. What used to be a
valiant group of swashbuckling heroes became a group of
MR: 22 greedy thieves who sell their goods to the Talon Syndicate. They
do not have the best armor or vitality out of the other gangs,
ACC: +7 but they do know how to use their weapons well as combat is an
everyday occurrence in the life of a Baneblood.
Suggested Encounter Level: 3+
Derrik’s Dusta Shotgun (2h, -6 ACC, , -4 ACC
for each tile when 5 or more tiles away): 2d8, 4

Enhanced Baneblood Cutlass: 1d8, +3 ACC to hit

with this weapon


Rally Arms- If there are 3 or more allies of this

NPC in a 5x5 radius, add +2 to ACC and +2 to AR
when in the radius


Baneblood (Swashbuckler)

HP: 20 INITIATIVE: +8 Lore: The Banebloods are the scourge of the TATC, and have
vowed to steal and harass their airships that only deliver to the
AR: 12 MOVEMENT: +0 more fortuitous section of Nimbus City. What used to be a
valiant group of swashbuckling heroes became a group of
MR: 26 greedy thieves who sell their goods to the Talon Syndicate. They
do not have the best armor or vitality out of the other gangs,
ACC: +10 but they do know how to use their weapons well as combat is an
everyday occurrence in the life of a Baneblood.
Suggested Encounter Level: 6+
Enchanced Derrik’s Dusta Shotgun (2h, -6 ACC
, -4 ACC for each tile when 5 or more tiles away):
3d8, 4 Shots

Enhanced Baneblood Cutlass: 2d6, +3 ACC to hit

with this weapon


Rally Arms- If there are 3 or more allies of this

NPC in a 5x5 radius, add +2 to ACC and +2 to AR
when in the radius


Captain Xavier Terrorbeard (Baneblood Leader)

HP: 90 INITIATIVE: +12 Lore: Xavier Terrorbeard is a plundering swashbuckler that

sails across the skies of Nimbus City to pillage and steal TATC
AR: 18 MOVEMENT: +0 and other companies' shipments for his own personal gain. He
wears an ornate coat of many medals of the Nimbus City and
MR: 34 TATC police departments, and wears a long, wide-brimmed hat
with a pair of golden goggles on near the brim.
ACC: +15
He is known to take no prisoners aboard his ship or others,
WEAPONS: leaving no enemy who gazes upon his patched eye and long,
black beard alive. He supplanted the previous leader of the
Devil's Fire (2h, -6 ACC, -4 ACC for each tile when Banebloods in a coup that left many dead and scarred. From
5 or more tiles away): 5d8, 4 Shots there, the Banebloods no longer fought for the lower income
people of Nimbus City, but rather for themselves.
Wind's Wrath (1h/2h Dual Weapon): 1h Sword
Form:2d8, +4 to hit. 2h Hammer Form: 4d10, -3 Suggested Encounter Level: 9+
to Hit ifStrength is below 5, 4d12 if Strength is 5


Rally Arms- If there are 3 or more allies of this

NPC in a 5x5 radius, add +2 to ACC and +2 to AR
when in the radius

Sailor's Chug: Can use an action to heal himself for

3d10 HP three times per battle.

Triple Actions- Has three actions per turn.


Automaton (Newcommer)

HP: 5 INITIATIVE: +2 Lore: The Banebloods are the scourge of the TATC, and have
vowed to steal and harass their airships that only deliver to the
AR: 12 MOVEMENT: +0 more fortuitous section of Nimbus City. What used to be a
valiant group of swashbuckling heroes became a group of
MR: 25 greedy thieves who sell their goods to the Talon Syndicate. They
do not have the best armor or vitality out of the other gangs,
ACC: +0 but they do know how to use their weapons well as combat is an
everyday occurrence in the life of a Baneblood.
Suggested Encounter Level: 3
Microtron Ray (SR Microwave Weapon, checks
with enemy MR instead of AR): 1d4, 4 Shots

Fists: 1d4


Rage: After first successful attack against this

NPC, increase ACC by +5.


Automaton (Experienced)

HP: 15 INITIATIVE: +5 Lore: The Banebloods are the scourge of the TATC, and have
vowed to steal and harass their airships that only deliver to the
AR: 17 MOVEMENT: +1 more fortuitous section of Nimbus City. What used to be a
valiant group of swashbuckling heroes became a group of
MR: 30 greedy thieves who sell their goods to the Talon Syndicate. They
do not have the best armor or vitality out of the other gangs,
ACC: +3 but they do know how to use their weapons well as combat is an
everyday occurrence in the life of a Baneblood.
Suggested Encounter Level: 3
Enhanced Microtron Ray (SR Microwave Weapon,
checks with enemy MR instead of AR): 1d6, 4 Shots

Fists: 1d6


Rage: After first successful attack against this

NPC, increase ACC by +5.


Automaton (Veteran)

HP: 20 INITIATIVE: +7 Lore: The Banebloods are the scourge of the TATC, and have
vowed to steal and harass their airships that only deliver to the
AR: 21 MOVEMENT: +2 more fortuitous section of Nimbus City. What used to be a
valiant group of swashbuckling heroes became a group of
MR: 35 greedy thieves who sell their goods to the Talon Syndicate. They
do not have the best armor or vitality out of the other gangs,
ACC: +5 but they do know how to use their weapons well as combat is an
everyday occurrence in the life of a Baneblood.
Suggested Encounter Level: 3
Enhanced Microtron Rifle (LR Microwave
Weapon, checks with enemy MR instead of AR):
1d12, 4 Shots

Fists: 1d10


Enhanced Rage: After first successful attack against this

NPC, increase ACC by +8.


Omega (Legendary NPC)

HP: 40 INITIATIVE: +10 Lore: Not much is known of Omega, the leader of the
Automatons. In the few times they have been visible to the
AR: 30 MOVEMENT: +4 public, they were large, slender, and use red claws that tear
enemies apart in combat. They have only appeared in conflicts
MR: 40 when the Automatons have protested, only to be met by police
abusing and killing the automatons.
ACC: +5
As the Automaton numbers grow, the hunt for Omega by the
WEAPONS: powers of the state grows.

Claws of Omega: 4d12, +5 ACC, crits on natural Suggested Encounter Level: 9+

rolls of 17 or higher


Legendary Rage: After first successful attack against

this NPC, increase ACC by +10

Triple Actions: Has three actions per turn.


Knight of Asgore (Initiate)

HP: 20 INITIATIVE: +0 Lore: The Knights of Asgore are a group of fanatical zealots
who claim that Nimbus City will ascend into the heavens if
AR: 7 MOVEMENT: +0 under control by the Knights of Asgore. They have splintered
into two groups: the ministers who simply preach the
MR: 15 prophecies of Primarch Asgore, and the Knights who defend
the streets from crime and seek to control certain areas of the
ACC: +2 city as "holy lands".

WEAPONS: They are generally harmless until provoked or if associated

with another gang or are an ally of the state. Listen to the
KoA Longsword: 1d8, +2 ACC if Dexterity is 3 or ministers if you choose, but stay away from the knights.
Suggested Encounter Level: 1+

Rally: Raises ACC by +1 for how many allies are

present in battle.


Knight of Asgore (Ally in Arms)

HP: 40 INITIATIVE: +0 Lore: The Knights of Asgore are a group of fanatical zealots
who claim that Nimbus City will ascend into the heavens if
AR: 10 MOVEMENT: +0 under control by the Knights of Asgore. They have splintered
into two groups: the ministers who simply preach the
MR: 15 prophecies of Primarch Asgore, and the Knights who defend
the streets from crime and seek to control certain areas of the
ACC: +4 city as "holy lands".

WEAPONS: They are generally harmless until provoked or if associated

with another gang or are an ally of the state. Listen to the
Enhanced KoA Longsword: 1d10, +3 ACC if ministers if you choose, but stay away from the knights.
Dexterity is 3 or higher
Suggested Encounter Level: 3+

Rally: Raises ACC by +1 for how many allies are

present in battle.

Double Strike: Can attack twice per attacking action.


Knight of Asgore (Anointed)

HP: 60 INITIATIVE: +10 Lore: The Knights of Asgore are a group of fanatical zealots
who claim that Nimbus City will ascend into the heavens if
AR: 14 MOVEMENT: +0 under control by the Knights of Asgore. They have splintered
into two groups: the ministers who simply preach the
MR: 10 prophecies of Primarch Asgore, and the Knights who defend
the streets from crime and seek to control certain areas of the
ACC: +6 city as "holy lands".

WEAPONS: They are generally harmless until provoked or if associated

with another gang or are an ally of the state. Listen to the
Anointed KoA Longsword: 2d8, +4 ACC if ministers if you choose, but stay away from the knights.
Dexterity is 3 or higher
Suggested Encounter Level: 6+

Rally: Raises ACC by +1 for how many allies are

present in battle.

Double Strike: Can attack twice per attacking action.



Character Sheet
Name: Level:

AR: MR: HP: Cash:

CogWare Equipped Weapons/Armor


World Stats
Amicability: Ment. Fort.:
Bartering: Perception: Fame: Street Cred.:
Dexterity: Persuasion:
Diplomacy: Phys. Fort.: Professionalism: Street Smarts:
History: Reflexes:
Intelligence: Shrpshoot.: Public Fear: Style:
Intimidation: Sneaking:
Investigation: Strength: Respect:
Melee Fighting: Willpower:

Backpack Transport/Residence


ACC- Accuracy. This is your hit chance. Affected by your Melee Fighting and Sharpshooting Traits, perks, and items.
AR- Attack Resistance. Allows physical attacks and projectiles to be deflected or dodged. Impacted by the Physical Fortitude Trait.
Actions- Actions can be movement, attacking, speaking, throwing, grappling, using an item, reloading, hacking, and sneaking (if
confused on what an action is besides what is listed, ask GM).
Advantage- When rolling with advantage, roll two die and choose the highest number.
BioTech- Synthetic additions to the body.
Check- A roll of a set die to determine the success or failure of an action.
CQC (Damage)- Damage dealt from no further than 1 tile (5 feet) away.
Computers- Laptops, desktops, cameras, consoles, lights, and other electrical machines.
D(4,6,8,10,12,20,100)- The number of sides on a set of dice (then, if preceded by a number, how many of those dice you will roll).
Death Save(s)- A 1d20 roll, using either you +'s or -'s in your Willpower trait, to survive after going unconscious. After every revival,
subtract -2 from your Death Save rolls until you have a long rest.
Disadvantage- When rolling with disadvantage, roll two die and choose the lowest number.
Explosive- Explosive-causing weapon (mines, bombs, launchers, grenades).
GM- Game Master. Someone who runs the game's plot, PC's, and succeeding/failing rolls.
Long-Range (Damage)- Damage dealt dealt from no further than 10 tiles (50 feet) away with a Sharpshooting weapon.
Long Rest- Regain 100% HP and any Perk Refills when taking a Long Rest (No shorter than 1hr, can become Short Rest if in an area
other than home/base)
Microwave Damage- Damage dealt to the brain by ways of microwave radiation. Is not a physical damage type.
MR- Mental Resistance. Allows hacking attempts and brainwave attacks to be deflected or dodged. Impacted by the Mental
Fortitude Trait.
NPC(s)- Non-playable character(s) (characters that are not players).
PC(s)- Playable Character(s).
Perk- An ability chosen at character creation or every 3 levels that increase your character's versatility. Gain 9 points to choose perks
when creating your character. Every 3 levels grants 5 more points.
React- Use this ability to react to an enemy's attack before it occurs.
Rigging- The act of damaging/manipulating machinery and CogWare. See the "How to Play" section for how Rigging works.
Short-Range (Damage)- Damage dealt from no further than 5 tiles (15 feet) away with a Sharpshooting weapon.
Short Rest- Regain 50% HP and any Perk refills when taking a Short Rest (no longer than 1hr)
Shots- Amount of shots before you take an action to reload.
Tesla- Electrical plasma focused in a beam/projectiles that can greatly injure targets.
Trait- Statistics for your character that impact the final number total of select rolls that coincide with said Traits. Gain 4 points to
any trait(s) when creating your character. Every level gained increases any selected Trait by +1.


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