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Subject \ ae ee Skeletal — mrt. _ — Respiratory a 5 7 = to, fk ay, & —Gestits/ — 185 __ Ley —Steis igasteit Pai a - q s =i Jos u 7 —ahfaealy pepsi - ————— — ¢ Bloating u : 3 Retin PR (CR SSeS VAI, Pepsi Sabi ~e — Cer ul \Gall Sto eatt Ces) @ |__(Never Use in Bilary -} ~ Pilon ebelCrcagegpe} leg een BT \ (culate td pggede ——— —— \\ 1 Gehoke ——_2@oldo__s@uecume -\s@anddion — s@oxer — a-Quctns _ 2 Caranay—-Angglics 1 Wormbos' ne OO S-Bter Orange Peel\ 6 Chammemile. &Peppermiat a — G- Blessed Thistle CIWS Ese ee ysl Ref, Holy Triste), Nn i Bett TE tt j ney Gaga TE? aN Scanned with CamScanner ss ete e Tegal ged Gi Gin = Sal 7” Feverfere- Hig _ laa - 3 —Garlie Glesaed —Giakg: _ Ae ; = ; gates scent Scanned with CamScanner ote Eng Prone. loaig Faience & Abdom 4.4 Secretion OF Cnt ie, Ll. Seren OF Ble, poe Fin Emon 0 Soe (amsge te tat Raho fore meal mine (ice + Sonteindsaten rs Paphc Ler, Dusatinal Ulger Byper gedit 2 Gat hie Bay Set structions For Use + Toba g chncaly Ayroed 1 -Simple Bitters LS tler Ponce dosi™ | Aromatic Bitters Gt 140.) Gentian chizome greet nbles Ot ou e l bn Genthapiceasice hmeregirtin, (German Commision EFer Dypeatic Complobts& Los OF Appetite Sg Cena 9 eueseig ange Tutsi 5 Sana Conriion re 1 some 2 Speamsitic(ntispasmstic) © Bitter Orange Peet -¥.9-+ 90% Limonene itl yep sie Scanned with CamScanner + Symptoms + = Epigastric Press | + causes + ab.k, Secretion Of Gastric ice ole Secretion OF Bil ressure, Bloating , Flatulence & Abdominal Pains or ther symptoms OO er caibiosder © le , Impaired Filling & Emptying Of + Herbal Treatment + © Bitters Drugs © Carminative © Cholagogue Vagus Ner earsints Anetic) A> © 7 Salives ( state Biter Taste Buds Tht Rees ge bhnically _ 1 Re ~* @ Gentian (Root, Rhizome) 7 rhizome grest Gg, VIs Hl GLEN es Raat ol be 5 ~ Bitter Principles —> Gentiopicroside, Amarogentin, Isogentisin iE + SamestsNbove "Sativa 2- Cholertic effect (Other Use) WHOG-4>: [aa g) GlevissenE (gd Gale wBrlggant Spats SUL Sake ~om ) German Commission E GLT Disorders eg. ( ia Beis Weer yperacy 2 ofr Obslaudlan. [Gall Stores) A- Bitter Drug @ 1 Gostri ote Bitter Teste Buck Thot Refiex Incecse By 1 Simutation) & Gastric Juice & Biliary Secretions structions For Use —> Taken Before meal 15 minutes ( cit) :Dove, oft dopo _sytncture (S22! |+ Sontraindication + In Peplic. Meee Meer, Mypercycel ty. dose! -Simple Bitters_,b™ Ng oe y ‘~e Cent (Aerial feria! Partoeuiey St (ag? 02 BRE (same os Gerber) — GertispiccasicleAmaco gente Tes German Commission E For Dyspeptic Complaints & Loss Of Appetite. 6 Quaitia Wood ES ~ Bitter Principles —> Quassin , neoquassin f TEE same. Scanned with CamScanner ‘entilation , shallow breathing )) sepsin ge PP © T Call bladder motility ither N- Aromatic Bitters (evict YoO.) ee Sagal ® Worm Weod ( Absinth ) © Bitter Grange Peel ac Ac Absinthin (cube chserbio bh 0. Thuj ak ert. my ie f tee | SicriBnencewnnne =V.0-> 90 % Limonene'uiA Iyyganltisyal giagaall Stee Uses 1 Sstme... 2. Spasmolytic: (Ants pasmetic) Scanned with CamScanner _ inati i ic (V-0) | sal €- Cholagaogue ( eg Eaaphagenl Refs . “ " So Feat? = Ss Se ante coon Onl yaatay eae] MO TomAnithele,Forctone |-W.0-+ Irmménle | ¥.0->Cariont | =Beemelces-+ cone hd AGED) “ATLGM yd as la | ila etn nck se meta {somes | deteatn lee Ee unless under mesScal superveion, a - See? oo | | ees Papnsrmlt ol td intra orLBS, a 2 Efi slam, Oktacton sophonet ona Nene Scanned with CamScanner Esephagesl Reflux B- Carminative/ AntiSpasivedic (V0) M.O.A — They Produce A Warm Sensation When Ingested & Promote. The Eeoul ion Of Gas Ei rom The. Stomach OrBowsl— © Fennel > (~* °°. Y Js @ Anise © Carawy } -V.0 > Trans Anethole,Fenchone | - WsO —> Trans Ansthole ~v.0 > Carvome 1 QUb4\ pad Loa sheer real St asall g aga ge alge FS Simetbicones’ | | + Berne! should not be used in | -preanang: due to the potential, | strogenic, emmenagogue effects | \ a hoptertale, sh Nts ala abet q ong Lean ‘8 mile © Geppermi War SI Stash RE oy bus Vetelaus eget OUD \t- £.0 > Menthol & Menthane Color) & cBisabalal. !Fravonotd Gi sides —> (ee Scaltarnindhv) 1 toternally 185 (6p scally Peppernint Gil} ¥ ase 19 2_skcenaly > Mvalia Headache | Intemal Use|” 5.44 “GAT Disorders & CNSDiorden | EXSTEE ( Restlessness & Insomnia ) to a ‘Tepical ‘ntisnasmaric +2 smooth muscle, shin disorders (skin eczema) |, Samvactiont LO) . Suneh Gah tants EEE | ~ Spasmolytic -» Due To Apigenin, Apigenin-7-0- relaxctip + Glucoside & a-Bisabotol ->(FK throughl wittiweok Co-antononit effect) 2 Favonoids ~Plavomentins flsrensite a] With Gallstones -> not use mentha unless under medical supervision. 2 With Esophageal reflux. Peppermint oil used internally for IS, ‘& used as antispasmodic & relaxe the ‘esophageal sphincter . | | | | Scanned with CamScanner CSN C- Cholagaogue (, 6) ies. __C- Cholagaoguc = —__—| | | toctes & Cholebinetics —» Contract Galibladder. SO RAIS celts Sistine ST hetlity Petar n | o Anche ¢ © Turmeric (Curcurse ) || cain | + Chlorogenic Acid &(Gynarin) ~ Bnsibecene Curcum@he, Turmerone, | swauBetpene Lactones ShebbIME EapecltD pc [area cn SapmioslySalany > Tibia dade, Det “tampons > Abodmina! pain bxting, Comsipation or rthea. or Carsbpatin rh Diarrhea | ‘i: aseiverSi-teSpe) ender beset habits Ea. sium olrtosns) > Antipasmode & Caminetves-> 29. Repescirt | eT Esteem red tot esa city (eegua or rie). i ucilt dagiaAdiul stem se cree Nom tremstntuoneinaine may heats | Peppermint oil 165 + GIT end gal der nommation (ver dards) & eephopal refi (59 ned Beopemint aprosration edd net be coped otha face epee the nsec Inks ornare iter atire Resbglndins 5 tudenboitintn inert I nachre Prastaghandins BP Pe Blac eb ath fH Per opi oad) —— sith Diveebes} TEI prnoed the Offense Diss (250 ada far>usehs) >] (Dre To Lae a fain & hl tin eve nese Keaton sce Mypaklais) —) | | | | Stématitis, gingivitis & glossitis | | eri > herbal medicine thet Tract Eediors nd ination of oral cout > | } 1+ ¥.01 ontimiccbia eg. sage myth cave, 2+ Tens os oteflenmetory,entimicobial eg. oc bath, witch | | | | rare ber no EY ‘Obesity haat gale \Lenstipation Toflanpaban\Denkent) atte glenn Scanned with CamScanner * Gastritis Inflammation Of The Mucosal Lining Of The Stomach Which s Caused By Alcohol, Tobacco, Spices, T2#i% (Bacteria (H.Pulor) And Drugs Ce. Asin) © peptic ulcer Discrete Mucosal Damage Of The Stomach And Or Duodenuim, + Treatment: © Agents That | Acid Secretion ( Anti cholinergics Eg : Atropine & Scopolamine ( Alhaloids Of Atropa Belladonna )) @ Demulcent ( Muc jinous Herbs ) > e.g, Linseed, Marshmallow , Mallow Leave & Iceland moss . © Other Chamomile , licorice . . Net_Ci el be diy) © Liquorice Ghysjshnizaglabrc) (a is Quis $7 p50 times hore sueeb than gard rTriterpene saponins - (8 Ca Sak tic Flavonoid > Liquirit Haiti A beatin THEE CD 9 Opler! Qetital - Catsc & Dundenel Veer (Props & Treatment ) 2- Antlflammatoryin Rheumatism & Arthrit, > Skeletal ExpecbneiB panic Sopeninslys Sala dy 3+ Couch And Bronchial Cotarrh (Expectorant > ResgistonpI protective Prostaglandins In The Stomach (Promoting The Healing Of Peptic Uicers & increase ‘mucin production & decrease acid secretion ) = Anti Ulcer. -»[Givomthetic Add (Enoxotone)\ By : © andin L1° Prostaglandin Reductase, Active Paslode ete ena ve P.G Reductase 1 ” Tie Dustin + Conde Cac os fica nn 2c. Hypablania) 2. Antihypertensive (os licorice reduce sodium & water excretion ) 0 cause Carbenoxolone > to.dvercomencor solubility af Glucurrhetic Acid _ _ ree area Scanned with CamScanner Bet. isc asturbed state of intestinal motility (regular or irtable ). ~S¥mptoms —. Abodminal pain , bloating , Constipation or diarrhea . er Constipation vith Diarrhea! Treatment la wheggsmahe! Ele 1 (bulfontiag ‘agents ) —+ regular bowel habits. E.g. psyllium ( plantagins ) 2: Anticholinergics —> e.g. atropine, hyoscine to normalize the increase in colonic motility in spastic IBS * Antisparmedic_ & Corminatives > eg. Peppermint > GIT and gall bladder inflammation (fiver disorders ) & esophageal reflux (so used Enteric coated capsule) ‘+ Externally — Peppermint oll preparations should not be applied to the face especially the nose, of Infants or young children causes irrilsstion = ttt Sea rs Stomatitis, gingivitis & glossitis 5 => herbal medicine that Treat infections and irritation of oral cavity. > “Bowabic=Ors! LOT, ‘Stmeach |) + Wer antimicrobial e.g. sage, myrrh, clove. 2+ Tannints a anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial e.g. oak bark, witch hazel bark. s-mudlage: (Soothing effect ) ¢.9. marshmallow, linseed. a OS Obes ity Gab whal sade Lonstipattor Lnflammation (Demulcerit)___,-Uahke x yl grb Hacilages Sg) Scanned with CamScanner

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