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Lesson: Why do we need a balanced diet?

Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………........ Class: ………………

Exercise 1: Choose the correct answer(s)

a. Nutrients are
A. substances in food that the body uses to provide energy and kill the bacteria.
B. the food that provides energy and chemicals to make body cells.
C. substances in food that body uses to provide energy and make cells and organs.
D. the food that provides chemicals to kill the bacteria and virus.
b. Which nutrients that the body needs small quantity?
A. Carbohydrate. B. Minerals. C. Protein. D. Fat.
c. Which food contains mainly protein?
A. Chicken. B. Vegetable. D. Butter. D. Corn.
d. Which type of nutrients that fruits provide to the body?
A. Carbohydrate. B. Fibre. C. Protein. D. Vitamins.
e. Which food contains different nutrients from others?
A. Beef. B. Rice. C. Fish. D. Crab.

Exercise 2: Matching to complete the functions of nutrients.

Types of nutrients Functions

is used for making new cells and important chemicals, such as

enzymes and antibodies.

Protein helps to keep food moving easily through the digestive system.

Fat supply new DNA to the body for replacing error ones.

Vitamins and minerals provide energy and is needed to make new cell membranes.

Fibre keep us healthy and help bodies to function.

is the environment for chemical reactions in body taking place.

is main nutrients providing energy.

Exercise 3: Based on the table showing the carbohydrate content, answer the questions.

Carbohydrate content a. Which food contains the most carbohydrate?

(g) in 100 g of food
Apple 9 b. Bolormaa ate 200 g of rice and 50 g of fish. How
Banana 20 much carbohydrate did she eat?

Beans 17

Biscuits 66
c. Rice does not contain sugar. What kind of
Bread 45 carbohydrate does rice contain?
Grilled chicken 0
d. What do the four foods that do not contain
Coconut 4
carbohydrate have in common?
Egg 0

Fish 0

Rice 30

Exercise 4: Based on the food pyramid, answer the questions about balanced diet.
a. Which types of nutrients that we need the
most everyday?

b. Which type of food (or drink) that we need

the most everyday? Explain.

c. Explain why we should not too much sugar,

fats and oils?

d. The lunch for one student includes beef,

salmon, cheese, grapefruit, and apple. Is this
a balanced diet? Explain.

How to make this meal more balanced?

========== THE END ==========

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