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Current Issues in SUMMER 2004 ISSUE 3, VOLUME 8

Technology Management


Conflict In Project Teams:

Gaining The Benefits,
Avoiding The Costs
Pat Holahan and Ann Mooney The articles in this issue are related in
The management of project teams is a critical competency in today’s hi-tech organizations. Though
several ways. They both deal with impor-
the nature of projects varies greatly, one thing they all have in common is the importance of effective tant aspects of managing project teams.
decision making. Researchers have found that central to a project team’s ability to make effective Holahan and Mooney provide guidance on
decisions and achieve its goals is its ability to manage conflict. The problem is, however, that conflict how project teams can manage conflict to
is difficult to manage because it comes in two forms – constructive and destructive. In some instances, enhance decision outcomes and project
conflict enables teams to generate higher quality decisions, and a deeper understanding and com- performance. Dominick, Lechler and
mitment to the decisions reached. In other instances, conflict confers few of these benefits, and has Aronson shed light on interpersonal
been shown to degrade decision making and thwart the attainment of project goals. This article behaviors that contribute to effective
examines the paradoxical nature of conflict on team decision making and project team performance project leadership, providing guidelines
and provides guidance on how project teams can manage conflict to enhance decision outcomes for selecting and developing the leader-
and project performance. ship competencies of project managers.
The Paradoxical Effects of Conflict synthesize multiple perspectives into decisions Both articles derive from research con-
that are superior to any individual team mem- ducted by faculty of the Howe School of
Conflict can have paradoxical effects on deci- Technology Management. The research
ber’s perspectives. Destructive conflict occurs
sion making and project outcomes. Conflict studies were partially supported by
when team members engage in debates that
can improve teams’ decision quality, as well Alliance grants, and several SATM organi-
are emotional and personal in nature, such as
as their understanding of, and commitment to, zations provided data inputs.
power struggles and personal incompatibili-
decisions reached, which aids implementation.
ties. These debates create tension and As Holahan and Mooney point out, the
However, conflict can also degrade decision
animosity among team members, distracting effective management of project teams is
making when it distracts team members from
teams from the tasks to be accomplished. a critical competency today. The Alliance
the essential issues of the project. This para-
is pleased to acquaint our readers with
dox exists because of the nature of the conflict Thus, the prescription for resolving the afore-
some of the research at the Howe School
the team experiences. Specifically, conflict is mentioned paradox seems simple – teams
that is advancing knowledge in this
multi-dimensional, and exists in both construc- should stimulate constructive conflict but avoid
important area.
tive and destructive forms. Constructive conflict destructive conflict. The problem is, however,
occurs when team members debate differing that constructive and destructive conflict are Larry Gastwirt
perspectives about the tasks at hand. Such difficult to separate. Researchers have consis-
exchanges improve decision making because tently reported that teams who experience
they help team members better understand high levels of constructive conflict also tend to
issues surrounding the decision context and report high levels of destructive conflict.
Continued on next page
Conflict in Project Teams...
Continued from cover
Despite years of research in conflict, we doesn’t mean that project teams should benefit from clear goals, our research
know surprisingly very little about why con- expand in size merely to spark construc- suggests that some degree of uncertainty
structive and destructive conflict are so tive debate. Rather, our findings suggest with regard to goals might be good for
closely related, and more importantly, how that project teams should ensure they teams because it gives teams an oppor-
teams can gain the benefits of constructive have sufficient membership to handle tunity to evaluate the project more strate-
conflict while avoiding the costs of destruc- the scope and complexity of the tasks to gically and debate different ideas about
tive conflict. which they are assigned. its overall direction. In other words, goal
In the discussion that follows, we provide a uncertainty is likely to spark constructive
• Functional Diversity: Cross-functional
summary of our results from two years of debate among team members.
teams are created to encourage input
research that we conducted to address this from various areas of the organization. • Project-Based Rewards:
need for more guidance in conflict manage- We found cross-functional membership Organizations vary to the extent that
ment. We start by providing insight into to increase the cognitive diversity of the their performance management systems
team and project attributes that promote team. This resulted in team members explicitly recognize the performance of
constructive conflict. Next, we explore why developing and exchanging diverse teams (versus only recognizing individ-
constructive and destructive conflict are so opinions about how to accomplish tasks. ual contributions). We found that when
tightly connected. Finally, we identify In other words, functional diversity is project members’ rewards (e.g., raises,
prescriptions for how teams can experience another factor that helps teams experi- bonuses, advancement) were linked to
constructive conflict without the detrimental ence constructive debate. project performance, teams were more
effects of destructive conflict.
likely to experience constructive conflict.
• Team Tenure Diversity: The third
Promoting Constructive Conflict That is, team members were more
team attribute that we found related to
inclined to evaluate team decisions by
In an effort to understand how teams can constructive conflict is the degree of a
critically questioning team members’
stimulate constructive conflict, researchers team’s tenure diversity. When projects
perspectives and offering alternative
have sought to identify team and project are longer in duration, team members
courses of action to the decisions at
attributes related to conflict. Team attributes rotate on and off the project, resulting in
refer to the characteristics of the team and a team with members that have worked
its members (e.g., diversity). Project attrib- on the project for varying lengths of The Mutation from Constructive to
utes refer to the nature of the work or proj- time. We found that high tenure diversi- Destructive Conflict
ect to which a team is assigned. Below we ty promotes constructive conflict. It
Past research has shown that teams
discuss several team and project attributes seems that newer members bring a
reporting high levels of constructive conflict
related to conflict in project teams. freshness in perspective and experience
also report high levels of destructive conflict.
from other projects, which differ from
Team Attributes That Promote Constructive Unlike constructive conflict, destructive con-
but complement perspectives of incum-
Conflict. When exploring what affects the flict is emotionally-oriented and focused on
bent team members.
amount of constructive conflict experienced disagreements separate from the task at
by the team, the nature of the team itself Project Attributes That Promote Constructive hand, like power struggles and personal
plays an important role. Project teams differ Conflict. One way of viewing decision incompatibilities. Destructive conflict draws
across many attributes (e.g. size, composi- making in project teams is as an information the team away from the decision at hand,
tion, etc.) and these differences affect the processing activity. During decision making, leading to poorer decisions and ultimately
kind and degree of diversity embodied in information is exchanged, processed, and poorer performance. In short, the gains
the project team. Constructive conflict has acted upon. In this context, conflict (dissent) teams made by stimulating constructive
largely been found related to the extent to provides information. As the decision con- conflict can be altogether lost by the detri-
which a team embodies a diversity of per- text increases in terms of uncertainty and ments of destructive conflict.
spectives, knowledge, skills and abilities. complexity, so too does the requisite amount
We explored this phenomenon to better
Our research reveals three factors, related to and variety of information needed for deci-
understand why constructive and destructive
diversity, that encourage constructive sion making. Thus, the attributes of the
conflict tend to co-occur. Specifically, we
conflict: team’s project or task represent another
found strong support for a mutation effect.
group of determinants likely to impact the
• Team Size: Much has been written In fact, in most cases we found constructive
amount of conflict the team experiences. In
about the problems associated with conflict (debate) facilitated by factors such
our research, we found strong support for
large teams, such as the difficulty and as those identified above, tended to spark
two project factors in promoting constructive
costs of coordination. While we do not destructive conflict.
dispute these problems, our research
Past research has not looked directly at the
suggests one possible benefit of larger • Goal Uncertainty: Clear goals can
mechanisms by which these two sources of
teams -- they tend to experience more direct the attention, effort, and persist-
conflict are so closely connected. However,
constructive conflict. Of course, this ence of team members. Although teams
several explanations for why destructive con-

flict may indeed "result from" constructive believe that the diverse opinions and per- that the positive relationship between con-
conflict have been proposed. In our spectives offered by teammates are motivat- structive and destructive conflict is attenuat-
research we explored and found support for ed by task-related concerns and a desire to ed when behavioral integration is high.
three explanations. improve project performance, making it less Thus, when teams exhibit high levels of
likely that destructive conflict will occur. behavioral integration, constructive conflict
First, we explored the role of trust in the
is less likely to spiral into destructive conflict.
relation between constructive and destructive Second, we explored how contentious com-
conflict. Distrust among team members may munication affects the relation between These findings are important. First they
lead to misattributions of intent. These misat- constructive and destructive conflict. In the demonstrate that the strong relationship
tributions may, in turn, cause constructive process of constructive debate team mem- between constructive and destructive conflict
conflict to degrade into destructive conflict. bers may inadvertently use emotionally may be severed when conflict is well man-
When making decisions, team members harsh or contentious communication. Harsh aged. That is, project teams can realize the
interpret the behavior of other team mem- language is likely to be interpreted as disre- benefits of constructive conflict without incur-
bers. They infer intentions, appraise motiva- spect. When team members feel they are ring the costs of destructive conflict if an
appropriate basis of intragroup trust is
established, contentious styles of communi-
...project teams can realize the benefits of constructive cation are kept to a minimum, and the team
conflict without incurring the costs of exhibits a high degree of behavioral inte-
gration. Second, these findings offer an
destructive conflict if an appropriate basis of intragroup important caveat to those who advocate
trust is established, contentious styles of stimulating conflict as a means of decreas-
ing groupthink, increasing creativity, etc. As
communication are kept to a minimum, and the team the conflict research has shown, the stimula-
exhibits a high degree of behavioral integration. tion of constructive conflict runs a high risk
of unintentionally stimulating destructive
conflict, with all its associated negative
tions, and assess the accuracy of the argu- being treated in a disrespectful manner they consequences. However, these negative
ments made. When one person distrusts may, in turn invoke destructive conflict. consequences may be avoided if intrateam
another, that person may be more prone to Thus, the hurt feelings that result from poorly trust and behavioral integration are high,
attribute the other person’s ideas as having expressed constructive conflict may stimulate and contentious communication is low.
self-serving motives or hidden agendas. destructive conflict. Indeed we found that
when contentious communication was high, Conflict and Project Performance
Thus, it has been proposed that when one
high levels of constructive conflict were asso-
person distrusts another, that person will In our research, we found that conflict has a
ciated with high levels of destructive conflict.
tend to interpret ambiguous conflict behavior powerful, indirect effect on project perform-
However, a high level of constructive conflict
as sinister in intent and convey distrust ance. As in prior research, our research sup-
was not associated with a high level of
through his or her conduct. For example, ported that destructive conflict has an
destructive conflict when contentious commu-
when team members come from different adverse impact on decision outcomes and
nication was low. Thus, it appears that
functional backgrounds, they may not fully cognitive conflict has a positive impact on
when an emotionally harsh or contentious
trust one another’s expertise, knowledge, or decision outcomes (e.g. decision quality,
style of communication is used to express
technical language. As a result, they may commitment, and consensus). However, we
constructive conflicts, this may inadvertently
misconstrue each other’s motives as sinister also found evidence that decision outcomes
stimulate destructive conflict.
or as attempts to benefit their own functional are directly related to team performance.
areas. Moreover, perceiving that he or she Finally, the third mechanism we explored to That is, teams with high levels of destructive
is distrusted, the person whose behavior is explain the link between constructive and conflict made poorer quality decisions and
interpreted as sinister or self-serving tends to destructive conflict is that of behavioral inte- exhibited less commitment to these deci-
reciprocate that distrust leading to a spiral- gration. Behavioral integration is the extent sions. And, a lack of commitment to deci-
ing effect. Our research supports this con- to which the team engages in mutual and sions made and poorer quality decisions
tention. We found, when intra-team trust is collective interaction. Thus, a behaviorally was found to hinder the team’s ability to
low, high levels of constructive conflict are integrated team is one who shares informa- stay within schedule and achieve project
associated with high levels of destructive tion and resources, and feels collectively goals.
conflict. However, when intra-team trust is accountable for decisions and project out-
high, this relationship is attenuated. Thus, it comes. Or to put it more simply, a "behav- Destructive conflict detracts from the team’s
would appear that when team members trust iorally integrated" team exhibits a high ability to capitalize on the collective cogni-
each other, members are more likely to degree of teamness. Our research supports tive capabilities of the team. The hostile

Continued on page 4
Conflict in Project Teams...
Continued from page 3
climate that usually accompanies high levels team member turnover, goal uncertainty, led to positive outcomes. When team
of destructive conflict may indeed make cross-functional diversity, and project- member turnover is gradual and stag-
team members less receptive to the ideas of based rewards – were found to be asso- gered, newer team members will bring
other team members and therefore less able ciated with a high level of constructive fresh ideas and perspectives based on
to objectively assess new information provid- conflict. However, whether this conflict experiences elsewhere.
ed by other team members, compromising will have a beneficial or detrimental
decision quality and commitment. Moreover, effect on team decision making and per- Team Interaction
the high emotionality associated with formance will depend on how conflict is • Promote trust among team members.
destructive conflict distracts members from managed (specifically, behavioral inte- Develop and reinforce a high degree of
the task at hand, wasting time and creating gration, the level of intra-team trust, and openness and mutuality within the team.
inefficiencies in task performance. These communication norms). Hidden agendas and off-line deals can-
findings underscore the importance of teams not be part of how the team operates.
To manage conflict, teams must learn how to
avoiding destructive conflict.
promote constructive conflict without • Control contentious communication.
triggering destructive conflict. In conclusion, Establish constructive communication
Conclusions and Prescriptions for
following are several suggestions for gain- norms. Intimidation tactics, blaming,
Gaining the Benefits and Avoiding
ing the benefits of constructive conflict while harsh language, or humiliation should
the Costs of Conflict
avoiding the costs of destructive conflict. not be tolerated. Reinforce respectful
In brief, our results provide evidence for the communication that conveys a climate
following effects. Team Composition
of collaboration and mutual support.
• Constructive conflict can "mutate" into • Assemble a functionally diverse project
• Promote behavioral integration. Identify
destructive conflict. Thus, when we stim- team. Project teams that bring together
a collective goal to which the team’s
ulate the good kind of conflict, we may persons from different disciplines and
members hold themselves mutually
also inadvertently stimulate the bad kind functional areas have greater construc-
accountable, institute collaborative work
of conflict. tive diversity. Constructive diversity is a
methods, and reward the team based
key determinant of constructive conflict
• Destructive conflict has negative effects on its collective performance.
as this disparate expertise allows team
on team decision making and team per- members to tap a vast store of knowl- Team Rewards
formance (goal attainment and sched- edge and information.
ule). Thus, minimizing the incidence of • Reward project team members based
destructive conflict is key. • Allow for gradual, staggered turnover on the team’s performance as whole.
within the team. Project teams, especial- Team reward systems create a collective
• Under conditions of high trust, high ly those of longer duration, expand and goal and a sense of shared fate.
behavioral integration, and low con- shrink in size as members rotate on and Team rewards promote behavioral
tentious communication, the likelihood off the team. When confronted with integration. ■
of constructive conflict "mutating" into new issues, individuals tend to rely on
destructive conflict is less. past issue interpretations, particularly
• Several variables -- large team size, when the results of those experiences

About the Authors:

Patricia Holahan ( is an Associate Professor of Management at the Howe School of Technology
Management at Stevens Institute of Technology, where she teaches graduate courses in the management of technology, and
organizational design and theory. Her research interests focus on managing product development teams and implementing new
technology. Her work has been published in several leading academic journals. Pat holds a Ph.D. in organizational behavior
from Purdue University.

Ann C. Mooney ( is an Assistant Professor at the Wesley J. Howe School of Technology Management
at Stevens Institute of Technology. Her research interests center on conflict and strategic decision making. Ann received her
Ph.D. in Strategic Management and M.B.A. in Entrepreneurship from the University of Georgia, and is a C.P.A.

Understanding Sources of Uncertainty
in Project-Based work
Peter Dominick, Thomas Lechler and Zvi Aronson
For much of the twentieth century project management stressed procedural, mana- Transactional versus
gerial and operational functions that focus on coordinating and controlling inter- Transformational Leadership
nal and external resources. As a consequence, project managers and teams are The distinctions between transformational and trans-
typically focused on operational performance by meeting time, budget and techni- actional leadership are found in the component
behaviors used to influence others and the effects of
cal goals. These activities are essential but in recent years, issues like the rapid
the leader on others. In general, transactional leader-
rate of technological change and globalization have made today’s business ship behaviors focus on coping with task-related com-
environment more dynamic than ever. At the same time, cross-functional project- plexities. As a result, transactional leadership helps to
based work has proliferated. As a result, researchers and practitioners alike have establish order and provide consistency in achieving
increasingly stressed that the nature of project management must change as well. specific goals. Their focus is on process, (e.g. how
While efficiency and operational issues remain important, many (such as Aaron decisions are made, rather than what decisions are
made, as well as explicit and predetermined decision
Shenhar here at Stevens) argue that organizations can be more successful when
they encourage and empower their project managers to function as, "...strategic
This approach might also be characterized as prob-
leaders who take total responsibility for project business results."
lem-solving because issues (transactions) are dealt
with as they arise. In terms of project management,
This shift in role emphasis brings with it the need to more fully understand the
transactional leadership behaviors include behaviors
skills and behaviors that contribute to meeting the demands of project leadership. like: planning and controlling (e.g., the definition of a
Consider for instance the findings by one member of our research team, Tom detailed cost plan and schedule was provided by the
Lechler. In a study of 448 projects he found that traditional planning and control- project manager); information and procedural com-
ling activities were less predictive for the success of highly innovative projects. munication (e.g., the project manager clearly commu-
On the other hand, interpersonal activities like communication were much more nicated to the project members how to make the proj-
ect manager aware of problems); goal articulation
important determinants of successful outcomes. These results highlight the fact that
(e.g., project managers discussed the project goals
while project based work has always required using interpersonal influence to with the project team).
motivate people towards specific objectives, the importance of project managers
In contrast, transformational leadership behaviors are
demonstrating effective project leadership is growing.
about coping with, even inspiring change.
Transformational leaders motivate followers by height-
In light of this reality, our research has focused on developing a more complete ening their awareness of task outcomes, encouraging
understanding of how best to describe leader effectiveness in the context of project- them to transcend self-interests for the good of the
based work. Our approach applies one widely accepted model of leadership behav- team and activating higher order needs (e.g. needs
iors, transformational versus transactional leadership, to the project manager’s for esteem, personal fulfillment and achievement).
role. At the same time, due to the complex and dynamic nature of projects, we also Transformational leadership also implies a more posi-
tive personal connection between leaders and follow-
focus on identifying and describing key contextual factors and distinct project
ers. Followers feel trust, admiration, loyalty and
characteristics that more fully explain the relevance and impact of a project man- respect toward the leader. As a result transformation-
ager’s leadership behaviors. Our objective is to offer a framework that can serve al leaders broaden and elevate follower’s goals, pro-
as a basis for future research while also providing practitioners with guidelines for viding them with confidence to go beyond minimally
selecting, staffing and developing the leadership competencies of project managers. acceptable expectations.

Continued on page 6
The model of transformational leadership we characteristics of transformational leaders, it is technical solutions that previously existed in
have been using was largely developed by easy to see how they apply to successful essentially the same way that they have been
Bernard Bass. It includes four subcategories of project management." applied before. A more technically challeng-
behavior. Idealized influence is behavior that ing project could be described as one in
Transformational Leadership in
arouses strong follower emotions and identifi- which meeting objectives required project
Relation to Project Characteristics
cation with the leader. Intellectual stimulation team members to apply existing technology in
is behavior that increases follower awareness At the same time however, universal relevance new or different ways. A project with an even
of problems and influences them to develop does not mean that transformational leader- greater level of innovation could be described
innovative and/or creative approaches to ship is equally effective in all situations, nor as one which called for the development of
solving them. Individualized consideration does it necessarily mean that all subcategories new technology and or knowledge that did
includes providing support, encouragement of transformational leadership are of equal not previously exist (see the table below).
and coaching to followers. Inspirational moti- importance across all situations. Therefore, a
vation includes conveying a clear, engaging second key focus for our work has been on
identifying key contextual factors (more specif-
Describing level of innovativeness:
vision, using symbols to focus attention and
ically, characteristics of project-based work How would you describe your
modeling appropriate efforts and behavior.
and objectives) that might have implications projects in relation to these state-
Transformational Leadership for how and when transformational leadership ments?
Behaviors and Project Success behaviors are most likely to be relevant. In 1. The work required for this project was new
It is important to note that transformational general, the impact of a project manager’s to our organization
and transactional leadership behaviors are transformational leadership behavior on proj-
2. We had never undertaken work like this
not mutually exclusive. Bass argued that trans- ect outcomes (performance and success) is
formational leadership builds upon transac- moderated by the extent to which the project
tional leadership. This is one reason why we environment is characterized by uncertainty 3. The work required for this project would be
believe this model is particularly relevant to and the potential for change. considered new ground for our industry.
project managers. It does not imply that the 4. The technical challenges posed by this
At this point you might be thinking that there
traditional planning and coordinating tools project would be considered routine.
are many factors which contribute to uncer-
and behaviors used by project managers are
tainty in work. We would certainly not dis- 5. They could be met by applying technical
irrelevant. Moreover, many recent thinkers
agree. In the paragraphs below, however, we solutions that previously existed within our
about the distinctions between leadership
will focus on two key characteristics that our organization in essentially the same way
(transformational approaches) and manage-
research to date suggests are particularly rele- they had been applied before.
ment (transactional) approaches stress that in
vant. These are the level of innovation
today’s work place people need to use and 6. The technical challenges posed by this
required and the level of urgency associated
develop skills relating to both. The point is project required us to apply existing
with completing the project. The findings
however, in today’s more dynamic work envi- technology in new or different ways.
we’re describing are based upon 120 survey
ronment transactional approaches are not 7. The technical challenges posed by this
responses from members of 30 different proj-
always sufficient to ensure project success. project required us to develop new knowl-
ect teams. For each project, we collected dif-
According to Bass, transformational leader- ferent data from different individuals. We edge that was inconsistent (contradictory)
ship is considered effective across virtually all asked project team members to describe their with available knowledge.
situations. In fact, numerous studies over the perceptions of the project manager’s leader-
years have demonstrated that transformational ship behavior. We collected data regarding Our data suggests that as the technical chal-
leaders provide more favorable motivational project characteristics from project managers lenges of a project increase all four dimen-
effects on group performance in a variety of and senior managers with oversight responsi- sions of transformational leadership behavior
settings. Moreover, we would expect projects bility for the project. Our measures of success become increasingly important. Two dimen-
managers who have mastered both transfor- are based upon the perceptions of senior sions, however, standout as particularly impor-
mational and transactional leadership skills to managers. tant. They are intellectual stimulation and indi-
be more effective than those who have not. vidualized consideration. For projects charac-
Project Innovativeness – The extent to
Consider for instance, the findings described terized as routine (low innovation) the correla-
which a project team’s work would be
by our colleagues Holahan and Mooney in tion between perceptions of overall success
described as new and non-routine represents
their accompanying article on conflict man- and intellectual stimulation is .31. The correla-
one contextual project characteristic that mod-
agement and project teams. They found high- tion with individualized consideration is .43.
erates the impact of a project manager’s trans-
er levels of trust increase the chance that con- For those projects characterized as non rou-
formational leadership behavior. For instance,
flicts have a positive rather than negative tine (high innovation), the correlations with
one way to describe the level of innovation
impact on project outcomes. Trust tends to be success jump to .53 and .59 respectively. Let’s
inherent in a project is in terms of the techni-
an important byproduct of transformational consider why. The implications of intellectual
cal challenges it poses. At one extreme a proj-
leadership. As other researchers in the field of stimulation are perhaps more apparent. For
ect could be characterized as routine. This
project management (e.g. Pinto) have instance, by promoting nontraditional thoughts
implies that objectives are met by applying
observed, "When we consider some of the

and/or promoting the application of existing there are other factors that contribute to uncer- In addition, an interesting aspect of trans-
information in new or unusual ways a project tainty and change within projects. Our formational leadership is that it has a sort of
leader can encourage project members to meet research is also exploring factors like the fre- cascading effect. That is to say, if I work for
the challenges posed by innovative work. quency of goal changes and or changes in someone who applies transformational leader-
What about individualized consideration? It project scope, the extent to which required ship behaviors I am more likely to use those
includes behavior that ultimately help others to resources are scarce, and even team same kinds of behaviors myself. Therefore, if
feel valued and supported as individuals (e.g. composition. projects are an important part of the way your
listening to individuals concerns, providing use- organization gets things done you need to be
Project Managers
ful development advice, recognizing and considering the extent to which your overall
as Project Leaders
responding to individuals needs). Among other environment encourages and supports leader-
things, this kind of support also makes it possi- The point is that when it comes to project- ship development. Do we reward our project
ble for people to feel comfortable taking risks based work it helps to take a strategic point of managers for acting like transformational lead-
in the form of proposing nontraditional ideas, view. Organizations can benefit from system- ers? Do we give them the kind of authority
or to take on new challenges that stretch their atically considering the sources of and types of they’ll need to execute a leadership role?
abilities. uncertainty their project teams face. Moreover, What sorts of role models and or organization-
for any given project, project managers can al values help reinforce transformational lead-
Urgency – Another source of uncertainty is
benefit from carefully considering such issues at ership as a core competency?
the level of urgency associated with a project.
the onset of work. This is important because it
This concept reflects the extent to which the
can help in both developing and applying the
project is operating under significant time con-
kinds of project leadership skills that will make While traditional planning and coordinating
straints and or the extent to which successful
a difference. activities will always remain essential to project
completion of the project is likely to have a
management, organizations have much to gain
major impact on overall organizational out- Leadership skills can and should be developed,
by helping their project managers to develop
comes. Under these conditions, the galvanizing and there is considerable research suggesting
as leaders. When it comes to project leader-
effects of transformational leadership strongly that the potential for skill development is partic-
ship, an important aspect of leader effective-
contribute to successful results. ularly relevant to transformational leadership.
ness includes understanding the sources of
uncertainty and complexity that any given proj-
Describing Urgency: ect poses. Our findings suggest that factors like
How would you describe your projects in relation to these statements? levels of innovation, and urgency may be par-
1. It was important that the results of the project could be used as soon as possible. ticularly important. Understanding your projects
in relation to these factors can better help you
2. The implementation of the project was important for achieving the organization’s strategic goals.
select, develop and prepare your project man-
3. The implementation of the project was important for the success of the organization. agers for the leadership challenges they will
face. ■
Our findings suggest that when urgency is low
transformational leadership behavior does not
play much of a role in relation to project suc-
About the Authors:
cess. However, when urgency is high all four Peter Dominick ( is a Senior Lecturer at the Howe
dimensions appear to play a significant role. School of Technology Management. His current research focuses on project
Leadership behaviors relating to inspirational leadership, leadership development and virtual work environments. He has
motivation seem particularly relevant. For consulted for numerous organizations on issues pertaining to employee
instance, inspirational motivation includes selection, leadership development and team effectiveness. Pete received his
actions like articulating a compelling vision, Ph.D. from Stevens Institute of Technology, his M.S. from Columbia University
showing determination to accomplish what one and his B.S. from Cornell.
sets out to do, setting high standards, provid-
ing continuous encouragement, and directing Thomas G. Lechler ( is an associate professor at the
attention toward essential aspects of the proj- Howe School of Technology Management at the Stevens Institute of
ect. Behaviors relating to idealized influence Technology. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Karlsruhe, Germany.
also have an impact. Examples include provid- His research focuses on innovation projects and on the early development of
ing assurance that obstacles will be overcome, new ventures in exploring dynamic interactions between decisions, structures
and emphasizing the importance of being com- and behaviors as they influence innovation performance.
mitted to beliefs and objectives. Such leader-
ship behaviors potentially help project team Zvi Aronson ( is a Senior Lecturer at the Howe
members in their efforts to meet both temporal School of Technology Management. His current research focuses on team
and strategic demands that are often inherent culture, morale, contextual performance and leader personality in the context
in projects with high levels of urgency. of projects. Earlier work experiences at Bakara Ltd.,Tel-Aviv, included training
and selection. Zvi earned his Ph.D. at Stevens and received his B.A. from
In addition to urgency and level of innovation
Ben-Gurion University, Israel.


Roundtable Meeting, July 12
The next Roundtable meeting will be held on Monday, July 12,
2:00 - 5:00 PM, at Lucent Technologies in Whippany, NJ.
Based upon the interest generated in recent meetings, the topic will be
Working Virtually: What does it mean? How does it function?
Mahmoud Daneshmand, technology leader at AT&T Laboratories, will discuss
AT&T's work on the performance of research on a global and virtual basis. The
second facilitator will be Robert Elliott, site manager of Infineum Americas, LP.
Bob will discuss the Infineum experience on virtual networks in a service environ-
ment and will raise questions about the issue of product development employing
virtual laboratories and pilot plants. This meeting will be an informative discus-
sion on what virtual working really means to organizations and individuals, today
and in an aspirant sense, and how it is best implemented.

Roundtable Meeting, April 20
The April Roundtable meeting on Sustaining Innovation While Outsourcing
Technology Development was facilitated by Karen Sobel Lojeski, formerly a prin-
cipal with Xansa Consulting where she oversaw the Outsourcing and Enterprise
Systems practice. Innovation climate, people, process and product (competitive
advantage) were used as the main points around which outsourcing and its
impact on innovation were discussed.
SATM Director
A summary of the discussion can be obtained from the Alliance office. Dr. Lawrence Gastwirt

2004 SATM Conference, May 11 Director, Mgmt. Technology

The Fifteenth Annual Conference, on May 11 at AT&T Laboratories, dealt with Transfer
Retaining and Motivating Key Technical Personnel. The four excellent speakers Dr. Lemuel Tarshis
were all well-received: Joan McManus-Massey, Director of Human Resources at
AT&T Laboratories, Ann Langbein, Director of Human Resources for IBM’s Watson Editor
Laboratories, David Lenzner, former Vice President of Human Resources at Xerox Dr. Jack McGourty
and General Instrument Corporations, and Richard Reilly, Professor in the Howe
School of Technology Management. SATM Sponsors
The presentations were followed by a spirited panel discussion.
For further information on these and other Alliance activities, ISO
contact Dr. Lawrence Gastwirt: 212-794-3637 • Lucent Technologies
Teknor Apex
INFORMATION Unilever Bestfoods
US Army Research Development
Visit the SATM website: and Engineering Center

To download articles from past SATM newsletters, go to Stevens Institute of Technology The Fu Foundation School of

Engineering & Applied
To send comments on this newsletter, or to submit an article for future Science, Columbia University
publication, please e-mail Dr. Jack McGourty at
©2004 Stevens Alliance for
SATM- Stevens Alliance for Technology Management Technology Management
Wesley J. Howe School of Technology Management
Stevens Institute of Technology
1 Castle Point on Hudson, Hoboken, New Jersey 07030

Sharen Glennon 201-216-5381

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