Unit Plan

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Subject Area Language Arts

Grade Level Grade 8

Burdett School: Language Arts
Topic Writing
Length of Unit (days) 20 Days

The purpose of this unit is to teach students how to properly write in language arts. I will be
following the EB Academics program which outlines specific steps that need to be taken in a specific
order for student achievement. The program is constructed into a six week format, however the
material required in week one and week six are specifically designed to be professional development
for myself. Therefore, these weeks are not included in the calendar as I will be completing them in a
smaller time frame on my own time outside of school.
My first lesson will consist of material found under Module 1.6 Pre and Post Assessment Data.
The purpose of this lesson is to evaluate what information the students already know about writing.
The first portion of the evaluation asks students to define four academic terms that are important for
this unit. This will be completed individually for 4 minutes, then they will have time to pair with a
partner and share their information for 2 minutes. The next portion of the assessment asks the
students to read a story, which I will read out loud for the entire class, and write a response to a
prompt. This assessment data will help me to evaluate current student knowledge. This same
assessment will be taken at the end of the unit to evaluate student growth.
Module 2 will cover how to write an introductory paragraph and it consists of five individual
lessons. This will include an introduction of what an introductory paragraph is, the acronym TAG,
sentence fluency in the introductory paragraph, understanding claim, and the final lesson will put all
of these steps together. These lessons will allow students to practice writing an introductory
paragraph which ensures that they understand all of the individual parts. Students will have access to
fill in the blank notes, worksheets on each topic, activities that enhance understanding, and group
Module 3 will cover how to write a body paragraph and it consists of five individual lessons.
This will include multiple practice worksheets and one activity which allow students to utilize the skills
that they have learned after each lesson. Each worksheet will be used as a formative assessment to
evaluate the students' understanding and knowledge of body paragraphs. It will begin by introducing
the premise and then move on to introducing the evidence, justification and end with practicing all of
these skills. The last worksheet will be a summative assessment worth 15% which evaluates the
students ability to identify the premise and write a strong body paragraph.
Module 4 will cover how to write a conclusion and it consists of five individual lessons. These
lessons cover restating the claim, summarizing the evidence, creating a ‘mic drop’ sentence, and then
putting everything together into one conclusion paragraph. There will be three formative assessments
which cover the components of a conclusion paragraph and one summative assessment which
requires the students to put together everything that they have learned up to this point.
Module 5 consists of a multitude of mini-lessons that cover important topics necessary for
success in writing. These lessons will cover transitions, vocabulary, MLA formatting, peer editing, key
scenes and mini responses to literature, and socratic seminars. All of these mini-lessons complement
and enhance the material that the students have learned in the other modules. They are filled with
important information that will improve student writing and ensure a deeper level of understanding.
Subject Area Language Arts
Grade Level Grade 8
Burdett School: Language Arts
Topic Writing
Length of Unit (days) 20 Days

Module 6 includes the post-assessment which will be used to evaluate student growth through
the unit. The assessment will be identical to the pre-assessment and it will be completed individually
as a summative assessment. The students should be very successful on this as they have been taught
and provided with practice on all aspects throughout the course of the unit.
All of these modules complement each other well and build upon each other to ensure students
have a deep understanding of writing in language arts. The students will have plenty of opportunities
to demonstrate their skills and grow their knowledge through the completion of formative and
summative assessments.
Subject Area Language Arts
Grade Level Grade 8
Burdett School: Language Arts
Topic Writing
Length of Unit (days) 20 Days

Desired Results
Established Goals – GLO(s):

General Outcome 1: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings
and experiences.

General Outcome 2: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally
and critically to oral. print and other media texts

General Outcome 3: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas and information

General Outcome 4: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of

General Outcome 5: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to respect, support and collaborate
with others

Understandings: Essential Questions:

Students will understand that…
Why is it important to write a paragraph using
-Writing is a process of continual growth the structure of introduction, body, and
-Paraphrasing the main ideas is an important conclusion?
comprehension strategy
-Evidence should be gathered to support the What makes a paragraph strong and effective?
-Recording key ideas helps to support the claim What is the importance of revising and editing
-Organization of ideas is vital when conveying an work?
-Making notes on what is important helps to How can a small group discussion aid in personal
discard irrelevant information growth?
-Credit needs to be given in an appropriate format
-Peer editing allows for useful feedback and Why is organization important in writing?
personal growth
-Revision allows for dominant ideas to be What are some strategies for gathering evidence
conveyed clearly towards a claim?
-Planning and presenting to a small group aids in
discussion of key ideas
Subject Area Language Arts
Grade Level Grade 8
Burdett School: Language Arts
Topic Writing
Length of Unit (days) 20 Days

Prior understandings… Specific Outcomes:

Students will be able to…
Combine Ideas
- Exchange ideas and opinions to clarify understanding Set Goals
and to broaden personal perspectives - Examine and reflect on own growth in effective use of
language to revise and extend personal goals
Use Phonics and Structural Analysis
- Choose and use strategies for word identification, Use Comprehension Strategies
vocabulary development and spelling that either build on - Enhance understanding by paraphrasing main ideas and
specific strengths or address areas for improvement supporting details, and by rereading and discussing
relevant passages
Use References
- Use a thesaurus to extend vocabulary and locate Construct Meaning From Text
appropriate words that express particular aspects of - Identify and describe characters’ attributes and
meaning motivations, using evidence from the text and personal
Attend to Grammar and Usage
- Use words and phrases to modify, clarify and enhance Access Information
ideas and descriptions in own writing - Record key ideas and information from oral, print and
- Use a variety of simple, compound, and complex other media texts, avoiding overuse of direct quotations
sentence structures to communicate effectively and to
make writing interesting Organize Information
- Use correct pronoun- antecedent agreement in own
- Organize ideas to establish an overall impression or
point of view in oral, print, and other media texts
- Use verb tenses consistently throughout a piece of
Record Information
- Make notes in point form, summarizing major ideas and
Attend to Spelling supporting details; reference sources
- Use knowledge of spelling generalizations and how
- Discard information that is irrelevant for audience,
words are formed to spell technical terms and unfamiliar
purpose, form, or point of view
words in own writing
- Use a consistent and approved format to give credit for
quoted and paraphrased ideas and information
Attend to Capitalization and Punctuation
-Use hyphens to break words at the end of lines, and to Appraise Own and Others Work
make a new word from two related words in own - Share draft oral, print and other media texts in a way
writing that will elicit useful feedback
-Identify semicolons, dashes and hyphens when
reading and use them to assist comprehension
-Use parentheses appropriately in own writing
Revise and Edit
- Revise by adding words and phrases that emphasize
-Use appropriate capitalization and punctuation for
important ideas or create dominant expressions
referencing oral, print, and other media texts
Subject Area Language Arts
Grade Level Grade 8
Burdett School: Language Arts
Topic Writing
Length of Unit (days) 20 Days

Demonstrate Attentive Listening and Viewing - Revise to enhance sentence variety, word choice and
- Use appropriate verbal and nonverbal feedback to appropriate tone
response respectfully - Use paragraph structures to demonstrate unity and

Present Information
- Plan and facilitate small group and short, whole class
presentations to share information

Evaluate Group Process

-use opportunities as a group member to contribute to
group goals and extend own learning
-evaluate the quality of own contributions to group
process, and offer constructive feedbacks to others;
propose suggestions for improvement
Subject Area Language Arts
Grade Level Grade 8
Burdett School: Language Arts
Topic Writing
Length of Unit (days) 20 Days

Where does this lead?

Express Ideas and Develop Understanding

-Revise understanding and expression of ideas by
connecting new and prior knowledge and experiences

Set Goals
-Reflect on own growth in language learning and use,
by considering progress over time and the attainment
of personal goals

Extend Understanding
-Reconsider and revise initial understandings and
responses in light of new ideas, information and
feedback from others

Use Prior Knowledge

-Use strategies to supplement and extend prior
knowledge and experiences when interpreting new
ideas and information
-Use knowledge of authors, forms and genres,
developed during previous reading, to direct and
extend reading experiences

Experience Various Texts

-Write and represent narratives from other points of
-Expect that there is more than one interpretation for
oral, print and other media texts, and discuss other
points of view
-Explain connections between own interpretation and
information in texts, and infer how texts will influence

Construct Meaning From Texts

-Identify and describe characters’ attributes and
motivations, using evidence from the text and
personal experiences
-Discuss various ways characters are developed and
reasons for and plausibility of character change
-Compare two similar oral print or other media texts
by considering plot, conflicts and main ideas
Subject Area Language Arts
Grade Level Grade 8
Burdett School: Language Arts
Topic Writing
Length of Unit (days) 20 Days

Resources Needed:

EB Academics
Subject Area Language Arts
Grade Level Grade 8
Burdett School: Language Arts
Topic Writing
Length of Unit (days) 20 Days

Module 1.6 and Module 2

Claim Claim
Learning Vs. Vs. Introductory
Title Pre-Assessment TAG Summary
Statement Statement Paragraph
Outcomes Activity Worksheet
Type F F F F S (20%)
(Formative/Summative) F

Set Goals x

Use Comprehension

Construct Meaning From Text

Access Information x

Organize Information x x x x

Record Information x x x x

Appraise Own and Others


Revise and Edit

Present Information
Subject Area Language Arts
Grade Level Grade 8
Burdett School: Language Arts
Topic Writing
Length of Unit (days) 20 Days

Evaluate Group Process

Module 3
Intro to
Premise in Introducing Evidence Body
Learning Title the Right Justification
Writing Evidence to the Paragraph
Outcomes Evidence
(Formative/Summativ F F F F S (20%)
e) F

Set Goals

Use Comprehension

Construct Meaning From

x x x x

Access Information x

Organize Information x x x x x x

Record Information x x

Appraise Own and Others

Subject Area Language Arts
Grade Level Grade 8
Burdett School: Language Arts
Topic Writing
Length of Unit (days) 20 Days

Revise and Edit

Present Information

Evaluate Group Process

Module 4
The Mic
Learning Restating Summarizing Conclusion
Title Drop
The Claim Evidence Paragraph
Outcomes Sentence
Type F F S (20%)
(Formative/Summative) F

Set Goals

Use Comprehension
x x

Construct Meaning From Text

Access Information x

Organize Information x x

Record Information x x x x
Subject Area Language Arts
Grade Level Grade 8
Burdett School: Language Arts
Topic Writing
Length of Unit (days) 20 Days

Appraise Own and Others


Revise and Edit

Present Information

Evaluate Group Process

Module 5
Learning Stronger MLA Peer Socratic
Title Transitions Writing
Vocabulary Formatting Editing Seminar
Outcomes Assessment
Type F F F S (10%) S (25%)
(Formative/Summative) S (5%)

Set Goals x x

Use Comprehension

Construct Meaning From Text x

Access Information x

Organize Information x
Subject Area Language Arts
Grade Level Grade 8
Burdett School: Language Arts
Topic Writing
Length of Unit (days) 20 Days

Record Information x x

Appraise Own and Others


Revise and Edit x x x x

Present Information x

Evaluate Group Process x

Subject Area Language Arts
Grade Level Grade 8
Burdett School: Language Arts
Topic Writing
Length of Unit (days) 20 Days

Assessment Tool Overview

Assessment Tool Title Brief Description For AS OF

This assesses student knowledge on the writing terms thesis,

premise, evidence, and justification as well as assessing
Pre-Writing students ability to write an answer to a prompt. This will be
Assessment administered at the start of the unit to evaluate where each
student is starting out and will be used for comparison at the
end of the unit to evaluate growth.
This worksheet assesses the students' understanding of the
acronym TAG and how to apply it. Students will be required to
create their own TAGs from provided prompts on the
This worksheet assesses three important writing skills:
1. Practice with writing a strong TAG
2. Combining TAG with a summary
Summary x
3. Writing a strong and concise summary
Students will practice these skills based off of provided
This activity allows students the opportunity to differentiate
Claim vs. Statement between claims and statements. Through this activity, students
Activity receive practice with claims before they are asked to write their
own claims.
This worksheet is created in two parts. The first part allows
students to review the definition of claim and statement. The
Claim vs. Statement
second part allows students to practice writing claims. This first
example on this worksheet will be completed as a class and the
second example will be done in partners.
This worksheet allows students to practice everything that they
have learned in the past three modules. It begins with a
Introductory practice where students can see introductory paragraph
Paragraph examples and analyze their structure. The second part requires
students to read a short story and write their own introductory
Subject Area Language Arts
Grade Level Grade 8
Burdett School: Language Arts
Topic Writing
Length of Unit (days) 20 Days

This assessment will consist of an activity and a practice

worksheet. In the activity the claims and premises will be
displayed on the board. The students will then split themselves
into two groups (one side of the room and the other) based on
which statement they believe is the premise. Each side will have
Premise in Writing x x
to defend their position. The practice portion will present
students with the opportunity to write their own premise for
the claims that they are provided. They will then pair up,
discuss their premises, and then share one of their premises
with the class.
This worksheet allows students to practice introducing evidence
using standardized phrasing that they can utilize in their own
writing. They must choose an introductory phrase from the left
Introducing Evidence x
box and match it with a quote in the right box. They will then
be required to write a final sentence on the lines below which
include quotation marks and the page number.
This worksheet helps students understand the process of
selecting the most appropriate evidence to support a claim. We
Finding the Right will start by reading a claim, discussing options for a possible
Evidence quote to be used with the claim, and then asking “How does
this quote support the claim?”. This activity encourages
students to choose thoughtful quotes as evidence.
This worksheet helps students understand how they can ‘set
the scene’ before they begin their writing. They will receive two
examples of a body paragraph that answers a specified prompt.
Taking Intro to
The students must highlight the introduction to evidence in
Evidence to the Next x
each paragraph and then decide on which paragraph does a
better job of ‘setting the scene’. Once this has been completed,
they will analyze two body paragraphs and try to create a better
This worksheet requires students to practice writing
justification sentences based on claims and premises that are
provided. This activity will begin with a group example to
Justification x
ensure that students understand what they are being asked to
complete. Their justification sentences must connect back to
the premise first and then the claim.
Subject Area Language Arts
Grade Level Grade 8
Burdett School: Language Arts
Topic Writing
Length of Unit (days) 20 Days

This activity will be an extension of the summative assessment

in module 2. The students should already have an introductory
paragraph complete so they will be asked to write at least one
body paragraph. They will be required to re-read the short story
Body Paragraph x
and collect evidence in the Evidence Graphic Organizer which
will help them to argue their position. They will then have 5 min
to compare their organizers with a partner before they are
required to write their own body paragraph.
There are three main points in a concluding paragraph and this
worksheet focuses on the first: Restating the Claim. Students
Restating The Claim x
will be provided with seven claims that they must reword as if
they were starting a conclusion paragraph.
This activity will require students to restate claims and
summarize evidence that is provided. The students will be given
an incomplete response and they must write a conclusion. They x
will also be required to label all elements in RTL so that they
can easily find the claim and the evidence.
The students will be required to complete an anchor chart in
The Mic Drop their interactive notebook. This chart will consist of sentence
Sentence starters that are provided to them and which will continue to
help them in their writing.
This activity will be an extension of the summative assessment
in module 2 and module 3. The students should already have an
introductory paragraph and body paragraph complete so they
will be asked to write a conclusion. They will be required to
Conclusion Paragraph x
re-read the short story and collect evidence in the Evidence
Graphic Organizer which will help them organize their thoughts.
They will then have 2 min to compare their organizers with a
partner before they are required to write their own conclusion.
This activity allows students to practice using transition words.
The assignment provides the student with a body paragraph
Transitions x
and requires them to add in transition words and justify their
choice of word.
Subject Area Language Arts
Grade Level Grade 8
Burdett School: Language Arts
Topic Writing
Length of Unit (days) 20 Days

This worksheet will present students with the opportunity to

create a cheat sheet of strong vocabulary words that can be
Stronger Vocabulary used in place of overused language. This sheet is meant to be a x
resource for students and to help them with future writing
This is a cheat sheet that the students will be required to
reproduce in their interactive notebook. This sheet is meant to
MLA Formatting x
be a resource for students and to help them with future writing
This assignment will allow the students to practice their peer
editing skills. They will be required to revise their partners
Peer Editing ‘essay’ and complete the questions on the handout. This will x
provide students with the opportunity to read others' writing
and understand how they can better themselves as a writer.
The students will be placed in discussion groups to answer the
provided questions. The class will be broken up into two
different groups - an inner circle and an outer circle -with the
students in the inner circle starting the discussion. The students
in the outer circle will be assigned one classmate in the inner
Socratic Seminar circle to complete the Socratic Seminar Checklist. One student x
in the inner circle will be the discussion leader. This person will
read the questions out loud and keep the discussion flowing. I
will use the Socratic Seminar Rubric to score the students in the
inner circle. After half of the questions have been discussed,
the students will switch roles.
This assesses student knowledge on the writing terms thesis,
premise, evidence, and justification as well as assessing
Post-Writing students ability to write an answer to a prompt. This will be
Assessment administered at the end of the unit to evaluate student growth.
This assessment is the same as the pre-writing assessment for
easy comparison.
Subject Area Language Arts
Grade Level Grade 8
Burdett School: Language Arts
Topic Writing
Length of Unit (days) 20 Days

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Pre-Assessment Introducing Evidence Detailed Description Combining TAG and Detailed Description
Based Writing of TAG Summary of Claim
Bellwork: Provided by
Mrs. Dekker Bellwork: Think/Pair/ Bellwork: Think/Pair/ Bellwork: Think/Pair/ Bellwork: Think/Pair/
Share: Parts of an Essay Share: TAG Share about TAG Share: Practice
Students will be given writing a summary
a pre-assessment on Students will begin on Review TAG Complete Practice
writing. This will be module 2. They will handout with class Review Claim vs
taken in as a formative follow along with to a Have students practice Statement
mark. powerpoint with their writing their own TAGs Materials: Summary
own notes. Handout Claim Vs. Statement
Materials: Assessment Materials: TAG handout Activity
Notes will be placed in Assessment: F
Assessment: F interactive notebook. Assessment F Claim Vs. Statement
1 hr 25 min Handout
45 min Materials: Notes and 45 min
Powerpoint Materials: Claim vs
statement review sheet,
Assessment: F activity strips

55 min Assessment: F

1 hr 25 min
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Putting it All The Premise Introducing the Justification Putting it All
Together Evidence + Evidence Together

Bellowork: Think/Pair/ Bellwork: Think/Pair/ Bellwork: Think/Pair/ Bellwork: Think/Pair/ Bellwork: Think/Pair/
Share Claim vs Share: Parts of Intro Share Identify Premise Share: Importance of Share: Justification
Statement Evidence
Claim vs Premise Citation Powerpoint Re-Read Story
Intro Paragraph Practice Activity Justification
Intro to Evidence Handout Fill in Graphic
Read Story Premise Handout Handout Organizer
Materials: Handout
Write own Intro Materials: Handout Finding the Right Evaluate Mentor
Evidence Assessment F Response
Materials: Handout Assessment: F Handout
1 hr 25min Write own body
Assessment: S (20%) 55 min Practice with
Introducing Materials: Handout
Subject Area Language Arts
Grade Level Grade 8
Burdett School: Language Arts
Topic Writing
Length of Unit (days) 20 Days

45 min Evidence Assessment: S (20%)

Materials : Handouts (3) 1 hr 25 min

Assessment: F

45 min

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Restating the Claim Summarizing the The ‘Mic Drop’ Putting it All Together Transitions
Evidence Sequence
Bellwork: Think/Pair/ Bellwork: Think/Pair/ Bellwork: Think/Pair/
Share: Parts of a Body Bellwork: Think/Pair/ Bellwork: Think/Pair/ Share: Sentence Starters Share: Transition
Paragraph Share: Restate Claim Share: Conclusion
Re-Read Story Transition Cheat
Restating Claims Summarizing Evidence Mic Drop Sentence Sheet Handout
Handout Handout Starters Review Conclusion Paragraph
Practice Materials:
Materials: Handout Materials: Handout Materials: Interactive Handouts
Notebooks, Poster Write your Own
Assessment: F Assessment: F Paper Assessment: S (5%)
Materials: Handouts
45 min 55 min Assessment: F 1hr 25min
Assessment: S (20%)
45 min
1 hr 25 min
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Precise Vocabulary MLA Formatting Peer Editing Key Scenes and Mini Socratic Seminars
Bellwork: Think/Pair/ Bellwork: Think/Pair/ Bellwork: Think/Pair/
Share Transitions Share: Vocabulary Share: MLA Bellwork: Think/Pair/ Bellwork: Think/Pair/
Share: Editing Share: One thing from
Brainstorm Tired Words Review MLA Formatting Peer Editing Stations previous lesson
Create Questions for
Fill in Thesaurus Cheat Create Poster Peer Editing Handout mini RTLs Organize Groups
Materials: Handout Peer Editing Practice Assessment: F Review Checklist
Materials: Handout
Assessment: F Materials: Handouts, 1 hr 25 min Participate in Groups
Assessment: F Station Cards
Subject Area Language Arts
Grade Level Grade 8
Burdett School: Language Arts
Topic Writing
Length of Unit (days) 20 Days

55 min Assessment: F Materials: Handouts,

45 min Questions
45 min
Assessment: S (10%)
1 hr 25 min

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Post Assessment

Bellwork: Think/Pair/
Share: Parts of a

Students will be given

a post-assessment on
writing. This will be
taken in as a summative

Materials: Assessment

Assessment: S (25%)

45 min

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