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BEED- Generalist
Subject Instructor
I anticipate that the solitary exam given to us by our instructor in Understanding the Self will be
a simple task that anyone can complete. I'm expecting to be able to accomplish it in an instant
because it's simple to do and I can do anything if I wanted and needed to. But that is just my
expectation; in reality, it is a difficult task for someone who is used to having a companion when
leaving or going out anywhere. I usually enjoy being alone at home, but going out alone is not
my thing at the moment, it will become if I do it sometimes. And now I've had the experience of
going out by myself without the company of my mother or friends. So let me share this new
experience of mine of going out alone.

This is my first time going out alone, treating myself alone, eating alone, and exploring alone.
People’s Park is the place that I choose to go by myself because the last time I went there I was
young with my family and it was Christmas. I never went out alone far from my home if I didn’t
have an important matter to do. If I did, my mother always went with me. Going out alone is
challenging for me because I’m always scared to do it. After all, I’m not familiar with the places
in the city and I can’t remember the directions. And I’m scared of asking strangers for directions,
not because they are scary, but because I don’t want to talk to anyone and make my words
come out of my mouth. I feel nervous, awkward, and panicked when I go out alone to a people’s
park for this task, and it's suffocating me that I want to go back home and not finish this task.
Nonetheless, I persuaded myself to try this new experience and accept the challenge that our
instructor posed. I tried my best to enjoy this one, and it was peaceful and a good task that I did,
and it's all because of the beautiful scenery here in the park; the green grass, trees, flowers,
and statues that make you calm and think of something in life, such as my problems, decisions,
and plans. It is challenging and enjoyable at the same time, which makes this exam a good one
and memorable one that is not easily forgotten, and you can share your experiences and
learning that happened to you with your younger siblings or to anyone.

All in all, Solitude is a good exam that was given to us. When I go out alone, it makes me aware
of my flaws and exposes my blind spot that sometime I needed to go out alone or to be alone
and face the challenges that I may encounter being myself. That I need to conquer myself itself.
I have made positive changes in my life now and can be able to strike out on my own when
necessary to pursue the things that matter to me.

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