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Marxist criticism is the uncovering of relationships of domination and exploitation, even when

they are disguised in idealistic terms. Charles Beard has analyzed the American Revolution in
Marxist-critical terms by arguing how ultimately the self-interest of moneyed classes drove the
political revolution.

Marxist critical literary theory focuses on socio-economic relationships. Critical literary works
present relationships of economic domination in clear terms. This can be accomplished in
original works of literature with critical theses, or in secondary literature on oppressive ideology
present in literature.

Marxist criticism started with Karl Marx. Marx introduced his most fundamental principle for
criticism in The Communist Manifesto, namely, his principle that all history is the history of class

The Marxist criticism definition is an approach to diagnosing political and social problems in
terms of the struggles between members of different socio-economic classes. Drawing from
this approach, criticism does not aim at the flaws of particular individuals, even if they have
attained positions of power. Instead, such an approach focuses on how social life is structured
by class oppositions that are determined by laboring relationships. Or in other words, Marxist
criticism seeks to show how the economically powerful exploit and dominate the economically
disadvantaged. Moreover, Marxist criticism also points to how class conflict is obscured and
hidden in ideology.

Marxist criticism has been influential for critical theory. Critical theory addresses power
relationships. One of its tenets is that institutions, practices, and rules that disadvantage some
groups over others have an intentional element, i.e., these features of society are tools used by
oppressors. Marxist critical theory is a species of critical theory that emphasizes how social
class establishes hierarchical power structures. Both Marxist critical theory and critical theory in
general advocate for various means of combating oppression and increasing the freedom of
marginalized or oppressed groups. Marxist literary theory asks about systems of social and
economic power through literary and cultural works.

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