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2ND SEMESTER | A.Y. 2022-2023
• Is supported by figures and facts thus it
§ Ethics is defined as a set of rules or gives your ides a boost. As it involves clear
guidelines; these are theories as to which is words only, it helps in increasing your
right or wrong. reputation.
§ In communication, ethics is considerable • There are little to none chances that your
important because it would likely guide message is misinterpreted.
everyone to effective communication.
§ Theses ethical principles are universal in the 3. COURTESY
sense that all people should consider these • Is the respect that we show to others and in
things because of their vitality in the business communication.
communication process and effectiveness. • The individual while sending the message
should be polite, sincere, enthusiastic, and
• Is the notion that human beings are • Being courteous means that you have taken
governed by their morals which in turn into consideration the feeling receiver as
affects communication. well as your own. It also shows that you are
• Ethics deals with the moral good present in positive and your focus is on the audience.
any form of human communication. • Courteous messages are not at all biased.
• Interpersonal communication, mass mediated
communication, and digital communication. 4. CORRECTNESS
§ Ethical communication encompasses • The understanding of your audience is
being honest in all communications, directly proportional to the correctness of
keeping information confidential your ideas. Because correct communication
and not discussing the personal or of thoughts and ideas is also an error-free
business situations of others in form of communication.
public or in front of a third party. • There are many ways to achieve this
correctness in your sentences. To achieve
ETHICAL PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNICATION this, one is through a technical understanding
of your thoughts and ideas. Further, the
1. COMPLETENESS names and titles that you have mentioned
• The message must be complete and should be correct. Because of correctness the
geared to the receiver’s perception of the confidence level of yours as well as your
world. audience increases.
• The message must be based on facts and a
complex message needs additional 5. CLARITY
information and / or explanation. • is very important in business communication.
• A message or an idea is complete when the • Through this, you are able to emphasize a
audience has everything that they want to specific message or a goal at that time.
be informed. Also, this gives an authority to • In a business communication, you cannot
them to move to call of action. achieve too much in one go. That is why
• The complete communication generally you need to be clear about your ideas.
involves the call to action, which helps the • Because of clarity, the understanding of
readers understand what you want to ideas becomes easier.
imply to them. It also includes all the facts • As the clarity is achieved for ideas and
and figures in the sentences. thoughts, the meaning of the words is
enhanced. The message becomes more
2. CONCRETENESS appropriate and exact.
• The idea of being clear and particular.
• It avoids the basic fuzziness and general in 6. CONCISENESS
your ideas and thoughts. • Being concise means being able to convey
• It adds to your confidence level your messages in shortest possible words.
But this doesn’t mean that you provide the
information less but articulating in such a
2ND SEMESTER | A.Y. 2022-2023
possible way that you get to spread the
message across everyone and that too in
fewer words.
• It is a necessity for business communication
as this C does not involve the vague words
and this the message is clearly sent to
everyone. Because of conciseness, you save
time as well as you save a lot of costs.

• Logical
• The message involves certain ideas and
thoughts and thus when they are coherent
than only they are able to convey the main
idea of the message.
• All the points that you have mentioned
should be relevant to the topic and
• Further, the flow and tone of the
communication should also be consistent.
• What does your message imply should be
the main focus under the coherent message.

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