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1)A 25 years old cricket player came to you with the complaints of seeing flickering lights. During the
game he was hit with a ball. He had impairment of hearing and smell also. What is the cause of his

A) Epilepsy

B) Frontal lobe damage

C) Dominant parietal lobe damage.

D) Non dominant parietal lobe damage.

E) Non dominant temporal lobe damage.

Ans: E

Ref: Davidson’s/24th/Page no 1124, Box 28.2

2)A 30 years old male came in OPD with coarse face, broad hands. He had visual problems in both

sides for some days. What is the cause of his problem?

A) Both optic nerve damage

B) Both optic radiation damage

C) Optic tract damage of both sides.

D) Optic chiasma damage

E) Occipital cortex damage

Ans: D

Ref: Davidson’s /24th/page no 1127, Fig 28.7

3)A 22 years old pregnant lady comes in gynae obs OPD . She has been suffering from one sided

facial weakness for 4 days. What is the treatment protocol for this patient?

A) Glucocorticoid (1 mg/kg)

B)Anti viral drug

C)No drug ( spontaneous recovery)

D) No investigation is advised

E) Refer to neurology department.

Ans: C

Ref: Davidson’s /24th/page no 1140

4) What is the degenerative cause of bulber palsy?
A) Guillain Barre syndrome

B) Kennedy’s disease

C) Lyme disease

D) Medullary infarction

E) Motor neuron disease.

Ans: E

Ref: Davidson’s /24th/page no 1148, Box 28.22

5) A 32 years old male presented to you with the transient virtigo. His condition aggrevated by
rolling over in bed. How can you confirm the diagnosis?

A) By history


C) Epley maneuver

D) Hallpike maneuver


Ans: D
Ref: Davidson’s/ 24th/page no 1158

6)A 32 years female came with right sided photophobia. Light reflex of the affected eye was absent
but accommodation reflex was present. There was vermiform movement of iris during contraction.
What is the cause of this patient?

A) Brain stem lesion

B) Dorsal mid brain leison

C) Inflammatory damage

D) Leison of ciliary ganglion

E) Leison of sympathetic trunk.

Ans: D

Ref: Davidson’s /24th/page no 1148, Box 28.21

7) A 60 years old male presented to you with left sided mydriasis and ptosis. He had right sided
hemiplegia and deviation of mouth but his forehead was spared. Where was the most likely site of

A) Lateral Medulla

B) Medial Medulla

C) Midbrain

D) Tectum

E) Pons

Ans: C
Ref Davidson’s /24th/page no 1129/Box no 28.3

8) A 55 years old male came to neurology department. He had weakness and wasting of distal limb
muscles initially, fasciculation also. His tendon reflexes were present. What is the diagnosis of his

A) Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

B) Motor neuron disease

C) Progressive bulber palsy

D) Progressive lateral sclerosis

E) Progressive muscular atrophy

Ans: A

Ref Davidson’s /24th/page 1170,Fig 28.32

9) A 2 years old male child was admitted in paediatric neurology ward with the complaints of fever,

headache and meningism. From the history taken from his parents, you found that he was not
immunised. What is the cause of the patient?

A) E. Coli

B) Enterovirus

C) H. Influenzae

D) Mumps virus

E) M. Tuberculosis


Ref Davidson’s /24th/page no 1171

10) A 70 years old had sudden deviation of mouth. Later he developed weakness of arms and visual

problems. What is the cause of his condition?

A) Bilateral lacunar infarction

B) Brain stem lesion

C) Partial anterior circulation syndrome

D) Posterior circulation damage

E) Total anterior circulation damage

Ans: E

Ref Davidson’s /24th/page 1209, Fig: 29.7


1)What are the neurologica emergencies?

A) Meningitis

B) Multiple sclerosis
C) Neuroleptic malignant syndrome

D) Status epilepticus

E) Stroke


Ref Davidson’s 24th/Page no 1122, Box 28.1

2) Function of astrocytes are?

A) Control biochemical environment

B) Fight infection, remove damaged cells

C) Formation of myelin sheath

D) Line the cerebral ventricle

E) Structural Framework of neuron .


Ref Davidson’s /24th/page no 1122

3) During neurotransmission?
A) Opens voltage gated Ca++ channels

B) Neurotransmitter containing vesicles fuse with post synaptic membrane

C) Neurotransmitters bind to receptors on post synaptic membrane

D) Neurotransmitters are taken up by pre synaptic membrane

E) Voltage gated Ca++ channels are closed


Ref Davidson’s /24th/page no 1123, Fig 28.2

4) Damage of dominant cerebral lobes causes?

A) Dressing apraxia

B) Dysphasia

C) Impaired musical skills

D) Memory important

E) Receptive aphasia


Ref Davidson’s /24th/page no 1124, Box 28.2

5 ) Cerebellar Leison causes?

A)Dysmetria leading to past pointing

B) Incoordination of gait and posture

C) Lack of coordination on the opposite side of body

D) Nystagmus and dysarthria

E) Resting tremer

Ref Davidson’s 24th/page no 1126

6) Regarding imaging technique of CNS?

A) CT first line for stroke

B) Doppler USG is the screening tool for carotid endarterectomy

C) MRI – Images not only blood flow but also vessel anatomy

D) Pacemaker isn’t a contraindication for MRI

E) X-rays are used for fracture/ foreign body.


Ref Davidson’s/24th/ page no 1130, Box 28.4

7) Hyperkinetic movement disorders are?

A) Catatonia

B) Epilepsy

C) Huntington disease

D) Idiopathic perkinson’s disease

E) Tardive dyskinesia


Ref Davidson’s 24th/page no 1142, Box 28.15

8) You suspected a patient having acute bacterial meningitis. What are the normal findings in CSF
examination .

A) Colour – clear

B) Glucose< 50-60% of blood flow

C) Pressure 50- 250 cmH2O

D) Protein> 0.45 g/ L

E)Red cell count 0


Ref Davidson’s 24th/page no 1135, Box 28.6

9) Regarding management of migraine?

A) Avoidance of triggering factors

B) Aspirin can be used as prophylaxis

C) Prophylaxis if >3 per month

D) Simple analgesia in acute attack

E) Triptan is indicated in sever attack.


Ref Davidson’s 24/page no 1150

10) Indications for brain imaging in epilepsy are?

A) Control of seizure difficult or deteriorating

B) Clinically generalized seizure

C) EEG showing focal seizure

D) EEG showing generalized seizure

E) Epilepsy starting>16 years.


Ref Davidson’s 24th/page no 1156, Box 28.33

Psychiatry MCQ

1) Following are the components of mental state examination?

A) Lack of insight
B) Non cognitive function
C) Normal belief and perception
D) Thoughts
E) General appearance and behaviour


Ref Davidson’s 24th/page no 1237

2)What are the Predisposing factor for psychiatric disorders?

A) Chronic physical illness

B) Disturbed family background

C) Genetic and epigenetic factors

D) Misuse of alcohol and drug

E) Stressful life events.


Ref Davidson’s 24th/page no 1239, Box 31.5

3) Psychological symptoms of depression are?

a. Anhedonia
b. Disturbed sleep
c. Loss of libido
d. Loss of interest
e. Passimism.


Ref Davidson’s 24th/page no 1241, Box 31.8

4)What are the symptoms of chronic schizophrenia?

A) Alogia

B) Autism

C) Avolition

D) E’cho de la pens’e

E) Passivity


Ref Davidson’s 24th/page no 1251, Box 31.25

5)Following which are the investigation findings of eating disorder?

A) Amenorrhea

B) Constipation

C) Pancytopenia

D) ST elevation

E) T wave inversion


Ref Davidson’s 24th/ page no 1257, Box 31.32


1)A 22 years old lady gave birth to a son 3 days ago. She had bouts of anger frequently. She was
irritated easily and was crying too. What is the diagnosis?

A) Post partum blues

B) Post partum depression

C) Post partum psychosis

D) Post partum mood disorder

E) Bipolar disorder

Ans: A

Ref Davidson’s 24th/page no 1260

2)An adolescent girl had frequent conscious feigning. Her parents brought her to you. No organic
disorder or identifiable gain was found. What is your diagnosis?

A) Epileptic attack
B) Factitious disorder

C) Functional somatic syndrome


E) Somatization disorder

Ans: B

Ref Davidson’s 24th/page 1259,Fig 31.6

3)A 15 years old schoolgirl was brought to you. She was very thin and malnourished. Your diagnosis

was anorexia nervosa. Following which is the diagnostic criteria?

A) Amenorrhea for at least 6 months

B) Body mass index < 17 .5

C) Patients regard themselves very thin and become anxious

D) Recurrent bouts of binge eating

E) Self induced vomiting after binges

Ans: B

Ref Davidson’s 24th/page no 1258, Box 31.33

4)A 23 years old male student was studying in Turkey. He returned to Bangladesh after the
earthquake. His parents told you that he was afraid of high-rise buildings. He also had sleep
disturbances and emotional blunting. What is your diagnosis?

A) Acute stress reaction

B) Adjustment disorder

C) Anxiety disorder

D) Phobic anxiety disorder

E) Post traumatic stress disorder

Ans: E

Ref Davidson’s 24th/ page no 1256

5)A medical student brought his grandfather to you and told that he was lost in the way of market.
He forgot familiar persons. His mood was depressed most of the time. What’s the key clinical feature
of his condition?

A) Depressed mood

B) Global impairment of memory

C) Impairment of short and long term memory

D) Impaired ability to remember new things

E) Visuospatial impairment

Ans: D

Ref Davidson’s 24th/ page no 1248

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