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Dr. JALESH KUMAR. Module 4 CSE and by Exception is of two types: 1. Unchecked Exception 2. Checked Exception 1. Unchecked Exceptions: The exceptions which are not checked by compiler * Cony vr do not produce any error whether ou handle or not * But when program will be executed the exception occurs Examples: + ArithmeticException + ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException + NoliPointerException Scanned with CamScanner Dr. JALESH KUMAR Module 4 CSE 2. Checked Exceptions: + Exception which are checked by compiler at runtime + Compiler time error if it is not handled + We have to use try catch, throws such exception handlers to handle checked exceptions Examples: + ClassNotFoundExcept + InterruptedException + IMlegalAccessExcepti Creating our own exceptions: Itis possible to c1 te our own exception instead of using built in ex tions The class should extend built in Exception class. In the below example, class A extends Exception, Now we can consider A as exception class. Hence, in class B, method m1() will throws the exception A. The caller of the method m1() should write the method m1() inside try-catch block. Catch should be used with exception A as in example. Creating your class 8 own Exception { 2 ievoid mi() throws A throw new A(] } publicstatic void main(String s{]) ( try rms Jeateh(Aey Systemou rinse, et ) Scanned with CamScanner Dr. JALESH KUMAR Module 4 cse Chained Exceptions * The chained exception feature allows to associate another exception with an exception * Second exception describe the cause of first exception * EX: if a method thrown an ArithmeticException because of divide by zero. However, actual cause was an |/O error + initCause() and getCause() methods can be used Scanned with CamScanner

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