Science Lesson Feb

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Subject/Grade: Science, Social, Grade ½ (gr.

2 objectives) Lesson/Date: Time: 1:30 - 2:30

Stage 1: Desired Results

Lesson Lesson 11 with Boats and Buoyancy.
In this lesson we will be continuing our work with propulsion.

We will start with a few demos: baking soda and vinegar, rubber band powered, and balloon
powered boats. Afterwards we will discuss this. Students will then have the option to build
either a balloon powered or rubber band powered boat.

Students will then work in partners to improve one of their boats by adding a propulsion

GOs: 2-7 Construct objects that will float on and move through water, and evaluate
various designs for watercraft.

SOs: 1. Describe, classify and order materials on the basis of their buoyancy.
Students who have achieved this expectation will distinguish between
materials that sink in water and those that float. They will also be aware
that some "floaters" sit mostly above water, while others sit mostly below
water. The terms buoyancy and density may be introduced but are not
required as part of this learning expectation.

Objectives Students will:
● Explain how the baking soda and vinegar boat was propelled
● Demonstrate their understanding of propulsion by improving their previous boat through
either rubber band or balloon powered propulsion

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Formative Students’ participation will help assess Summative
Assessment their understanding. Assessment

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to - Have slides prepared Resources:
Lesson: - Prep baking soda and vinegar
Time: Content/Description Differentiation/

Review of Previous Concepts/New Learning:

We will begin with a discussion at the board

- What is propulsion
Subject/Grade: Science, Social, Grade ½ (gr. 2 objectives) Lesson/Date: Time: 1:30 - 2:30
- Together we will brainstorm ways to propel boats


Students still at the board


Learning Activity 1:

Demo - baking soda and vinegar

Then we will watch two videos:

- One on an elastic powered boat
- One on a balloon powered boat

After we will discuss what they saw

- What did you see?
- What materials were used?
- Are there different ways we could make these boats? (elastic powered
could use popsicle sticks
- What are some issues we could run into? Balloon powered, how does the
balloon stay on the straw?


Then I will explain the next step

Learning Activity 2:

Explain that we will be adjusting the boats we have already made, to use
propulsion. Either by elastic band or balloon
- We will do this in partners, doing 1 boat together
- Students must pick which form of propulsion they are using
- Students will only get 1 rubber band or 1 balloon


Review of Key Concepts/Point to Next Class:

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