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The impact of the eruption of Mount Merapi on

the environment and public health

First, many residents who had fled

were mostly women, the elderly, and
toddlers and the others remain in
their respective areas. It is possible
that residents who are at home want
to take goods or assets to be moved to
a safe place after the eruption. After
confirming that the area was safe,
An eruption occurred at #Mount Merapi on the 21st residents returned to their respective
June 2020 at 09.13 WIB. (Twitter: @BPPTKG ) homes. Apart from that, there was
also ash rain that flushed Central Java
Mount Merapi, which is located on the and caused crop failure for farmers.
border of Central Java Province and the Alias Budi said"The plant has
Special Region of Yogyakarta or collapsed. It has a lot of fruit, it is
Yogyakarta, experienced another eruption constantly exposed to ashes,
on Sunday (21/6/2020). The eruption the plants are not strong and we hope
occurred twice, namely at 09.13 and that it will rain soon so that the ashes
09.27 WIB. The height of the first eruption are washed away." and also several
column was approximately 6,000 meters tourist attractions in the area of Mount
from the peak of Mount Merapi, while the Merapi are starting to close their
wind direction during the eruption was to places so that it can reduce opinion in
the west. Meanwhile, the second eruption villages or nearby areas.
with an amplitude of 75 millimeters
occurred for 100 seconds, but the height
of the column in the second eruption was
not observed. The Yogyakarta Geological
Disaster Technology Research and
Development Center (BPPTKG) has still
set Mount Merapi's status at level II (alert).
Meanwhile, the danger radius is set to be
within three kilometers from the peak of
Mount Merapi.

This volcanic eruption incident made the

people around the mountain environment
very worried and panicked to be close to
the areas affected by the eruption, along
with the impacts that occurred during the
eruption of Mount Merapi.

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