Field Obervations

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Joey Cario

Field Observations
Student Day Content Additional Comments:

Observation 1

Student A (M) 1/23/2023 Subject: Math After conferencing with

Content: Telling time teacher I found that
Student A has been
Strengths: Student evaluated but was not
accurately completed placed on an IEP,
worksheet on telling time student achieves at a
to 5 minutes. lower level and slower
pace but still grasps
Weaknesses: When content
completing worksheet
student had to be
reminded of hour hand
and minute hand on
manipulative clock.

Student B (J) 1/23/2023 Subject: Math Student B is on an IEP

Content: Telling time with a diagnosis of
ADHD, however student
Strengths: Student is a high achiever in
completed work well with class when distractions
the help of manipulative are minimal

confused hour and minute
on worksheet and
struggled when time
showed minute hand
larger than 15.

Observation 2

Student A 1/26/2023 Subject: ELA

Content: brainstorming
and drafting

Strengths: Student was

able to read book with
little assistance, sounded
out words that were
unfamiliar and reread
sentences if confused.
The student did well with
brainstorm map, used
student dictionary pages
to look for words before
asking for assistance.
Weaknesses: Student is
talkative at table cluster
and needs redirection
although they complete
work well. Students
handwriting is hard to
read, sometimes they are
unable to relay what they

Student B 1/26/2023 Subject: ELA

Content: Brainstorming
and drafting

Strengths: Student
worked quietly on tasks,
student was attentive
while listening to
student was attentive
during directions they
became distracted once
working independently.
Student sits alone away
from clusters and is easily
overlooked when teacher
is providing students with
help. Student struggled
reading their text and did
not understand what
information to pull for
brainstorming map.
Student gets off task
easily, does not like to
ask for help/ gets
embarrassed when
teacher provides

Observation 3

Student A 1/30/2023 Subject:ELA Students were off task

Content: 100th day of more often than usual
school writing prompt because they had a sub

Strengths: Student was

able to complete
assignment accurately.
Student finished
assignment in a timely

wrote the same
sentences that were
given as examples
despite being asked to
make up their own.
Student was talkative
during directions and
overwhelmed when

Student B 1/30/2023 Subject: ELA

Content: 100th day of
school prompt

Strengths: Student had

great brainstorming ideas.
Student wrote imaginative
sentences that were
different from examples
given. Student wrote in
neat, finger spaced

Weaknesses: Student
was off task and coloring
on paper, had to be
redirected. Student
became easily frustrated
with sub when redirected.

Observation 4

Student A 2/6/2023 Subject: Math Students had a

Content: Counting to 100 substitute.
using 2’s, 5’s and 10’s
Student A’s
Strengths: Student was “weaknesses” are not
on task, Student asked necessarily an issue
others for help without however they need to
assistance becoming a work on fluency to be at
distraction. Student used 2nd grade level.
manipulatives to complete
Weaknesses: Student is
behind on ability level,
student does not count on
but rather has to add on
to solve. EX: The
problems looked like 2, _,
_,8. Most students knew
that 4 came next but
student had to write 2
plus 2 to solve.

Student B 2/6/2023 Subject: Math

Content: Counting to 100
using 2’s, 5’s and 100’s

Strengths: Student
completed worksheets
accurately and was fluent
in ability. Student helped
provide other students
with guidance without
assistance becoming a
distraction. Student raised
hand to volunteer
Weaknesses: Student
was an early finisher
because of ability level.
Usually if student
finishers early than others
they may become
distracted. (however
student used this time to
help other students)

Observation 5

Student A 2/9/2023 Subject: ELA

Content: ECRI

Strengths: Student was

attentive during activity.
Student was able to
answer correctly when
called on and actively
corrected work if

Weaknesses: Student
struggled with spelling
accuracy, often left out
one letter or misplaced a
letter. Student struggled
accurately marking

Student B 2/9/2023 Subject: ELA Students handwriting is

Content: ECRI usually small on paper. I
observed that student
Strengths: Student was had a harder time
able to answer correctly copying from board to
when called on, even if off paper then board to dry
task. Student has erase board which may
understanding of words have caused the letters
and is able to accurately to jumble together,
mark them. student writing
differently on paper did
Weaknesses: Student not seem purposeful.
was off task when using
dry erase board, was
coloring on board and not
following along. Student
had to use paper and
pencil when dry erase
board was removed,
student wrote smaller and
squeezed writing together
on paper which made it
hard to assess students

Observation 6

Student A 2/13/2023 Subject: Math Student was instructed

Content: place value to highlight example
activity problem for understand,
example: 209, ones
Strengths: Student place is highlighted
grasps understanding of yellow, tens place is
ones and tens place. highlighted blue,
Student was able to hundreds place is
identify the ones place in highlighted orange.
two and three digit Student used this to
numbers. Student was refer back to.
able to identify tens place
in two digit numbers.
Weaknesses: Student
struggled finding tens and
ones in two and three
digit numbers, student
mixed up ones and

Student B 2/13/2023 Subject: Math

Content: place value

Strengths: Student was

able to accurately answer
all 4 of the questions.
Student showed
understand of tens place
and ones place

Weaknesses: Student
struggled with solving
word problem equation
after completing

Observation 7

Student A 2/16/2023 Subject: ELA

Content: possessive noun
writing center

Strengths: Student
worked well with others in
group. Student provided
ideas and added to group
conversation. Student did
well with questions
related to singular and
Weaknesses: Student
became confused on
placement of
apostrophes. Example:
Forgetting the apostrophe
in “The girl’s jacket”

Student B 2/16/2023 Subject: ELA

Content: possessive noun
writing center

Strengths: Student
completed worksheet,
and caught up on
questions that they
missed without delaying
Weaknesses: It was
clear student was
struggling to understand
concept but student did
not ask for help, refused
help when given. Student
did not actively participate
in group, and did not add
to the group discussion.

Observation 8

Student A 2/23/2023 Subject: ELA

Content: ECRI

Strengths: Student
followed along with
teacher. Student
accurately answered
when called on and was
engaged in activity.
Student corrected if

Weaknesses: Student
has minor spelling
mistakes. Student loudly
yells comments if
incorrect which causes
distraction. Student does
not independently mark
words, waits for teacher
and then copies work.

Student B 2/23/2023 Subject: ELA

Content: ECRI

Strengths: Student
followed along during
activity. Student
accurately answered
when called on, and
raised hand to volunteer.
Student accurately
marked words.

Weaknesses: Student is
easily distracted, and gets
redirected often.
Observation 9

Student A 2/27/2023 Subject: Math

Content: Math Review

Strengths: Student was

able to accurately answer
review questions.
Student used numberline
to assist while working.
Student used review to
help with current

Weaknesses: Student
struggled with current
questions, had
assistance for

Student B 2/27/2023 Subject: Math

Content: Math Review

Strengths: Student
accurately answered
questions. Student
volunteered to answer
questions, student
worked well in small
group when checking

Weaknesses: Student
forgets to show work,
forgets to show when
carrying or regrouping
but still answers

Observation # 10

Student A 3/2/2023 Subject: ELA

Content:phonics and

Strengths: Student
actively participates in
both phonics and
heggerty activities.
Student follows along
with teacher, student can
be heard over others
during heggerty. Student
is accurate when
substituting phonemes.
Weaknesses: Student
struggles with
segmenting words.

Student B 3/2/2023 Subject: ELA

Content: phonics and

Strengths: Student
volunteered to lead the
phonics wall.
Weaknesses: Student
does not actively
participate during
heggerty. When doing
activities such as
substituting phonemes or
segmenting words
student does hand
motions but does not say
sounds. Student is
redirected to participate
multiple times.

Observation 11

Student A 3/2/2023 Subject: Math

Content: Daily Math

Strengths: Student
worked quietly during
review, was not
distracted by others at
table who were off task.
Student participated often
and provided correct
answers when called on.
Student completed all 4
of the review questions
accurately, self corrected
andn looked over work
when needed and
worked at whole group
Weaknesses: Off task
during transitions. Added
from left to right when
finding the sum of three
tasked numbers (but self

Student B 3/2/2023 Subject: Math

Content: Daily Math

Strengths: Worked
quietly during
independent work. Used
number line to assist
when unsure.

Weaknesses: Was off

task and unable to
answer correctly when
called on. Looked to
other students for
answers if confused,
caused distraction.

Observation 12

Student A 3/14/2023 Subject: ELA

Content: “My Leprechaun
Wish” Prompt

Strengths: Student
wrote a sentence with the
help of sentence starter
independently. Student
worked quietly and
without distraction
Weaknesses: Student
struggled expanding
sentence. Student has
trouble writing complete

Student B 3/14/2023 Subject: ELA

Content: “My
Leprechaun Wish”

Strengths: Student is
very imaginative and
enjoys being able to
brainstorm and come up
with stories. Student
wrote neat sentences to
form a grade level
accurate paragraph.
Student finished early
and was able to decorate
Weaknesses: When
student is excited about
activity they focus more
on brainstorming and
less on the final product.
Student misspelled
leprechaun despite it
being displayed on paper
and written on board
during example.

Observation 13

Student A 3/15/2023 Subject: ELA

Content: Verbs

Strengths: Student was

able to independently
complete 4/6 of the
questions on worksheet
correctly. Student worked
quietly, in a timely
manner and without
distraction. Student wrote
with neat handwriting and
copied words from word
box accurately.

Weaknesses: Student
needed hint written on
paper “Verbs are “doing”
words. Student stops
after reading until fill in
rather than reading whole
question and looking at

Student B 3/15/2023 Subject: ELA


Strengths: Student
accurately completed
worksheet, completing ⅚
correctly. Student
volunteered to give
answers, and read

Weaknesses: Student
misspelled words that
were written in word box.

Observation 14

Student A 3/20/2023 Subject: Math

Content: Math Review

Strengths: Student
volunteered to answer
often and stayed on task.
Transitioned without
redirection. Answered
correctly when called on.
using numerline to solve
equations, often counts
incorrectly. Student
struggled reading graph,
did not understand how
to use graph key to solve

Student B 3/20/2023 Subject: Math

Content: Daily Math

Strengths: Student was

on task and actively
following along. Student
uses number line
correctly. Student
volunteered to answer
graph questions (which
was a new concept) and
was able to solve
accurately using key.
Weaknesses: Student
got confused on
problems that showed
number line that had
larger numbers than the
one shown on desk.
Observation 15

Student A 3/23/2023 Subject: ELA

Content: phonics and


Student B 3/23/2023 Subject: ELA

Content: Phonics and


Observation 16

Student A Day: 3/23/2023 Subject: Math Student has ADHD and

Content: Math Board is required to keep his
Review materials in a separate
designated area (not
Strengths: inside desk) student had
Student was able to to get up to go to supply
answer equations box multiple times (to get
accurately when pencil, to get eraser, to
maintaining attention. get highlighter) each
During video questions time student got up to
the student stayed get materials they were
engaged and raised hand distracted after returning
quietly to participate and to seat. During the
offer an answer. When worksheets and video
called on the student portion of lesson the
answered questions student did not have to
correctly. The student get up for materials as
maintained attention and much (only needed
continued to quietly work pencil) and was able to
on worksheets after maintain focus.
having distraction item

Student had to be
redirected during 1st
worksheet (daily math
review) Student was
distracted by item in
desk, had the item taken
away. When attention
was lost student would
scribble what the teacher
was completing on board
rather than actively
listening and following
alone. Student struggled
during daily math review
questions that related to
base ten blocks.

Student B Day 3/23/2023 Subject: Math Student was beginning

Content: Math Board to understand and make
Review self corrections, student
struggles with grasping
Strengths: Student content slower than
volunteered to answer peers and often rushes
questions and answered to write down answers
questions correctly. when peers answer
When pulled for one on rather than solve the,
one help there was clear independently due to
evidence that the student fear of falling behind.
was grasping material,
but struggles during the
whole group because it
takes them longer to
Weaknesses: Student
struggles with solving
math equations without
one on one assistance or
guidance tools. The
student needs the help of
a numberline for basic
math facts (example:
referred back to
numberline when asked
4-2) Student wrote
numbers backwards
when solving equations.
Student struggled
following along due to
having to refer back to
numberline often, got
overwhelmed when other
students were moving
quicker than them and
struggled with
regrouping, forgets to

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