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Math 101
Lesson: Problem Solving and Reasoning

Learning Objectives:

At the end of the lesson you should be able to:

1. Use different types of reasoning to justify statements and arguments made

about mathematics and mathematical concepts and;
2. Solve problems involving patterns and recreational problems following
Polya’s four steps

Inductive Reasoning is the process of reaching a general

conclusion by examining specific examples. A conclusion
based on inductive Reasoning is the process of reaching a
general conclusion by examining specific examples. A
conclusion based on inductive reasoning is called a
conjecture. A conjecture may or may not be correct
Example. Use Inductive Reasoning to Predict a Number

A. 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, ?

A. 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, ?

Deductive Reasoning is the process of reaching a conclusion

by applying general assumptions, procedures, or principles.
Example. Use Deductive Reasoning to show that the following
procedures produces a number that is four times the original
Pick a number,
Multiply the number by 8,
Add 6 to the product,
Divide the sum by 2, and
Subtract 3.

A statement is a true statement provided it is true in all

cases. If you can find one case in which a statement is not
true, called a counterexample, then the statement is a
false statement.
George Polya (1887 - 1985) a recent mathematician who made a study of problem
solving. The basic problem - solving strategy that Polya advocated consisted the
following four steps.
1. Understand the problem
2. Devise a plan
3. Carry out the plan
4. Review the solution
1. Understand the Problem
Understand the Problem. You must have a clear understanding of the problem.
To help you focus on understanding the problem, consider the following
● Can you restate the problem in your own words?
● Can you determine what known about these types of the problems?
● Is there missing information that, if known, would allow you to
solve the problem?
● Is there extraneous information that is not needed to solve the
● What is the goal?
2. Devise a Plan

Devise a Plan. Successful problem solvers use a variety of techniques to solve a

problem. Here are some frequently used procedures.

A. Draw a diagram
B. Guess and Check
C. Look for a Pattern
D. Make a Table or a chart
E. Use Logical Reasoning
F. Work backward
G. Solve a similar but simpler problem
3. Carry out the Plan

Carry out the Plan. Once you have devise a plan, you must carry it out.

● Work carefully
● Keep an accurate and neat record of all your attempts
● Realize that some of your initial plans will not work and that you may
have to devise another plan or modify your existing plan
4. Review the solution

Review the Solution. Once you have found a solution, check the solution

● Ensure that the solution is consistent with the facts of the problem
● Interpret the solution in the context of the problem
● Ask yourself whether there are generalizations of the solution that
could apply to other problems
Provide a one (1) problem that involves the frequently used procedures shown in a
devise a plan. Use Polya’s four - step problem - solving strategy.
1. Create a power point presentation, presenting your assigned problem.
2. Accomplish the activity with your groupmates. Check your group in the
participants TAB. The corresponding group letter you belong will be the
assigned plan you will make. (Example. If you are Group A, then you provide a
problem that involves a DRAW A DIAGRAM procedure).
3. Only one member shall submit
4. All members need to have own copy of the PPT.
5. Prepare for the presentation during synchronous session.

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