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Name: Sophia Ivy E.


Course: BEED- Generalist (1st Year)

EDUC 112: Facilitating Learner- Centered Teaching



Self- Assessment Checklist

Domains for Teaching Practice

Y = Yes, I believe I already have developed the competencies in this domain

S = Somewhat, I believe I already have developed some competencies in this domain

NY= Not Yet, I believe I have not yet developed any competency in this domain

Y S NY Domain of Teaching Standards

⁄ Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
⁄ Learning Environment
⁄ Diversity of Learners
⁄ Curriculum and Planning
⁄ Assessment and Reporting
⁄ Community Linkages & Professional Engagement
⁄ Personal Growth and Professional Development

Reflection Question:

1. For domains in which you answered SOMEWHAT or NOT YET, what will you do in order
to develop the teaching competencies under those domain?
- I will study and learn these domains diligently to develop them so that I have
teacher quality, teacher development, and performance appraisal so that I can raise
and improve learners' achievement and learning quality through my teaching
quality. By holding teachers and schools responsible for what occurs in the
classroom, these domains are important because they encourage greater
accountability. The attainment of a higher level of learning is also ensured by
aligning learning with standards. It also directs teachers through the evaluation
process and keeps them on track.

2. Can you see yourself progress from a beginner teacher stage to a distinguished teacher
in 10-15 years?
- Yes, I can see myself progressing from being a beginner teacher to a distinguished
one by working hard beyond what I am doing right now. I must study more, do
research, practice, and improve my skills and abilities, as well as try to attend
education seminars, workshops, and conferences. By engaging in these practices and
improving your teaching style, you will gain or expand your expertise and
experiences. Nonetheless, you need to have dedication, passion, and love for
teaching so that the students will look up to you as a good and distinguished teacher
and make you their inspiration to study well. And with the help of the seven
domains of PPST for our personal growth and personal development, that
accentuates a teacher's proper and personal regard for the profession.

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