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HEADQUARTERS 2HD BATTALION 15TH INFANTRY ALP. 0. Us 8. ARMY CERTIFICATE Ion KEITH L WARE, Infantry, Lieutenant Colonel, Commanding Officer, Second Battalion, Fifteonth Infantry. At the tice of the following action, I was Executive Officer, Fifteenth Infantry Regisent, in which capacity I have intimate personal knowledge thereof: During the offensive which snashed the COLMAR Bridgohoad and drove ‘the German forces from their last foothold on Fronch oil, Gospany "3", Fifteenth Infantry, moved into the POTS DE RIEDIIERs Control of this forest had beon wrested fran the oneny at a heavy cost in blood. Its possession was of cardinal Importance as the woois dominated the German stronghold of HOLTZWIER, reduction of which was cosontial to the prompt accomplishment . of the Third Division's offensive tasks. Accordingly, on the afternoon of 26 January 1945, tho enexy launched a determined counterattack, imrling two companies and six heavy tanks at Gospeny "3"'e position in an effort to rotake tho woods at any costs ‘Tho heroien of ono man, Second Licutonant AUDIE L. MURPHY, vas prix marily responsible for repelling thio ferocious counterattack. Voluntarily renaining at the hazardous post he had chosen after the rest withirew, | IMeutenant WAPHY firet directed deadly artillery fire en the advancing eneny, then held the assault elexents off with machine gun fire frea the exposed turret of a knocked-out and burning tank destroyer. Fersonally Killing or wounding en estinated 50 Germans, fighting on despite = painful leg wound and despite the fact that hie tank destroyer threatened to oxploie under his feet, Lieutenant MURPHY shattered the enemy counterattack, saving hie Canpany fron poseible encirclenent ani destruetien and enabling his Roginent: to hold the woods which had been won with such difficulty. Had Lieutenant MRPHY failed to make hig herote ene-can stent, ho would not have been censured. AEE Goo ‘KEITH &. WARE | Lt. Col., 15th Infantry : Commanding. CONSLDEARD BY THR DECORATIOWS BOAR rks 1 fee

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