Problem Taxonomy. To Be Realistic: N and Concurrent Engineering

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lem, verification of correct system op-

eration under different environmental

conditions, is addressed mainly
through software management tech-
niques. Computer-aided software en-
Most digital systems consist of a some aspects of the concurrent design gineering (CASE) tools are currently
hardware component and software of hardware and software modules. more applicable to these problems
programs that execute on the hard- than CAD programs are.
ware platform. Obviously, these sys- Problem taxonomy. To be realistic In general-purpose computing sys-
tems can deliver higher performance about the possibility of supporting co- tems, two codesign problems have
when the hardware design is tuned to design with CAD tools, we must first been investigated extensively: caches
its software applications and vice ver- make a coarse-grained taxonomy of and pipelines. The design and sizing
sa. Computer designers have exploit- the problem. Codesign is part of sys- of memory caches require a match be-
ed the synergism between hardware tem-level design, where a system is a tween circuit performance and the up-
and software for many years, for ex- physical unit that can deliver a service dating algorithm and its parameters.
ample, in defining hardware architec- (for example, a computer workstation Most cache designs are based on vali-
tural support for operating systems. or a manufacturing robot). System- dating the design assumptions through
Renewed interest in hardware-soft- level design requires solving mechani- simulation with specialized tools.
ware codesign can be traced to progress cal, electrical, and software problems. The design and control of processor
in computer-aided design. We now There are three major classes of sys- pipelines require removing pipeline
understand many hardware CAD tem design: (1) large systems that in- hazards. Either hardware or software
problems and have design tools to clude several computing units and techniques can solve the problem. In
solve them. The emphasis in CAD has broad software functions, such as an air- the former case, the pipeline control
risen from the physical-design to the craft or a continental telephone network; unit can flush the pipe; in the latter,
logic-synthesis level, where hardware (2) general-purpose computing systems the compilers can reorder the instruc-
models in register-transfer languages that include several layers of software tions or insert “no operations.” The
(for example, Verilog, VHDL, UDLII) in the operating system; and (3) em- choice affects overall performance,
are compiled into logic circuits and bedded systems that have processors and estimating performance is not
optimized. High-level synthesis tech- dedicated to specific functions and trivial. It requires appropriate models
niques support the design of hardware different degrees of programmability. for both hardware and software. Com-
from behavioral descriptions, whose The problems of designing large puting the most effective number of
abstractions are similar to those used systems include reliability and avail- pipe stages for a given architecture is
in software programs. Hence, design ability, which are often achieved
tools may soon be able to handle through redundancy. Another prob- (Continued at the bottom of p . 86)

n and concurrent engineering project start to end. They uncover and

remove barriers, and act as mediators
chenrieder, Siemens AG -possibly between remote develop-
ment sites. In the startup phase, they
devise threads of action for all design
The surge of interest in hardware- veloping integrated design methods. disciplines and equip each thread with
software codesign is driven by advanc- One approach is to stress system- appropriate tools. The key issue is to
es in the technologies that support a level design over specific hardware establish a smooth transition between
unified approach. In particular, these and software issues. Industrial systems, development sites, avoiding “ball over
include system-level specification and however, contain mainly time-discrete the wall” or “island design” problems.
simulation environments, soft-proto- and time-continuous components for The coaching staff can maintain com-
typing techniques, formal design and which formal design methods and de- munications between designers
verification methods, and high-level sign tools exist. It is possible to move through informal reviews and formal
synthesis and framework technology. to higher levels of abstraction in the consistency-checking systems embed-
A unified approach continuously re- design process and still take advan- ded in the framework.
lates the hardware and software devel- tage of lower level tools, but it requires
opment cycles so that decisions made a formal model at project start for Partitioning and integration. As in
in either activity significantly affect both the system under design and the all fields of engineering, measurements
other operations. Ideally, several de- codesign process itself. The work flow guide decision processes; hence, co-
sign teams develop system components can then be mapped onto the model design must employ metrics on the de-
concurrently, so codesign also refers to so that tool support for data and task sign, system, and hardware-software
conjoint team cooperation. management can be established, and level. Design-level metrics are very
threads of action can be assigned in similar to those employed for analysis
Framework and management struc- parallel. Some practical codesign envi- of parallel computer systems. This is
ture. Systems from portable CD play- ronments employ framework technol- because modules that implement time-
ers to complex flight controls can bene- ogy for tool encapsulation, sequenc- discrete or time-continuous functions
fit from this design approach. The field ing, scheduling, and auditing. are continuously active in parallel.
of application is so wide that it is im- As a team effort, codesign needs System-level metrics address archi-
possible to devise a single method or “coaching” to be successful. A coaching tectural issues, reliability, serviceabili-
tool to serve all needs. Therefore, staff consists of technical specialists ty, and system performance. Design-
much research has concentrated on de- and managers who meet regularly from ers must measure parameters and

January 1993 85
compare them to estimates for full plications. Much attention must be fo-
hardware or full software implementa- cused on partitioning methods and
tions. All this boils down to the most tools for industrial use.
famous question in hardware-software Partitioning starts with There is plenty of room for research
codesign: How well is the system parti- and experimentation. The field is
tioned into hardware and software? the system-design evolving rapidly. A book based on the
Partitioning actually starts with the modeling step. First International Workshop for
system-design modeling step, in which Hardware-Software Codesign in Gras-
the designer expresses the system’s sau, Germany, held in the spring of
behavior formally with, for example, 1992, and the follow-up in Estes Park,
parallel random-access machines that Colorado, in late September, is sched-
encapsulate state diagrams and time- labs are working in this area, we are uled for publication early in 1993. In-
continuous transfer functions. De- far from a standardized representa- terest is increasing among industrial
pending on the underlying theoretical tion. labs and production sites in the US,
model, abstraction level, and integra- Another issue is that few tools are Europe, and Asia. The Computer-
tion strategy, several estimation and designed for hardware-software cross Aided Software-Hardware Engineer-
analysis methods are available. Deter- specification, development, simula- ing Codesign Workshop, scheduled
ministic estimation, for example, re- tion, integration, and test. Most de- for May 1993, and special sessions of
quires a fully specified model with all sign tools apply to a single domain, the Design Automation Conference
data dependencies removed and all making it difficult to observe the se- and the European Design Automation
component costs known. This method quence of operations or connect such Conference will increase the commu-
leads to very good partitions, but fails tools to framework environments. De- nity interested in the topic as well.
whenever data items are unavailable. sign flow management, operation
Statistical estimation, based on the monitoring, or task cross-checking be- References
analysis of similar systems and certain comes very hard if not impossible.
design parameters, is then required. Tool vendors must support hardware- 1. Collected papers from the First Inter-
Profiling techniques rely on the exam- software codesign efforts by supplying national Workshop on Hardware-Soft-
ination of control flow and data flow mechanisms for framework interfac- ware Codesign, sponsored by IFIP WG
within an architecture to determine ing. Frameworks should also be im- 10.5 in cooperation with WG 10.2,
computationally “expensive” parts proved with respect to communica- Grassau, Germany, May 19-21,1992.
prone for realization in hardware. tion, cosimulation, auditing, and
2. Workshop handouts from the First In-
In the strategic area, the issue is checkpointing capabilities between ternational Workshop on Hardware-
early versus late binding. Early bind- physically distant development sites Software Codesign, sponsored by ACM
ing is the preferred strategy in the in- linked via networks. and IEEE, Estes Park, Colo., 1992.
dustry because it supports complete Because estimation and analysis
planning of the development cycle to tools are in their infancy, automatic Klaus Buchenriederis research manager at
guide design decisions. In contrast, system partitioning is not yet possible. Siemens AG, Corporate R&D, Base Tech-
late binding can help in finding better At best, users get some hints from es- nologies, Software and Engineering, ZFE
solutions to product performance is- timations to guide their intuitions. BT SE 52, Otto-Hahn-Ring 6, W-8000 Mu-
sues and in addressing “moving tar- This is not sufficient for industrial ap- nich 83, Germany.
get” problems such as change requests
from consumers.
After parallel implementation of as-
signed team modules, all design Extending CAD (continued from p. 85)
threads are joined for system integra-
tion. Clearly, successful integration de- thus a hardware-software codesign Embedded systems often fall into the
pends on the quality of the partitions. problem with possibly multiple solu- class of reactive systems. They are
Since both steps complement each oth- tions. CAD tools can explore the meant to react to the environment -
er, interfaces must be specified during trade-off and suggest a convenient im- executing functions in response to spe-
system partitioning and prepared for plementation. The Piper synthesis cific stimuli. In some cases, their func-
automatic synthesis and system test, program is an example of a codesign tions must execute within predefined
tool that addresses this problem.’ It time frames. Hence, they are called
State of the art. Codesign is slowly provides pipe stage partitioning and real-time systems. Examples of reac-
gaining acceptance in the industry - pipeline scheduling, and also deter- tive real-time systems are pervasive in
partly because meeting the design-to- mines the instruction reorder that the the automotive field (for example, en-
cost bounds on the development of in- corresponding back-end compiler gine combustion control), the manufac-
creasingly complex systems under rigid should use to avoid hazards. turing industry (robot controllers), and
time-to-market constraints requires Embedded systems are computing the consumer and telecommunication
new approaches. Confidence that hard- systems dedicated to an application. industries (portable telephones).
ware-software codesign can solve some The most restrictive view of an embed-
of these problems stems from success- ded system is a microcontroller or a Embedded systems and ASICs. Em-
ful automotive and telecommuncations processor running a fixed program. bedded systems can be thought of as a
applications. In addition, many small- This model can be broadened to a gen- generalization of application-specific
scale codesigned systems do exist.’%2 eral-purpose processor, assisted by ap- integrated circuits (ASICs), where a
Critics bring forward the issue of a plication-specific hardware and memo- processor coupled with its software
missing common model or standard ry, that performs a dedicated function. program can be viewed as a system re-
for unified, exchangeable design rep- Sensors and actuators allow the system source. The similarities between em-
resentation. Even though research to communicate with the environment. bedded systems and ASIC design


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