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Table 1

Respondents’ Profile
n = 74

Profiles Frequency Percentage

Nature of Business
Merchandising 21 28.38%
Manufacturing 6 8.11%
Product/Service 34 45.95%
Mixed 13 17.57%
Form of Business Organization
Sole Proprietorship 56 75.68%
Partnership 8 10.81%
Corporation 10 13.51%
Number of Years of Operation
44 and above 2 2.70%
33-43 4 5.41%
22-32 10 13.51%
11-21 16 21.62%
2-10 42 56.76%
Number of Employees
13 and above 6 8.11%
9-12 14 18.92%
5-8 16 21.62%
1-4 38 51.35%
Monthly Income
170,000 and above 3 4.05%
130,000-169,000 5 6.76%
90,000-129,000 10 13.51%
50,000-89,000 14 18.92%
10,000-49,000 42 56.76%

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