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Assalamualaikum wr wb

Good Morning everyone

First of all, I respect the first examining lecturer, Mrs Dr. Keni Kaniawati, S.E.,M.Si. the
second examining lecturer, Mr, Ismail Solihin, S.E.,M.Si., as well as my mentor lecturer, Mr
H. Dr. Radea Respati Paramudhita.,S.H., M.H. I thank you very much to the examiners and
mentor lecturer for your time.

Today, Friday, 10 february, 2023

I am Jeffri Nava Wardana, Management student 2019, Faculty of Economics and Business
with NPM 0219101423 will present my research journal entitled “FACTORS THAT


Previously, I displayed my Letter Of Acceptance issued on 25 january, 2023.


So let’s we move to the first chapter there is introduction


Small business is a productive economic business that stands alone, which is carried out
by individuals or business entities that are not subsidiaries or branches companies that
are owned, controlled, or become a part either directly or indirectly from medium-sized
businesses or large businesses that meet the criteria for small businesses. One of the
steps in supporting the achievement of national development is community
empowerment through small and medium enterprises (SMEs). UKM Empowerment in
In the midst of globalization and high competition, SMEs must be able to face
challenges global challenges such as increasing product and service creativity, resource
human resources and technology, as well as expanding the marketing area. In addition,
tastes change unpredictable society makes SME business actors required to have
creativity in order to continue to create works of value and ownership identity.
Innovation is the ability to apply creativity in order solve problems and can find
opportunities to develop existing products There is. A business owner is required to
always develop in improving the quality of the resulting product. This is inseparable
from the ever-changing desires of consumers. Product innovation is one of the most
reliable factors for a marketer in marketing a product. Innovation will increase the
added value of a product, innovation will create a new product that can provide a better
solution for solving consumer problems. Bandung has a lot of promise in a number of
economic sectors, particularly the handicraft industry sector. The city is made up of
mountainous and hilly. It is anticipated that Bandung's economy will continue to grow
rather quickly in the future, particularly thanks to the expansion of the creative sector,
which enables SMEs to support economic activity in a number of West Javan villages,
sub-districts, and regencies. The expansion of small and medium-sized businesses
(SMEs) is crucial for the local economy, and employment and economic growth both
affect how development outcomes are distributed to allow for proper development.


Allright, now we move to chapter 2 there is literature review



Currently Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), especially in the handicraft industry,
creativity plays an important role in helping economic growth, especially SMEs. [4]
stated that creativity is a process or ability that reflects fluency, flexibility (flexibility),
and originality in thinking, as well as the ability to elaborate (develop, enrich, detail), an
idea that emphasizes aspects of the process of change (innovation and variation). [14]
mentioned that creativity is a result of the thoughts of a person/organization to create
meaningful work. creativity is an accumulation of company ideas in the form of ideas
that differentiate from competing products. [14] says creativity is incorporating novelty
and usability in products or services. This view holds that people who create must feel
novelty and useful. In this case, a novelty does not eliminate the originality, and the
characteristics of the product itself. But without some form of public recognition, it is
not creativity. Definitions that focus on creative products emphasize originality, as
stated by Baron who states creativity is the ability to produce/create something new..
This shows that creativity can be stimulated by using it systematically through curiosity
about the development of product trends [16]. Creativity can also be stimulated by
using it systematically through the development of ideas and strengths that are owned
with the aim of building images and various ideas that can be utilized to become
something profitable.


Innovation is the consumer's view of products or services that have a novelty value that
is born from the latest ideas. [3] explains that innovations made by companies or
organizations are not just new products, but create opportunities in carrying out service
methods that can provide value to consumers. Companies are able to create new
assessments or ideas that can offer innovative products accompanied by improved
services [18]. innovation is an activity that must be carried out through the development
of products to meet consumer needs. Innovation is the foundation or presentation of
value. Innovation includes the generation of ideas and the adoption and execution of
new ideas in processes, products and services. Nowadays innovation becomes more
important when organizations adopt the technology used in it.

Consumer Satisfaction

Consumer satisfaction is a term that identifies that the products provided by the
company to its customers can satisfy. In an era of increasingly high competition, every
business strives to provide products or services that can generate satisfaction and added
value for consumers. In the context of SMEs, customer satisfaction has a positive
influence on repurchase intentions [24]. Customers are always loyal and satisfied if the
company makes products according to their needs.[4], argues that product repurchase
will depend on customer satisfaction. Even though some companies provide good
quality products to customers, sometimes it is still lacking. due to lack of customer
interaction and not understanding precisely the information about customer needs due
to lack of awareness of changing technology and trends. According to researchers,
sometimes companies fail to achieve customer satisfaction by providing high-quality
features that customers think are not important from their point of view.


Next slide is chapter 3, there is Methodology

Research methods

Researchers in this study employed multiple regression analysis methods as part of a

quantitative analysis strategy. There were 110 consumer respondents in the sample for this
study. Non-probability sampling combined with incidental sampling was the sampling
strategy used in this investigation. An approach to sampling that relies on coincidence to
determine if a sample matches as a sample is known as incidental sampling. In this study,
observation, interviews, and questionnaires were employed as the data sources and collection
methods. A variety of local government publications, business magazines, journals, and
textbooks were used to obtain secondary data. The method used to gauge customer
satisfaction (Y), product innovation (X1), and creativity (X2).


Next slide is chapter 4, there is Result


· Validity test

seen from the table, the R count of each indicator is Bigger than the R table, it can be
concluded that each indicator of the three variables can be declared valid.

· Realibity test

seen from the table the value of Cronbach's alpha is Bigger than 0.60, therefore it can
be concluded that each variable is declared reliable


· Multicolinearity test

After that, the researcher conducted a multicollinearity test to ensure that there were no
symptoms of multicollinearity in the research data. Researchers found a tolerance value
in the creativity variable of 0.693 and a VIF value of 1.443 and in the innovation
variable a tolerance value of 0.741 and a VIF value of 1.350. This shows that there are
no symptoms of multicollinearity in the research data because the tolerance values are
0.693 and 0.741 > 0.01 and the VIF values are 1.443 and 1.350 <10.

· Correlation Analysist.

Based on the calculations in Table , the results indicate that the multiple correlation
coefficient (R) has a value of 0.735. This indicates that the findings are in the range of
0.60 and 0.79. This demonstrates the close connection between creativity and product
innovation and customer satisfaction

· Hyphotesist test

The regression model is obtained by 47.245 with a p-value of 0.000, according to the
findings of the hypothesis test in Table 6 above. The findings thus demonstrate that H1
is respectable and affects consumer happiness.

- Determinant coefficient test

According to Table 9, the acquisition coefficient of determination (R2) is 0.542.

These findings show that this value simultaneously has a 54.2% influence on Y
(Customer satisfaction) from the variables X1 (Creativity) and X2 (Product
Innovation). While additional variables not included by the variables under study
have an impact on 45.8% of the population


Next chapter is conclussion


Based on the research explanation above, the results of this study conclude that there is a
positive influence between creativity and product innovation on customer satisfaction in
Bandung. These results and findings are supported by research by Ernawati (2020),
Baldassarre (2017), Castellacce (2011), which states that the creativity of a product and
innovation can affect customer satisfaction. This finding also reinforces the need to develop
products, especially in the context of SMEs to be able to increase sales, especially in the
current situation where competitors are increasingly emerging.


I think that’s all about my presentation today about my research journal. Sorry if there
some mistakes in my presentation. Thankyou for your attention.
Wassalamualaikum wr. Wb.

Pertanyaan pertanyaannn

1. Kenapa memilih judul ini?

karena diliat dari permasalahan saat ini, kenaikan bahan bakar minyak bersubsidi menjadi
faktor yang vital bagi pelaku usaha angkutan kota. dapat diliat dari latar belakang pendapatan
pelaku usaha angkutan kota menurun karena naiknya harga bahan bakar minyak bersubsidi,
hal ini yang menjadi ketertarikan saya untuk meneliti pengaruh kenaikan harga dan bahan
bakar minyak bersubsidi terhadap pendapatan pelaku usaha angkutan kota dikota bandung.

1. Kenapa memilih variable ini?

· Memilih variabel ini karena menurut saya variabel ini berdampak negatif bagi
pendapatan pelaku usaha angkutan kota,

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