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Written by: Robby Smith

Art by: Koschkin

Magic Items

Lock Breaker Universal Key

“See the thing about locks is they’re not “My partner was telling me about his art
actually about keeping things out, in detail. It got me thinking though. Why
otherwise you’d just use a wall. Locks are pick the lock to a door when you can just
about letting people through the wall. So, remove the door”? – Trenox the Tinkerer
what if you really don’t want someone to on lockpicking.
use the lock? Well, that’s where my
fantastical and ingenious inventions
come in yet again! Why has no one Wonderous item, uncommon
thought about this.” Trenox the Tinkerer
giving a lecture to his goblin clan.
A small black square steel and wooden
package with extendable arms with sharp
Wonderous item, Uncommon prongs for attachment to any vertical or
horizontal surface. It has a small clock on
the front with an alarm.
A lock breaker looks like a small iron key
with perforated teeth. The head contains a
small glass container filled with a neon Open Any Door - The ‘Universal Key’ can be
green acid. put onto a flat surface. The clock face can
then be set for anywhere from 10 seconds
to 5 minutes. Once the timer reaches the set
Can’t Pick A Lock If There Is No Lock to time limit it will give a small bell alarm
Pick – The ‘Lock Breaker’ can be inserted before exploding in a 60ft sphere dealing
into any mundane key lock. When turned it 8d6 damage to any object or creature in the
will inject a viscus acid into the lock, area.
melting away its contents. The user rolls
4d4 and the Dc to pick the affected lock
raises by that much. Note: After it explodes the ‘Universal Key’ is
destroyed and cannot be used again.

Note: After it is used the ‘Lock Breaker’ melts

into the lock destroying it.
Magic Items

Eye of Latching Jar of Surprise Bees

“Oh, by the Gods I wish I had an eye in ‘The element of surprise is the most
there. I need to know what’s happening!” - essential tool for a successful adventurer.
Xerox the Daring complaining to his It doesn’t matter how strong you are or
partner, Trenox the Tinkerer. how fast you are if you aren’t smart. So,
let me show you something that will
change the turn of any battle” – Dr.
Wonderous item, Uncommon (Requires Clockwork on how she has survived so
attunement) long.

A small clockwork eye with a bronze chain Wonderous item, Uncommon

with 4 spikes attached to the eye’s retina.
The eye seems to dart back and forth and
sometimes squirms in the user’s hand. A small green jar filled with a small bee
colony. A piece of parchment with the
words “Jar of honey” written on it is taped
Attaching - As an action, you can throw this onto the front.
eye up to 30 feet, attaching to the target on
impact. Make a ranged Attack against a
creature or object, treating the ‘Eye of Not The Bees! - As an action, you can throw
Latching’ as an Improvised Weapon. As an this jar up to 20 feet, shattering it on
action the eye can also be attached using a impact. Make a ranged Attack against a
contested Dexterity (sleight of hand) creature or object, treating the ‘Jar of
check against the target’s Wisdom Surprise Bees’ as an Improvised Weapon.
(perception) check. On a hit the target must make a Dc 14
dexterity saving throw, or the target takes
2d6 piercing damage and 2d4 poison
Perceiving – If the user is attuned to the damage on a failure and half as much on a
“Eye of Latching” they can use an action to success.
see through the eye. The user becomes
blind and can only see through the eye.
Note: once thrown (whether the jar hits the
target or not) The jar shatters and the bees
Note: When looking through the ‘Eye of escape and cannot be used again.
Latching’ the user can hear anything around
them but cannot see anything around them.
Magic Items

The Stinger The Horn of Profit

“What? Magic item? Oh yes of course, “Do not question how I obtained such items,
that’s what this is. So, let’s talk price!” – nor should you question where I came from.
Adler Trestin after finding an old scimitar Let us just participate in business. It’s in your
in a flooded back room. best interest to not antagonise the person
with world ending weapons.” – Merchant

Weapon (scimitar), Uncommon

Wonderous item, Rare

A long-curved blade of gold and silver. The Money Is Always A Driver – As an action a
blade is coated in a green fungus which creature can blow into ‘The Horn of Profit’. The
excretes a green poison. user must roll a D20. The user and any creature
within 10ft of the user must make a Dc 10 + ½
D20 roll dexterity saving throw or take 5d10 +
Modified Weapon - ‘The Stinger’ acts as a D20 roll bludgeoning damage as a black horse
regular scimitar. On a hit ‘The Stinger deals drawn carriage appears out of no where and
crashes into the user. The carriage will come to
an additional 2d4 poison damage.
a stop and open up revealing a hooded figured
known as ‘Merchant’ selling magical wares of
rarity determined by the D20 roll as seen below.
Natural Poison – On a hit the user can
choose to squeeze the handle as a bonus
action to excrete poison from the fungi on D20 Rarity
the blade. The target must succeed a Dc 12 1 Common
constitution saving throw or become 2-5 Uncommon
poisoned. 6-10 Rare
11-16 Very Rare
17-19 Legendary
Note: Proficiency with a scimitar allows you 20 Artifact
to add your proficiency bonus to the attack
roll for any attack you make with it. Once the horn has been used it cannot be used
for 2 weeks. Any creature who blows into the
horn before then gets a dry mouth with the
horn remaining silent.
Note: Prices and items are determined by the Dm.
There can never be more than 3 wares at any
time. There is only ever 1 artifact.
Magic Items

Investigator’s attire Hunter’s Whip

“Justice and bureaucracy are often “A true hunter of beasts must not only
confused. The police and guards, they’re demonstrate aggressive and almost
so caught up in the red tape of the law brutal force upon a foe, but also catch
they often fail to uphold it. That’s where I said foe by surprise. The Hunter’s Whip is
come in. Any private investigator knows, a tool which incorporates both and is a
sometimes to uphold the law, you have to tool for Hunters to strike fear into the
break it.” – Private Investigator Nick heart of their enemies before the stake.” –
Peacebreaker. Chief tracker Edwin Blackblood of the
Beast Hunter guild.

Armour (Studded Leather), Rare (Requires

attunement by a creature with expertise in Weapon (whip), Rare (requires attunement)

The ‘Hunter’s Whip’ is a long 10ft long black

‘Investigator’s attire’ is comprised of a long whip with a red handle and wrist loop. The
black trench coat and black fedora. When whip itself has equally spaced steel blades
attuned the user seems to have their face which interlock when the whip is coiled.
blocked by shadows.

Magically Enhanced Reach – The attuned

Above The Law – Whenever the user is in user can use their bonus action to speak the
dim light or darkness they have advantage command work to magically extend the
on Dexterity (stealth) checks. ‘Hunter’s Whip’ to a reach of 30ft. The
whip returns to the regular size (reach of
10ft) when stowed.
Seeker Of The Truth – The user gains
advantage on Intelligence (investigation)
checks whenever investigating a crime Serrated Blades – The attached blades
scene. The user also gains advantage on allow the whip to deal an additional 2d6
Wisdom (medicine) checks when piercing damage.
examining a dead body.
Magic Items

Box of Hiding Bow of Versatility

“Look, I'm not exaggerating when I say the “No one truly knows what to expect out of
success of your mission hinges on how you life. Hell, no one really knows what to
use that wooden box. But in the end, a expect from next week. Even with the best
wooden box is only made of wood. Handle it divination magics it remains a mystery.
with care or it won't be of much use to you. The same remains true of the heat of
Don't think of it as just another box. Treat it combat. So, it’s best to be prepared.” –
with love... Don't be rough. Okay?”
Durngar the Battleforged.

Wonderous item, Rare

Weapon (longbow + shortsword), Rare
(Requires attunement)
A wooden crate about 5ft by 2ft with a blank
piece of paper attached to the front. The work
‘URGENT’ is burned into the wood on all four An overly long longbow made of sharpened
sides. One of the wooden panels is attached vertebrae. When a small iron latch is
with two hinges and acts as a door. removed the thin bowstring unravels and
the bones separate into dual wielded short
Every Where’s Got Boxes. Right? – When
ever a creature is inside the ‘Box of Hiding’
and has the door closed they gain advantage Longbow Form – The ‘Bow of Versatility’
on any Dexterity (Stealth) checks when acts as a +1 longbow with a range of
attempting to hide. No matter where the box 200/700ft.
is, onlooking creatures are not suspicious. If a
creature is looking for the user they must Short Sword Form – The ‘Bow of
make a Dc 15 Wisdom check to see through Versatility’ acts as two +1 short swords.
the illusion.
Same Day Delivery – If the user writes a Note: The ‘Bow of Versatility’ can swap form
location within 1 mile of the box on the paper by using a bonus action. The user must have
attached to the box’s door, the first passer-by bow parts of the bow for it to reform into its
must make a Dc 15 Wisdom saving throw or
longbow form.
be compelled for 1 hour to deliver the box to
the written location.

Note: If the first passer-by saves, they cannot be

affected by the ‘Box of hiding’ for 1 hour. Other
passer-byers can still be affected.
Magic Items

Gauntlet of Mimicry The Loyal Defender

“Well, that’s strange. It’s odd enough to “I protect the forest, and the forest
find armour in a cave, but just the protects me.” – The druidic kobold known
gauntlet. Well, I guess who am I to deny only as ‘Lizard.’
gifts from the gods” – moments before
having her hand bitten off.
Shield, Very Rare (Requires attunement)

Wondrous item, Very Rare (Requires

attunement) A shield made out of a mysterious blue
material that seems to move like water and
is outlined by gold with a crescent moon
A normal steel gauntlet with a wet and made of silver in the centre. When attuned,
squishy inside, almost like a tongue. the user always feels a friendly force is with
Sometimes yellow eyes can be seen on the them.

Unholstered – When unholstered ‘The loyal

Shapechanger: The gauntlet warps its Defender’ acts as a magical +1 shield
knuckles into sharp spikes adding an
additional 1d8 piercing damage to unarmed Holstered – When holstered ‘The Loyal
strikes. Defender’ summons a fey spirt which takes
a translucent blue form of a beast of the
Adhesive: The mimic can produce a summoner’s choice of CR 2 or below. The
powerful adhesive. On a successful hit, the summoned beast shares the summoner’s
target is grappled. The target also has initiative and takes on the selected beast’s
disadvantage on rolls made to escape the stats. So long as the creature is within 100ft
grapple. The adhesive can be dismissed as a of the summoner, the creature can
bonus action. telepathically communicate with the user
Hungry: Each time the adhesive feature is and take commands (no action required).
used, the mimic bites down on the user,
sapping 2HP. The mimic may stop this if fed
beforehand, working only at the Dm Note: The creature understands the
discretion. summoner’s languages and sylvan. The fey
cannot speak or telepathically respond.
Sentience: The mimic has advanced
intelligence for its kind. This allows it to
have very simple conversations with and
can be persuaded into attunement or
Magic Items

The Delayed Reaction The Ball of Reverse Entropy

“Sometimes the difference between “Oh Gods! What in the Nine Hells did you
success and failure is timing. Getting the do? I can’t beli- AHH. What is wrong with
timing right, however, is walking a thin that ball?” – Trex the responsible
line. That’s where this comes in.” – Kryox addressing Xerox’s newest mistake.
Yemara on planning a bank heist after
Wonderous item, Legendary
the discovery of the’ Delayed Reaction’.
A small red rubber ball which can be easily
held in one hand. It seems to vibrate
Wonderous item, Very Rare slightly.
A Small Package, With A Lot Of Punch - As
an action ‘The Ball of Reverse Entropy’ can
A small 6-inch-tall hourglass made of silver
be thrown. It gains a movement speed of
and gold. It has a blue glowing rune on each
15ft which doubles after any impact. The
end of the hourglass.
direction ‘The Ball of Reverse Entropy’
bounces is determined by the Dm. When
‘The Ball of Reverse Entropy’ hits a target, it
Delayed Spell – If the ‘Delayed Reaction’
takes an amount of damage determined by
has a spell cast upon it and does not have a
its speed as seen below.
spell absorbed already, the hourglass will
absorb the spell instead of being affected by
the spell. The hourglass can then be turned
Speed D6 (Bludgeoning
upside down allowing the sand to start the damage)
timer. After 3 minutes the sand will have 15ft 1
reached the bottom of the hourglass and the 30ft 3
absorbed spell will activate. Only one spell 60ft 5
can be absorbed by the ‘Delayed Reaction’ 120ft 13
at once. 240ft 25

After reaching a speed of 240ft the ball

Note: If ‘The Delayed Reaction’ has a spell
becomes violently unstable and will explode
already absorbed the runes will glow red.
on next impact dealing 20d10 force damage.
Another spell cannot be absorbed until the
absorbed spell is used and the hourglass is Note: Once ‘The Ball of Reverse Entropy’ is
empty once again. used it cannot be stopped. Once it explodes it
can no longer be used.
Magic Items

Armour of the Blue Prophet

“All of us are born under the same sun. All Unnatural Metal – This ancient and
of us watch the same moon. Yet everyone unnatural material is harder than the
has a different story, regardless of how toughest steel granting a +1 to AC.
simple or similar they may think. In such
Radiant peace – When completely
a world we get a choice. A choice of anger
unarmed with no offensive spells prepared,
or a choice of happiness. With the way
the user gains an additional +2 to AC and
this world we share changes and the way
gives off a soft, faint, blue glow.
it is going, I do not blame anyone who
choses anger, for I myself have indulged. Resolve Instead Of Revenge – While
The time for anger has passed however. I completely unarmed with no offensive
shall bring in the age of peace. The age of spells prepared, the user gains advantage
happiness. The age of true united on all persuasion checks and an additional
freedom.” – The only recorded primary +3 to all persuasion checks to resolve
account of the Blue Prophet. conflict of any kind.

Armour (plate), Legendary

An intricately designed blue metal plate

with a helm which hides the users face bar a
small cross slit. The metal moves easily and
is almost light. Olive branches are carved
into the armour growing to wrap around
the soft gauntlets. The right gauntlet has a
white quartz dove on the palm and the left
has an obsidian falcon on the palm.
Inscribed within the helmet so that the user
can always easily read is the phrase,
“Always show kindness to everyone,
regardless of their standing, race or
alignment. The price of good is one that few
will bear, but one that I must.”

A product of only the most maniacal mages, Wüstlings are but distant echoes of their
once human form. A Wüstling is a creation only conceived by the maddening thoughts of
a purely apathetic being with no love left within their heart, and a creation feared by
everyone else. Standing at anywhere from 7ft to 11ft, a Wüstling's body is heavily
mutated with unnatural muscle mass which is supported by crude metal braces bolted
directly to the bone under rotten flesh with steel rivets. Although not located on every
Wüstling, a weapon usually takes the place of one of the creature's arms, ranging
anywhere from a long sword to a crude steel club. The body has also been heavily
augmented to accommodate an enhanced nervous system and more sensitive eyes for
use in wartime situations. However, the amount of stress and trauma the subject must
go through to reach completion usually leaves them without higher brain function and,
due to the enhanced nervous system, in constant pain, often leading to unending anger
to all around them, including objects.

A Brenner is one of the many reasons artificers must be regulated. A Brenner strikes fear in the
hearts of all who cross it. It is a beast of nothing but pain and terror and revels in inflicting them.
Standing as tall as 15ft, a Brenner's body is exclusively comprised of burnt and charred flesh
which is stitched together with metal staples. Its body is held together by large metal braces
drilled into the bone and flesh of the creature. Most notably this is seen in the beast's chest,
which remains completely open showing the exposed, blackened spine and the long still, seared
heart, held together only by four large steel braces which bolt into a Brenner's spine. A

Brenner's arms are completely reworked to facilitate its new purpose. Its right arm is usually
replaced by a large steel axe, akin to those used by firefighters, but with a large, serrated blade
bolted onto the front. While the left-arm hangs limply as most of the muscle has been torn or
burnt, a large nozzle is melded onto the skin and connects by a hose to a large cast-iron tank on
a Brenner's back. This device is used by the Brenner (with frightening pleasure) as a
flamethrower capable of expelling bursts of fire up to 60ft. The Beast is very easily spotted due
to its unnatural nature, but it is often heard before it is seen. Muffled laughs and giggles echo
around wherever a Brenner resides, with the maddening screams blocked out by the gasmask
seared onto a Brenner's face.

In war overwhelming force is often seen as a powerful strategy by those who do not
know battle. Overwhelming force can only go so far before it is systematically
destroyed. The true war is really about deception. The ability to hit an enemy hard,
quick, and undetected is a far superior technique and if done effectively can topple
mighty armies. The grotesque Jäger was designed for this very purpose and are experts
in the field of stealth and elimination. Standing anywhere between 8ft and 10ft a Jäger is
comprised of a heavily mutated and warped body, unable to hold itself upright and so is
in a permanent hunched position. Unlike many other undead, a Jäger remains fairly
unchanged, however, often retaining its original flesh, hair and general bone structure.
Their twisted bodies are obscured by thick veils and cloaks held to the Jäger's flesh by
large metal staples and hooks, with a small but heavily modified crossbow, capable of
firing a variety of ammunition, bolted to one of their arms with metal rivets. A Jäger is
excellent in the art of the hunt, with a repertoire of tricks, traps, and techniques up their
sleeve to make even the most dangerous game but a simple task. This in turn makes
them take great pleasure in their work and will often toy with their prey to prolong the
experience, preferring to torture and tire their victims when a swift kill is more
effective. A Jäger is one of the very few undead who can easily maintain and take joy out
of conversations but typically use it alongside other techniques to torment their foes.
These specialised units are cunning. If you hear a Jäger laugh. It's too late for you.

The most intelligent of the horrible abominations built for the wars of old, the Zauberer,
in the wrong circumstances, can be a real problem to any army regiment, let alone a
small adventuring party. The intelligence of these creatures has led them to become
great mages with a variety of magic in their arsenal. Unlike their living counterparts,
a Zauberer uses its magic for purely violent means and so prioritises exclusively
offensive spells. It is unknown whether these Zauberers were mages in life or gained
their magic during their creation. Standing anywhere between 5ft and 10ft, a Zauberer
is the most akin to its previous life, although still unnaturally altered. While its flesh is
mostly still intact, its body seems unnaturally stiff with every movement seeming
laboured and pained. Robes of varying types hang from their rigid shoulders and in
every single case, a Zauberer has a large scar in their mouth forming a large smile. While
a Zauberer is incredibly intelligent, they seem completely devoid of any mortality,
slaughtering indiscriminately with ease. Unlike other undead, a Zauberer can
communicate in complex sentences, bargain, and even have its own personality. These
personalities, however, are not exclusive and are unique from each Zauberer and have
been recorded ranging from sadistic, egotistical, and even apathetic. Regardless of this
sense of life, however, it should be noted this afront to nature is very much dead. Those
who forget this fact will join them.

The culmination of the atrocities man will inflict upon their enemies, the Blitz was designed
with only war and suffering in mind. Standing at anywhere from 20ft to 30ft tall and half as
wide, this rotten beast is far removed from the race used to create it. The Blitz's body is
stretched and warped with unnatural body contortions from its cracked and crudely rearranged
bones. The rotten flesh of this monster is scarred with natural and unnatural tears with the
body held together by a stiff internal steel skeleton, which is often seen to pierce out of the skin
of the Blitz, making this beast a twisted mess of flesh and metal. The Blitz's body is a mass of
broken, torn, and unnatural mussels which bulge and contract violently forcing the body to
violently twitch. The Blitz was designed to be a weapon of war, particularly in siege warfare, and
so a large ballista is bolted to the exposed spine of the Blitz. This ballista can be completely used
by the Blitz, but it is unsure if the Blitz even knows it is controlling it. The process to make this
beast is by far one of the most torturous experience a creature's body is completely changed and
probed to create the merciless beast it resembles today. The Blitz does not come out unscathed
though. The beast seems in a state of constant pain and sadness and its distant cries can be
heard echoing in the deep chambers it now resides. Do not let this confuse you however, if a
creature is spotted by such a monster, this sadness will turn to blood-chilling anger.

Note: All subraces follow all parent races abilities

unless otherwise stated.

Nord – Human Subrace

Having endured the inhospitable frozen north of the realm, these humans are
particularly hardy. The continuous struggle every day to survive in these frozen
wastelands have also led to quite a prominent culture among Nords, holding honour
and loyalty above all else and the ability, and more importantly, the willingness, to fight
or protect their homeland instilled within them from a very young age.

Nord Traits:
Natural resistance to cold - Spending much of their time in the frozen north of the
realm, these humans have become naturally adept to the inhospitable cold they call
home - Gain resistance to all cold damage.
Ability Score Increase – A Nord’s Constitution increases by 2 and your Strength or
Dexterity increases by 1.

Frost Elf – Elf Subrace

Born in some of the harshest environments in the realm, Frost Elves are naturally more
durable than the rest of their kin. The cold has forced these elves to adapt forming a fine
hard layer of ice on the outside of their skin and increased strength. Typically Frost
Elves have a rough personality, often refusing to even talk if unnecessary. The idea of
survival of the fittest isn’t just an idea, it’s a way of life.

Frost Elf Traits:

Natural Resistance to Cold – Spending much of their time in large glaciers and icy
mountains, these elves have become naturally adept to the inhospitable cold they call
home – Gain resistance to all cold damage.
Frost Armour – The Frost Elves’ skin is coated in a tough protective layer of ice –
Increase Ac by +1.

Ability Score Increase – A Frost elf’s Constitution and Strength increases by 1.

Rock Elf – Elf Subrace

Unlike most of their kin, rock elves are not a group focused on elegance but on strength
and results. Preferring to live in the rocky mountains where ore is commonplace, rock
elves use their above-average strength for mining, forging and construction which over
centuries they have mastered. However, many have also turned their attention to
crafting and other manufacturing. Their crafts are also not stereotypical of elvenkind.
The crafts are some of the strongest and most reliable, rivalling dwarves and gnomes,
but they are purely practical with no decorative additions of any kind making them
seem oddly unimpressive. They typically make great artificers but are not opposed to
other forms of arcanum and martial roles.

Rock Elf Traits:

Rock Elf Magic – A Rock Elf knows the cantrip ‘Mould earth.’ At 3rd level a Rock Elf
learns ‘Earth Bind’. At 5th level a Rock elf learns ‘Stoneshape.’ These spells can be cast
once per long rest.
Ability Score Increase – A Rock Elf’s Strength and Intelligence increase by 1

Overclocked Warforged – Warforged Subrace

The only thing really known about the Warforged is how little society knows about
them. This includes the ever-evolving race of Warforged themselves. While most simply
accept the Warforged are but an enigma, some brave few are desperate for answers. An
Overclocked Warforged has stripped away their protective armour to tinker with its
inner workings with some success, though if not careful, problems may soon arise.

Overclocked Warforged Traits:

Overclocking – Having stripped away much of the protective coating of their outer shell
an Overcloaked Warfored can alter their own internal components and can increase
their energy output to unsafe levels. As an action the Warfored can enter ‘Overclocked
mode.’ In this mode the Warforged gains advantage on all Dexterity and Strength
checks and saving throws and their walking speed doubles for 1 minute. At the end of
their ‘Overclocked mode,’ the Warforged gains a level of exhaustion, has disadvantage
on all Dexterity and Strength checks and saving throws and their speed is halved for

1 hour. Once this ability has been used it can’t be used again until the next dawn. Note:
This feature replaces the ‘Integrated protection’ Warforged ability.
Ability Score Increase – An Overclocked Warforged’s Intelligence increases by 2 and
Constitution by 1.

At the very birth of the realm, when the world was inhabited by crude creations and
simple creatures from egotistical and inexperienced gods, the Amethonians were made.
Forged from the magic deep within the burning heart of an infant world the complex
Amethonians were formed. Humanoid in shape, Amethonians are creatures of few
words but many talents. Comprised of ancient amethyst infused with great magics,
Amethonians are one of the very few creatures of this realm with direct connections to
magic itself. For this very reason, these crystalloid creatures cared little for politics of
mortals and instead prided themselves on great advancements in many fields of magic.
While many have long ago perished, some still remain, their initial purpose but a distant
memory. Typically, due to their robust and neutral nature, the last remaining
Amethonians are found as guards in prisons locked deep below the earth many walk
upon, guarding weapons or beings of great power and great evil. While its unsure as to
exactly why their way of life has become this, many theories exist, from an ancient war
to a lost bet with the gods. Nobody knows for sure. Perhaps the crystal beings are
responsible for what they guard.

Amethonian Traits:
Age – An Amethonian does not age and cannot age by magical means.
Size – An Amethonian is between 5ft and 10ft.
Weight – An Amethonian is between 270 lb and 450 lb.
Speed – An Amethonian has a base walking speed of 30ft.
Alignment – Unconcerned with the idea of mortality and instead striving for progress,
Amethonians tend to be neutral in alignment.
Language – An Amethonian can speak, read and write Common and Primordial.
Ability Score Increase – An Amethonian’s Intelligence increases by 2 and Constitution
by 1.
Magically Created – Comprised and held together Amethonians do not share many
similarities of other races of the realm. An Amethonian gains the following traits:
 Crystalline Bodies – Forgoing a typical organ system, Amethonians are entirely
crystal. They gain resistance to all Poison damage and immunity to the
Poisoned condition.
 Magically Active – An Amethonian is exclusively fuelled by ancient magic. They
do not need to eat or breath.
 Magical Construction – Amethonian anatomy is only possible by the magic which
holds they together. If an Amethonian enters an anti-magic field they will
become incapacitated until they leave, or the field no longer exists. If dispel
magic is cast upon them an Amethonian must make a Constitution saving throw
contested against the casters spell Dc or fall incapacitated.
Fast Learner – An Amethonian gains one skill proficiency and one tool proficiency of
their choice.
Intricate Magic – An Amethonian knows the spell ‘Earth tremor.’ At 3rd level an
Amethonian learns ‘Zone of truth’. At 5th level an Amethonian learns ‘Meld into stone.’
These spells can be cast once per long rest.

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