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Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology

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Antimicrobial dosing in neonates

Aggeliki Kontou, Kosmas Sarafidis & Emmanuel Roilides

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Antimicrobial dosing in neonates, Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology, 10:3, 239-242, DOI:

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VOL. 10, NO. 3, 239–242


Antimicrobial dosing in neonates

Aggeliki Kontoua,b, Kosmas Sarafidisb and Emmanuel Roilides a

Infectious Diseases Unit, 3rd Department of Paediatrics, Aristotle University School of Health Sciences, Thessaloniki, Greece; b1st Department of
Neonatology, Faculty of Medicine, Aristotle University School of Health Sciences, Thessaloniki, Greece

ARTICLE HISTORY Received 8 October 2016; Accepted 5 January 2017

KEYWORDS Neonates; antibiotics; pharmacokinetics; pharmacodynamics; clinical trials

Neonatal sepsis still remains a significant cause of morbidity administration, and (c) guidelines of using specific antibiotic
and mortality, prolonged hospitalization, and increased med- (s). A recent prospective cross-sectional study conducted in 36
ical costs. Early- and late-onset sepsis often presents with Italian NICUs confirmed the high prevalence of off-label/unli-
subtle and nonspecific clinical signs and, if not promptly censed drug use in neonates. Anti-infective agents were pre-
treated, may have detrimental consequences including survi- scribed off-label in 75% of cases and the reasons of off-label
val with neurodevelopmental deficits or even death [1–3]. use were age, dose, dosing frequency, and formulation [7]. In a
Εmpiric antimicrobial therapy is an undeniable part of treat- Portuguese NICU, although ampicillin and gentamicin were
ment in neonates with suspected sepsis. Beta-lactams, amino- the most frequently prescribed antibiotics, drug doses and/or
glycosides and glycopeptides are among the most commonly frequencies used were clearly different from those specified in
prescribed drugs in neonates, while antifungal and antiviral the Summary of Product Characteristics [8]. This finding is in
agents are used much less frequently. line with the results of a previous survey involving 3 European
Recently, data on antibiotic prescription in pediatric popu- neonatal centers in which an unregistered dose use of anti-
lation from the Antibiotic Resistance and Prescribing in biotics was recorded in 37.8-51.7% of the prescriptions [8,9].
European Children project were published (www.arpecpro In the latter study involving 240 neonatal intensive
2. High variability in antibiotic dosing
care units (NICU) from 41 countries, antibiotics were pre-
scribed in 89.2% out of the 3515 neonates evaluated followed Due to the lack of evidence-based data, the dosing of com-
by antifungals (8.8%) and antivirals (1.9%). Of note, gentamicin monly used antibiotics exhibits high inter-NICU variability.
combined with ampicillin/amoxicillin or benzylpenicillin were Guidelines are mainly based on small studies and personal
by far the most frequently used regimens [4]. Moreover, ther- opinion rather than on randomized clinical trials (RCTs), lead-
apeutic administration was recorded in 75% of the antibiotics ing to broad variability in dosing recommendations among
prescribed in neonates, for reasons like sepsis, central line- hospitals. Dosing guidelines are inconsistent and incomplete
associated blood stream infections, central nervous system resulting in inappropriate prescription of the majority of anti-
and skin/soft tissue infections, surgical disease, whereas pro- biotics given to critically ill neonates. High variability in dosing
phylactic administration (25%) was given for maternal and of the most frequently prescribed antibiotics has been docu-
newborn risk factors, for medical problems and surgical dis- mented in 92% of the prescriptions of 89 NICUs in 21
ease [4]. Treatment strategies for neonatal sepsis significantly European countries [10]. In a recent French national survey, a
vary in terms of antibiotic choice and therapy duration among significant inter-NICU variability was also identified as a total
neonatal centers. As documented in a cross-sectional survey in of 444 dosage regimens were administered for 41 antibiotics
19 European countries, 20 different antibiotic combinations [11]. Slow and not generalized implementation of evidence-
were recorded, with median therapy duration for suspected based data in the various neonatal centers is a crucial reason
sepsis of 7 (IQR 3–10) days [5]. A wide variation in antibiotic of the high variability in dosing.
prescribing practices among NICUs was also revealed in a This heterogeneity in clinical practice is also depicted in
large antibiotic use cohort study in California (127 NICUs, dosage recommendations by reference books commonly used
52,061 infants and 746,051 patient-days) [6]. by neonatologists, such as Neofax, Red Book, Blue Book, and
British National Formulary for children (BNFC). For example,
BNFC 2015–2016 recommends that amikacin be administered
1. Off-label use of antibiotics
in neonates in a multiple daily regimen (loading dose 10 mg/
Lack of evidence-based data is the main cause for the off- kg, then 7.5 mg/kg every 12 h) or in extended interval dose
label/unlicensed antibiotic use in neonates. Limited knowl- regimen (15 mg/kg every 24 h) [12]; in contrast, Neofax recom-
edge exists in (a) pharmacokinetics (PK) and safety, (b) route mends that daily dosage and intervals to be assigned accord-
(continuous or intermittent), dose and duration of ing to postmenstrual and postnatal age, whereas minimum

CONTACT Emmanuel Roilides 3rd Department of Pediatrics, Hippokration Hospital, Konstantinoupoleos 49, 54642 Thessaloniki,
© 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

dosing interval is 24 h [13]. Yet, according to the multicenter 2014, only 20 were approved and just 2 of them were antibio-
European point prevalence study of neonatal Exposure to tics (meropenem and linezolid) resulting in labeling with dose
Excipients, a multiple daily dosing regimen of aminoglycosides recommendations for preterm neonates [21].
was only used in 14% of cases [10]. As optimal dosing in neonates, infants, and children is a
Due to lack of evidence-based data in neonates, many matter of public health and a prerequisite for high-quality
antimicrobial drugs are given with doses derived from adults care, there is a growing body of studies on pharmacometric
or older children. This is suboptimal as neonates have func- modeling and simulation trying to evaluate and optimize
tional and anatomical differences compared to older patients, dosing strategies of antibiotics prescribed in term/preterm
and consequently distinct PK and toxicity associated with the neonates. A sixfold increase in the number of neonatal drug
antimicrobial agents. Infants are not just small children or trials, registered in the database was noted
even more small adults. Term and especially preterm neonates from 1999 to 2012, whereas systemic anti-infectives were
are a unique population; one could say that a neonate is a among the 3 most commonly studied drug groups [22]. An
rapidly evolving biological system [14,15]. Growth, maturation, excellent systematic review by Wilbaux et al. on population PK
and specific pathophysiological characteristics (e.g. body com- approaches for the antibiotics primarily eliminated through
position, protein binding capacity, renal function and struc- kidneys in neonates identified 69 models for 13 antibiotics
ture) influence PK behavior of antibiotics (absorption, with vancomycin and gentamicin being the most studied,
distribution, metabolism, elimination) and result in significant although there is no consensus on the optimal dosing for
interindividual variability in drug exposure. Moreover, disease preterm or term neonates [23]. Unwillingness on behalf of
characteristics (sepsis, hemodynamic changes, renal impair- the pharmaceutical industry to conduct clinical trials in neo-
ment, perinatal asphyxia, intrauterine growth restriction), nates [22] has shifted this responsibility to the academic
comedications, other treatment modalities like extracorporeal society and publicly funded bodies such as the European
membrane oxygenation, therapeutic hypothermia, and other Commission, the UK National Institute for Health Research
covariates including pharmacogenetics have a great impact on and the US National Institute of Child Health and Human
PK and pharmacodynamic (PD) behaviors of many drugs in Development to sponsor pediatric and neonatal clinical trials.
neonates, further aggravating the variability within the specific Global Research in Pediatrics (GRiP), another initiative that
population [14,15]. Such scientific concerns along with regu- focuses on pediatric clinical pharmacology training, stimulates
latory and ethical issues make clinical trials in neonates diffi- and facilitates drug development and safe use of medicines in
cult to perform and study design challenging. children, as well [24].
During recent years, quantitative PK approaches for the In recent years, several studies on antimicrobial dosing in
optimization of drug dosing regimens in neonates have been preterm/term neonates have been or are conducted. As part
developed and gained wide acceptance. PK modeling using of the TINN (Treat Infection in NeoNates) project funded by
compartmental analysis can predict drug concentration at any the European Commission, a prospective, open-label popula-
time, offers a more flexible timetable for PK samples collection, tion PK study of ciprofloxacin for neonates and infants
allows less blood sampling while quantifies the effect of several <3 months old was conducted. Doses of 7.5 mg/kg and
factors (covariates) on PK parameters explaining intra- and 12.5 mg/kg given twice daily were suggested for neonates
intersubject PK variability [16]. Pharmacometric modeling and with PMA <34 and ≥34-week gestation, respectively. As, how-
simulation, tailored to term/preterm neonates, are valuable ever, external validation was not performed, this regimen
tools for understanding PK behavior of antibiotics, providing needs to be evaluated in clinical practice to confirm its bene-
the basis for dose optimization and treatment individualization fits [25]. Ampicillin, despite being one of the most commonly
in this vulnerable population [16]. Population PK-PD modeling used antibiotics in the NICU setting, lacks FDA labeling on
and simulation using nonlinear mixed effect modeling is a well- dosing for preterm/term neonates, and it has been evaluated
established approach of great value and similar studies encour- only recently by the Pediatric Trials Network (PTN) in the
aged by regulatory agencies are constantly increasing [17]. Pharmacokinetics of Understudied Drugs Administered to
Studies using newer methodologies adapted to the specific Children Per Standard of Care (POPS) trial. The latter aimed
demands of neonatal population, such as ultra-low-volume to identify appropriate dosing of several understudied drugs
drug concentration assays, opportunistic protocols, dried matrix in children that are given as part of the standard medical care.
spot samples, physiologically based PK modeling, microdosing Investigators proposed ampicillin doses of 50–75 mg/kg every
are emerging with promising results, although some of these 8–12 h according to gestational and postnatal age, and were
approaches/techniques need further validation [18]. able to achieve therapeutic targets (trough serum concentra-
The US federal legislation and the European pediatric reg- tions ≥8 mg/L) in over 90% of the studied subjects [26].
ulation significantly contributed to the increase of pediatric Another study by PTN determined meropenem PK in pre-
studies resulting in a rise in drug-labeling changes. However, term and term infants ≤90 days of age with suspected or
few of these refer to neonates, which remain one of the last complicated intra-abdominal infections. In this investigation,
therapeutic orphans [19]. Design and reporting of RCTs in in which dosing strategy was modified according to gesta-
neonates seem to be of poor quality without any substantial tional and postnatal age, meropenem was proved to be suffi-
improvement during the past years, as identified by Kaguelidou cient for clinical and microbiological cure [27]. FDA recently
et al. in a systematic review of RCTs of antibiotics for neonatal changed the label for meropenem to reflect these findings
infections [20]. A survey in the US FDA databases identified that (available at The results of a
among the 43 drugs studied in neonates between 1998 and European multicenter RCT (NEOMERO project) aiming to

Table 1. Algorithm for improving the current situation about dosing of anti- employment, consultancies, honoraria, stock ownership or options, expert
biotics in the neonate. testimony, grants or patents received or pending, or royalties.
● PK and toxicity studies of available antibiotics should be funded by interna-
tional or national public organizations to be performed in neonates
● PK and toxicity studies of new antibiotics should be funded by industry to be
performed in neonates Emmanuel Roilides
● Evidence-based guidelines are structured and disseminated in the neonatal
centers via scientific societies or regulatory initiatives
● Neonatal reference books used in everyday clinical practice should be revised References
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