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Discussion Unit 1

Teaching is a knowledge-based profession in which instructors are referred to as learning

specialists who impart knowledge to students who are considered blank slates. Students expect

educators to be experts in the subjects they teach. As professionals in their field, teachers must

stay current, analyze new information related to their core professional practice, and constantly

update their knowledge base to improve their technique and meet unique pedagogy needs.

Do you agree or disagree that it is challenging to be a highly effective teacher or principal

without having a working knowledge of the research world and how it works? 

It is only possible to be a highly effective teacher or principal with a working knowledge of the

research world. Over the years, I have seen where participating in research has helped me

become a better educator and team leader at my place of work. Assessing my capabilities and

knowledge from the first year of teaching till now, I have grown tremendously due to the new

knowledge gained while taking part in added learning. 

 What topic would you like to explore, and why is this of interest to you or important for

you to research?

I want to investigate Effective Classroom Practices Based on Student Achievement Data.

According to Thomas (2010), the process of combining data from classroom observations of

teaching practices and measures of teachers' ability to improve student achievement. This topic is

critical because I have become invested in researching and implementing various strategies to

improve my students' overall participation and achievement in the subject area taught.  
 Finally, becoming an excellent educator or principal is required. You must be aware of

advancing your practice and achieving success. Teachers research to better understand how they

and their students create and reconstruct curricula. Teachers investigate their practices to identify

inconsistencies between their theories and practices.


Cochran-Smith, M., & Lytle, S. L. (1990). Research on teaching and teacher research: The issues that

divide. Educational Researcher, 29(2), 2-11. Painter, D. (1999) Teacher research could change your

practice. NEA.


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