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A difficult labor—dystocia—can arise from any of the four

main components of the labor process: (a) the power, or the

force that propels the fetus (uterine contractions); (b) the Uncoordinated Contractions
passenger (the fetus); (c) the passageway (the birth canal); Uncoordinated contractions can occur so closely together
or (d) the psyche (the woman’s and family’s perception of that they can interfere with the blood supply to the placenta.
the event) Because they occur so erratically, such as one on top of
another and then a long period without any, it may be
Inertia is a time-honored term to denote sluggishness of difficult for a woman to rest between contractions or to
contractions, or that the force of labor, is less than usual. A breathe effectively with contractions.
more current term is dysfunctional labor
Dysfunction at the First Stage of Labor
Dysfunction can occur at any point in labor, but it is Prolonged Latent Phase
generally classified as primary (i.e., occurring at the onset When contractions become ineffective during the first stage
of labor) or secondary (i.e., occurring later in labor). The of labor, a prolonged latent phase can develop.
risk of maternal postpartal infection, hemorrhage, and infant A prolonged latent phase, as defined by Friedman (1978), is
mortality is higher in women who have a prolonged labor a latent phase that lasts longer than 20 hours in a nullipara
than in those who do not. or 14 hours in a multipara
Common Causes of Dysfunctional Labor Protracted Active Phase
• Primigravida status A protracted active phase is usually associated with fetal
• Pelvic bone contraction that has narrowed the pelvic malposition or cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD) (the
diameter so a fetus cannot pass (cephalopelvic disproportion diameter of the fetal head is larger than the woman’s pelvic
[CPD]) such as could occur in a woman with rickets diameters),
• Posterior rather than anterior fetal position or extension This phase is prolonged if cervical dilatation does not occur
rather than flexion of the fetal head at a rate of at least 1.2 cm/hr in a nullipara or 1.5 cm/hr in a
• Failure of the uterine muscle to contract properly or multipara, or if the active phase lasts longer than 12 hours
overdistention of the uterus, as with a multiple pregnancy, in a primigravida or 6 hours in a multigravida
polyhydramnios, or an excessively oversized fetus
• A nonripe cervix Prolonged Deceleration Phase A deceleration phase has
• Presence of a full rectum or urinary bladder that impedes become prolonged when it extends beyond 3 hours in a
fetal descent nullipara or 1 hour in a multipara. A prolonged deceleration
• A woman becoming exhausted from labor phase most often results from abnormal fetal head position.
• Inappropriate use of analgesia (excessive or too early
administration) Secondary Arrest of Dilatation
A secondary arrest of dilatation has occurred if there is no
INEFFECTIVE UTERINE FORCE progress in cervical dilatation for longer than 2 hours.
Uterine contractions are the basic force that moves the fetus Again, cesarean birth may be necessary
through the birth canal.
Dysfunction at the Second Stage of Labor
Hypotonic Contractions Prolonged Descent
the number of contractions is unusually infrequent (not Prolonged descent of the fetus occurs if the rate of descent
more than two or three occurring in a 10- minute period). is less than 1.0 cm/hr in a nullipara or 2.0 cm/hr in a
The resting tone of the uterus remains less than 10 mmHg, multipara. It can be suspected if the second stage lasts over
and the strength of contractions does not rise above 25 2 hours in a multipara
Arrest of Descent
Hypertonic Contractions Arrest of descent results when no descent has occurred for 2
Hypertonic uterine contractions are marked by an increase hours in a nullipara or 1 hour in a multipara. Failure of
in resting tone to more than 15 mmHg descent occurs when expected descent of the fetus does not
danger of hypertonic contractions is that the lack of begin or engagement or movement beyond 0 station does
relaxation between contractions may not allow optimal not occur. The most likely cause for arrest of descent during
uterine artery filling; this can lead to fetal anoxia early in
the latent phase of labor the second stage is CPD.

Precipitate dilatation is cervical dilatation that occurs at a For administration, oxytocin (Pitocin) is commonly mixed
rate of 5 cm or more per hour in a primipara or 10 cm or in the proportion of 10 International Units in 1,000 ml of
more per hour in a multipara. Ringer’s lactate.
Precipitate birth occurs when uterine contractions are so
strong a woman gives birth with only a few, rapidly Augmentation by Oxytocin
occurring contractions, often defined as a labor that is Augmentation of labor may be used if labor contractions
completed in fewer than 3 hours begin spontaneously but then become weak, irregular, or
precipitate labor can be predicted from a labor graph if, ineffective (i.e., hypotonic)
during the active phase of dilatation, the rate is greater than
5 cm/hr (1 cm every 12 minutes) in a nullipara or 10 cm/hr UTERINE RUPTURE
(1 cm every 6 minutes) in a multipara. Rupture of the uterus during labor, although rare, is always
a possibility. It occurs most often in women who have a
INDUCTION AND AUGMENTATION OF LABOR previous cesarean scar. Contributing factors may include
When labor contractions are ineffective, several prolonged labor, abnormal presentation, multiple gestation,
interventions, such as induction and augmentation of labor unwise use of oxytocin, obstructed labor, and traumatic
with oxytocin or amniotomy (artificial rupture of the maneuvers of forceps or traction. When uterine rupture
membranes), may be initiated to strengthen them occurs, fetal death will follow unless immediate cesarean
Induction of labor means labor is started artificially. birth can be accomplished.
Augmentation of labor refers to assisting labor that has
started spontaneously but is not effective INVERSION OF THE UTERUS
Uterine inversion refers to the uterus turning inside out with
At one time, induction could be completed if a fetus was either birth of the fetus or delivery of the placenta. It is a
proven to have adequate lung surfactant by amniocentesis at rare phenomenon, occurring in about 1 in 20,000 births
term but less than 39. It may occur if traction is applied to the umbilical cord to
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists remove the placenta or if pressure is applied to the uterine
(ACOG) has issued a statement (ACOG, 2013) indicating fundus when the uterus is not contracted. It may also occur
that fetal lung maturity should not be used and inductions if the placenta is attached at the fundus so that, during birth,
should be avoided until 39 weeks unless medically the passage of the fetus pulls the fundus downward
indicated. Conditions that might make induction necessary
before that time include preeclampsia, eclampsia, severe AMNIOTIC FLUID EMBOLISM
hypertension, diabetes, Rh sensitization, prolonged rupture Amniotic fluid embolism occurs when amniotic fluid is
of the membranes, and intrauterine growth restriction forced into an open maternal uterine blood sinus after a
membrane rupture or partial premature separation of the
Cervical Ripening placenta
Cervical ripening, or a change in the cervical consistency
from firm to soft, is the first change of the uterus in early Problems With the Passenger
labor because, until this has happened, dilatation and complications may arise if an infant is immature or preterm
coordination of uterine contractions will not occur. or if the maternal pelvis is so undersized that its diameters
are smaller than the fetal skull, such as occurs in early
adolescence or in women with altered bone growth from a
disease such as rickets. It also can occur if the umbilical
cord prolapses, if more than one fetus is present, or if a
fetus is malpositioned or too large for the birth canal.


n umbilical cord prolapse, a loop of the umbilical cord slips
down in front of the presenting fetal part. Prolapse may
occur at any time after the membranes rupture if the
Induction of Labor by Oxytocin presenting fetal part is not fitted firmly into the cervix.
After a cervix is “ripe,” administration of oxytocin (a
synthetic form of naturally occurring pituitary hormone) can Management is aimed, therefore, at relieving pressure on
be used to initiate labor contractions if a pregnancy is at the cord, thereby relieving the compression and the
term resulting fetal anoxia. This may be done by placing a gloved
danger of hyperstimulation is that a fetus needs 60 to 90 hand in the vagina and manually elevating the fetal head off
seconds between contractions in order to receive adequate the cord, or by placing the woman in a knee–chest or
oxygenation from placenta blood vessels Trendelenburg position, to cause the fetal head to fall back
from the cord.
Amnioinfusion Inlet contraction
Amnioinfusion is the addition of a sterile fluid into the is narrowing of the anteroposterior diameter of the pelvis to
uterus to supplement the amniotic fluid and reduce less than 11 cm, or of the transverse diameter to 12 cm or
compression on the cord. less. It usually is caused by rickets in early life or by an
amnioinfusion is used for only a short time until the cervix inherited small pelvis.
is fully dilated or a cesarean birth can be arranged
PROBLEMS WITH FETAL POSITION, Outlet contraction is a narrowing of the transverse
PRESENTATION, OR SIZE diameter, the distance between the ischial tuberosities at the
Occipitoposterior Position outlet, to less than 11 cm.
occiput (assuming the presentation is vertex) is directed
diagonally and posteriorly, either to the right (right TRIAL LABOR
occipitoposterior [ROP]) or to the left (left occipitoposterior If a woman has a borderline (just adequate) inlet
[LOP]). In these positions, during internal rotation, the fetal measurement and the fetal lie and position are good, her
head must rotate not through a 90-degree arc. primary care provider may allow her a “trial” labor to
determine whether labor will progress normally.
Face Presentation
A fetal head presenting at a different angle than expected is External cephalic version is the turning of a fetus from a
termed asynclitism. Face and brow presentations are breech to a cephalic position before birth. It may be done as
examples. Face (chin, or mentum) presentation is rare, but early as 34 to 35 weeks, although the usual time is by 37 to
when it does occur, the head diameter the fetus presents to 38 weeks of pregnancy
the pelvis is often too large for birth to proceed.
Brow Presentation 3rd stage of labor.
A brow presentation is the rarest of the presentations. It The placenta and cord are always examined for the presence
occurs in a multipara or a woman with relaxed abdominal of anomalies after birth. The normal placenta weighs
muscles. approximately 500 g and is 15 to 20 cm in diameter and 1.5
to 3.0 cm thick. Its weight is approximately one sixth that of
Transverse Lie the fetus
Transverse lie occurs in women with pendulous abdomens,
with uterine fibroid tumors that obstruct the lower uterine Placenta Succenturiata
segment, with contraction of the pelvic brim, with A placenta succenturiata is a placenta that has one or more
congenital abnormalities of the uterus, or with accessory lobes connected to the main placenta by blood
polyhydramnios. vessels. No fetal abnormality is associated with this type

Oversized Fetus (Macrosomia) Placenta Circumvallata

Size may become a problem in a fetus who weighs more Ordinarily, the chorion membrane begins at the edge of the
than 4,000 to 4,500 g.,(approximately 9 to 10 lb). Babies of placenta and spreads to envelop the fetus; no chorion covers
this size complicate up to 10% of all births and are most the fetal side of the placenta. In placenta circumvallata, the
frequently born to women who enter pregnancy with fetal side of the placenta is covered to some extent with
diabetes or who develop gestational diabetes chorion.
(In placenta marginata, the fold of chorion reaches just to
Shoulder Dystocia the edge of the placenta.)
Shoulder dystocia is a birth problem that is increasing in
incidence because the weight and therefore the size of Battledore Placenta
newborns is increasing..,shoulders are too broad to enter In a battledore placenta, the cord is inserted marginally
and be born through the pelvic outlet. rather than centrally. This anomaly is rare and has no known
Shoulder dystocia is most apt to occur in women with clinical significance either.
diabetes, in multiparas, and in postdate pregnancies.
Velamentous Insertion of the Cord
Fetal Anomalies Velamentous insertion of the cord is a situation in which the
Fetal anomalies of the head such as hydrocephalus (i.e., cord, instead of entering the placenta directly, separates into
fluid-filled ventricles) or anencephaly (i.e., absence of the small vessels that reach the placenta by spreading across a
cranium) are a final category of fetal factors that can fold of amnion
complicate birth because the fetal presenting part does not
engage the cervix well. Vasa Previa
In vasa previa, the umbilical vessels of a velamentous cord
INLET CONTRACTION insertion cross the cervical os and therefore deliver before
the fetus. The vessels may tear with cervical dilatation, just
as a placenta previa may tear.

Placenta Accreta
Placenta accreta is an unusually deep attachment of the
placenta to the uterine myometrium, so deep that the
placenta will not loosen and deliver


Two-Vessel Cord
A normal cord contains one vein and two arteries. The
absence of one of the umbilical arteries is associated with
congenital heart and kidney anomalies because the insult
that caused the loss of the vessel may have also affected
other mesoderm germ layer structures.

Unusual Cord Length

Although the length of the umbilical cord rarely varies,
some abnormal lengths may occur. An unusually short
umbilical cord can result in premature separation of the
placenta or an abnormal fetal lie. An unusually long cord
may be easily compromised because of its tendency to twist
or knot

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