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Mahammad Nabizade

F.Malikov 2V | Baku, Azerbaijan | +994 (70)-532-27-67 |

Dear Hiring Manager,

By writing this letter, I wish to apply and state my passion to be a part of the internship
program for geophysics engineering students offered by Azercosmos. To be more specific, I
would like to work on “ Creating a geographical database of Kalbajar city in terms of
geological structure ”.

During the past four years, I have always been eager to learn and develop new skills in order
to invest in my future. Besides the university lessons, I have worked voluntarily in several
youth-run organisations , such as SEG and AIESEC Azerbaijan. Furthermore, throughout my
professional experience and self-study, I improved my knowledge in data analysis as well as
software development fields. As a result of hard work and high dedication, in the summer of
2021, I was the only selected student from more than 1500 applicants to do an internship at
BP - one of the world's leading international oil and gas companies. As a senior year student,
having an opportunity to work in a multicultural environment and being able to witness how
industry functions was a crucial milestone in my professional life. Moreover, in the summer
of 2021, I was awarded with the scholarship of the Ministry of Digital Development and
Transport of the Republic of Azerbaijan to be a part of software engineering bootcamp on the
government basis.

Taking into account my past experiences, both academic and technical background, I decided
to find a career path where I can apply my data science knowledge to the earth sciences, that
is why this internship program can be the best choice for me. I have worked with graph
modelling tools such as NEO4j and Linkurious, databases like MySQL, Cosmos and
PostgreSQL and several data visualisation libraries/softwares. I strongly believe that my
digital skills are diverse thereby I can easily adapt to any other kind of software tool during
the internship period in terms of the given task. I’m aware that digital innovation is at the
core of your projects and taking part in any of such projects can enhance my knowledge in
many aspects.

Thank you for considering my application. I hope to be among the selected applicants and
realise my full potential.

Yours sincerely,

Mahammad Nabizade

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