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Actividad de aprendizaje 12

Evidencia 4: Sesión virtual “Debate about and support your essay”

El propósito de esta evidencia es que aplique los conocimientos adquiridos del

idioma inglés en esta actividad de aprendizaje y con estos pueda sustentar,
discutir y debatir sus opiniones sobre un tema técnico.

Por lo tanto, para el desarrollo de esta evidencia, realice lo siguiente:

• En la sesión virtual “Debate about and support your essay”, sustente en

inglés, ante su instructor y grupo de compañeros, su punto de vista sobre el
ensayo que realizó en la evidencia 1 de esta guía de aprendizaje. Recuerde
que el instructor es el encargado de crear y habilitar esta sesión en línea.

• Utilice el pasado, presente y futuro de forma adecuada cuando realice su


• De las sustentaciones de los demás compañeros, elabore un documento con

el resumen en inglés de las dos (2) que más le hayan llamado la atención
por el aporte técnico.
My work is focused on the easiest way for both the buyer and the seller to
negotiate their product, also so that when the seller sends his product on the one
hand and on the other hand the buyer who receives the product is in a way light,
orderly and with protocols that give security and transparency to the negotiation,
we also deal with issues that arise along the way and clarify some possible
solutions so as not to stand still with nothing to do.

It is possible to emphasize in a very direct way, but it clarifies the process of how
an export is carried out, from the moment the "negotiation" talk begins until the
product is delivered, all that logistics involved in the conversation of 2 people
negotiating a product is what is intended to be said in the exposed essay.


My work is focused on the easiest way for both the buyer and the seller to
negotiate their product, also so that when the seller sends his product on the one
hand and on the other hand the buyer who receives the product is in a way light,
orderly and with protocols that give security and transparency to the negotiation,
we also deal with issues that arise along the way and clarify some possible
solutions so as not to stand still with nothing to do.

It is possible to emphasize in a very direct way, but it clarifies the process of how
an export is carried out, from the moment the "negotiation" talk begins until the
product is delivered, all that logistics involved in the conversation of 2 people
negotiating a product is what is intended to be said in the exposed essay.

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