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Research Topic 
Impact of Cyberbullying on Distance Learning
Research questions 
1. What is the reality of middle school bullying amid the COVID-19 epidemic? 
2. In which forms is cyberbullying hampering remote learning?
3.  What factors are increasing the situation of school cyber bullying? 

Data collection techniques 

Quantitative data are dependable numbers that provide bias-free conclusions and are easy to
collect and analyze ("Quantitative research," n.d.). Qualitative data, however, cannot be easily
converted to statistics and answers more in-depth questions such as 'what,' 'how,' and 'why'
("Evidence guide," n.d.). It required some time to decide between qualitative and quantitative
data collection. Qualitative data-gathering approaches will be employed for this study. This
information is acquired through assessments, one-on-one interviews, focus groups,
questionnaires, and other means.

As a result, my technique of choice is guided by the fact that it is quite beneficial in measuring
the occurrence of specific traits. Furthermore, "qualitative analysis allows researchers to study
individuals', groups', or communities' ideas, feelings, views, and/or experiences" (NSW
Government., nd). Similarly, qualitative research allows for flexibility throughout the study
process, making it simple to modify and tailor solutions to emergent concerns while encouraging
collaboration between the researcher and the participants (NSW Government, 2022).


Evidence guide for school excellence: Qualitative data. (n.d.). NSW Government.

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