Shannice Noel Ge Elect Module 1

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Name: Shannice D.

Noel BSFAS1B Date Submitted: September 26,2022

Subject: GE ELECT

Module 1 Lesson 1 - Agriculture and Forestry

Activity: List at least THREE (3) human activities that are related to agriculture and forestry.
1. Farming
2. Deforestation (converting forest lands into agricultural lands and industrial lands)
3. hunting
Analysis: From your given answers, pick ONE (1) activity and point out the advantages and
disadvantages of such activity to the environment.
Activity : Deforestation
1. It creates sustainable land for human use
2. It creates jobs ( because of industrial buildings created)
3. It gives us materials: lumbers from trees cut during deforestation can be turned into
wood products( furniture’s and papers)
4. May cause destruction of animals habitat and biodiversity
5. Flooding and landslide would most likely occur because here are no large trees to hold
the water
6. Land lost to desertification
7. Soil degradation and erosion
8. Changes the structure of our atmosphere and change of weather (climate change)

Application: Analyze the illustration below. Explain the relationship between agriculture and
climate change.
Poor agricultural practices like extensive farming and application of pesticides creates
the production of greenhouse gases and affect the quality of air. These practices affect climate
change. At the same time, climate change also affects agriculture through the changes in
temperature,precipitation,and wind patterns that greatly affects agricultural production.

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- Which of the following human activity that is NOT associated with Agriculture?
- The following are the direct effects of climate change to agriculture EXCEPT.
- How agriculture causes climate change?
- Which of the following activities could result to degradation and fragmentation?
- Which of the following is an example of natural cause of deforestation?

Module 1-Lesson 2 – Fishing and Hunting

Activity : Unscramble the words in Column A, write your answer in Column B and determine which
sector those words belong (Fishing or Hunting) and write your answer in Column C.

Column A Column B Column C

4. WATRSL TRAWLS fishing

Analysis: Fishing and hunting are common human activities. To what extent these activities start
causing damages to the environment? Analyze the images on Figure 1.1 and Figure 1.2 below to help you
expound your answer.

Figure 1.1 Overfishing

Overfishing reduces the abundance, spawning potential and population growth of fishes. Some
human activities like destructive fishing techniques and lack of selectivity may result to changes in the
productivity of resources, at the same time may cause damaged to the environment, especially the
fishing environment.

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Figure 1.2 Poaching
Poaching is the illegal hunting or capturing of animals, to the extent that it will lead to extinction
of animals. Hunting to extinction affects the natural environment, it will cause decline in the particular
animal or species, and also it disrupts migration and hibernation of animals. Smoke and litters from
hunters may negatively impact the environment and animals.

Application: You have learned that if fishing and hunting are both properly regulated, negative effects to
the environment can be avoided. Give at least (1) recommendation of what programs can be
implemented to control fishing and hunting activities.

Fishing: Encourage sustainable fishing

Hunting: Stop illegal animal trade and poaching

Assessment : Match Column A with Column B to show the cause and effect relationship of the items
below. Write only the letter of your answer.

Column A Column B
D 1. Hunting a. stable, mature and efficient ecosystem into one
that is immature and stressed
E 2. Poorly-managed large-scale mariculture b. More Emission of CO2
C 3. Overfishing c. Damaged coastal wetlands and nearshore
A 4. Pursuing Specific Species of Predators d. Extinction
B 5. Long distances rides of hunters e. Environmental Imbalance

Module 1 –Lesson 3 – Urban Industry

Activity : List at least 3 things you can describe in each of the following pictures. Write them on the
spaces provided.
A) – heavy traffic because of many public transportation everywhere
-tall buildings
- high population density
B) - infrastructure
- smoke coming from factory
- air pollution
Analysis: Based on what you’ve mentioned above, identify at least 1 advantage and 1 disadvantage of
each of those to the environment and explain why.

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A) Easy transport because of the availability of transportation everywhere

B) Create opportunities and jobs for people


A) overcrowding, pollution

B) pollution, high emission of smokes

Application: Now, it’s time you apply the concept you have learned. Analyze the pictures below. Describe
each one of them and extract the common message those images are telling you.

A) A world divided into two. Urbanization separates us from nature.

B) A world where tall buildings , towers, vehicles, and technology enhanced infrastructure and lesser
plants and animals seen.

C) Message. Urbanization brings us the comfort and opportunities we needed, from high infrastructures
to technology based equipment’s making our work less hassle and easier. However with this
improvement and comfort it brings us, separates us from natural spaces, our world is endangered, and
trees are lesser in numbers for it is turned into tall buildings.

Assessment: Instructions: Write positive is the statement is true and negative if not. Write your answer
on the space provided before the item

Negative 1. Urbanization is a result of industrial revolution that took place during 18th century.
Negative 2. In urban areas, people consume food, energy and durable goods as much as the
rural population. 21
Positive 3. Much energy is consume in urban areas since the population is greater than that of
the rural.
Negative 4. There is no direct evidence that urban areas affect the weather conditions in whole
Positive 5. The increase emission of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is attributed to
growing population in the rural areas.
Positive 6. Unstable urbanization may leads in the decrease of animal populations due to loss of
their habitat and food sources.
Positive 7. Urban cities generate large volumes of uncollected waste which pose health hazards.
Positive 8. Urbanization is necessary condition for modernization even at the expense of the
Negative 9. Upgrading energy use and alternative transportsystemsreduce air pollution.

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Negative 10.Population growth in the urban areas is an outbreak of unemployment caused by

Module 1- Lesson 4 – Water Use

Activity : Mention activities that pertains to the uses of water. Use the designated space below.

-taking a bath - hydroelectric power

- cooking food - cleaning fruits and vegetables

-drinking - fisheries

-washing clothes - boating

- watering plants - underwater diving

-recreation ( swimming)

Analysis : A. From your list of activities, classify them whether they belong to an in-stream use or to a
water withdrawal use.

In- Stream use Water Withdrawal use

-Recreation (swimming) -taking a bath

-Underwater diving -cooking food

-Boating -drinking

-Fisheries -washing of clothes and dishes

-watering plants

-hydroelectric power

-cleaning fruits and vegetables

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Application: A. Provide the possible hydrological impact of human activities to the environment. Use the
designated column for your answers.

Human Activities Hydrological Impacts in the Environment

1. Drilling of wells Wetland can dry up

2. Mass construction of houses, etc Emits large amounts of carbon dioxide that
causes pollution and produce waste that greatly
affects wildlife and freshwater turns polluted due
to waste thrown to riverbanks and even in

3. Urbanization of area completed by the addition Increased direct water discharges, reduce habitat
of more buildings quality in urban streams, increased irrigation,
increased leakage from sewers and septic system
from water supply infrastructure.

4. Drilling of deeper, large-capacity industrial Loss of hydraulic pressure may cause the ground
wells to collapse because the ground became dry.
Fueling climate change.

5. Increased use of water for air conditioning Decreased in water supply, water pollution

B. Give at least 5-sentence descriptions on how human hydrologic activities decrease long term water
security and availability.

The continuous rise of human population, increases the need to use water, decreasing water
levels due to human hydrologic activities. And when human’s population continue to expand, there is a
need to construct larger dams. Also, human activities pollutes the water, water security is now a
problem. Because our water is no longer safety or secure due to water pollutions coming from human
hydrologic activities. Our activities and the continuous rise of human population triggers the decrease in
water supply and availability.

Assessment: Instructions: Choose the letter of your answer Write your answer on the space provided
before the item number.

1. Which of the following will commence when fertilizers enter the surface water that leads to watershed


2. Close monitoring of the use of pesticides and herbicides is cautiously done due to its effect they can
have on the environment. Which of the following is a possible negative effect on the use of these
chemicals on the environment?


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3. Which of the following will be considered as endpoints of wastes products produced by agriculture,
households, industry, mining, and other human activities?


4. The movement of water through a man‐made water system shifs water from its withdrawal point to a
location where treated wastewater is discharged back to the environment. This reduces infiltration as
well as reduces low flows between the point of withdrawal and the point of discharge. All of the
following will generally occur out of these changes except one. Which is it?


5. When can an impact of water withdrawals become a serious concern to local water suppliers?


Module 1- Lesson 5- Energy and Transport

Activity: This activity will need your investigation skills…


1. Create a list of what you ate yesterday. Include the type of food and the amount of each type
of food that you intake.

2. Search for a daily dietary meal of a football player.

3. Search for a daily dietary meal of a body builder who is competing for Mr. Universe.

4. Convert the total individual food intake into the total calorie count. You can refer from the
table below.

5. Compare the three calorie intake.

6. Explain the relationship of calorie intake and the nature of work of each individual.

Total calorie intake Nature of work

1. me 1,200 calories Student

2. football player 1500-2000 calories Athlete

3. body builder 3,800 calories Athlete

Analysis - Afer the completion of the activity, answer the following questions:

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1. What is the significance of the nature of work to the total calorie intake?

- The more energy we consumer or use, the higher calorie intake we need. Calorie is the unit of
energy, to be able to perform our roles, we need energy. That is why for athletes, they need to eat or
consume higher calories than a normal person because they need more energy to move.

2.How does this activity depict the country’s use of energy?

- everyday people consume energy, from transportation , the food we eat, electricity, and many
more. Our county's energy consumption is increasing as population increases.

Application -Create a diagram that illustrates the relationship between population, energy consumption,
use of transportation and environment.

-Make a brief and concise explanation of your diagram.

-Suggest a practical way to mitigate the negative impact of energy use and transportation.



- Population consumes energy through the use of transpy, also we cannot use transportation without the
use of enery, both humans and transportation consumes energy. And too much use of this energy will
greatly affect our environment.

- in order to mitigate the negative impact of energy use and transportation to our environment, we can
start lessen the use of electricity for it consumes a lot of energy, try also walking or using bikes instead of
motor-powered engines or cars. In this way, we cannot just help consume energy but also protect our

Assessment: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. The form of energy that is mainly responsible of global warming.


2. Water quality can be deteriorated by the following EXCEPT.


3. Which of the following is considered to be the cleanest energy?

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4. What is considered to be the life of Philippine transportation?


5. Which energy is the most practical to use as of today?


Essay: The following needs your brief and concise answer. Question: How does transportation destroys
us when in fact it practically accelerates the country’s development?

Our world is developing, part of the improvement of our community, we can see cars
everywhere and many types of transportation: land, water and air transportation. It makes our
daily life a lot easier. We get to our destination faster. We could go any places we want, no
matter how many miles it is. It makes our life convenient. However, as our population continue
to rise, the need for transportation also rises. As people needs to use transportation, many cars
and other form of vehicles are produced, making streets crowded and full of vehicles. And
because too many vehicles needs a lot more spaces, we need to expand our roads, create
bypass, brigdes and railroads.

Smokes from vehicles can cause degradation of air quality, carbon dioxide emissions
increased the threat of global climate change, noise from vehicles, air pollution and noise
pollution that greatly affects all living things, both humans and animals, and also, the
construction of roads, trees where cut off, causing animals to loss their habitats, also because
there are a lot of cars, drainage systems are ofen blocked that can cause to water pollution.

Transportation may help us accelerate and develop, however, our nature is at risks, and the
negative effects it brought us destroys us.

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