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Known Issues Bulletin May 06, 2018

Issue 1

Honeywell Digital Video Manager R620.1 SP1

This document lists and summarizes issues that you may encounter when configuring or using this specific
release of Honeywell Digital Video Manager (Honeywell DVM).
This document should be read in conjunction with the Honeywell DVM Troubleshooting Guide found in the
Honeywell DVM R620.1 Documentation Set.
Installation and upgrade issues are addressed in the Honeywell DVM R620.1 SP1 Software Release Bulletin.

This article discusses: It applies to:

 Points to note Honeywell DVM R620.1 SP1
 Known issues
Prerequisite reading:
 Honeywell DVM R620.1 SP1 Software Release Bulletin

Related documents: Support:

 Honeywell DVM R620.1 SP1 Software Release Bulletin For information about updates to this
bulletin, contact your local Honeywell
 Honeywell DVM Console R220.1 SP1 Known Issues Bulletin
representative or Technical Assistance
 Honeywell DVM R620.1 Compatibility Matrix Center.
 Honeywell DVM R620 Documentation Set
o Honeywell DVM Troubleshooting Guide
o Honeywell DVM Application Development Guide

Copyright 2018 Honeywell International Sàrl.


In no event is Honeywell liable to anyone for any direct, special, or consequential damages. The information and specification in this
document are subject to change without notice.

Honeywell Enterprise Buildings Integrator™ is a trademark of Honeywell International Inc.

Honeywell Digital Video Manager™ is a trademark of Honeywell International Inc.
Honeywell Energy Manager™ is a trademark of Honeywell International Inc.
Points to Note

Installation and Upgrades

For installation and upgrade issues please refer to the “Known installation and upgrade issues” section of the
Honeywell DVM R620.1 SP1 Software Release Bulletin.

Network Port Conflict

On some Dell computers there may be pre-installed software which uses the network port 10001, which is also used
by Honeywell DVM. This conflict can prevent Honeywell DVM from streaming video to clients. The software that
causes this issue is Embassy Trust Suite by Wave Systems, which implements functions such as data security and
There are three methods of resolving this issue:
 Uninstall the Embassy Trust Suite by Wave Systems software
 Disable the NTRU Hybrid TSS service in Windows
 Change the port number used by Honeywell DVM to a value other than 10001. This can be done from the
System Configuration tab in the Administration section of the Honeywell DVM client.

Client computers with multiple monitors

Computers with monitors connected via DisplayPort may show applications on different screens after each reboot of
the computer, switch of screen mode, change on hot-plug pin 18 or similar activity which causes the report of a hot-
unplug event. This occurs due to monitor detection behaviours on the DisplayPort, where the re-powering of the
display triggers a hot-plug event and causes the display to be re-enumerated as if it were a new monitor.
HDMI, DVI, and VGA connections do not display this behaviour. Alternately, if DisplayPort connectivity is required,
contact the manufacturer of your graphics card(s) for information on disabling the automatic monitor detection
behaviours of the DisplayPort specification.

Known Issues

This section lists known problems and limitations found in this release. Where they are available, workarounds are
provided for these known issues. The ISR number is an internal reference used by Honeywell.

Application Development
 Updating camera properties (like BackgroundRecordingFrameRate) using Object Model scripting does not
always result in the Camera Server being notified of the change (ISR210397)
Workaround: Update an additional property like IPAddress by setting it to the existing value, to force the refresh.

Authorized Playback
 Station clients logged in to Windows with a non-administrator account cannot authorize playback if a Camera
Server is installed on the EBI Server (ISR115635)
Workaround: On each EBI Server which also has a Camera Server installed:
1 Register the version of HWDVSIntegration.exe in the Common Files directory by typing
"<PathOfCommonFiles>\Honeywell\DigitalVideoManager\HWDVSIntegration.exe -RegServer" at a command
2 Manually add the <PathOfCommonFiles>\Honeywell\DigitalVideoManager\HWDVSIntegration.exe file to the
firewall as an exception

Camera Services
 Triggering a camera to record on a disconnected network UNC location may give a false indication that recording
has successfully started for up to ~40 seconds after triggering the recording (ISR110296)
Workaround: Honeywell DVM will receive a network timeout up to ~40 seconds after triggering the recording on
the disconnected network UNC location. At this time, the Camera Server will register the network UNC path as
unavailable, the recording icon will reset in the Honeywell DVM client and a correct error message will be shown.
 Snapshot recording triggered by I/O for an MPEG or H.264 camera may fail to play back. The recording selected
from the Recording Grid shows "Retrieving clip" (ISR138292)
Workaround: Snapshot recording requires the camera or streamer hardware to support the delivery of full video
frames on demand. If your device does not reliably support this, you should consider extending the time period
for recording or switching to record in MJPEG.
 Camera fails to stream in Honeywell DVM when the streamer password contains the special character "&"
Workaround: Avoid use of punctuation characters in streamer passwords, where those punctuation characters
have special meanings in XML.

Client Displays
 Operators are shown an authentication dialog when clients try to fail back to a Database Server if both Database
Servers are Windows 2008 and the failure is due to machine restart (ISR115560)
Workaround: Press Cancel on the Authentication dialog. If it does not then automatically navigate to the DVM web
pages, refresh the client. Alternatively, on each Honeywell DVM Database Server, make NTLM the only
Authentication choice in Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager as follows:
1 Under Connections, expand [Your Database Server Name] > Sites > Default Web Site and select
2 In the main window, double-click Authentication under the IIS heading
3 Right-click on Windows Authentication and select Providers… 3
4 Select Negotiate and click Remove
 Some text on the Honeywell DVM video player may be truncated if the ControlFontSize is increased during
internationalization of a system (ISR121418)
Workaround: All text appears correctly at the default size. If you do need to increase the font size, consider
following the Honeywell DVM internationalization procedure to also change the phrases that are being cut off to
different text which does fit in the available space.
 The Navigation Tree may fail to display correctly if multiple DVM clients are launched in the same IE process (for
example, by selecting File > New > Window) (ISR129447)
Workaround: Launch each new instance of Internet Explorer from the Start Menu, or use tabbed browsing, if
multiple IE clients must be used on a single computer.
 On rare occasions the Honeywell DVM web pages do not load. The page displays a "Server error in / application"
error (ISR133326)
Workaround: From a command prompt on the Database Server computer, execute the command:
aspnet_regiis.exe –iru
 The Honeywell DVM Internet Explorer client gives a permission error and does not open if the operator account
name contains non-English characters (ISR175209)
Workaround: Avoid non-English characters in user account names and passwords.
 After restoring an archived recording created with multiple stream profiles the user is not notified that the
recording is created with multiple stream profiles (ISR190899)
Workaround: Currently there is no workaround for this problem. This does not affect any functionality and you will
be able to play back the restored recordings.
 A non-administrator user is asked to provide credentials every time they connect to Honeywell DVM using an
Internet Explorer client (ISR193800)
Workaround: Ensure the "Automatically logon with current username and password" Internet Explorer setting is
enabled for the current user.

Diagnostic Test Modules

 Exporting a table that has field data beginning with the "+" character causes those fields to be rendered as
'#NAME?' in Microsoft Excel (ISR128640)
Workaround: This is a limitation of Excel. Update any cell showing this error to display its value rather than the
result of a calculation. Alternatively, data can be viewed in other applications like Notepad.

Distributed Video Architecture (DVA)

 When a Database Server is unavailable but its name can be resolved in the DNS then the DVA link monitoring
functionality may take some extra time to report link failure as it waits for the network timeout to occur in addition
to the link health monitoring (ISR103630)
Workaround: If a Database Server which participates in a DVA link is powered off or uncontactable there may be a
delay in reporting the link failure while the failed machine can still be resolved in the DNS.
If you know that a Database Server in a DVA link is to become unavailable for a given period (perhaps for
maintenance), consider disabling the DVA link for the duration of the down time to avoid this eventual reported
 If a Honeywell DVM site on one end of a DVA link was unavailable while the DVA link was disabled, a
subsequent recovery of the unavailable site will not lead to the two sites automatically synchronizing again
Workaround: The two sites have conflicting enabled/disabled states for the DVA link. Manually enable the DVA link
from the system where it was originally disabled to resynchronize the link.
 An error is displayed while trying to delete a DVA link. Messages like "This request operation sent to
net.tcp://<DatabaseServer>/IDSALocalSystemServices did not receive a reply..." are in the client engineering log
Workaround: Messages like "This request operation sent to
net.tcp://<DatabaseServer>/IDSALocalSystemServices did not receive a reply within the configured timeout ..." in

the DVM client engineering log indicate a network problem within the local system. Check that the DVA Service is
running and that the Discovery Port for the service is open and actively listening.
 Socket exception messages are seen in the DVM engineering log when a DVA link is enabled (ISR115128)
Workaround: Ensure your network is correctly configured. In particular, the socket at the IP address referenced in
the log message is available, listening and not being used by any other applications.

DVM Console
See the DVM Console Known Issues Bulletin.

EBI and Experion Integration

 When viewing an event in the Alarm or Event Summary generated from the event activation task, the Location
field displays the Honeywell DVM Camera Server name instead of the camera’s assigned Area. (ISR64613)
Workaround: Disregard contents of the Location field.
 Received error “An error has occurred on the script of this page” after clicking the Honeywell DVM icon in Station
Workaround: Check that the logged in Windows user is a member of the Honeywell Users group in EBI or the
Local Operators group in Experion.
 The alarm line video link for a recording does not open when an alarm or event summary is embedded as a
popup in a custom display (ISR104439)
Workaround: Alarm line video link usage is not supported from Alarm Summary or Event Summary popup custom
 Cameras in a view do not show a proper error message when a Station operator using Integrated Security is not
part of the DVM_Users group on a Camera Server (ISR115480)
Workaround: The viewport will appear black if the operator is unable to be authenticated.
 The Camera Shape icon fails to show the running man symbol for a camera that has Video Analytics enabled
when any other checkbox on the display is assigned a read-only string parameter (ISR118259)
Workaround: This Camera Shape issue is caused by incorrect bindings of other elements in the custom display. In
particular, a checkbox on the custom display being bound to a read only string parameter. Check the bindings of
all elements on your custom display if this issue is seen. In the interim, an indication of Video Analytics status can
be found by opening the Camera Shape popup and checking for the running man symbol on the video player.
 The Camera Shape icon does not reflect camera status changes if the Camera Shape has been saved inside a
dynamic shape (ISR123373)
Workaround: In custom displays, when the Camera Shape is saved inside another dynamic shape, add a hidden
object and group it with the Camera Shape.
 Intercom calls cannot be received or triggered from a pinned Camera Shape Popup after navigating the
underlying Station display away from any Honeywell DVM display or custom display containing Honeywell DVM
components (ISR131840)
Workaround: Intercom calls should be triggered from the Camera Shape Popup before navigating away from the
custom display.
 Low memory alarms generated for an Analytics Server have the Condition value "Camera Server" (ISR134352)
Workaround: The low memory condition is correct, however the Alarm Condition will read "CAMERA SERVER" for
both Camera Servers and Analytics Servers. Use the Source in the Alarm Summary to identify the computer that
needs attention.
 Cameras in Station stop streaming when logging back in after an idle timeout. Engineering Log shows "The
camera does not exist or you do not have permission to view it" (ISR174278)
Workaround: This generally indicates a reconfiguration in SOR. Log out and log back on to Station to refresh your
camera access.
 EBI/Experion Integration Components will not correctly register with a Honeywell DVM system if that system is
currently in DVA with another Honeywell DVM system that the EBI/Experion was previously integrated to
(ISR188794) 5
Workaround: Remove the DVA link to allow the Integration Components to register with the alternate Honeywell
DVM system. Recreate the DVA link afterwards.

Honeywell Intelligent Video Analytics (HVA) Integration

 Enabling a HVA algorithm in Honeywell DVM while the HVA configuration tool is open may cause a license error
to be displayed. The error message will read “Not enough licenses for product Active Alert. Please adjust product
assignments” or similar (ISR96487)
Workaround: This is a transient error. Click OK to acknowledge the message and then click "Refresh cameras" in
the Configuration Tool. If there are subsequent problems with viewing the cameras in the Configuration Tool,
disable and re-enable Video Analytics from a Honeywell DVM client for the affected cameras.
 HVA Configuration Tool cannot process video when the live video compression type for the camera is H.264 and
the resolution is QCIF (ISR104431)
Workaround: For cameras that are using HVA algorithms and the compression type is set to H.264, set the
resolution of the live video to CIF or greater.
 When an Analytics Server is removed from the network, any Camera Server using that Analytics Server for
processing will show an "RPC server unavailable" message in the DVM engineering log file (ISR108701)
Workaround: Functionality is not affected. Log messages can be filtered using the Honeywell Log Viewer.

Input and Output Devices

 An output configured for manual deactivation cannot be deactivated if it was reconfigured from a latched to a
pulsed output while the output was active (ISR99774)
Workaround: Reconfigure the device as a latched output, deactivate the device and then configure it as a pulsed
output device.
 Send Video to Station functionality, when triggered by an I/O device, will continue sending a camera or view to
Station even after the camera or view is deleted (ISR100381)
Workaround: The camera or view to send to Station as a result of an I/O device being triggered is cached by the
Camera Server managing the I/O device. To stop a deleted camera or view being sent to Station by the device
triggering, reconfigure the I/O device to send a different camera or view when triggered or remove the trigger
from the I/O configuration.

 Unable to hear audio in the field when an intercom call is initiated on a camera configured for multicast frame
delivery (ISR103111)
Workaround: For intercom cameras, always configure frame delivery as unicast.
 The first attempt to disconnect an active intercom call after a Database Server failover may fail (ISR113848)
Workaround: Intercom functionality is not otherwise affected, however you may need to make multiple attempts to
disconnect the active intercom after a Database Server failover.
 Intercom does not work correctly on Axis devices if Honeywell DVM is configured to connect to the Axis device
with a non-admin (Viewer) account (ISR143087)
Workaround: Use an Axis Administrator account to connect to the device if intercom is required functionality.

 If two alarm queues are configured to use the one physical monitor, a window may appear blank if the same
camera is sent to both alarm queues (ISR115471)
Workaround: Use separate physical computers to manage different logical alarm queues.
 Process memory of HWDVSCoOrdinator.exe and dwm.exe grows excessively on a multi-monitor client that is
displaying multi-monitor video on multiple physical monitors (ISR207522)
Workaround: This typically occurs when the Performance > Visual Effects configuration of the underlying
Operating System is set to ‘Adjust for best appearance’. Set the Visual Effects configuration to ‘Adjust for best
performance’ instead.

Performance Counters
 Honeywell DVM performance counters for a remote Camera Server machine are not available in Windows
Performance Monitor (ISR98195)
Workaround: Use Windows Performance Monitor on the local machine where the performance counters are

 Camera Configuration report cannot be run with blank parameters. Selection of values is required but this is not
obviously mandatory (ISR133397)
Workaround: It is a default behaviour of EBI to add blank selection items to combo boxes. Honeywell DVM has a
value selected by default. Ensure that if you do change this selection, you do not choose a blank value.
 Honeywell DVM reports fail to generate. EBI log shows "Exception: SnapshotCompletedHandler() while running
CreateReportHistorySnapshotAsync() for report Honeywell DVM ..." (ISR149540)
Workaround: This issue occurs if a parameter in the report does not have valid values, and is likely caused by an
error during the configuration of the report. If you encounter this error, reconfigure the report with a different set of
parameters, and then reconfigure the report again to have the original desired parameters.
 Reports exported to csv or xml may contain unnecessary "Textbox#" data fields (ISR185138)
Workaround: Textbox IDs for the report controls are incorrectly translated into report results. This additional data
can be ignored. The issue does not occur in report formats other than csv or xml.

 If a schedule is created while the stream type is Audio/Video, an option is provided to indicate if audio is enabled
or not. If schedules are created with audio enabled, and some time later the stream type is changed to Video
Only, the audio value in the existing schedules does not change to indicate that audio is not required (ISR78003)
Workaround: Complete the following steps:
1 Go to the Camera Definition tab and change the Stream type to Video/Audio.
2 Open the Schedule tab and select the schedule.
3 Clear the Audio enabled checkbox.
4 Go to the Camera Definition tab and change the Stream type option back to Video Only.
 An active recording schedule will appear twice in the camera's list of schedules if the Camera Server that hosts
the camera fails over to a backup Camera Server after the scheduled recording has started (ISR104605)
Workaround: The duplicate schedule should be ignored. It will disappear once the scheduled recording is complete
or after fail back to the preferred Camera Server.

SQL Server
 Replication between the Honeywell DVM Database Servers fail when the Honeywell DVM administration account
(default is DVM_Manager) is not in the Administrators group on the Database Servers (ISR76904)
Workaround: Ensure that the Honeywell DVM administration account is not removed from the Administrators
group. Exclude Honeywell DVM Database Servers from group security policies which enforce such changes.
 The SQLSERVERAGENT regularly logs warning messages in the preferred Database Server's Windows
Application Event Log until the backup Database Server is installed (ISR106162)
Workaround: The warning message does not affect system operations and can be ignored. The messages will
stop being logged once the backup Database Server is installed.
 Replication of data between redundant Database Servers can be affected when there is high database activity
coupled with a Database Server failover. Typically, high database activity occurs when you have lot of alarms
being generated within a minute and their associated views are being thrown to multi-monitors. If a database
failover happens during this high activity period it may result in associated alarm views not being displayed on
monitors (ISR188631) 7
Workaround: It is recommended not to exceed 25-30 alarms per minute. If you are seeing this limit being
exceeded in your system you may need to retune your video analytics or other triggers to reduce the number of

Video Analytics and Camera Tamper

 Disabling Camera Tamper on a camera that has 'Scene Change' tamper detected may not revert the camera
icon from the tampered state to a normal state (ISR104602)
Workaround: The next status change for the camera (for example, starting a recording) will rectify the camera icon.
Alternatively, the camera can be disabled and re-enabled to reset the status.
 If camera tamper processing is enabled while the Database Server cannot contact the Camera Server due to
network failure, the camera tamper processing will not start (ISR108965)
Workaround: Ensure that the Camera Server is contactable over the network, then disable and re-enable the
camera tamper algorithm for the affected cameras. Alternatively, restart the Camera Server that manages the
affected cameras
 Analytics algorithms like Standard VMD, Premium VMD, and streamer-based algorithms, will detect motion in the
reverse-mirror of the ROI if the streamer video is rotated 180 degrees at the streamer after configuring Video
Analytics (ISR139073)
Workaround: Configure Video Analytics after rotating the camera image. If the analytics is processed by Honeywell
DVM you can alternately enable and disable the camera in Honeywell DVM after rotating the image to force
Honeywell DVM to reinitialise the Analytics scene.
 The Tuning video player for Video Analytics streams the Live Video profile, which may create an incorrect ROI
configuration if the Analytics Processing profile is a different aspect ratio (ISR183673)
Workaround: Ensure live and analytics profiles use similar resolutions when performing tuning.

Video Export
 If you attempt to export a clip to a drive that is not accessible, a subsequent attempt to export a clip will generate
an error message because the Windows “Save file” dialog defaults to the previous path. The following error is
displayed: "<path> is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the
administrator of this server to find out if you have access permission. The network name cannot be found." After
you restore the network share, you receive the same error message if you attempt to export again (ISR64505)
Workaround: Acknowledge the error and choose the export location as normal. Subsequent export attempts
should succeed.
 Internet Explorer unexpectedly closes when exporting two or more recording clips simultaneously with the zip
and audit log options enabled (ISR74311)
Workaround: If both the zip and audit log options are required, the exports must be completed one at a time.
 Export of an intercom recording made on Equip, Acuix or HNVE devices do not separate upstream and
downstream audio into left and right channels (ISR100881)
Workaround: Export and playback of the exported recording is successful, however both streams of audio are
heard on the left channel.
 Exporting a remote clip from a DVA site that does not have the appropriate adapter software installed may result
in the Honeywell DVM client terminating with an error (ISR101840)
Workaround: Servers and clients for all sites in a Distributed Video Architecture must have all necessary adapters
installed for cameras being viewed across the system.
 For clips with low frame rate that are exported, the first few seconds of video may not be shown when playing
back the clip (ISR110199)
Workaround 1: Rewind the clip in Windows Media Player to restore the first few frames of video.
Workaround 2: Ensure the correct Sound Card driver is installed.
 Exporting video will fail if a Camera Server failover occurs during the export operation (ISR112784)
Workaround: If performing a manual Camera Server failover, ensure that no operators are performing critical
operations. Alternately, in the case of both manual and automatic failover, the operator can restart the export of
the recording once the Camera Server has become active again.

 Natively exported H.264 recordings may not play back correctly in Windows Media Player on Windows 7 or
Windows 2008. Windows Media Player version 12.0.7601.17514 is most commonly reported as having an issue
Workaround: Play back the clips using an application that fully supports the codec. VLC Media Player is
 An Internet Explorer client may terminate unexpectedly if a user attempts to simultaneously export multiple clips
from multiple Internet Explorer clients on a single computer (ISR161392)
Workaround Perform one export at a time on each Internet Explorer client machine, or use DVM Console to
perform multiple exports.
 Video Export timestamp appears in solid rather than transparent text or can look blurry when video is paused
Workaround: This is caused by a known issue in Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 and Microsoft Windows Server 2008
R2 SP1. To resolve this issue, install the update found in thirdparty\Microsoft Updates\KB2670838 on your
installation media.
 Exported recordings may not play back with full duration when using VLC. Windows Media Player will play the
entire clip correctly in these scenarios (ISR210307)
Workaround: Use Windows Media Player instead of VLC to play exported video clips, if any anomaly with exported
duration is seen.

Video Player
 The playback slider may appear to begin a few frames after the start of the clip for MPEG devices that don't
support on-demand reference frames. Affected devices include the Honeywell EQUIP range, Honeywell ACUIX,
and Sony (ISR74312)
Workaround: This occurs when the first few frames recorded were delta frames. A recording starts playback on a
full video frame, so the slider appears to be indented when positioned at the location of the 1st full video frame in
the recording. This does not occur if you have pre-record selected for the particular clip type for the camera.
 If multiple PTZ cameras are in a single custom display then using a joystick for camera control causes all those
PTZ cameras to move (ISR114320)
Workaround Use of a joystick in custom displays containing more than one PTZ camera should be avoided.
 Performing image enhancements on high resolution video (both live and playback) causes delay or playback
becomes jerky and audio gets distorted.(ISR191042)
Workaround: Create recordings and perform image enhancement on paused video rather than on live.

 Cycling viewports on a multi-monitor fail when the Site ID of the Honeywell DVM system is changed (ISR103318)
Workaround: Clear the monitor and send the same view to the monitor again.

Multicast streaming from Axis cameras

 Some axis cameras may fail to stream live video in multicast mode (ISR212002)
Workaround: Use unicast if multicast fails to stream. 9

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