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Creation processes in art and technology: the body itself and embodiment

Beatriz Fernandes Pinheiro do Amaral Research group: Production and Research in Art.
Master’s in Languages, Media and Arts Program – CLC Research field: Languages, Poetics and Technologies. Keywords: art and technology. multisensorial poetics. perceptive
Luisa Angélica Paraguai Donati (adviser) experience.
Master’s in Languages, Media and Arts Program – CLC This study was financed by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) - Process number: 2022/05643-6.

Perception is assumed as a phenomenon resulting from the motor and emotional
abilities of integral corporeality that perceives the world and attributes subjectivity to it:
the body itself (MERLEAU-PONTY, 1999). In the daily life of technological societies, we
get involved with the surroundings from the embodiment (IHDE, 2009) of artifacts and
Technologies in the corporal, practical, and perceptual relationship, revealing that the
instrument ceases to be a mere technical object and becomes a way of experience (IHDE,
2009). Therefore, the relations between technology, Science, and humanity are
increasingly symbiotic, which come to reconfigure the individual and collective
perceptive process, and the symbolic meanings attributed by humanity. This being said,
we seek to understand the interrelations between the artist, as a body of his own
(MERLEAU-PONTY, 1999) and the embodiments (IHDE, 2009) mobilized in the process of
instauration (REY, 2002) of multisensorial artworks.
Figure 1. Sensitive to Pleasure. Cilari, Sonia. Interactive-Performance/ Ambisonic sound and bioelectromagnetic installation. 2010.
Source: Available at: <>. Accessed in: jan. 2022.
Presenting and describing methodologically the operational concepts of Rey (2002) in
their dimensions (abstract, practical and conceptual) in the creative movement (SALLES,
2013) of ORLAN and Sonia Cillari.
Presenting and describing the concepts of the body itself (MERLEAU-PONTY, 1999) and
embodiment (IHDE, 2009) in creation processes (REY, 2002).
Investigating the neurophenomenological analysis of pain as an operator activity (REY,
2002) of the body itself’s embodiments in the creative movement.
Exploring the anthropological analysis of pain (Le BRETON, 2013) to understand its use as
a material resource for the creation of languages.
Understanding how multisensory interfaces work and their articulations with
embodiment (IHDE, 2009) in performativity.
Prototyping a multisensory work of art as a practical action of interdisciplinary research.

Since the works manifest multidimensional contents, it would be inappropriate to Figure 2. Omnipresence. ORLAN. 7th Surgery-Performance. 1993. Source: Available at:
investigate them only by an epistemology; thus, it is intended to develop an <>. Accessed in: jan. 2022

interdisciplinary methodological action specifically designed for the study, making it

relevant to research in art, since the analysis considers articulations between the REFERENCES
dimensions of works in the process (REY, 2002), with distinct and seemingly distant areas ● IHDE, Don. What is Postfenomenology? In: Postphenomenology and Technoscience:
of knowledge: in the abstract dimension with phenomenology; in the practical The Peking University Lectures: New York: SUNY Press, 2009.
dimension with neuroscience and philosophy of technology; and in the conceptual ● LE BRETON, David. Antropologia da dor. São Paulo: Fap-Unifesp, 2013.
dimension with anthropology. ● MARQUEZ, Jaime Olavo. A dor e os seus aspectos multidimensionais. Cienc. Cult., São
Paulo, vol. 63, n. 2, p. 28-32, abril 2011. Disponível em: <
● Mapping of multisensory works (BEPE application at Ars Electronica Interactive Art). 00010&lng=en&nrm=iso>. Acesso em mar 2022.
● Proposition of an interdisciplinary methodological corpus for the contextualization of ● MERLEAU-PONTY, Maurice. Fenomenologia da percepção. São Paulo: Martins Fontes,
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art and phenomenology, art and neuroscience, art and anthropology. ● REY, Sandra. Por uma abordagem metodológica da pesquisa em artes visuais. A
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