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International Class

Fitri Hana Sukma

1. a.-Fertility is the result of reproduction (fertility rate) that is real and owned by a woman
or a group of women.
-Natality is the birth rate or birth rate in a region which is related to the number of live
b. -Live birth is the birth of a baby without taking into account the length of time the
baby was in the womb, but the baby shows signs of life at birth such as a heartbeat.
-Still birth is a baby who is at least 28 weeks old in the womb that does not show signs
of life at the time of birth.
c.-Deliberate medical abortion is the event of aborting the fetus due to health problems
for the mother of the fetus.
-Accidental medical abortion is an event where the fetus is buried because the fetus is
not saved in the mother's womb due to unintentional things such as the mother carrying
the fetus falls.
-Deliberate social abortion is an abortion that is carried out consciously by the mother
of the fetus due to the embarrassment of carrying the fetus to the community and the
surrounding environment.
-Unintentional social abortion is the event of an abortion due to an unplanned accident
such as the mother of the fetus having an accident so that the fetus does not have time
to be helped by medical parties and dies in the place of the fetus.
d. The relationship between population fertility and socio-economic status is if fertility
is found in a supportive and good socio-economic environment, the fertility ability will
be better, and conversely if it is in a poor or low socioeconomic environment, the
fertility ability will be worse due to the ability of the environment. itself to provide for
the needs to maintain fertility.

2. a. -According to the Disdukcapil, mortality or death is a demographic parameter that

functions to reduce the number of residents, the high and low mortality rate of the
population in an area reflects the health condition of the population in an area.
Source :
-According to BPS, death is a state of permanent disappearance of all signs of life,
which can occur at any time after a live birth.
Source :
-According to the demographic basics book DASAR DASAR DEMOGRAFI oleh Prof.
Sri Moertiningsih Adioetomo, Ph. D. & Omas Bulan Samosir, Ph. D., Mortality is
defined as death that occurs in members of the population which is experienced only
once in a person's life. (Adioetomo dan Samosir, 2018).
-According to Dwi Julianti, mortality is a measure of the number of deaths in a
population that is influenced by several factors.
Source :
b. -Death is a state in which all the signs of life permanently that can occur at any time
after birth are alive.
-Stillbirth is the event of the loss of signs of life from the products of conception before
the products of conception are removed from the mother's womb. Signs of stillbirth are
cramping and pain in the abdomen, vaginal bleeding, decreased or even absent baby
movements by the mother, fever may be accompanied by chills.
-Live birth is an event where the product of conception is completely expelled from a
mother's womb where the result of conception is breathing and has signs of life such as
heart rate, pulsation of the umbilical cord or muscle movements regardless of whether
the umbilical cord has been cut or not.
c. The sources of mortality data are population census, surveys, and other sources such
as hospitals, Funeral Services, Police stations.
d. The relationship between mortality and the social, economic, and cultural values of
the population is if there are good social conditions and a stable or high economic level
as well as a culture of the population that supports and has a high tolerance. a bad or
disorganized social environment, a low or bad economy, and an unfavorable population
culture make the mortality rate higher.
3. a. -According to Tjiptoherijanto (2000) population mobility is defined as the movement
of people who cross the administrative boundary level II, but do not intend to settle in
a new area.
-According to Mantra (1984) horizontal or geographical population mobility includes
all population movements that cross certain regional boundaries within a certain period
of time.
- According to Sumaatmadja (1981) population mobility is the movement of the
population from one place to another both to meet economic needs and to meet other
social needs.
b. Population mobility is divided into several types, namely:
1. Permanent migration is the movement of people who are carried out by someone and
has the aim of settling, for example someone who comes from the city of Kediri and
moves to Madiun to settle.
2. Circular migration or seasonal migration, namely migration where a person moves
from place to place but not to stay and still
has a relationship with the place of origin, for example, a construction worker who
earns a living in the city of Surabaya and returns to Nganjuk every month or every few
3. Shuttle or computer migration, namely people who leave their homes and go to other
cities to work like teachers who come from Nganjuk and work teaching in schools in
Kediri, but the teacher travels back and forth every day.
4. Migration during life is migration that occurs between the time of birth and at the
time of the census or survey, for example in a city where a population census is taking
place and at that time a baby is being born.
5. Resignation migration is migration that crosses provincial boundaries within a certain
period of time before the enumeration, for example 5 years before the census or survey.
6. International migration is the movement of people from one country to another, for
example Indonesian citizens who migrate to Japan.
7. Urbanization is the movement of people from villages to cities for certain purposes,
for example, there are residents from Kedungdowo Village who move to Nganjuk City
for certain purposes.
8. Transmigration is the movement of people from one island to another, for example,
from Java to Sulawesi
c. International migration
Migration of residents across national borders for the purpose of settling or distributing
the population and also to carry out state duties that must change their place of
residence. International migration itself includes
Immigration is the entry of residents from one country to another with the aim of
settling. People who immigrate are called immigrants.
-Emigration is the movement of people from one country to another. People who
emigrate are called emigrants.
-Remigration or repatriation is the return of immigrants to their country of origin.
National migration
Migration of population from one place to another and across provinces or districts
within the territory of the state with the aim of equalizing welfare where national
migration itself includes, -transmigration, namely the movement of people from
densely populated islands to sparsely populated islands within the territory of the
Republic of Indonesia
-Urbanization is the difference from village to city for the purpose of settling.
Rulasation is the movement of people from cities to villages with the aim of settling
- Circulation, namely the movement of residents who are not permanent but some are
permanently settled in the destination area
d. The relationship between population mobility and age is that if you enter a productive
age, there will be a high probability of population mobility and on the other hand, if
you are of a non-productive age, there will be less possibility of population mobility.
Gender, for now, gender equality between women and men can be said to be almost
equal, for that mobility occurs a lot in both men and women so that there is no difference
in mobility that occurs in gender differences.
Social and cultural, but even though there is gender equality, there is still an
environment that thinks that women are better off at home and men who travel long
distances or what we call the mobility of a modern and advanced social and cultural
environment following the times, it will create a higher level of mobility. there are more
and more and higher because they think that there is no difference between women and
men. However, if the social and cultural environment is less advanced then the level of
mobility is not as high as the more advanced socio-cultural environment.

4. a. New Order Era

Family Planning is a movement to form a healthy and prosperous family by limiting
births where Family Planning is an attempt to measure the number and distance of
children desired.
Reformation Era
The definition of family planning is an effort to regulate the birth of children, the
distance and ideal age to give birth, to regulate pregnancy, through promotion,
protection, and assistance in accordance with reproductive rights to create a quality

b. a. Birth control pills


• High degree of effectiveness

• Low failure rate
• Menstruation becomes smooth and cramps decrease during menstruation


• Unable to prevent sexually transmitted diseases

• Can cause side effects, such as rising blood pressure
• Not suitable for women with certain medical conditions

b. Male condoms


• Priced
• Practical and easy to use
• Can prevent sexually transmitted diseases
• Easy toreach and obtain


• Failure rate reaches 15%

• Can only be used once
• Hcurrent is replaced after ejaculation

c. KB Injection
• More effective than birth control pills
• Practical in use
• The failure rate in 1-month birth control injections can be less than 1% if used


• Relatively expensive price

• Need regular visits to the doctor or midwife every month
• Does not provide protection against sexually transmitted diseases
• Can cause side effects, such as blood spots
• The menstrual cycle becomes irregular

d. Implant

• Very effective
• The failure rate is very small
• Durable up to 3 years


• Relatively expensive cost

• The menstrual cycle becomes irregular
• The risk of bruising and swelling of the skin at the beginning of installation
• Does not provide protection against sexually transmitted diseases

e. IUD (Intra uterine device)


• Does not require complicated care

• Durable
• Effective and practical


• IUD from copper can cause menstruation is not smooth

• Risk shifts and gets out of place
• Risk of side effects
• Expensive cost
f. Female condoms

• Provide protection from sexually transmitted diseases

• Maintaining body temperature is better than a male condom
• Relatively cheap price


• Less effective than male condoms

• Annoying sounds appear when used
• Disposable only
• Failure rate reaches 21%

g. Spermicide

• Priced
• Easy to use
• Practical


• The risk of irritation of intimate organs

• Its use needs to be accompanied by other contraceptives, such as condoms.
• The failure rate reaches quite high

h. Diaphragm

• Priced
• Easy to get
• Practical


• Does not provide protection against sexually transmitted diseases

• Installation should be done by a doctor
• Must be removed during menstruation

i. Cervical cap

• Priced
• Can be used up to 2 times
• Easy to get


• The failure rate reached 30% in women who already had children and 15% for
those who did not have children.
• Installation needs to be done by a doctor
• Must be removed during menstruation
• Does not provide protection against sexually transmitted diseases

j. Koyo ortho evra


• No need to bother remembering to take pills

• Menstruation becomes smoother and reduces cramps during menstruation
• Practical


• Relatively expensive price

• Does not provide protection against sexually transmitted diseases
• Can cause side effects similar to the side effects of birth control pill

k. Vaginal ring

• It only needs to be replaced once a month

• The menstrual cycle becomes smoother
• Practical


• Relatively expensive price

• Can cause irritation and side effects similar to birth control pills and koyo
• Does not provide protection against sexually transmitted diseases
l. Intra uterine system (IUS)

• Practical
• Can be used long-term
• Effective


• Make menstruation shorter

• Reduce pain during menstruation

m. Permanent KB

Vasectomy and Tubectomy


• This method is very effective in preventing pregnancy.


• There are likely to be no long-term side effects.

• discomfort after surgery



• Vasectomy is 99 percent effective in preventing pregnancy.

• High level of accuracy


• There are likely to be no long-term side effects.

• cannot prevent the transmission of venereal diseases

• relatively expensive cost

c. Men are not interested in using contraception because men have different views from
women. Where if a woman has to bear a fruitful fetus if she does not use the
contraceptive device, with the fetus on the woman's side, the woman has to take more
care of herself to take care of the fetus in her stomach.

d. In my opinion, the current family planning policy is the right policy due to the high
birth rate in Indonesia so that with this policy it can regulate the rate of population
growth in Indonesia and can make Indonesia more organized.

5. a. The transmigration program is an activity of moving people from densely populated

islands to sparsely populated islands with the aim of equalizing welfare and unity.
b. -Transmigration during the colonial era was carried out due to ethical politics, namely
the need for colonial workers to get cheap labor.
-Transmigration in the New Order era was carried out because of the government's
interest to meet their own food needs.
-Transmigration in the reform era was carried out due to equal distribution of welfare
and also for the unity carried out from dense island areas to sparsely populated islands.
c. 1) Colonials era
a) Sending: Central Java, East Java
b) Receiving: Lampung
2) Old order
a) Sending: Central Java
b) Receiving: Lampung
3) New order
a) Sending: west java, central java, east java
b) Receiving: jambi, lampung, west borneo, south borneo, south Sumatra, north
Sulawesi, central Sulawesi, west Sulawesi, south Sulawesi, south east Sulawesi, papua
4) Reformation
a) Sending: lampung, west java, central java, Yogyakarta, east java, NTT, NTB,
b) Receiving: Maluku, north Sulawesi, central Sulawesi, west Sulawesi, south
Sulawesi, south east Sulawesi, west Kalimantan, bangka Belitung, south sumatra
d. The transmigration program is a good program if there is no coercion in it and there
are goals to be achieved but provide benefits for all those involved in the transmigration
program. However, if the transmigration program only benefits one party and there is
coercion in implementing the program, then the program is not good.

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