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Presented by Mahammad Nabizade
Company : BP

Mahammad Nabizade job interview for

data analyst role
How would you describe yourself ?
(Soft skills)
I'm a result oriented individual who is always eager to
learn and looking for newopportunities to develop

My core strength is adaptability and communication.

Since I have worked in diverse and multicultural

kind of
environments till now, I can easily adapt to any
professional environment easily

According to my investigations about your

company, I can say that BP is called "Agile
pioneer" of energy industry. That is why my
agile working principles and experience will
fit your company's values and goals
How would you describe yourself ?
(Hard skills)
It has been rough four years, since I'm into tech industry and during that
period of time I have developed strong skills in software programming as
well as data science.

I have done two internships in that field till now. I'm already aware that

how professional companies "function" and how the companies use data
in decision making process

I have worked with several data visualisation libraries such as "matplotlib" and
"seaborn" as well as the leading visualisation and reporting tool of the industry -
PowerBI - Which BP also uses in all engineering departments. Besides I have solid
knowledge on full stack software programming, mainly on python and javascript
which I believe distinguishes me from other candidates since in the requirements
it was written that, programming knowledge will be considered as a plus.
Why are you interested in this internship program ?

Since the very beginning of my university years I'm following your company's
vacancies as well as requirements for vacant places. Now I strongly believe
that, after high dedication my qualifications make me a strong candidate. I'm
interested in this program because, BP is one of the leading companies in the
energy industry.

After investigating the company's website I came across with the news that
BP is reinventing and rebranding itself with a goal of " no CO2 " till 2030.
Especially this news triggered my interest for your company. Doing an
internship in such an innovative company would significantly contribute to
my competences. Being a part of this transformation can be considered as a
crucial milestone of young engineer.
Have you ever had a deadline you were not able to meet? (STAR)
Working with deadlines is an important skill of today's life. Especially if
you want to work in a big company, this skill has to be developed in
order to be a successfull employee of your organization.

I remember that, recently I had to prepare for my final exams as well as

I'm senior year
collect my documents for universities abroad. Since
student studying abroad was one of my main goals but on the other
hand my grades were very important for my transcript

In order to keep pace with all those deadlines I started to create a to do

list with the help of an application. Thanks to that app , I started to write
down all things in the morning and I could submit all my documents in
time as well as passed all the exams after big efforts
Describe a goal you set and reached (STAR)
Goals are very important in our lives because we have to set our goals
and reach them afterwards in order to satisfy ourselves mentally

As a young individual, I have set many goals and I failed to reach some of
them but last year I reached my ultimate goal - I got French diploma for
B2 level. It was a big challange because my time was
limited but with a
self-discipline I could succeed to get the diploma after 10 months of
intensive preparation. I wrote down my schedule and I sticked it on the
wall. Every-time I entered my room , I saw that paper and I remembered
my goal to reach

As a result, I learnt how important the writing your goals is.

Describe a time you had a conflict and how you dealt with it.
I had this problem in my first year of university. We had a project, which
we then had to present to the whole group. And we had to work on this
project as a team. We had a problem organizing the presentation. we
weren't sure which part we should include and which should be avoided

in the group and everyone
and a conflict started and we were 5 people
had a different attitude towards this issue. And I understand that if we
continue in the same spirit, we will not be able to do anything. So I
thought it would be better to discuss this with our teacher. Everyone
agreed with this idea and the teacher showed us how to work on our
presentation and we later got a good grade for this project.
Thank you for your attention

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