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EF Consultancy

A-6-13, LEVEL 8, UNCANG EMAS 3, 85 JALAN LOKEYEW, 55200 K.L,

Private & Confidential

Date :

Dear Sir/Madam ,
Professional fees charges in respect of preparation of loan and credit card on procuring financial
facilities .

We refer to above matter ,

1. Scope of appointment
-To provide you with our views and advice in relation to your eligibility and/or requirement
to procure and/or secure your required financial facilities of the bank.
-To prepare the submission of the application for financial facilities required to the bank .
-To submit your application for the financial facilities required to the bank on your behalf
upon receival of the relevant and necessary document from you.

2. Loan processing and advisor services fees

-SME Loan , Personal Loan / Credit Card: Document fees Rm 990
& processing and advisor service fees is 11% of the total
approved financial facilities granted by the bank below within 1 day from the aforementioned date
* Nve
o .tice : Customer whom unable to bank in the processing and advisor fees within 1days
after the loan has been bank into the customer account will be charged with extra 5%
consultation fees.

* Unless due to occurence of unexpected circumstances such as:

- Accident with valid evidence

- loan approval exceeding bank operating hours
Will be given an extra 1day allocation for the transfer of fees

Signature :
3.Payment of the loan processing and advisor service fee.
-The payment of the loan processing and advisor service fee shall be made in full upon the
approved financial facilities granted by the bank .

- You hereby agree that this person, whose name hereinafter appearing shall provide you with
a joint and several undertaking and guarantee to pay of the aforementioned service fee to us
(EF Consultancy).
This is letter shall constitute a legal document between us.
Thank You,

EF Consultancy.

I, Name……………………………………………………………NRIC…………………………………………………………

Acknowledge the understanding of terms & conditions within this agreement and hereby
confirm my acceptance to the content set out in this letter above.

Signature :.........................................................Date:……………………………………….

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