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★ the only part of the EM OF VISIBLE LIGHT

spectrum visible to the human
eye. a. enables us to see things around
us. it also gives light to the
visible light spectrum screen of most electronic
➢ when white light passes through devices.
a prism, it is separated into its
constituent colors: the red, b. artificial lights
orange, yellow, green, blue, ★ artificial lights like flashlight,
indigo and violet. these colors
do not distinctly separate but lamp etc. are any light source
they continuously change from that produce light instead of
red to violet. red has the longest natural lights produced by the
wavelength from among these sun.
colors and violet has the
shortest. c. optical fibers
★ one use of optical fibers in
medicine is endoscope, a
flexible tube with a tiny camera
that is used to observe the
internal parts of the body.

★ lies just beyond the violet end of
the visible spectrum.
★ reach us with the sun as its
main source.


a. production of vitamin D in our

★ ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation in
sunlight interact with a protein
(7-DHC) in the skin, converting
it into vitamin D3, the active
form of vitamin D, which is
essential for maintaining healthy
bones and teeth.

b. security markings
★ sensitive documents such as
credit cards, banknotes, and
passports include a UV
watermark that is only seen c. airport security scanner
under UV emitting light. ★ the short wavelength X-rays can
penetrate through metals which
c. sterilization of water can be used in airport security
★ ultraviolet light disinfection is scanner.
one water treatment system that
can be used to remove most GAMMA RAYS
forms of microbiological ★ are shortest in wavelength and
contamination from water. highest in frequency.
★ are emitted by stars and some
d. fluorescence radioactive substances.
★ some washing powder contains
fluorescent chemicals which PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS
glow in sunlight. This makes
your shirt look whiter than white
in daylight.
a. radiotherapy
★ gamma rays are used to treat
X-RAY tumors and cancer through the
★ are emitted when fast moving process called radiotherapy. the
electrons hit a metal target. high-energy rays of gamma
★ are also called the “penetrating” destroys cancer cells in the
radiation. area where it is given.
★ discovered by Wilhelm Conrad
Roentgen in 1895. b. sterilization of surgical
PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS ★ gamma rays sterilize surgical
OF X-RAY instruments because they easily
penetrate through materials and
a. diagnosing bone fractures the energy they release kills
★ long wavelength x-rays can bacteria and other
penetrate the flesh but not the microorganisms.
bones. that's why it is used in
diagnosing bone fractures.

b. inspection of welded metal

★ radiographic testing (RT) is a
method of weld testing that
makes use of short wavelength
X-rays for faults.
EFFECTS OF EM absorb the radio wave and
RADIATION ON LIVING convert these into heat.
c. the frequency level determines
★ the effect of EM radiation
the depth of penetration into the
on organisms and
body. for example, using a cell
environment depends on
phone causes the ear and/or
how much energy it
head to get warm. warming up
carries. radiation can be
by this radiation is the most
non-ionizing and ionizing.
dangerous for the brain, eyes,
★ the division of
genitals, stomach, liver and
non-ionizing and ionizing
radiation occurs in the
ultraviolet region of the
d. there is no scientific proof that
EM spectrum.
RF non-ionizing radiation
increases the risk of cancer.
non-ionizing radiation
➔ a type of low-energy radiation in microwaves
that does not have enough a. microwave radiation (MW)
energy to remove an electron comes from microwave ovens,
from an atom or molecule. radar, transmission towers,
➔ radio waves, microwaves, satellite transmissions, the sun
infrared radiation, visible light and Cosmic Microwave
and low-energy ultraviolet rays Background (CMB) radiation.
are non-ionizing radiation.
b. microwaves excite the water
effects of non-ionizing molecules and cause them to
radiation vibrate, generating heat. atoms
and molecules can also emit
in radio waves and absorb MW radiation.
a. AM and FM radio broadcasts,
Wi-Fi signals, cell phones, c. overexposure to MW radiation
amateur radio, and television can cause cataracts and skin
use radio frequency (RF) burns.
waves. this type of non-ionizing
radiation is absorbed in infrared radiation
throughout the body. a. everything on Earth gives off
some amount of infrared (IR)
b. the effects of RF waves on the radiation. the human eye can’t
body are in terms of heat see most of the IR spectrum,
generation. exposure to but we can feel it as heat.
electromagnetic fields in this
frequency range can warm up b. about half of the total energy
exposed tissues because these the sun gives off is in the form
of IR radiation, which we feel as in ultraviolet radiation
heat. in large amounts, this type a. ultraviolet radiation comes from
of radiation can damage the the sun, welding, black lights
eyes and even cause blindness. and UV lasers. the sun emits
UVA, UVB and UVC rays. UVC
c. IR radiation from the sun is rays are absorbed by the ozone
normally absorbed by the layer and never actually reach
Earth’s surface and the clouds, the Earth.
then released as heat into the
atmosphere. ★ ultraviolet A (UVA) has a longer
wavelength. it is associated with
d. when the atmosphere has a lot skin aging.
of water vapor, along with ★ ultraviolet B (UVB) has a
nitrogen, sulfur and shorter wavelength. it is
fluorocarbons, the IR radiation associated with skin burning.
gets trapped and causes the
atmospheric temperature to b. both UVA and UVB light are
rise. this is called the important for humans in the
greenhouse effect. temperature production of Vitamin D.
increases like this cause however, the effects of
changes in the weather patterns overexposure to UV rays can be
on Earth and lead to climate negative and can be immediate
change. or delayed. Sunburn, skin
cancer and cataracts develop
in visible light over time with excessive
a. the visible light portion of the exposure.
electromagnetic spectrum can
be seen by humans, animals ionizing radiation
and other organisms. this type ➔ a form of energy that acts by
of light consists of seven colors: removing electrons from atoms
red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and molecules of materials that
indigo and violet. include air, water, and living
b. when all the colors are present ➔ ionizing radiation can travel
at one time, the light is white. unseen and pass through these
c. rainbows are created when ➔ high-energy ultraviolet rays,
visible light passes through x-rays and gamma rays are
raindrops. the raindrops act like ionizing radiation.
a prism and break the light
down into its individual colors. - ionizing radiation is a type of
energy released by atoms that
d. overexposure to visible light can
damage both the eyes and skin.
travels in the form of EM waves ➔ inside the body, however, they
(gamma or X-rays) or particles can be very harmful. If
(neutrons, beta or alpha). alpha-emitters are inhaled,
swallowed, or get into the body
radioactivity through a cut, the alpha
★ spontaneous disintegration of particles can damage sensitive
atoms and the excess energy living tissue.
emitted is a form of ionizing
radiation. ➢ the way these large, heavy
radionuclides particles cause damage makes
★ unstable elements which them more dangerous than
disintegrate and emit ionizing other types of radiation. the
radiation ionizations they cause are very
close together - they can
ALPHA RADIATION release all their energy in a few
➔ occurs when an atom cells. this results in more severe
undergoes radioactive decay, damage to cells and DNA.
giving off a particle (called an
alpha particle) consisting of two BETA RADIATION
protons and two neutrons ➔ the emission of a beta particle
(essentially the nucleus of a from the nucleus of an atom
helium-4 atom). ➔ beta radiation takes the form of
either an electron or a positron
(a particle with the size and
mass of an electron, but with a
positive charge) being emitted
from an atom.

★ the health effect from exposure

to alpha particles depends
greatly on how a person is
★ some beta particles are capable
➔ alpha particles lack the energy of penetrating the skin and
to penetrate even the outer causing damage such as skin
layer of skin, so exposure to the burns.
outside of the body is not a
major concern. ★ though it is more penetrating
than alpha particle, beta
particles are less damaging to ★ thus, a more severe hazard of
living tissue and DNA. neutron radiation, is
neutron activation
★ however, as with alpha-emitters, - the ability of neutron
beta-emitters are most radiation to induce
hazardous when they are radioactivity in most
inhaled or swallowed. substances it
encounters, including
NEUTRON RADIATION bodily tissues.
➔ neutron radiation consists of a
free neutron, usually emitted as ★ it is also a problem in nuclear
a result of spontaneous or fission and nuclear fusion
induced nuclear fission. installations as it gradually
➔ able to travel hundreds or even renders the equipment
thousands of meters in air, they radioactive such that eventually
are however able to be it must be replaced and
effectively stopped if blocked by disposed of as low-level
a hydrogen-rich material, such radioactive waste.
as concrete or water.
➔ gamma radiation does not
consist of any particles, instead
consisting of a photon of energy
being emitted from an unstable
➔ having no mass or charge,
gamma radiation can travel
much farther through air than
alpha or beta, losing (on
★ not typically able to ionize an
average) half its energy for
atom directly due to their lack of
every 500 feet.
a charge, neutrons most
commonly are indirectly
ionizing, in that they are
absorbed into a stable atom,
thereby making it unstable and
more likely to emit off ionizing
radiation of another type.

★ neutrons are, in fact, the only

type of radiation that is able to
turn other materials radioactive.
★ the extremely high energy of of the body. this is the reason
gamma rays allows them to why frequent exposure to
penetrate just about anything. X-rays should be avoided. too
they even pass through bones much exposure to X-rays can
and teeth. this makes gamma damage body tissues and can
rays very dangerous. they can cause cancer.
destroy living cells, produce ➔ while X-rays are linked to a
gene mutations, and cause slightly increased risk of cancer,
cancer. there is an extremely low risk of
short-term side effects.
X-RAY ➔ exposure to high radiation
➔ x-rays are similar to gamma levels can have a range of
radiation, with the primary effects, such as vomiting,
difference being that they bleeding, fainting, hair loss, and
originate from the electron the loss of skin and hair.
➔ this is generally caused by
energy changes in an electron,
such as moving from a higher
energy level to a lower one,
causing the excess energy to
be released.

★ x-rays can cause mutations in

our DNA and, therefore, might
lead to cancer later in life.
★ for this reason, X-rays are
classified as a carcinogen by
both the World Health
Organization (WHO) and the
United States government.

➔ all X-rays are dangerous

because they can damage
healthy living cells

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