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MICROBIOLOGICAL REVIEWS, June 1982, p. 191-207 Vol. 46, No.


Animal Papillomaviruses
Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Pathology, Georgetown University Medical Center,
Washington, D.C. 20007,1 and Department of Veterinary Science, University of Wisconsin, Madison,
Wisconsin 537062
INTRODUCTION ....................................... 191
CLASSIFICATION ....................................... 192
PHYSICOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES ........................................ 192
PAPILLOMA TYPES ....................................... 193
PATHOGENESIS ....................................... 193
Mkroscopic Changes ...................................... 193
Natural and Experinentad Infections ........................................ 193
Cottontail rabbit (Shope) papi viornavus (CRPV) ................... ............. 194
Bovine papilomavirus (BPV) .......................................1 94
(i) BPV types 1 and 2 ........... ............................ 194
(i) BPV type 3 ............................................ 195
(iii) BPV type 4 ............ ................................ 195
(iv) BPV type 5 ....................................... 196
Other papillomaviruses ....................................... 1%
Infectivity in Cel Culture ........... ............................ 196
Human papiMlomavirus .......... ............................. 196
BPV ............................................ 197
CRPV ....................................... 197
IMMUNITY ....................................... 198
CRPV ....................................... 198
BPV ....................................... 199
Human PapiDlomavirus ....................................... 200
EVOLUTIONARY RELATEDNESS . ....................................... 200
Antigenic Cross-Reactivity ........... ............................ 200
Conserved Polynuckotide Sequences ........................................ 201
MOLECULAR BIOLOGY ....................................... 202
Lack of Integratfon ....................................... 202
Cloning Vector ....................................... 202
Transcription ....................................... 203
CONCLUDING REMARKS ........... ............................ 203
LITERATURE CITED ....................................... 204

INTRODUCTION transmitted in 1898 (105) and equine skin warts

in 1901 (18). The viral nature of warts was
Infectious papillomatosis (warts) are conta- inferred by transmission experiments of sterile
gious in the animals in which they naturally filtrates of human warts in 1907 (26) and was
occur. These lesions may be regarded as either subsequently demonstrated for a number of ani-
hyperplasia or benign neoplasms since they do mal papillomaviruses. Although the cottontail
not metastasize and kill the host. However, in at rabbit papilloma was the first to be examined in
least three species of lower animals, papillomas depth (147), the transformation of papilloma to
may undergo malignant transformation to carci- squamous carcinoma, which was noted over 45
noma. In some instances virus can produce years ago (144), is still not completely under-
tumors in alien hosts both experimentally and by stood.
natural infection. This oncogenic potential Until recently, the papillomavirus literature
makes the papillomaviruses an important group dealt mainly with transmission experiments, vi-
of tumor viruses, but surprisingly little is known rus ultrastructure and chemical composition,
about their biology. and pathological description of lesions. This is
Warts (or verrucae) have been recognized in understandable since the main impediment to
animals for centuries. For example, equine pap- analysis of these viruses has been the lack of a
illomas were described in the 9th century A.D. reproducible cell culture system permissive for
by a stablemaster of the Caliph of Bagdad (38). their replication. However, the papillomavirus
Experimental transmission of warts did not oc- field has enjoyed renewed interest due to recent
cur until the end of the 19th and beginning of the advances in the techniques of molecular biology,
20th century, with canine oral papillomas being especially molecular cloning, which have made
these viruses more amenable to experimenta- <100% deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequence
tion. Although the molecular aspects of papillo- homology are subtypes (27).
mavirus research is in its infancy, much of the Table 1 lists a number of characterized animal
information thus far obtained is intriguing, and papillomavirus and one avian virus infecting the
some of the wart viruses recently have been chaffinch (Fringilla), which is the only nonmam-
shown to possess unusual biological properties malian papillomavirus thus far described. Virus-
which would appear to make them unique in the es have been detected in papillomas from a
field of tumor virology. The purpose of this variety of other mammalian species including
review is to summarize these findings and to cutaneous lesions of the opossum, dog, and pig,
reconsider the older literature. oral lesions in the coyote and rabbit, and papillo-
mas on the udders of goats (see reference 4).
CLASSIFICATION These viruses have not been well characterized
The papillomaviruses represent genus A of the and will not be considered further.
family Papovaviridae; the polyomaviruses con- A virus isolated from hamsters has also been
stitute genus B (111). These genera differ in size, classified a member of the papillomavirus genus
with the papillomaviruses having a larger capsid (111). However, this virus, although it matures
and genome. The genera also differ in their in epithelial cells like papillomaviruses, has a
biological properties. In general, the papilloma- smaller icosahedral capsid (45 nm) and a smaller
viruses are relatively inactive in vitro and pro- double-stranded, covalently closed circular
duce benign cutaneous and mucosal tumors in DNA genome (3 x 106 daltons) (13) and should
their hosts as a result of natural infection. The not be classified a papillomavirus but rather a
polyomaviruses, on the other hand, are not member of the polyomavirus genus.
tumorigenic under conditions of natural infec-
tion and are capable of producing a wide variety PHYSICOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES
of effects in cultured cells. Papillomaviruses are naked icosahedral cap-
Recently, papillomavirus nomenclature has sids 50 to 55 nm in diameter. Human, cottontail
been revised following the discovery of multiple, rabbit, and the chaffinch papillomaviruses have
minimally related viruses infecting a given spe- 72 capsomers, with the rabbit having a left-hand
cies. Most notable are the human papillomavi- surface lattice and the human and chaffinch
ruses (HPVs) for which eight types have been viruses having a right-hand lattice (45, 76, 130).
identified (for review see 58). Although these Both "full" and "empty" particles can be isolat-
individual viruses will not be described in detail, ed from papillomas, with full particles having
the group will be discussed with respect to sedimentation coefficients of 2% to 300S and
infectivity in cell culture and host immunity. The empty particles having sedimentation coeffi-
proposed nomenclature changes provide for cients of 168 to 172S (30). Full particles have a
classification of viruses into types or subtypes buoyant density in CsCl of 1.34 g/ml, and empty
based on polynucleotide sequence homology. particles have a buoyant density of 1.29 g/ml
To be classified as a new virus type, a maximum (30). Tubular variants of papillomavirus have
of 50%o polynucleotide sequence homology with been observed in some preparations (24).
other classified viruses should exist in conjunc- The papillomavirus genome is a double-
tion with significant serological deviations in stranded, covalently closed circular DNA mole-
reciprocal assays. Those viruses with >50% but cule (16, 29) with molecular weights ranging

TABLE 1. Animal papillomaviruses

Virus Host Site Histology Reference
Bovine papillomavirus
Type 1 Cattle Cutaneous Fibropapilloma (90)
Type 2 Cattle Cutaneous Fibropapilloma (90)
Type 3 Cattle Cutaneous Papilloma (136)
Type 4 Cattle Alimentary tract Papilloma (19)
Type 5 Cattle Teat Papilloma (20)
Cottontail rabbit (Shope) papillomavirus Cottontail rabbit Cutaneous Papilloma (147)
Equine papillomavirus Horse Cutaneous Papilloma (49)
Canine oral papillomavirus Dog Oral mucosa Papilloma (21, 137)
Sheep papillomavirus Sheep Cutaneous Fibropapilloma (52)
European elk papiliomavirus Elk Cutaneous Fibropapilloma (113)
Deer fibromavirus Deer Cutaneous Fibroma (149, 153)
Mastomys natalensis papiliomavirus Multimammate mouse Cutaneous Papilloma (116)
Chaffinch papillomavirus Bird Cutaneous Papillomas (103, 130)

from 4.5 x 106 for bovine types 3 and 4 to 5.5 x PATHOGENESIS

106 for the canine oral virus (19, 136, 137). The
viral genome is sufficient to code for about Microscopic Changes
300,000 daltons of protein. The guanine-plus- Productive papillomavirus infection of epithe-
cytosine content of papillomavirus DNA ranges lial cells results in hyperplasia of cells in the
from 41 mol% for HPV to 50 mol% for Mas- spinous layer (acanthosis). These cells show an
tomys natalensis virus, and nearest-neighbor increase in the size and number of desmosomes
analysis indicates a similarity to host species and tonofibrils, whereas other epithelial cells
DNA (30, 115, 116). HPV type 1 (HPV-1) DNA show degenerative changes with loss of tonofi-
has adenine-plus-thymine-rich areas (46) as well brils, detachment of desmosomes, focal nuclear
as two regions of inverted repeats each repre- atypia, and cytoplasmic vacuolization. Towards
senting about 2% of the viral genome (53). the upper layers of the epithelium, these changes
Restriction endonuclease analysis of HPV-1 are more pronounced. In the granular layer,
DNA from virions indicates partial methylation nuclear degeneration is evident, with margin-
at the HpaII recognition sequence (33). ation and condensation of chromatin. Electron
Virion protein represents 88% of the mass of microscopic analysis reveal virions in crystalline
the particle (29, 74), and up to 10 polypeptides array in nuclei of degenerated cels in the kera-
have been resolved by dodecyl sulfate poly- tinizing layer. In contrast are the fibromas in-
acrylamide gel electrophoresis (43, 44, 90, 150). duced by the deer fibromavirus occurring on the
The major structural polypeptides have molecu- white-tailed deer (149). These fibromas show
lar weights in the range of 50,000 to 60,000. extensive fibroblastic proliferation, with the
Minor high-molecular-weight polypeptides have cells arranged in whorls and irregular patterns.
been observed in some preparations, but their The overlying epithelium exhibits mild acantho-
detection has been variable and may represent sis.
purification artifacts or aggregates. Polypeptides Fibropapillomas exhibit a combination of
in the molecular weight range of 30,000 to 40,000 these effects. From infectivity studies, the first
are consistently resolved in many virus prepara- reaction of the skin is fibroblastic stimulation in
tions. Four low-molecular-weight polypeptides the dermis accompanied by an inflammatory
closely associated with viral DNA have been response with congestion, edema, and leukocyte
resolved and are similar to cellular histones. No infiltration. About 1 week after infection, the
serological cross-reactivity among major capsid inflammatory reaction subsides but the fibro-
proteins was detected in papillomaviruses of blastic stimulation continues followed by inva-
different species (78, 98), and no DNA sequence sion of the papillary layer of the dermis by
homology was detected between selected mem- fibroblasts. The epithelium overlying the area of
bers of this group (29, 90) when standard assays dermal hyperplasia begins to proliferate and
were employed. shows acanthosis and hyperkeratosis.
PAPILLOMA TYPES Natural and Experimental Infections
Based on host response, papillomaviruses can Natural infection by papillomavirus is general-
be subdivided further as to tissue tropism and ly limited to the skin or mucous membranes of
the histology of the lesions. One group, com- the host species depending on the tissue tropism
posed of equine, chaffinch, bovine types 3 and 5, of the virus. However, canine oral papilloma-
and the cottontail rabbit papillomavirus, induces virus infection is not limited to the oral cavity
neoplasia of cutaneous stratified epithelium, and has been identified in lesions of conjunctival
whereas the canine oral and bovine papilloma- epithelium, eyelid, and skin around the nose and
virus type 4 constitutes a second group that mouth (21). Fibromas in the lungs of deer have
primarily induces hyperplasia of either normal been reported in animals with extensive cutane-
nonstratified squamous epithelium or metaplas- ous lesions; however, the presence of virus in
tic squamous epithelium. The third group in- the lung lesions was not verified (77).
cludes bovine types 1 and 2, sheep, and Europe- In squamous papillomas of viral origin, virus
an elk papillomavirus, which induce not only a generally is detectable using immunological
cutaneous papilloma but, in addition, an under- methods or electron microscopy. In contrast,
lying fibroma of connective tissue (fibropapil- when the papilloma has undergone malignant
loma). The deer fibromavirus represents the transformation to carcinoma, the structural in-
fourth group, with the production of fibromas tegrity of the virus is lost and virus or viral
with a minimally hyperplastic cutaneous epithe- structural antigen is not present. Similarly, tu-
lium. In all histological types, including deer mors induced in unnatural hosts as well as cell
fibromas, intact virus can be demonstrated only lines established from these tumors contain no
in the outer layers of keratinizing cells of the detectable mature virus. This phenomenon of
epithelium (23, 49, 153). virus masking is intriguing and may be related to

the process of differentiation of epithelial cells (BPV-1, -2) both hemagglutinate mouse erythro-
since virions are almost always confined to cytes but not erythrocytes from humans, oxen,
mature cells in the outer keratinizing epithelium rabbits, rats, and a number of other species, and
of a papilloma. the agglutination is not inhibited by pretreatment
Cottontail rabbit (Shope) papillomavirus of cells with neuraminidase (42). Although these
(CRPV). Cottontail rabbit (Shope) papilloma- viruses are closely related (50%o DNA sequence
virus (CRPV) produces tumors which either homology), they differ in their efficiency of
regress, persist, or undergo transformation to hemagglutination, with BPV-1 requiring about
carcinomas. The tumors occur in nature as a fivefold fewer virions to agglutinate a standard
spontaneous enzootic disease of wild cottontail suspension of erythrocytes (90). No major dif-
rabbits (Sylvilagus floridanus) predominately in ferences were noted in the molecular weights of
the high plains of the midwestern United States their structural polypeptides in sodium dodecyl
even though the susceptible host is widespread sulfate-polyacrylamide gels, and the restriction
throughout the country. However, the disease endonuclease cleavage maps of their genomes
does occur in Kansas cottontail rabbits imported are colinear with respect to a unique cleavage
to Whelbley Island in Puget Sound, Washington site present on both DNAs (86).
(39). Factors responsible for this curious distri- BPV-1 and -2 have a wide tissue range in
bution are unknown but could be related to cattle. Experimental inoculation of calves with
vector range, host susceptibility, environmental BPV-1 and -2 results in polyploid tumors of the
influences, or to factors which modify the im- urinary bladder and genital mucosa (15, 121,
mune status of the host. 123). The viruses also can induce meningiomas
Experimentally, CRPV produces cutaneous of the brain after intracranial inoculation irre-
papillomas in cottontail rabbits, jackrabbits, spective of the immune status of the animal to
snowshoe rabbits, and domestic rabbits (Orycto- the virus (54). Meninges in the terminal spinal
lagus cuniculus) (7). Snowshoe rabbits and jack- chord and cauda equine, peripheral nerves,
rabbits produce infectious virus, whereas papil- tongue, abomasum, rumen, small intestine, tes-
lomas induced in domestic rabbits rarely contain ticle, and kidney all show moderate fibroblastic
virus (148). In some instances, virus structural stimulation in response to experimental infec-
antigens have been detected in domestic rabbit tion, whereas muscle, marrow, cornea, lymph
papillomas, but not consistently (110, 118, 129, node, and oral mucosa are refractory (54).
151). This lack of infectious virus production BPV-1 and -2 have the broadest experimental
appears to be mediated by the host genotype. host range exhibited by the papillomavirus ge-
The importance of genetic factors in malignant nus. Fibroblastic tumors can be induced in the
transformation is also reflected by the threefold hamster which show no age dependence of the
higher frequency of squamous carcinoma in vi- animal (23). Within 9 months o1 inoculation,
rus-induced papillomas of domestic rabbits as fibromas and/or fibrosarcomas can develop in
compared to cottontail rabbits (144, 152). The the subcutis, meningiomas can develop in the
complex interaction between virus production, brain, and chondromas can develop in the ear
genetic background, and malignant transforma- (141, 142). Tumors of the subcutis can metasta-
tion is a fascinating problem which undoubtedly size to internal organs, especially the lungs. One
will receive much attention. strain of inbred mouse (C3H/eB) (11), rabbits
No cell culture system is available for CRPV (14), and pikas (138) develop fibromas at the
productive infection or transformation. Since site of inoculation. When assayed by molecular
the disease is sporadic in the wild, only limited hybridization, hamster fibromas and calf menin-
supplies of CRPV are available for study. This giomas have been shown to contain large quanti-
problem has now been overcome as a result of ties of viral DNA sequences (100 to 700 copies
successful cloning of the viral genome (155), per cell) (92).
which should allow for further experimentation
on the system since viral DNA is infectious for
the domestic rabbit (63-65). TABLE 2. Sensitivity of different BPV DNAs to
Bovine papillomavirus (BPV). Bovine papillo- restriction endonucleases
mavirus (BPV) comprises at least five distinct
virus types, each producing a specific type of Viral No. of cleavage sites Mol wt Ref-
lesion. In addition to their lack of immunological DNA BamHl EcoRI Hindll HindIII (x 10') er-
cross-reactivity, these viruses are readily distin-
guished by characteristic restriction endonucle- BPV-1 1 1 3 1 5.0 (86)
ase cleavage patterns of their genomes and de- BPV-2 2 0 4 1 5.0 (86)
gree of polynucleotide sequence homology
BPV-3 3 1 4 4 4.5 (136)
BPV-4 1 2 3 3 4.5 (19)
(Table 2). BPV-5 1 0 4 4 5.1 (20)
(i) BPV types 1 and 2. BPV types 1 and 2

The horse is also susceptible to experimental sion experiments in other species known to be
infection by BPV-1 and -2 (119). The tumor susceptible to BPV-1 and -2 were unsuccessful.
presents a fibrosarcoma-like histology and has a Especially notable was the inability to transmit
tendency to regress. A common naturally occur- the disease to calves.
ring horse tumor, termed sarcoid (67), is similar (iii) BPV type 4. Alimentary tract papillomato-
in histology to experimentally induced tumors. sis of cattle is a widespread disease in the United
The natural disease is characterized by a gener- Kingdom, with an incidence of about 19% (71).
ally lifelong course and slow growth, with the The disease occurs as true epithelial papillomas
animal being susceptible to infection by BPV and has been shown to be caused by a virus
(140). Although the response of the host to classified as BPV-4 (19). A striking feature of the
experimental infection shows major differences disease is the presence of papillomas at the same
from the natural disease (tumor regression, im- sites as squamous carcinomas. Although alimen-
munity to BPV, rapid growth), viral sequences tary tract papillomatosis is widespread, the oc-
have been detected in high copy number by currence of alimentary tract carcinoma is sharp-
molecular hybridization in both experimental ly confined to the upland areas of Scotland and
and natural cases of the disease (93, 94). These northern England (69). Necropsy studies of cat-
results, along with the occurrence of the disease tle in low-incidence areas indicate that the pres-
in epizootics (139), strongly indicates a BPV ence of three or more papillomas in a given
etiology. The differences between experimental animal is rare; however, 80%o of the animals in
and naturally acquired sarcoids could be due to high cancer areas have papillomas and 55% of
the amount of virus to which the animal is those have multiple papillomas. Furthermore,
exposed or the mode of transmission. 90o of the cattle with squamous carcinoma of
Jarrett et al. (70) indicated that BPV-1 and -2 the alimentary tract have multiple papillomas
are predominately associated with paragenital (69).
lesions and cutaneous fibropapillomas, respec- Experimentally the soft palate of calves is
tively. However, in a survey of 10 individual uniformly susceptible to BPV-4 infection but
fibropapillomas occurring on the head, neck, the skin is refactory (19). Viral DNA recovered
and flank, four were identified as BPV-2 and the from experimentally induced lesions has restric-
remainder were identified as BPV-1 (90). These tion enzyme cleavage patterns identical to the
lesions were collected over a period of years inoculated virus (70). Evidence that BPV-4 is
from various geographic locations. In another associated with alimentary tract carcinomas is
study, Pfister (133) obtained similar results and, the complete concordance of the sites of papillo-
in addition, found both BPV-1 and -2 in mas and carcinoma in which all stages of trans-
fibropapillomas of the udder. formation of papilloma to carcinoma can be
(il) BPV type 3. BPV-3 was isolated from found (68). However, in some instances, carci-
cutaneous papillomas lacking a fibrous compo- noma can be found without histological evidence
nent (136). BPV-3-containing papillomas were of papilloma. More convincingly, Campo et al.
collected in Australia, but Pfister et al. (136), (19) have identified BPV-4 DNA sequences by
although surveying only a limited number of molecular hybridization in malignancies in
animals with warts, were unable to detect BPV-3 which no intact virus was detected.
in papillomas collected in southern Germany. The area of high cancer incidence corresponds
The virus is transmissible to the skin of cattle with grazing areas in which there is severe
but not to conjunctiva or other sites. A papillo- infestation by bracken fern (69). Bracken is
mavirus has been demonstrated in similar le- tumorigenic in laboratory animals and has been
sions occurring in the United States (6). This associated with acute bracken poisoning in high-
virus, which is immunologically distinct from incidence areas. Although the carcinogenic com-
BPV-1 and -2, may be similar to BPV-3. Infec- pound has not been identified, its effects appear
tion can occur concurrently with fibropapillo- to be cumulative with chronic feeding.
mas. The papillomas had a tendency to persist, Another interesting feature of the findings of
and in some animals whose papillomas re- Jarrett et al. (69) is the presence of urinary
gressed, histologically similar papillomas later bladder tumors in about 30% of the animals in
developed. No antibodies to the virus could be high cancer areas. Similar bladder tumors have
detected by immunodiffusion while substantial been associated with chronic enzootic hematu-
titers were present against virus from fibropapil- ria, a disease localized in certain areas of the
lomas in sera of animals with both lesions. world, which is characterized by progressive
Vaccination against the disease with papilloma neoplasia of epithelial and mesenchymal ele-
homogenates had no influence on the course or ments (120). These tumors have glandular and
frequency of the disease. This is in sharp con- squamous metaplasia of the epithelium, as well
trast to fibropapilloma-derived vaccines which as hemangiomatous areas and fibromatous
are effective prophylactically (124). Transmis- changes in the submucosa. In some cases there

appears to be transitional cell carcinoma. A from dairies examined by electron microscopy

major contributing factor to the disease appears showed the presence of virions indistinguishable
to be the ingestion of bracken fern (131). Inter- from BPV (107).
estingly, BPV occasionally has been detected in Other papillomaviruses. The deer fibroma-
some of these lesions since bladder tumor ex- virus and sheep papillomavirus can also induce
tracts have induced cutaneous fibropapillomas tumors in the hamster (52, 78). It is of interest to
in calves (122). One isolate has been identified as note that those viruses which have been suc-
BPV-2 (our unpublished observation). cessfully transmitted experimentally to alien
The production of tumors by the combined hosts all have a dermal involvement in the
effects of bracken fern and papillomavirus is an natural host. The somewhat broader tissue tro-
attractive model for the study of multifactorial pism for these viruses may reflect their wider
carcinogenesis. Although removal of bracken experimental host range. From these observa-
fern from high-incidence farms eliminates the tions it would be of interest to determine if the
development of enzootic hematuria, evidence recently described papillomavirus from the Eu-
for such an association is circumstantial. The ropean elk, which was isolated from fibropapil-
putative carcinogen of bracken apparently de- lomas, is transmissible to laboratory animals.
velops only with certain soil conditions. For In addition to CRPV and BPV4, the papillo-
example, bracken fern grown in Wisconsin does mavirus of an inbred strain of M. natalensis
not seem to produce bladder lesions in cattle (GRA Geissen) exhibits the transformation of
whether ingested in the field or when experimen- papilloma to carcinoma (116). About 3% of adult
tally fed (34). Enzootic hematuria has been animals have epithelial proliferations. These le-
reported from rather restricted areas of the sions can be classified as papillomas, keratiniz-
world and has ceased to occur where improved ing squamous cell carcinomas, and keratoac-
pastures provide sufficient forage and cattle no anthomas. Information available on this virus is
longer feed on bracken (34). limited, but it should provide an additional ani-
(iv) BPV type 5. Meischke (108) surveyed mal model for the study of papillomavirus onco-
papillomas of the teats of cattle and was able to genesis.
distinguish three papillomavirus-containing his-
tological types: (i) papilloma, (ii) "rice grain" Infectivity in Cell Culture
lesions consisting of a white elongated protuber-
ance, and (iii) fibropapilloma. Animals with rice Human papillomavirus. Many attempts have
grain or papillary lesions were susceptible to been made to demonstrate infectivity of HPV in
infection with virus from fibropapillomas. How- vitro, and early observations with the virus have
ever, the presence of rice grain lesions or papil- been reviewed by Rowson and Mahy (145). In an
lomas conferred immunity to challenge with the extensive study, Butel (17) was unable to detect
reciprocal virus. These results suggest that mul- HPV activity in cultured cells while employing
tiple immunologically distinct viruses infect the virus isolated from various types of human pap-
teats of cattle. The virus from fibropapilloma illomas under a variety of culture conditions,
teat lesions induces typical fibropapillomas on including coinfection with other viruses. One
the skin and probably represents either BPV-1 observation of interest, however, was a tran-
or -2. Virus from the other histological types sient stimulation of fetal rabbit kidney cell DNA
were transmitted to the integument and pro- synthesis about 24 h after infection with virus
duced the same lesions from which they were isolated from plantar warts. Although no cyto-
derived. pathic effect was observed, infected cultures
Recently, the virus in rice grain lesions of the could be passaged more times than the uninfect-
teat has been characterized as a new BPV type ed controls. In a similar experiment (89), fetal
(BPV-5) (20). DNA from this virus has unique human lung fibroblast DNA synthesis was stim-
restriction endonuclease cleavage patterns dis- ulated, again transiently, after infection with
tinct from those BPVs previously described and virus purified from plantar warts. No cytopathic
has about 5% DNA sequence homology with effect was observed, but virus DNA sequences
BPV-2 and no sequence homology with BPV-4; were detectable by molecular hybridization in
its relation to BPV-1 and -3 is unknown. cells after 15 doublings and cells pooled from 30
The presence of teat papillomas is relatively and 40 doublings at about 0.2 viral genomes per
common, occurring in about 48% of cows. It was cell. However, these cells had the same life span
noted by Jarrett et al. (71) that alimentary tract as the uninfected controls. Eisinger et al. (37)
and teat papillomatosis had a similar range. It is reported cytopathic effects and incorporation of
possible that the BPV-4 may be derived from a radiolabeled thymidine into a particle banding at
teat papilloma by transmission to nursing calves. 1.34 g/ml in CsCl, identical in morphology to
Artificially suckled calves may also be exposed human wart virus, and which cross-reacted with
to infectious virus since 2 of 10 samples of milk anti-plantar wart virus serum. Unfortunately,

the cell line which was used in the study was lost developed for the quantitation of BPV-1 and -2
(M. Eisinger, personal communication). (36). Discrete foci of transformants develop in
Cubie (31) observed "cytotoxic" effects (cell infected cultures of NIH3T3 mouse cells and
rounding, medium pH changes, multinucleation) C127 cells derived from RIII mouse breast tis-
in human skin fibroblasts infected only at very sue. Secondary cultures of NIH and BALB/c
high multiplicities of infection with HPV purified embryo cells respond to BPV infection with the
from plantar warts. These effects could not be production of indistinct areas of heaped-up cells.
inhibited by specific immune serum; however, Focus formation followed single-hit kinetics,
control cultures infected with extracts of plantar indicating that a single particle was responsible
callus did not show any effect on the cells. for the induction of a focus. These cells contain
Infection of cells with HPV DNA did produce an multiple copies of the BPV genome based on
interesting effect, however. Infected cells were reassociation kinetics and are tumorigenic for
maintained at 33°C, and 6 weeks after inocula- the nude mouse. A number of human cell lines in
tion a bright perinuclear fluorescence was ob- this study were infected with BPV with no
served by indirect immunofluorescence using indication of morphological transformation.
serum from a patient with recurrent plantar Similar to other DNA viruses, DNA from
warts. The fluorescence did not increase signifi- BPV-1 and -2 is infectious in vitro. Boiron et al.
cantly over the next 2 weeks; however, the cells (12) first reported transformation of fetal bovine
were not passaged. skin cells with DNA obtained from virus isolated
Obtaining a reproducible culture system per- from a pool of bovine papillomas. The trans-
missive for HPV replication or cell transforma- forming activity of the DNA was abolished by
tion has been frustrating. Since skin is a complex digestion with deoxyribonuclease but not by
organ, certain necessary cell interactions which ribonuclease or pretreatment with anti-BPV se-
would allow for the replication of the virus may rum. The DNA preparation was also infectious
not occur in culture. Attempts to circumvent for hamsters, and inoculation resulted in fibro-
this problem have been made by grafting human mas and fibrosarcomas identical to those pro-
skin infected with HPV to nude or antithymo- duced by intact virus.
cyte serum-treated mice (32, 132). Although the Recently, the genomes of BPV-1 and -2 have
grafts were successful, there was no evidence of been molecularly cloned (59). Linearized BPV
the development of warts for observation peri- DNAs released from flanking vector sequences
ods of up to 14 weeks. However, at the time transform mouse C127 cells with approximately
these studies were undertaken, it was presumed the same efficiency as DNA purified from viri-
that regardless of the histology of the papilloma, ons. Furthermore, a cloned fragment of BPV-1
human wart virus represented a single agent. DNA representing 69o of the viral genome will
Since it is now known that a number of different also transform mouse cells but with a somewhat
viruses exist, these studies should perhaps be lower efficiency than unit length BPV-1 DNA
reevaluated using different HPV types. (59, 104). Further cleavage of this subgenomic
BPV. The only papillomaviruses shown to fragment at either end interrupts transforming
have a reproducible effect in tissue culture are activity. The biological activity of this fragment
bovine viruses which induce cutaneous fibro- and cloned genomes in hosts susceptible to BPV
papillomas (types 1 and 2). In early studies, the infection has not been determined.
virus type used was unknown, but it is presumed CRPV. In vitro studies with other members of
that they represented either BPV-1 or -2 since the papillomavirus genus are very limited. Char-
these viruses are present in the most obvious of donnet et al. (22) were unsuccessful in obtaining
the cutaneous lesions. Black et al. (10) observed CRPV replication in or transformation of human
cytopathic changes in cultures of bovine con- cells or cells derived from rabbit epidermis.
junctival cells after infection with bovine papil- They did note, however, some effects on CRPV-
loma extracts. These changes included altered infected cells superinfected with other DNA
cell morphology, piling-up, and an increase in viruses. Adenovirus type 5 reportedly replicated
the acidity of the medium. Subsequently, cell- more efficiently in human cells infected 24 h
free extracts of bovine papillomas were shown previously with CRPV than in untreated control
to induce morphological transformation of pri- cultures. Herpes simplex virus replication, on
mary embryonic bovine skin cells (107), mouse the other hand, was inhibited in cells derived
embryo cell cultures (11, 154), and hamster from either CRPV-induced papillomas or carci-
embryo cells (50). Meischke (107) indicated that nomas, whereas virus replication was efficient in
only virus obtained from fibropapillomas (cuta- cells derived from normal rabbit epidermis. The
neous and teat) was effective in transformation polyomavirus simian virus 40 had no effect on
of fetal bovine cells, whereas virus from lesions normal rabbit epidermal lines but, curiously,
lacking a fibrous component were inactive. infected cells derived from papillomas or cells
Recently, an in vitro focus assay has been previously infected with CRPV expressed simi-

an virus 40 T antigen. These cells maintained the leading to regression or persistence and progres-
same morphology as uninfected controls, and the sion to carcinoma of CRPV-induced papillomas
production of T antigen could be inhibited by have not been determined. However, several
pretreatment of CRPV with specific immune serum. lines of evidence suggest regression is mediated
Attempts to obtain papillomavirus replication by an immunological reaction directed against
in cells derived from papillomas have been nega- the tumor cells of the papilloma. First, once
tive. It has been assumed that cells of the regression begins, all papillomas regress simul-
germinal epithelial layer of a papilloma contain taneously. This indicates that the rejection
wart virus sequences since cells in the keratiniz- mechanism is systemic (40). Second, vaccina-
ing layer which contain virus would be derived tion with homologous or autochthonous tumor
from the basal layer. Keratinocytes derived preparations has been reported to induce an
from the basal germinal layer of human warts increase in the regression frequency (40). Third,
replicate in culture and appear to undergo some autologous rabbit skin infected in vitro will
stages of differentiation (117). However, these develop warts in those animals in which papillo-
cells did not contain intact HPV demonstrable mas persist but not in animals whose warts are
by electron microscopy nor did they contain rejected (79). Fourth, suppression of the im-
viral structural antigens. In situ hybridization mune system inhibits regression (106). Fifth,
experiments on cottontail rabbit papillomas whereas rabbits with regressing or persistent
failed to demonstrate the presence of viral se- papillomas have antiviral antibodies, papillomas
quences in the cells of the germinal layer al- can be induced by inoculation of CRPV DNA
though viral DNA was readily detectable in large only in rabbits with persisting papillomas (39).
amounts in the outer layer of keratinizing cells This suggests that those animals whose warts
(127). The inability to detect viral sequences in have regressed have immunity against papilloma
the basal layer may be the result of the lack of tumor cells.
sensitivity of the probe. However, viral DNA As with papillomas from other systems, re-
can be detected by in situ hybridization in virtu- gressing rabbit papillomas contain a mononucle-
ally every cell of CRPV-induced carcinomas and ar infiltrate whose distribution is often uneven
BPV-induced connective tissue tumors (108, (80). This could represent a specific response of
151). It would have been of interest to determine the host to the tumor, but the superficial location
by sensitive molecular hybridization techniques of the lesions exposes them to trauma and
whether proliferating keratinocytes derived infection which also induce focal leukocytic
from warts contain viral sequences. infiltration. Kreider (80) indicated that there was
Some stages of differentiation required for a significant increase in the number of leuko-
expression of virus structural antigens apparent- cytes in the germinal and spinous layers and
ly occur in the domestic rabbit CRPV-induced immediately below the basement membrane in
Vx7 and Vx2 transplantable carcinomas (75, regressing papillomas as compared with persis-
126, 143). CRPV structural antigens have been tent lesions. However, the infiltrates were not
regularly detected in these tumors (110, 128). coincidental with those areas of the tumor in
The percentage of cells expressing antigen can which tumor cell proliferation was inhibited,
be dramatically increased by treatment with thus suggesting that direct cell contact may not
iododeoxyuridine (60). Since papillomavirus be necessary and that tumor regression could be
only matures in the outer layers of keratinizing the result of soluble factors.
cells of the epithelium, it appears that some step Lymph node cells from rabbits whose papillo-
in the process of differentiation is required for mas regressed or persisted reduced the plating
virus maturation. Indeed, in those areas of Vx7 efficiency of tumor cells from papillomas or
carcinomas in which structural antigen can be carcinomas but not normal skin fibroblasts taken
detected, there is cytological evidence for cell from the same rabbits as the tumor cells (57).
maturation (110). These results would suggest the presence of cell-
mediated immunity to a specific tumor-associat-
E4MUNITY ed antigen(s). It is unknown if this antigen is
Host immune responses to papillomavirus in- virus coded or virus induced, but tumor-associ-
fection are not well understood. In general, the ated antigens have been demonstrated by immu-
infection is acquired by the young, and warts nofluorescence on papilloma and carcinoma
persist for variable periods after which the tu- cells (61, 62). The plating efficiency of tumor
mors regress. The host is left immune to reinfec- cells pretreated With sera from rabbits bearing
tion with the same virus. persistent papillomas or carcinomas was not
inhibited by lymph node cells previously shown
CRPV to be active against the tumor cells. Serum from
Virus-host interactions in the rabbit papillo- rabbits with regressing papillomas was not in-
mavirus system are most intriguing. The factors hibitory (57). These results would suggest that

the immune rejection phenomenon may be mod- Treatment of bovine papillomatosis with wart
ulated by soluble factors. However, serum mod- vaccines is difficult to evaluate since the disease
ulation of immune reactions may be limited to in is self-limiting and its duration varies in individ-
vitro systems since passive transfer of sera from ual animals. In a study designed to control some
rabbits with persisting warts to CRPV-infected of the variables involved (such as time of infec-
rabbits had no effect on the percentage of rabbits tion), vaccination had no effect on the regression
whose warts subsequently regressed (41). rates of warts. A significant proportion of ani-
mals failed to reject their warts despite vaccina-
BPV tion with autologous tumor preparations (120).
In rather rare instances of naturally acquired
Information available on host immune re- papillomatosis, the tumors can become quite
sponses to BPV infection is generally limited to extensive. These lesions persist and show no
virus from fibropapillomas (BPV-1 and -2). In- evidence of regression. In one such case in
oculation of BPV by scarification induces an which immune parameters were partially deter-
initial dermal fibromatosis evident at about 3 mined, a calf with extensive warts of long dura-
weeks followed by epidermal papillomatosis at tion was unable to respond to tuberculin skin
about 2 to 3 months after infection; however, tests after adjuvant vaccination. Its humoral
virus usually will induce only a fibroma after response was normal against a selected immuno-
intradermal inoculation. There is a wide range of gen, and antibody titers against BPV rose after
susceptibility of calves to primary BPV infec- vaccination with wart vaccine. Prevaccination
tion, and not all calves develop mature fibropa- serum inhibited phytohemagglutinin stimulation
pillomas. Tumors may regress spontaneously of normal bovine lymphocytes, thus suggesting
during any stage of development (25, 48, 101). the presence of a humoral immunosuppressive
Calves respond to BPV infection by generating factor(s) (35). However, there was no mention of
precipitating antibodies of the 19S class within control reactions. These observations suggest
the 1st week. These antibodies persist for the that cell-mediated immunity plays a role in the
first 8 weeks and are undetectable after 16 rejection of viral warts and that the virus or
weeks. Precipitating antibodies of the 7S class virus-induced tumor factors may suppress cellu-
can be detected at about 6 weeks and persist for lar immunity in certain susceptible animals.
at least 26 weeks after infection (102). Of interest Meischke (109) reported that calves inoculat-
is that the precipitin response does not correlate ed with BPV-transformed fetal bovine skin or
with either growth or regression of fibropapillo- meningeal cells were resistant to challenge by
mas (2). BPV, whereas untransformed counterparts were
Multiple bovine warts usually regress on an unable to confer resistance. The virus-trans-
individual animal simultaneously, but this oc- formed cells did not contain intact virus as
curs later than the development of resistance to judged by electron microscopy. However, virus
reinfection with BPV (100). Regressing fibromas structural proteins could have been present in
are infiltrated with mononuclear leukocytes, the cells. This seems unlikely, however, since a
mainly lymphocytes; this occurs generally in number of BPV-transformed cells have been
perivascular areas but also as a diffuse scattering assayed for virus structural antigens with high
throughout the tumor. The intensity of infiltra- titer antisera by immunofluorescence and have
tion is proportional to the rate of fibroma regres- been uniformly negative (3, 5). Meischke (107)
sion. Unusual is the finding that in animals with also observed that adsorption of serum from an
both fibromas and fibropapillomas, the fibromas infected cow with these virus-transformed cells
will regress whereas the fibropapillomas will significantly decreased its neutralizing titer
continue to grow and not regress until much against BPV. This effect was also seen with
later. This is correlated with a lack of leukocyte fragments of tissue derived from fibropapilloma
infiltration in the persisting fibropapillomas. The and fibroma but not from virus-containing papil-
presence of precipitating antibodies does not lomas of non-BPV-1 or -2 origin. Similarly,
protect against reinfection unless the warts have CsCl-banded virus from cutaneous fibropapillo-
undergone resolution. However, a small per- mas also decreased the neutralizing titer of the
centage of animals whose fibromas have re- serum. It is uncertain what factor(s) is being
gressed are still susceptible to reinfection, but adsorbed from the serum, but it would have
the resultant lesions undergo early regression. been of interest to determine if the effect was
The ability of the immune system to reject a additive using a combination of virus-trans-
fibroma without the concurrent rejection of fi- formed cells and purified virus as adsorbants.
bropapilloma presents a paradox since autolo- Barthold and Olson (3, 5) detected tumor-
gous fibropapilloma cells cannot be transplanted specific antigens by immunofluorescence on the
successfully once the immune response to fibro- surface membranes of cells explanted from
mas has been mounted (100). BPV-induced cattle and horse fibromas using

sera from tumor-bearing cattle and horses. The transformation and lymphocyte migration inhibi-
sera were cross-reactive and did not totally tion. However, lymphocytes from patients with
inhibit the reaction in serum-blocking studies, warts of long duration were unresponsive to the
suggesting the presence of inter- and intraspe- antigen even though their cells responded nor-
cies antigens. Hamster cells derived from BPV- mally to phytohemagglutinin stimulation. Curi-
induced tumors were nonreactive with the horse ously, the cells of a high percentage of individ-
and ox sera and sera from tumorous hamsters uals who had no recollection of warts responded
failed to react with horse and ox fibroma cells. to HPV. In a similar study, Ivanyi and Morison
However, Geraldes (51) was able to detect new (66) observed that only 28% of the control
antigens in hamster embryo and mouse cells subjects were responsive. However, both stud-
transformed in vitro by BPV. The test serum ies did concur with the increased responsiveness
was obtained from tumor-bearing hamsters and of lymphocytes to viral antigen in individuals
reacted in the cytoplasm of the cells rather than with a past history of warts or regressing warts.
on the surface membrane. It is unknown if these Cells from patients with regressing warts re-
antigens are induced or encoded by BPV. sponded to a wart tissue extract, whereas those
with active disease also responded but to a
Human Papillomavirus lesser extent. However, the lymphocyte re-
Regression of human flat warts also appears to sponse was increased in those patients whose
be associated with some form of cell-mediated warts later regressed (114). These results would
immune response. Histologically, regressing flat suggest an altered immune response during re-
warts show perivascular infiltration of mononu- gression. It is unknown if this response is
clear leukocytes in the upper dermis with epider- mounted as a result of regression or its cause.
mal invasion, with the infiltrate being confined However, an intriguing study of a single patient
sharply to the papilloma (9). These observations with warts of 20 years' duration suggested the
have been on lesions with which HPV-3 fre- presence of a soluble factor in the wart itself
quently is associated. As with CRPV and BPV, which inhibited leukocyte responsiveness in
once warts begin to regress, distant lesions also lymphocyte migration inhibition (47). This indi-
will regress simultaneously. However, patients vidual had normal lymphocyte responsiveness
with regressing flat warts will maintain plantar to phytohemagglutinin and produced normal de-
or palmer warts (8). This is consistent with a layed hypersensitivity reaction to purified pro-
different HPV type etiology for these lesions tein derivative. Although leukocytes were re-
(see reference 58). A similar differential regres- sponsive to purified protein derivative in the
sion has been observed in cattle infected with lymphocyte migration inhibition reaction, they
various types of BPV (6). did not respond to a saline extract of the pa-
Immune responses to HPV infection may be tient's warts. When purified protein derivative
difficult to assess due to the plurality of immuno- and wart extract were used together, the lym-
logically distinct viruses infecting humans. phocyte migration inhibition index indicated
However, in many of the studies, wart antigen blockage of migration inhibition.
prepared either from a pool of hand and plantar It is difficult to comment on this work since no
warts or from an individual wart was tested control reactions with extracts of normal tissue
against the patient from whom the wart was from the patient were evaluated. However, if a
obtained. factor were elicited by recalcitrant warts which
The antibody response to HPV infection is inhibited a cellular immune response in vitro, it
characterized by the appearance of immuno- would provide evidence for immune modulation
globulin M (IgM) before the onset of regression; by papillomaviruses in certain individuals.
after regression, both IgG and IgM antibody An obvious need exists for more detailed and
classes are present, and long after regression comprehensive studies on the cellular host im-
only IgG remains (S. Pyrhonen, Ph.D. thesis, mune responses to papillomavirus tumor induc-
University of Helsinki, Finland, 1978). This pro- tion. This information may provide an explana-
gression from IgM to IgG is similar to that found tion as to why some individuals are able to reject
in cattle responding to BPV infection (102). The their tumors whereas others appear to be immu-
incidence of antibody to HPV extracted from nologically paralyzed. These differences in host
plantar warts (HPV-1) in an unselected sample immune response may involve histocompatibil-
population is about 35% (135); however, the ity antigens or immune response genes.
incidence to other HPV types is unknown. EVOLUTIONARY RELATEDNESS
An in vitro cell-mediated immune response
can be detected towards HPV infection. Lee and Antigenic Cross-Reactivity
Eisinger (99) showed that, in general, patients No immunological cross-reactivity has been
with warts of <1 year duration were responsive detected between main members of the papillo-
to wart virus antigen as assayed by lymphocyte mavirus genus using hyperimmune sera or sera

from animals with warts. However, Orth et al. cervix (83); the latter is considered a premalig-
(126) observed immunological cross-reactivity nant condition. A large number of Formalin-
between HPV-1 and CRPV with sera obtained fixed human plantar and common warts as well
from rabbits bearing the transplantable, CRPV- as animal papillomas have been examined for
induced, Vx7 carcinoma. Antisera prepared virus, and in all instances about 50% of the
against intact CRPV or HPV-1 only reacted with lesions contain demonstrable antigen (A. B.
the homologous virus; however, when alkali- Jenson, personal communication). The reason
disrupted or purified HPV-1 structural polypep- that only half of all warts are positive for virus is
tides were used as immunogen, the resultant unknown but may be related to the immune
sera were reactive with CRPV. Immunoptecipi- status of the host, age of the lesion, sampling
tation studies indicated that the main common error, or natural cycling of antigen synthesis and
antigenic determinant(s) resided on the major virus maturation.
structural polypeptide. Cross-reactivity of anti- Papillomas of undetermined etiologies occur
sera directed against disrupted HPV-1 was not in almost all organs such as breast, salivary
affected by absorption with intact HPV-1, but gland, urinary bladder, and brain that have an
was eliminated when disrupted virus was used. epithelial component. The use of a broadly
These results would indicate an evolutionary cross-reactive antiserum would be useful for
relatedness among the papillomaviruses and that screening tissues for papillomavirus antigens,
the common antigenic determinant(s) is not nor- especially those tissues previously characterized
mally exposed to the immune system of the and stored in paraffin blocks.
infected host. The antigen being developed by
the Vx7 carcinoma may be from synthesis of Conserved Polynucleotide Sequences
virus structural polypeptides which are not as- The immunological relatedness is paralleled
sembled into virions since virus structural anti- by the occurrence of conserved DNA sequences
gens have routinely been detected in this tumor among the genomes of papillomaviruses. Under
but not infectious virus. standard conditions of DNA-DNA hybridization
Jenson et al. (73) demonstrated cross-reactiv- (25°C below the melting temperature of the DNA
ity between diverse members of the papilloma- [Tm - 25°C]), no sequence homology can be
virus genus while employing an antiserum di- detected between main members of the papillo-
rected against detergent-disrupted HPV-1. The mavirus genus. However, Law et al. (96), by
antiserum reacted by indirect immunofluores- lowering the stringency of hybridization, were
cence on frozen sections of fibropapillomas from able to detect regions of sequence homology
cattle containing BPV-1 or -2, canine oral papil- between the genomes of BPV-1 and -2 and HPV-
lomas, and human warts containing either HPV- 1 and CRPV. The conditions of hybridization
1 or -2. Type-specific sera were not cross- were equivalent to Tm- 43°C which represents
reactive. The cross-reaction was localized to the about 25 to 35% base mismatch. The regions of
nuclei of cells of the granular layer and was homology were limited to two of the four HinclI
identical to the pattern observed with homolo- cleavage fragments of BPV-2 DNA which are
gous antiserum. An antiserum against detergent- noncontiguous on the BPV-2 genome. These
disrupted simian virus 40 was cross-reactive regions may represent two genes since one re-
with other members of the polyomavirus genus gion of homology is contained within the 69%o
but not with papillomavirus, thus indicating no transforming fragment of BPV DNA and thus
relation between the two genera of the papovavi- may code for transforming proteins, and the
rus family. other region may encode information for struc-
It was also noted that papillomavirus structur- tural polypeptides. They were unable to detect
al antigens could be detected in Formalin-fixed stable heteroduplexes between papillomavirus
paraffin-embedded tissues using the peroxidase- DNA and DNA from members of the polyoma-
antiperoxidase test. Studies on Formalin-fixed virus genus, suggesting these two virus genera
juvenile laryngeal papillomas indicate that were derived from different ancestors.
roughly 50%o of the lesions contain papilloma- The thermal stabilities of heteroduplexes
virus structural antigens using antisera against formed between BPV, HPV-1, and CRPV DNAs
detergent-disrupted HPV-1 or BPV-1 (28, 84, were similar, thus indicating the same degree of
85). Although only a few cells in the outer relatedness among these viruses. Interestingly,
keratinizing layer contain antigen, the presence an analysis of HPV-1, -2, and -4 relatedness
of virions was verified by electron microscopy in suggested that all three viruses were equally
positive areas excised from the tissue block (84). related based on thermal stability of heterodu-
Similarly, papillomavirus antigens have been plexes (56). Furthermore, heteroduplexes
detected in -50%o of human oral cavity verru- formed with BPV indicated that the human
cae, condlyomas, multiple papillomas (72), and viruses were as related to each other as they
vulvar condylomas and dysplasias of the uterine were to BPV. These results would suggest that
the bovine and human viruses were derived from DNA which have lost the unique restriction site
a common ancestor very early in their evolution. used to excise the sequences from plasmid. Cells
Since the pipillomaviruses appear to have transformed by the 69% subgenomic fiagment of
similar degrees of relatedness regardless of the BPV-1 DNA contain only extrachromosomal
species of origin, it should be possible to assay sequences present as supercoiled, linear, and
for the presence of papillomavirus DNA se- nicked circular molecules. Since this DNA has
quences in tumors by using any papillomavirus noncohesive termini (BamHI and HindlIl ends),
DNA as a probe in molecular hybridization it may not be able to recircularize, which could
experiments, providing the conditions are re- explain the reduced efficiency of cell transfor-
laxed. In recent studies papillomavirus genus- mation as compared to unit length viral DNA
specific DNA sequences have been detected in with homologous cohesive termini. Analysis of
human juvenile laryngeal papillomas (88) and these viral DNA sequences in transformed cells
cervical dysplasias (82) using a BPV-1 DNA indicates either molecular rearrangement and
probe, and in anogenital warts with HPV-1 or -2 duplication of viral DNA sequences or addition
probes (81) under nonstringent hybridization of host or carrier DNA sequences during recir-
conditions. cularization. Such rearrangements may occur in
nature since a naturally occurring equine tumor
MOLECULAR BIOLOGY has been shown to contain BPV sequences in
which 9% of the viral genome has been deleted
Lack of Integration (1).
In general, cellular transformation by DNA A similar lack of viral DNA integration has
and RNA viruses is accompanied by integration been observed in carcinomas induced by CRPV
of the viral sequences required for maintenance in domestic rabbits (155). However, the predom-
of transformation. Although extrachromosomal inant form of viral DNA is in high-molecular-
forms of DNA have been described in cells weight complexes with only trace amounts of
transformed by DNA viruses, it is always in as- supercoiled DNA. These complexes are con-
sociation with integrated viral DNA. However, verted to unit length linear molecules when
BPV-1 and -2, and perhaps other papillomavi- digested with a single-cut restriction enzyme.
ruses, may be exceptions since there is no The majority of high-molecular-weight complex-
evidence that BPV DNA is covalently linked to es appear to represent concatenated viral DNA
host cell sequences in virus-transformed cells. rather than catenated structures since limited
Lack of integration of BPV-1 and -2 genomes digestion with a single-cut restriction enzyme
has been observed in naturally occurring and yields viral DNA migrating as linear monomers,
experimental BPV-induced equine tumors (1, dimers, trimers, and tetramers as well as higher-
87, 91), cell lines established from equine and molecular-weight multimeric forms (157). In ad-
bovine tumors (87, 91), BPV-induced hamster dition to unit-length viral DNA, sequences with
tumor cells (112, 134), and BPV-transformed higher and lower molecular weights were also
mouse cells (87, 97). Viral DNA sequences exist observed in one of four carcinomas. The viral
predominantly as supercoiled molecules, unit sequences had the properties of viral-cellular
length linear, and open circular forms. In addi- junction pieces based on analysis of limited
tion, undigested DNA preparations contain digestion with single-cut restriction enzymes
high-molecular-weight viral sequences which (157). These results would suggest that CRPV
convert to unit-length linear molecules when DNA sequences can integrate into cellular DNA
digested with a single-cut restriction enzyme. in at least some of the tumors induced by the
These slowly migrating viral sequences may virus.
represent intertwined catenated circular mole- Cloning Vector
cules since limited nuclease S1 digestion or mild
shearing results in conversion to monomeric The property of the 69%o transforming frag-
linear and circular forms (97). The viral se- ment of the BPV-1 genome to remain extrachro-
quences exist exclusively extrachromosomally mosomal as a supercoiled molecule at high copy
since reconstruction experiments designed to number and to carry additional DNA sequences
detect 0.1 to 0.2 viral genomes per cell fail to would make this viral DNA an attractive eucary-
resolve viral sequences migrating other than otic cloning vector. Recently, Sarver et al. (146)
unit-length linear molecules in agarose gels after constructed a 69%o BPV-1 transforming frag-
digestion of the DNA with a single-cut restric- ment/rat preproinsulin recombinant. This DNA
tion enzyme (97). was able to transform mouse cells at high effi-
Modification of the viral genome can occur in ciency. Analysis of selected transformed clones
cells transfected with linearized BPV DNA. indicated that the recombinant molecule was
Analysis of virus sequences in mouse cells indi- intact in high copy number and was present as
cates that a percentage of clones contain viral supercoiled DNA. The transformants contained

correctly spliced transcripts of the preproinsulin transformed by a hybrid molecule consisting of

gene as well as protein immunoreactive with the 69%o transforming fragment of BVP-1 DNA
anti-insulin serum and the protein identified as and the rat preproinsulin gene was found to
rat proinsulin. contain an 8- to 10-fold increase in the amount of
BPV-1 DNA has also been used to introduce a virus-specific RNA. Analysis of the most abun-
procaryotic gene into mouse cells. Law et al. dant RNA species indicated a lack of internal
(95) constructed hybrid DNAs consisting of the splicing; however, the presence of a remote 5'
69%o BPV-1 DNA-transforming region and the leader sequence could not be ruled out.
xanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase Wettstein and Stevens (156) have assayed
gene of Escherichia coli contained in a modified total cellular RNA in CRPV-containing cotton-
simian virus 40 early region transcriptional unit. tail rabbit papillomas and virus-induced carcino-
Both morphologically transformed cells and mas in the domestic rabbit for virus-specific
cells able to grow under selective pressure for RNA transcripts. Virus-containing papillomas
phenotypic expression of the xanthine-guanine had RNA sequences complementary to between
phosphoribosyltransferase gene were detected 9 and 25% of the viral genome, whereas primary
regardless of the orientation of the xanthine- and metastatic carcinomas contained RNA se-
guanine phosphoribosyltransferase gene. In all quences which were homologous to between 6
lines, multiple copies of sequences could be and 12% of CRPV DNA. This fluctuation in the
detected which hybridized to both BPV-1 DNA percent homology is probably a reflection of the
and the xanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltrans- lack of abundance of virus-specific RNA in
ferase gene. In many instances the hybrid mole- these tumors.
cules were extrachromosomal but often highly These analyses of virus-specific transcripts in
rearranged from the input DNA. About 17% of the bovine and rabbit systems indicate that there
the selected lines had lost one of the phenotypic is limited viral RNA synthesis in cells malignant-
markers, and in all cases the input DNA had ly transformed by papillomavirus and that the
been rearranged. bulk of the RNA is complementary to only a
The ability of a BPV-1 DNA fragment to act as small proportion of the viral genome. It is un-
a eucaryotic vector is a unique property and may known if these viral RNAs are translated in the
provide alternatives to procaryotic vector sys- malignant cells. New polypeptides have not
tems. The usefulness of BPV DNA as a vector is been detected in extracts of tumor cells by
manifold: (i) BPV DNA and a defined subgeno- radioimmunoprecipitation or by immunohisto-
mic fragment are efficient in transforming sus- chemical staining of tumors using sera from
ceptible mouse cells; (ii) BPV-transformed cells tumor-bearing animals (14, 156).
contain multiple copies which exist exclusively
as extrachromosomal sequences; (iii) since inte- CONCLUDING REMARKS
gration of the viral DNA does not occur, the Significant progress in papillomavirus re-
integrity of the "'passenger" DNA should re- search has been made in recent years. However,
main intact; (iv) selectable markers other than numerous aspects of the biology of this unique
cell transformation may be employed which group of tumor viruses remain to be elucidated.
could expand the host range of the BPV plasmid Although the genomes of many of the papilloma-
vector system. viruses have been molecularly cloned and de-
tailed physical maps of the viral DNA have been
Transcription constructed, a major impediment for analysis of
Analysis of BPV-1-transformed mouse cells this virus genus is the lack of a culture system
has indicated the presence of virus-specific permissive for their replication. Transcription of
RNA transcripts (55). The transcripts were se- portions of the viral genome in tumor and trans-
lected for polyadenylated termini and consisted formed cells indicates the potential for the syn-
of five distinct size classes ranging from 1,050 to thesis of virus-specific proteins. However, rea-
4,050 bases. These RNAs are all transcribed sons for the inability to detect unique proteins in
from the same DNA strand, all map within the these cells remain obscure. The rejection of
699o transforming region of BPV-1 DNA, and papillomas clearly is associated with a cell-
all share a common 3' terminus. Estimates of the mediated phenomenon directed against the tu-
copy number per cell of the virus-specific RNA mor cell. The cellular determinant that is recog-
species indicate that they represent 0.006 to nized by the immune system is unknown. The
0.01% of the total polyadenylated RNA pool in finding of multiple, minimally related types with-
the transformed cells. However, in another in a single species would suggest that the papillo-
transformed mouse cell clone in which the BPV- maviruses have evolved in response to pressure
1 genome copy number was about fourfold high- of the host immune system since regions of the
er, the relative abundance of virus-specific RNA capsid which would not normally be exposed to
was increased about twofold. In addition, cells the immune system have remained conserved
throughout their evolution. The papillomavi- hamster. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 232:21-31.
ruses may offer an interesting system for the 14. Brdtburd, F., M. Favre, R. Zoorob, D. Fortin, and G.
analysis of evolution at the polynucleotide level, Orth. 1981. Detection and characterization of viral ge-
nomes and search for tumoral antigens in two hamster
since a large number of viruses have been identi- cell lines derived from tumors induced by bovine papillo-
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