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Business: Theory and Practice

ISSN 1648-0627 / eISSN 1822-4202

2022 Volume 23 Issue 1: 26–38



Olena FOMINA , Oleksandr ZADNIPROVSKY , Svitlana KOROL *,


Department of Accounting and Taxation, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economy, Kyiv, Ukraine

Received 10 August 2020; accepted 19 October 2021

Abstract. The article considers the theoretical prerequisites and regulatory requirements that determine the practical ap-
proaches to the application of professional judgment in defining the best way to present reporting information. In the
course of the research, the authors took as a basis the regulatory documents on the preparation of financial and integrated
reporting, which take a principles-based approach and provide for the use of professional judgment. The authors assumed
that the objects of a professional accountant are the facts of economic activity in order to identify, evaluate, recognize and
reflect in the accounting and reporting of the company objects of accounting that are significant and of interest to users.
The author investigated theoretical bases and practical aspects of application of professional judgment with the purpose
of recognition of object and definition of its cost in the course of data collection, their analysis, and formation on their
basis of professional judgment. The author has proved the need to adhere to the principle of additionality in finding the
maximum complete description of the object and formulating a professional judgement about it. The author proposed a
matrix model, which established the correspondence of risk levels and principles of application of professional judgment
in accounting valuation and conducted an analysis of the conditions for the use of professional judgment in defining the
fair value of financial instruments and inventories. The author considered the influence of uncertainties and corresponding
risks in the application of professional judgment on the value of financial instruments and its adjustment in the conditions
of unstable markets of countries with economies in transition. The author noted peculiarities of implementation of profes-
sional judgment in the process of preparation of financial and integrated reporting and the factors that determine them.
Keywords: professional judgement, financial reporting, integrated reporting, valuation of objects of accounting, recogni-
tion of objects of accounting, financial instruments, inventories, risk of subjectivity, risk of uncertainty.
JEL Classification: M41, М42, D81.

Introduction specific performance indicators or evaluation methods at

all, further highlights the need for the professional judg-
The globalization of economic systems and the rapid ment of the accountant.
development of information technology have led to the Even though both IFRS and IIRF contain a direct
transformation of the accounting paradigm in most coun- requirement to apply professional judgment in certain
tries, the exit from the broad regulation system, and the cases, these regulations, as well as Ukrainian law do not
formation of an accounting reporting system based on define this concept. As a result, approaches to its under-
principles. At the same time, there is a need to apply the standing and interpretation should be developed by the
professional judgment of the accountant. professional community. Thus, the Institute of Certified
Thus, the Conceptual Framework of International Fi- Public Accountants has prepared a Guidance on Profes-
nancial Reporting Standards (IFRS) is traditionally based sional Judgment for CPAs, where the term “professional
on the parallel application of regulatory and professional judgment” is considered as “the application of relevant
regulation tools. This approach provides variability of training, knowledge, and experience, within the context
thinking and therefore involves the use of professional provided by auditing, accounting, and ethical standards,
judgment. The implementation of International Integrat- in making informed decisions” (The Chinese Institute of
ed Reporting Framework (IIRF), which does not provide Certified Public Accountants, 2016).

*Corresponding author. E-mail: s.korol@knute.edu.ua

Copyright © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unre-
stricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Business: Theory and Practice, 2022, 23(1): 26–38 27

In the outline of the International Accounting Stan- Our study of professional judgment in accounting
dards Board [IASB] documents, the concept of profes- valuation is carried out both in theoretical and practical
sional judgment is used repeatedly. In particular, it is terms from the standpoint of its definition in regulations
used in Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting of four levels: national (in particular, the legislation of
and IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements. At the countries with economies in transition such as Ukraine),
same time, the requirement to apply professional judg- regional (e.g. European Union law) and global (for in-
ment is aimed at determining the best way to present stance, IAS, IFRS and IIRF), and in a company’s internal
reporting information. regulations.
Therefore, the basic principle of the IAS is the applica- The purpose of the study is to clarify the grounds for
tion of professional judgment in all cases where regulatory the use of professional judgment by an accountant in the
documents do not provide a specific approach to a par- process of accounting and reporting.
ticular accounting procedure: the recognition, measure-
ment, or accounting of an object. Finally, the very name 1. Literature review
of normative documents on the conceptual Framework
for Financial Reporting and the International Integrated Many domestic and foreign scholars have studied issues of
Reporting Framework essentially implies the application professional judgment in accounting in their works.
of a set of principles for the formation of certain decisions Given the more than 50 years of research experience
and judgments. on this topic (Bonner, 1999), we can note the diversity of
In the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting, aspects to which the authors pay attention. First of all, this
it is stated that uncertainty is a characteristic feature of is due to the fact that decisions made based on the judg-
the environment in which the entity operates and on the ments of the accountant and/or auditor relate to different
existence of a certain “degree of uncertainty about the re- objects and areas of activity.
ceipt of the entity or disposal of future economic benefits” However, the attention of domestic and foreign re-
the need for a balanced probability of occurrence of these searchers to the topic of professional judgment in ac-
events requires the application of professional judgment counting and financial reporting is largely related to the
already at the stage of recognition of the relevant objects processes of convergence of national accounting systems
and financial statement items. However, one of the hardest and the introduction of IFRS as national standards. In
areas of professional judgment in the preparation of finan- particular, the connection between these topics is point-
cial statements is to determine the value of these various ed out by Madsen (2011). The researcher argues that at
objects in the presence of alternative valuation options – the end of the 20th century, the breadth of professional
mechanisms for determining appropriate value to obtain discourse decreased precisely because of the increase in
its maximum objective value. the number of IASB standards issued. Many publications
The relevance of professional judgment is growing, are devoted to the implementation of the latter. If in the
and judgments themselves are becoming more subjective database of Google Scholar there were 3 160 000 search
and complex as the potential for significant adjustments results for the keywords “International Financial Report-
to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities increases. ing Standard” at the beginning of the 2020s, then for
As stated in § 127 IAS 1 Presentation of Financial State- such a concept as “Professional Judgment in Account-
ments, this applies, for example, to preliminary estimates ing” – 959 000.
for which the number of variables and assumptions that The outcomes of the analysis (see Figure 1) indicate
affect the possible future resolution of uncertainties in- that the peak of interest in the topic of “International Fi-
creases. In turn, IAS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in nancial Reporting Standard” falls on the period of their
Accounting Estimates and Errors states that management active implementation in national accounting systems,
should use its judgment in developing and applying ac- and recent years are gradually returning to the previous
counting policies to generate information in the absence level. However, the problems of professional judgment in
of a specific IAS to be applied to an operation, event or accounting remain relevant in the future. In general, this
condition. Directive 2013/34/EU of the European Parlia- can be explained, according to the apt remark of Heidhues
ment and the Council of the European Union on annual and Patel (2019), by the fact that the IAS provides for ex-
financial statements, consolidated financial statements, tremely significant use of professional judgment. Moreo-
and related reports of certain types of companies support- ver, with the development of globalization and crisis in
ed this thesis. This Directive provides for the application national economic systems, the emergence of new objects
of preliminary estimates, judgments, and models not only of reporting, and the emergence of new types of risks, the
in the valuation of individual items of financial statements importance of professional judgment for better coverage.
but also in their recognition. It is at this time, as the graph shows, that researchers are
Therefore, the possible list of areas of application of paying more attention to integrated reporting.
professional judgment in accounting and reporting needs In countries with economies in transition, this issue
to be clarified as well as requirements, conditions, and the began to arouse interest in the early 2000s. An example of
procedure for forming a professional judgment. the first detailed publications is the article of Sоkоlоv and
28 O. Fomina et al. Professional judgement in accounting: contents and conditions of application

Terentyeva (2001). The development of the application of the impact of uncertainty in its formation, the authors also
professional judgment of an accountant in different situ- do not provide cases on the applied solution of situations
ations is reflected in the works of domestic and foreign in the daily practice of specific objects of accounting. The
researchers, in particular Len and Nekhay (2016), Gu- proposed options for formalizing professional judgment
rina and Doyonko (2019), Yukhimenko-Nazaruk (2016), in the works of Kulikova and Gubaidulina (2017) relate
Tarasova (2017), Derun (2017). Negative aspects of the only to its use in the preparation of financial statements,
application of professional judgment of an accountant leaving out other practical aspects.
are analyzed by Golov (2011). Heidhues and Patel (2019) In Ukraine, the fundamental works of Knight (1921),
explore factors that may influence professional judgment Mathews and Perera (1996) are well known, which, among
and provide critical appraisals such as national culture and other things, consider the application of professional judg-
managerial opportunism. ment in accounting.
In particular, Len and Nekhai (2016) expand and Noteworthy are several foreign studies in recent years,
clarify the taxonomic basis of the category of professional including Brown-Liburd et al. (2015) on the impact of Big
judgment in accounting, sufficiently cover the areas of its Data on audit judgments; Madsen (2011), Gao and Zhang
application in various accounting subsystems, consider the (2019), Baker (2017) on the level of standardization in the
general outline of the use of judgment in the preparation areas of financial reporting and its impact on professional
of financial statements. However, the practical implemen- judgments, Bikienė (2011) on the impact of the qualita-
tation, and especially the formal aspects of its application tive judgment on tactical issues on the realization of the
to applied objects, in our opinion, have escaped the atten- strategic financial goals of the institution; Yildiz and Ye-
tion of researchers. rcan (2011) on the prospects of preparing environmental
A comparative analysis of the international and na- reporting of industrial enterprises using ERP systems. We
tional practice of using the professional judgment of the agree with the importance to determine the effectiveness
accountant was the subject of research Gurina and Doy- of decisions made on the basis of certain judgments and
onko (2019). The authors correctly identified and analyzed external factors, according to Durkin et al. (2020), Kelly
some contradictions in the regulatory framework, which et al. (2019).
became the drivers of the wider application of profes- Summarizing up, we have to admit that thematically
sional judgment by accountants. However, as in the pre- analyzed researches do not go beyond the areas identified
vious ones, the authors do not provide possible practical by Bonner (1999).
algorithms for the application of professional judgment by At the same time, the priority for the further study
accountants. remains to address issues related to the implementation of
The issue of risks of professional judgment in the prac- professional judgment in the application of both a number
tice of accounting and evaluation has become one of the of IAS and IIRF. In particular:
topics of the study Pankova and Satalkina (2011). Having – use of professional judgment as a tool for valuation
developed a convenient scheme for classifying risks in the and recognition of inventories and financial invest-
application of judgments in accounting, analyzing in detail ments in financial accounting and reporting;

140 000 4000

120 000 3500

100 000
80 000
60 000
40 000

20 000 500

0 0
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
International Financial Reporting Standard
Professional Judgment Accounting
Integrated Reporting (additional axis)

Figure 1. The number of publications in the international scientometric database Google Scholar with keywords “International
Financial Reporting Standard”, “Professional Judgment in Accounting” and “Integrated Reporting”
(source: developed by the authors)
Business: Theory and Practice, 2022, 23(1): 26–38 29

– identification of the risks associated with the applica- of the Ukrainian national accounting standard P (S) BO
tion of professional judgment and issues arising from 9 Inventories and IAS 2 Inventories. Innovations of par-
the implementation of integrated reporting on the ticular importance with the dissemination of integrated
measurement of what cannot be measured (Baxter, reporting, in particular the flexible expansion (with no
2016). standardized list) of reporting indicators compared to the
This gives grounds to claim that the topic chosen for traditional approach, were passed through the prism of
research remains relevant due to new objects and aspects professional judgment in the application of IIRF and GRI
of the application of professional judgment in accounting Standards – for which methods were again used analysis,
and reporting. synthesis, and comparison. Finally, the method of sta-
tistical analysis of factual data has helped to clarify the
2. Methods of the study breadth and subject profiles of coverage on the subject of
professional judgment in professional publications of the
Due to the fact that the national standards of accounting last twenty years.
and reporting in Ukraine until recently quite fully defined Therefore, the methodological basis of the study is pri-
the conditions for valuation, recognition and reflection marily general scientific methods of cognition (analysis
of most objects, the scope of professional judgment was and synthesis for processing factual information, induc-
very limited. Due to the transition to IFRS, the spread of tion and deduction, the method of comparison, as well
the practice of publishing non-financial and integrated as – the application of the principle of additionality). The
reports, there is a need to apply professional judgment, application of the principle of additionality to judgment
which is complex and ambiguous in a broad contextual in evaluation is since not all possible applications have a
environment. At the same time, as the analysis showed, regulated algorithm, and at the same time  – the imple-
the use of professional judgments requires consideration mentation of evaluation judgment in a situation of un-
of many interrelated factors of influence, which are dif- certainty may be inaccurate or even critically incorrect.
ficult to quantify. That is why a qualitative approach was Therefore, it is possible to apply several simultaneous de-
chosen to study the conditions of professional judgment scriptions to one object of evaluation, each of which will
in order to help identify the main problems and provide correspond to the objective reality, but at the same time,
recommendations for their solution (Heidhues & Patel, formally excluding other descriptions, will assume their
2009). parallel application.
In particular, the application of a qualitative approach
required the solution of the following tasks: 3. Results of data analysis
– to clarify the essence of the concept of “professional
judgment of an accountant” in the context of institu- The need to apply professional judgment in accounting
tional economics, i.e. not only its economic but also directly depends on the need to choose a situation where
social, ethical, legal aspects; there is uncertainty or an alternative. This situation in the
– to determine the features and criteria for the use of system of accounting and reporting is primarily due to the
professional judgment as a practical tool of account- nature of the task or the relevant regulations. For example,
ing valuation, on the example of such objects as fi- valuing or valuing an item has several aspects that require
nancial instruments and stocks; professional judgment.
– clarify the requirements, conditions, and principles Assessment is a form of thought that reflects the reflex-
of formation and application of professional judg- ive attitude of the subject of reasoning to their own and
ment in financial accounting and reporting; others’ statements, as well as to objects (things, objects,
– to analyze the prerequisites of application of profes- processes) of the external and internal world. Estimates
sional judgment in the preparation of integrated re- concerning the contour of accounting issues belong to the
porting. values ​​(axiological) (Vyzhletsov, 2005). Axiological evalua-
– The applied approach to professional judgment is tion determines the value of an object, thing, process, idea.
based on the concepts of accounting and reporting Value (significance of something for someone) is a cul-
proposed by the IAS and IIRF, as well as scientific tural and philosophical (axiological) category that denotes
publications of Ukrainian and foreign researchers material or ideal entities (things, processes) that bring
who are interested in solving these problems. good to human life (groups, societies, individuals) when
In particular, to illustrate the application of profes- they are applied. Thus, axiological evaluation has expres-
sional judgment in measuring fair value, an analysis of the sion through value judgment  – a concretized statement
provisions of IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement was per- about values ​​(objects that have any significance, good).
formed; The concepts in IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Structurally, evaluation is formed by the evaluation atti-
Statements are analyzed to determine the extent to which tude, as a subjective experience of the correlation of the
judgments are used in an uncertain setting. The scope objective realities of the world with the material or spiri-
and scope of judgment in assessing the most common ac- tual needs of the subject performing the evaluation. On
counting items, such as inventories, was determined using the other hand, evaluative judgment is the result of aware-
methods of analysis and comparison with the provisions ness of the evaluative attitude. Evaluation as an axiological
30 O. Fomina et al. Professional judgement in accounting: contents and conditions of application

category is a unity of evaluative attitude (evaluation-pro- Uncertainty in accounting mainly arises due to the
cess) and evaluative judgment (evaluation-result) (Vyzh- inability to provide in regulations all possible situations
letsov, 2005). that may emerge in practice. Thus, for many reasons, leg-
A variety of evaluative judgments are professional islation defines only general principles (or directions) of
judgments or evaluative judgments. action. There are also cases where there are no general
The process of implementation and formalization of principles (especially for new objects of accounting), or
evaluation is evaluation. The Glossary of Monitoring and there may be inconsistencies in the regulatory framework.
Evaluation Terms (Goroshko et al., 2016) provides two ap- The Austro-American researcher of the last century
proaches to its definition, namely: Tintner (1941) expressed the opinion that uncertainty is
– in the general context (assessment) as a process that the result of at least two reasons: “imperfect prediction
may be unsystematic, to collect data, analyze them and inability to solve complex problems with many vari-
and form judgments based on them; ables, even when the optimum exists”.
– in the applied sense (evaluation) as the definition of As a result, the author faces a vicious circle: there are
changes in the implementation of a policy/program/ no regulations for all possible cases, and the implementa-
project, to understand: tion of an evaluative judgment in a situation of uncer-
– were the planned results achieved? tainty may be inaccurate or even erroneous.
– how correct were the assumptions about the results In the author’s opinion, such a picture can be explained
of the policy/program/project? by applying the principle of additionality, introduced into
– how effective, efficient, and sustainable are the the methodology of science by Bohr. Its essence is the fol-
changes? lowing: to reproduce the integrity of the phenomenon at a
For accounting practice, the first approach (prefer- certain stage of its cognition, it is necessary to apply such
ence) should be preferred, as it covers all stages of the cost approaches to the characteristics of the object of evalua-
measurement process and the result obtained (in particu- tion, which are mutually exclusive and mutually limiting.
lar, information on the value of the object). At the same These should be “additional” classes of concepts that can
time, an applied understanding of the concept of “evalua- be used separately depending on special (for example, ex-
tion” has application primarily in the field of management perimental) conditions, but only taken together they ex-
accounting, where feedback is essential, the characteristics haustively represent all the information about the object to
of the results obtained, and the consequences of its use. be described. In this case, the better defined one indicator,
In cognitive psychology, evaluative judgment is a sub- the less accurately calculated another related indicator.
jective or psychological dimension. Making an evaluative Assessing the significance of Bohr’s discovery, Born
judgment, a person classifies, ranks assigns certain nu- (1963) wrote: the principle of additionality is a completely
merical values ​​to objects, events, or other people. new way of thinking. Discovered by Bohr, the principle
The study of evaluative judgments in the context of can be applied not only to physics. This method leads to
decision-making in psychology was initiated in the 50s a further liberation from the traditional methodological
of the XX century. Simon (1955) formulated the principle limitations of thoughts, summarizing important results.
of limited rationality. Its essence is that due to the limited Thus, the principle of additionality is a general scientific
cognitive abilities of man, his evaluative judgments and methodological statement that allows the need to use dif-
decisions differ significantly from rational ones: they are ferent, sometimes opposite, theoretical models to describe
suboptimal and full of errors. one reality. In the author’s study, this principle is implied
Simon’s views on economic behavior can be explained to find the most complete description of the object to form
by the following statements. Individuals are organically a professional judgment about it. Note also that under the
limited in their cognitive abilities. Besides, a crucial limi- principle of additionality, the professional judgment of the
tation is related to the structure of the environment where accountant, increases the risk of inaccuracy or even distor-
individuals are. Instead of optimizing the choice, they are tion of information and at the same time becomes a tool
lead by the principle of sufficiency. Simon called this prin- to reduce overall information risks. The optimality of the
ciple the Scottish dialect word “satisficing” as a result of decision always implies a risk analysis. Therefore, the task of
the merging of two others: sufficing and satisfying. There- the accountant is not only to find alternative solutions but
fore, as a solution to the problem, the individual chooses primarily to analyze their risks and choose between mini-
the first object that meets his / her level of requirements. mizing risk (costs) and maximizing the possible results (ex-
It is important to note the double limitation of rational pected income) from the accepted professional judgment.
reasoning, on the part of cognitive abilities, and on the Departing from the rules that do not comply with the prin-
part of the environment, which are, in Simon’s figurative ciple of reliability, the accountant must explain and justify
expression, “behavioral scissors” (Simon, 1955). his professional judgment in the explanations and notes
Thus, understanding the behavioral motivation of as- to the financial statements or in the form of a formalized
sessment as a psychological process, in a professional ap- document – in which the formation of the judgment will be
plication (and in accounting, in particular) it is necessary given and explained. In this case, the information prepared
to have safeguards that will not allow reducing its result based on professional judgment must be reliable, the judg-
to “satisficing”. ment – reasonable and verified.
Business: Theory and Practice, 2022, 23(1): 26–38 31

Table 1. Matrix model of principles of application of professional judgment in accounting evaluation (source: developed by the

Risk levels of professional judgment

Zero Middle High
Condition Lack of variability of Availability in regulations of a limited Regulatory requirements for the use
for the use of assessments in regulatory list of valuation options (e.g. valuation of of professional judgment (for example,
professional documents (for example, inventories at disposal) determining the fair value of financial
judgment assessment of funds in a instruments)
bank account)
Ability to apply The professional judgment is Professional judgment is a reasonable Professional judgment consists both in
professional not provided recommendation to choose the best the independent development of the
judgment assessment option from the proposed list assessment methodology and in the
of options formulation of its result
Risks of – The subjectivity that can lead to Uncertainty due to lack of sufficient
professional conscious (interest in distorting data on the object of evaluation and
judgment information) or unconscious (lack of the lack of evaluation methods, the
competence to make a choice) distortion subjectivity of evaluation (conscious or
of the result unconscious).

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland assessment passes from the 1st to the 2nd or from the 2nd
(2016) recommends following the algorithm of actions for to the 3rd levels. As the range of assessment uncertainty
the formation of professional judgment, which consists of expands, so does the need for professional judgment.
the following stages: The scope of professional judgment (especially for
1. Knowledge gathering and analysis. volatile markets in transition economies) is to adjust the
2. Assessment of accounting guidance. value of facilities to take into account uncertainties and
3. Process for making a judgement. the associated risks in their valuation. The adjustment will
4. Documenting the judgment. allow for some optimization to reflect the uncertainties
This algorithm can be successfully applied in various associated with the risks arising from the pricing or cash
cases of professional judgment, in particular in account- flows of the financial instrument. Examples include the
ing valuation. This, in particular, allowed to develop a following model adjustments:
matrix model of application of professional judgment for – adjustment taking into account credit risk. Some
accounting evaluation (Table 1). models do not take into account credit risk, includ-
In this case, it is advisable to include such models in ing the risk of default by the counterparty or its own
the documents on accounting policies describing the pos- credit risk;
sibilities of using the risks specific to specific businesses – adjustment taking into account liquidity risk. In this
and their objects of accounting. case, the average market price of the instrument can
One of the main applications of professional judgment be calculated, even if the concept of preparation of fi-
in accounting valuation is the determination of fair value. nancial statements provides for the use of the amount
According to the IAS, accounting items that can be mea- adjusted for liquidity (in particular, the difference
sured at fair value include both financial and some real between the purchase and sale price). Thus, when
assets. applying the liquidity adjustment, which is more de-
Using professional judgment about financial instru- pendent on professional judgment, it can be found
ments is critical. Their measurement at fair value requires that some financial instruments are illiquid. It will
the use of an algorithm for applying a hierarchical struc- significantly reduce their cost;
ture of data levels for evaluation. This model is based on – adjustment taking into account other risks. The value
the provisions of § 38 and 39 IFRS 13 Fair Value Measure- determined using a model that does not take into ac-
ment. It involves the sequential processing of three levels count all other factors that market participants would
of source data (on the principle of reducing their reliabil- take into account when setting the price of a financial
ity for evaluation): unadjusted data; data obtained on the instrument may not be fair at the valuation date. It is
market directly or indirectly; indirectly obtained data (see advisable to adjust this assessment separately.
Figure 2). The regression of the reliability of the assess- Adjustments will not achieve the objective if the
ment will increase if the level of initial data on the object amount of the estimated value of the financial instrument
of assessment will pass from the 1st to the 2nd or from obtained does not meet the fair value of the relevant finan-
the 2nd to the 3rd. As the range of assessment uncertainty cial reporting concept. An example is an adjustment using
expands, so does the need for professional judgment. a more conservative (minimalist) approach to valuation.
The regression of the reliability of the assessment will The most reliable evidence of the fair value of a finan-
increase if the level of the initial data about the object of cial instrument will be the prices of current transactions
32 O. Fomina et al. Professional judgement in accounting: contents and conditions of application

Structure of source data levels for valuing financial instruments

The 1st level source data The 2nd level source data The 3rd level source data

Uncorrected data Data obtained directly from the market Indirectly obtained data
Quotation data for Data on financial assets or financial liabilities coming from Such data are used to measure
identical financial assets the market directly or indirectly, except for quotations fair value in the absence of data
or financial liabilities in included in tier 1. If a financial asset or financial liability has on the first two levels of
an active market that the a specified (contractual) maturity, Tier 2 inputs must be characteristics, which allows
entity may obtain at the tracked throughout the life of that financial asset or liability. taking into account situations
measurement date. No The source data include: where at the valuation date
professional judgment is – quotations of similar financial assets or liabilities in active there are very few transactions
markets; with financial assets or liabi-
– quotations of identical or similar financial assets or lities, or when such transac-
financial liabilities in markets that are not active; data tions are not conducted or not
obtained on the market (excluding quotations) on observed at all.
financial assets or financial liabilities (for example, Estimation based on these da-
interest rates and yield curves observed with the usual ta – using revenue and market
periodicity for quotations, hidden volatility, credit approaches.
spreads); Professional judgment may be
– other initial data obtained mainly based on observation applied (for example, regard-
(confirmed by market data). ing the expected level of profit-
– Professional judgment is applied (as to the similarity or ability of the instrument).
identity of the objects being compared and their value).

Figure 2. The hierarchical model of data structure for measuring the fair value of financial instruments and applying professional
judgment under IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement (source: developed by the authors)

carried out in an active market (i.e. the initial data of the professional judgment of the appraiser. “In practice”, ac-
1st level, which does not require the use of professional cording to V. Kovalev and Vit. Kovalev (2012, p. 607), –
judgment). In the absence of observation of current mar- it is subjective assessments that dominate market prices.
ket data on the price of a financial instrument (as an ob- Imagine, the authors suggest to the reader, that you need
ject of evaluation) of the 1st level for evaluation it is neces- to show in the balance sheet at a fair value a machine pur-
sary to use other indicators, which may be: chased three years ago. Obviously, there is no market for
– recent transactions with this object of valuation, in- such old equipment, so there is no market value, and in-
cluding transactions carried out after the reporting stead will be used and the valuation made by the appraiser.
date. It should be kept in mind that these transactions In this case, the logic of fair value formation is based on
do not always reflect market conditions at the report- the appraiser’s ability to calculate the value of the object
ing date. That is when forming a professional judg- from the standpoint of its participation in the generation
ment about the adjustments should take into account, of future income.
for example, changes in market conditions between To illustrate, the European Securities and Markets
the date of assessment and the date of the transaction, Authority (ESMA) case study on the completeness of the
as well as whether the transaction is a forced agree- disclosure of level 3 derivatives of the fair value hierar-
ment (due to the need for urgent sale), etc; chy  – the amount of net income of an investment fund
– current or recent transactions with similar instru- that leases real estate. ESMA found erroneous the profes-
ments (“analog price”). This price should be adjusted sional judgment of the accountant of this fund that the
to take into account differences between the counter- amount of net rental income is not significant in deter-
party and the asset, such as the difference in liquidity mining fair value, and that additional disclosure is not
or credit risk that exists between the two financial required (Belyaeva, 2017).
instruments as the use of §38 of IFRS 13 Fair Value As the degree of estimation uncertainty increases, the
Measurement. At the same time, it is also necessary requirements for the amount and level of detail of the in-
to apply professional judgment regarding the pres- formation disclosed should increase. The more factors are
ence and magnitude of risks; taken into account (for example, possible factors influenc-
– indices relating to similar instruments. As in the case ing the profitability of financial instruments, information
with similar instruments, to take into account differ- on which is obtained according to the level 3), the more
ences between the object of evaluation and the in- comments for each of them should contain a formalized
strument or instruments on which the index is based document, which provides professional judgment.
adjustments will be required. The risk of using professional judgment in accounting
In the absence of an active market, substitutes for valuation is the probability of distortion of legally signifi-
fair value are subjective assessments that involve the cant characteristics of the object of evaluation both in the
Business: Theory and Practice, 2022, 23(1): 26–38 33

process of interpretation of legislation and as a result of for the evaluation of analogs, it is complicated to obtain
the formation of erroneous and/or incomplete idea of the ​​ the original data. In the author’s opinion, the existence of
value of the object. such risks should be noted in the document on the expres-
The main risks, in our opinion, are related to subjectiv- sion of professional judgment.
ity and uncertainty in the perception of the source data. Uncertainty means that financial instruments reflected
Subjectivity is psychologically motivated and conditioned in accounting and reporting may change significantly in
either by ethical aspects (potential interest in consciously the future due to uncertainties in the reporting period.
distorting information obtained through professional Therefore, IAS 1 “Presentation of Financial Statements”
judgment) or by the low competence of the evaluator. requires disclosures about future assumptions and other
Instead, the risks of uncertainty arise due to the lack of significant sources of uncertainty at the end of the report-
initial data on the components of the value of the financial ing period if they carry a significant risk of material ad-
instrument. The risk increases if such a cost consists of justments to the carrying amount of assets and liabilities
several elements for which, due to the lack of precedents in the next reporting period. This standard also requires

Table 2. Application of professional judgment in determining the value of inventories

under the legislation of Ukraine and IAS (source: developed by the authors based on the source:
P(S)BО 9 Inventories and IAS 2 Inventories)

The norm of the relevant IAS,

Provisions of normative acts of Ukraine, which
Subject of which provides for the use
provide for the use of professional judgment in Comment
application of professional judgment in
the assessment of stocks
inventory valuation
Upon receipt of goods, the company reflects the The cost of inventories is
amount of trade margin. There are two options determined by reducing the
for forming a trade margin: selling price of inventories by an
1) sets the size of the trade margin on goods (as a appropriate percentage of gross When reflecting the
Determining percentage of the original cost of goods) by order profit. Hence – the gross profit financial result from
the method of of the head; from the sale of goods at retail the sale should write
valuation of 2) first set the selling price of the goods, and is equal to the trade margin off the accrued trade
goods upon then the reverse account determines the amount from the sale of goods. margin on sold goods
receipt (retail) of trade margin. When choosing the optimal Trade discounts, other using the method of “de-
method, professional judgment is used. discounts, discounts, and recognition”
In both cases, the cost of selling goods will similar items are deducted
consist of the purchase price of goods and the when determining the cost of
amount of trade margin purchasing goods
Estimation of Fair value is a result
stocks received At fair value At fair value of the professional
free of charge judgment
At the lowest of the two estimates: the initial
Valuation of cost or net realizable value. In this case, the net
At the lowest of the two
inventories at realizable value of inventories as the expected
estimates: the initial cost or net
the balance sheet selling price of inventories in the ordinary course
realizable value
date of business less the expected costs of completion
and sale is determined by judgment
Specific identification of their
Specific identification of their individual costs
individual costs
The subject of
Weighted average cost formula Weighted average cost formula
The choice professional judgment is
of method of First-in, first-out (FIFO) First-in, first-out (FIFO) the choice of the optimal
estimating stocks Techniques for the method of assessing the
at their disposal Techniques for the Measurement of Cost Measurement of Cost disposal of the proposed
alternative standards
Standard cost Standard cost
Sales prices Retail price method
Estimation of
stocks owned
– Valuation at fair value –
by commodity
Obsolete inventories have lost all or part of their The subject of
Determining the
original quality or current market value, the sale professional judgment is
need to create
price of which has decreased, are reflected in the to determine the fact and
a reserve to –
balance sheet at the end of the reporting year less value of the obsolescence
reduce the cost of
the provision for impairment of property, plant, of stocks, the loss of their
and equipment original qualities
34 O. Fomina et al. Professional judgement in accounting: contents and conditions of application

disclosure of the professional judgment that managers major interest for owners and investors, key sharehold-
make in applying their organization’s accounting policies ers need information on corporate governance, environ-
and that have the most significant effect on the amounts mental and social factors. The main set of key indicators
recognized in the financial reports metrics. is based on the synthesis of resources from a number of
Another important object of evaluation for the ap- international organizations (Global Reporting Initiative,
plication of professional judgment is inventories. Inter- International Federation of Accountants).
national and national financial accounting and reporting One of the main forms of reporting economic, envi-
standards provide for the use of professional judgment in ronmental, and social information is an integrated report.
determining the value of inventories from their receipt to The IIRF, even more so than the IAS, which lacks specific
disposal in the event of an alternative. A summary of the indicators, does not provide specific assessment methods
possibilities of such an application of evaluative judgments and directly requires the professional judgment of those
is given in Table 2. responsible for the preparation and presentation of this
Practically the result of the expression of professional report. Objects of professional judgment in the process of
judgment should be a documentary medium of a certain preparing an integrated report differ from the objects of
form. Companies independently develop such a docu- financial statements. The IIRF only names the main ele-
ment under the needs of the business, the degree of risk, ments of the report and general questions about their con-
the object of evaluation, and other factors of professional tent. The principle of materiality must be followed in order
judgment. This document, in the author’s opinion, should to determine the information to be provided in the report.
be included in the Order on the accounting policy of the Therefore, the assessment of the materiality of the facts
company (see Figure 3). Such a document will contribute of the economic life of the company performs taking into
to some regulation of such new (for countries with econo- account its known or potential effect on value creation, in
mies in transition) activities of accountants and be a tool particular: the magnitude of the matter’s effect and, if it
to increase the responsibility of professional accountants. is uncertain whether the matter will occur, its likelihood
Such a document will contribute to some regulation of occurrence. § 3.24 IIRF provides the possibility of ap-
of such new (for countries with economies in transition) plying both quantitative and qualitative assessment of the
activities of accountants and will be a tool to increase the extent of the impact of a particular factor.
responsibility of professional accountants. At the same time, even the availability of reliable
In addition to financial reporting, the need for profes- source data by § 3.26 IIRF does not exclude the need for
sional judgment arises in the preparation of other reports. professional judgment, as the questions to be answered by
A study (Docekalova et al., 2015), which aimed to iden- the integrated report require:
tify the most significant economic indicators that affect a) a preliminary assessment of the expected (impact)
corporate sustainability, shows that modern evaluation results (impact) in the short, medium and long
of corporate performance requires a multidimensional term;
concept that has replaced their traditional understanding. b) detection of changes in value, in particular, those
Although corporate economic performance will remain a types of capital for which a qualitative characteristic

On the formation of professional judgment on evaluation Object

Responsible person Position First and last name

Date of formation of the conclusion
Reporting date on which the
professional judgment is __.__.__
Object of the evaluation Stocks transferred free of charge (their characteristics)
Determining the fair value of gratuitously transferred inventories to determine their carrying
Goal of professional judgment
amount to display in the balance sheet
Information and legal framework, Indicate the data based on which the judgment is made (contractual basis, analysis of the
which is the basis of professional market of analogs), provide the relevant standards and other standards of accounting and
judgment reporting (for instance, IAS 2 Inventories, or the relevant national standard).
Uncertainties are characterized by a possible lack of information about the object of
Risks of professional judgment
evaluation, the level of competence of the evaluator may be indicated
The factors based on which the judgment is made (contractual basis, analysis of the market of
The content of professional
analogs), and the judgment on the monetary expression of fair value (confirmation or
judgment on evaluation
refutation) are made.

Responsible person signature date

Figure 3. Example of the accountant’s report on the application of professional judgment on the object of evaluation
(source: developed by the authors)
Business: Theory and Practice, 2022, 23(1): 26–38 35

is applied, namely intellectual, human, socio-repu- but also anticipated events, future activities, and their ex-
tational; pected results, probable risks and opportunities, factors
c) determining the nature of the change in the value that affect the value of the business in the short, medium,
of capital (increase, decrease or maintenance of and long term. According to studies of best practices in
value) depends on the chosen perspective; integrated reporting (International Integrated Reporting
d) accounting for capital (for example, productive) Council, Summary of Significant Issues, 2013), 90% of
that is created by other organizations, but includes respondents point to the need to determine the base of
assets manufactured by the reporting organization indicators and measurement methods for integrated re-
for sale or when they are retained for its use; porting. The problem is choosing the best basis among
e) taking into account external consequences that 118 different bases and methods. For each company, the
may increase or decrease the value created for the choice of the best database of indicators and measure-
company (on increase or decrease value created for ment methods depends on the professional judgment of
the organization). its compilers.
Assessment of “external consequences” also has its Professional judgment about a particular object of
specifics. Thus, Giorgino et  al. (2017) draw attention to accounting is inextricably linked to its recognition. This
the fact that “the issue of corporate disclosure requires a connection has a dual purpose. First, it is due to the need
consideration of not only (or not so much) the amount to identify and determine the appropriateness of the re-
of (mandatory and voluntary) data disclosed, but also the flection of a particular fact in the system of accounting
materiality of the corporate communication, which is to and reporting, and secondly – to ensure the necessary or
be assessed while checking if the information provided is sufficient level of reliability of the assessment of the object.
useful for the different stakeholders and their behaviors Professional judgment about a particular object of ac-
toward the organization”. In this regard, it should be noted counting and reporting is inextricably linked to its rec-
that this task requires a preliminary prioritization of stake- ognition. This connection has a dual purpose. First, it is
holders for a particular organization, etc. due to the need to identify and determine the appropriate-
In the conclusion, when evaluating objects in financial ness of the reflection of a particular fact in the system of
accounting, when determining the materiality of individ- accounting and reporting, and secondly  – to ensure the
ual facts for their reflection in the integrated reporting, necessary or sufficient level of reliability of the assessment
there may be contradictions. The solution of a particular of the object.
contradiction is associated with the definition of alterna- Thus, the main factors that determine the need for
tives, their analysis, and selection based on the application professional judgment in accounting practice is the ap-
of professional judgment, taking into account the conse- proach to the preparation of reports, which is based on
quences of particular facts of life of the company. At the the principles; variability of approaches to the recogni-
same time, increasing attention to the social responsibility tion and measurement of reporting items; a reflection of
of business requires taking into account not only the eco- social responsibility of business and introduction in the
nomic but also environmental and social external conse- reporting of the enterprise of qualitative characteristics
quences of the company. of its activity.
In this regard, professional judgment plays a crucial As a result, the requirements for the professional com-
role in the preparation of reports that reflect corporate so- petence of the accountant (level of professional knowledge,
cial responsibility. In particular, this applies to the disclo- practical experience, and personal qualities) increase. The
sure of sustainability reporting under the GRI Standards. transformation of the accounting profession, which occurs
According to the GRI 101, these standards help each through the development of information technology, cre-
organization to determine what information on its eco- ates conditions for the application of analytical qualities
nomic, environmental, and/or social impacts, and hence of the accountant and the formation of professional judg-
its contributions – positive or negative – towards the goal ment.
of sustainable development should be reported. The per-
formance of such a task directly depends on the ability of Conclusions
the compilers of the report to make a professional judg-
ment about its significant impacts on the economy, the The use of professional judgment in the preparation of fi-
environment, and/or society. This gives grounds to argue nancial, integrated, and other forms of reporting of com-
about the increasing scope of the use of professional judg- panies is an objective necessity. In this case, the objects
ment of the accountant. of professional judgment of the accountant are the facts
When compiling a system of reports (financial, inte- of economic activity in order to identify, evaluate, recog-
grated, and others), the initial data on the company’s ac- nize and reflect in the accounting and reporting of the
tivities are subject to various analyzes according to differ- company objects of accounting that are significant and of
ent principles, which are defined by different regulations – interest to internal and external users.
IFRS, Guidelines for the preparation of integrated report- The statistical analysis of scientific research on profes-
ing, GRI standards, etc. At the same time, the reporting sional judgment in accounting and evaluation, suggests
should reflect not only past events and their consequences, that this topic will remain relevant in the near future due
36 O. Fomina et al. Professional judgement in accounting: contents and conditions of application

to the need to study and provide recommendations for the Features of the application of professional judgment
use of professional judgment in the preparation of both were considered in the example of accounting valuation
traditional financial and new forms of reporting. of financial instruments and inventories. As a result of
The article focuses on the factors that determine the the research, a matrix model of application of professional
qualitative characteristics of judgments and, above all, judgment in accounting valuation was proposed, which
the “means of solving problems” and “process factors” of was built taking into account zero, medium, and high lev-
professional judgment as a basis for decision-making. The els of risk. The general principles of application of profes-
starting point of the article was to determine the purpose sional judgment in accounting valuation are visualized.
of the professional judgment of the accountant as a search The example of financial instruments and inventories
for the best way to present reporting information, taking illustrates the exclusive role of professional judgment in
into account existing regulations. determining the fair value of objects, taking into account
The study of the essence and principles of professional current regulations and levels of risk of misrepresentation.
judgment by an accountant as a starting point for evalu- The considered example of application of professional
ating and recognizing objects allowed us to formulate judgment in inventory valuation shows quite similar, but
conclusions that can be grouped into clusters that have still not identical approaches to inventory valuation ac-
theoretical, methodological and practical nature and meet cording to IAS 2 and national accounting standards.
the purpose and objectives of the research. An analysis of the logic of using professional judgment
As a conclusion on the theoretical task of the work – in determining the fair value on the example of valuation
determining the essence of the object of our study, we note of financial instruments under IFRS 13 Fair Value Meas-
that the professional judgment of the accountant can be urement allowed us to build a hierarchical model of the
described/characterized as a process of forming formal- data used for such an assessment. The model reflects the
ized conclusions on the recognition, condition, valuation, dependence of the range of uncertainty in the valuation
or other accounting characteristics (parameter, criterion) of a financial asset from the regression of the reliability of
subject of accounting in conditions of uncertainty and the original data, which ultimately increases the value of
lack of unambiguous regulation of requirements for such the professional judgment of the accountant.
characteristics. In our opinion, the most reliable formation To solve the problem of formalizing the accountant’s
of professional judgment, which will take into account the judgment, a standard form of a document “On the for-
full range of its various properties, will be complete pro- mation of professional judgment on evaluation” was de-
vided that the postulate of additionality. The accountant’s veloped. The proposed document reflects the conditions
mission is to search for alternatives to evaluate a particular (purpose, initial data, regulatory framework for making a
item, analyze the risks of using mutually exclusive options, judgment, the main risks) and the result of such a judg-
choose between minimizing risk and maximizing revenue ment on the example of inventory valuation.
as a result of a management decision made on the basis Finally, the critical role of professional judgment in
of a judgment. integrated reporting has become clear. It was found that
The application of professional judgment is complex the main factors that determine the need for professional
and has a legal aspect – regulation (i.e. sanction for use in judgment in accounting practice is the approach to report-
the legal environment range) and social aspect, as its use ing, which is based on the principles; variability of ap-
will increase the objectivity of accounting and reporting proaches to the recognition and measurement of reporting
information, which will increase the informativeness, rel- items; a reflection of social responsibility of business and
evance, and transparency of data for all interested users. introduction in the reporting of the enterprise of qualita-
Also important is the ethical aspect of the application of tive characteristics of its activity. The task of expressing
judgments that directly depend on the professional integ- professional judgment acquires a new meaning due to the
rity of the evaluator for sound and fair coverage of data, need to express an opinion on the value of a business in
provided that their qualitative characteristics are ambigu- the short, medium, and long term, on existing and poten-
ous or contradictory. tial risks and opportunities.
The methodological aspect of the work is related to the The total number of publications aimed at the use of
study of the normative framework for the application of professional judgment as a tool of accounting is estimated
judgment and modeling of the processes of forming con- at thousands, and therefore, detailed analysis and systema-
clusions based on judgment. Modern normative docu- tization of the key provisions of these works should be the
ments – IFRS and national accounting standards (studied task of a separate and very large-scale study. However, we
on the example of Ukrainian accounting standards) pay consider it necessary to emphasize the difference between
sufficient attention to the practice of professional judg- our results and the work of some modern researchers.
ment. First, there are regulations concerning evaluation Faced with the actual dichotomy in terms of harmo-
and evaluation. The main deterrent to the widespread use nization of professional judgment with the requirements
of professional judgment by accountants in countries with of regulations in the field of accounting and reporting, we
economies in transition, such as Ukraine, is the conserva- consider it appropriate for accountants to take an initia-
tism of accountants and the reluctance to go beyond what tive approach. Practitioners in countries with economies
is interpreted by the regulations. in transition, which are characterized by strict accounting
Business: Theory and Practice, 2022, 23(1): 26–38 37

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