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I think most people would call me lucky, having such a great dad.

He’s a total 
nerd, and I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. My dad would play Halo with 
me instead of throwing a football around the yard. I was raised on Star Trek and comic 
books, and while the hobbies that I got from him didn’t exactly make me the most 
popular kid, it did mean that my dad and I always had something to share.  
My mom left the picture a long time ago. I never really knew the exact reason, 
but I do remember some shouting late at night. I tried not to listen. When she filed for 
divorce and packed her bags, it hit him hard. I hated seeing him like that, a lump on the 
couch with a cigarette and a glass of scotch. That was when I really started getting into 
figurines and video games, and I like to think that all of the father-son time helped pull 
him out of that slump. He got better, and I couldn’t have asked for a better dad 
growing up. He did everything. He cooked, he cleaned, he always made sure to set 
aside time to hang out with me, all as a single parent. I’d do anything for him. 
Speak of the devil. The burly german shepherd poked his head through my 
doorway, dark eyes finding mine. He was dressed comfortably, jeans and a Green 
Lantern t-shirt pulled over his gut.  
“All set, Charlie? We’ve gotta get on the road before nine.” 
I stuffed one last pair of underwear into my bag, and threw it over my shoulder. 
“Yeah, Dad. Next stop, San Diego!”  
Dad and I have a tradition of driving to a comic convention every summer. Every 
year, it’s just the two us blasting oldies down the highway and talking about all of the 
convention tables we just ​have​ to hit. The road trip is just as much a part of the 
tradition as anything else, sometimes the best part of it.  
Damn, I missed this place. Dad kept my bedroom just like I left it before I went 
to college. Star Wars and Pokemon posters plastered the walls, and at least one mech 
figurine stood on every surface. I made a lot of memories in this room. I’ve snuck a few 
boys in through that window. I built my first computer on that desk.  
I heard Dad tap his paw impatiently. “Earth to Charles, come in Charles, we’re 
burning daylight,” he grinned. “I’ll be in the car. Your butt had better be in it in the next 
ten minutes, kiddo.” As he walked towards the stairs, I was struck with another 
memory, a memory I’m not exactly proud of.  
Apparently, when you’re thirteen and you spend twelve hours of your day 
looking at a screen, it messes with your sleep cycle, so I was sitting awake in bed at 
about four in the morning. The only sound I could hear was the gentle hiss of the 
shower down the hall. Dad was up late, working on some project, and was just then 
getting ready for bed. The shower stopped. The door creaked, steam poured out of the 
bathroom, and there he stood, totally naked. My cheeks and ears grew hot, and I could 
feel my heartbeat pounding in my skull. The bathroom light behind him illuminated his 
figure, just enough to let me see… everything. I didn’t dare breathe. I couldn’t even 
blink. I could only stare at his balls and sheath, the sway of his hips as he padded 
down the hall and passed my room, rubbing down his brown and black mottled fur 
with a towel. The whole event didn’t last more than a few seconds, but it was burned 
into my brain. His door clicked shut. I don’t think I slept that night.  
I could feel my own sheath start to swell at the memory. I’d jacked off to that 
image more times than I could count. Even now, eight years later, I still find myself 
watching him, straining to see a bulge when moved around, pausing to admire him 
when he bent over. Those feelings of lust were always muddled with pangs of guilt, but 
I couldn’t stop myself. That night changed the way I felt about him. I was hopelessly 
crushing on my dad, the kindest man I had ever known. I pushed the shame out of 
mind, and followed Dad down to the car.  
San Diego was about a thirty-six hour drive from the house, the farthest we’d 
ever gone for one of our trips, but were determined to get there in one go. One of my 
favorite writers was doing autographs, so we had to get there early to make sure we 
caught her. We decided to drive in shifts. Not a big deal. We’d both pulled all-nighters 
before, just never on the road.  
“So you’re telling me he’s never seen the original cut of Star Wars? Where Han 
shoots first? You need new friends.” Dad smiled weakly, tossing back his second 
paper cup full of coffee. We were pushing fifteen hours straight with nothing but stops 
at gas stations to use the bathroom and swap out the driver, and it was starting to 
show. My eyelids felt like lead, and Dad didn’t look much better. I had to keep him 
“So, Dad, are you excited to see the costume contest?” 
“Am I ever. M’ favorite part,” he mumbled.  
“I hear they broke their record for contestants. Probably because of the new 
“Mmhmm.” His hands slipped lower on the wheel, and his chin touched his 
“DAD!” I shouted as the car swerved past the double yellow. He started up in his 
seat, yanking the car back into our lane.  
“I’m awake! I’m awake, we’re fine. It’s fine.”  
“No, it’s not. Pull over, it’s time for my shift.” I could still feel my heart trying to 
beat its way onto the dashboard.  
“Bullshit, you just drove an hour ago,” he grumbled, but his eyes were still 
I sighed. “You can’t drive like this, Dad. We’re not even halfway there, do you 
really think we’re gonna make it? I can go for a little bit, just until we find a hotel or 
something. I’d rather be late than in a ditch.” 
He looked like he wanted to argue, but he pulled the car over. We quietly 
switched places, and continued down the highway. Dad dozed off in the passenger 
seat, but after the heart attack he gave me, I didn’t think I needed any more of his help 
staying awake.  
Not five miles down the road, salvation appeared as an orange neon sign: 
“Hibernation Motel, Vacancy”. A squat building with rows of doors sat just off the 
roadway, with cars and trucks lined up in front. The sign flickered, and the whole thing 
looked like it needed a new coat of paint back in the 70s, but there’s was no telling 
how far the next place was. It would have to do.  
I pulled into the lot and walked up to the door marked as the office. A girl 
answered, an otter. Too much eyeliner, not enough clothing. She seemed more 
interested in her phone than doing her job, but I was too exhausted to care. I made the 
reservation, and took the key back to the car.  
I parked the car in front of Room 6. “Dad, I got us a room, get up,” I said, trying 
to shake him awake. He groaned, and turned over in his seat. Typical. Rolling my eyes, 
I got out of the car and opened his door. He had a good hundred pounds on me, so 
pulling him to his feet wasn’t an easy task, but I managed to half-carry him into the 
room. I would have had more time to be surprised at how clean it was if it weren’t for 
one thing Eyeliner had failed to mention: One bed. King size.  
Dad didn’t seem to care. He stumbled into the room, dropped his jeans to the 
floor, and kicked them aside. My face began to burn as I watched him splay his legs 
across the bedspread, passing out as soon as his head hit the pillow. He was wearing 
nothing but a t-shirt and briefs emblazoned with the Batman symbol. I fought back the 
urge to laugh, but the sight of his bulge was inspiring other urges. A trail of shaggy fur 
poked out from under his shirt, and disappeared beneath his waistband.  
I didn’t feel tired anymore. Anxiety and guilt started to gnaw on my stomach like 
a chew toy, but lust overpowered both of them. I undid my pants, and dropped them to 
the floor. Excruciatingly slow, I put my weight on the bed, scanning his face for any 
sign of motion, ears alert for any change in his breathing. Even there, just kneeling 
between his legs, I could feel the heat pouring off of his body. I leaned closer. Another 
inch. I gently placed my hands on the bed, my arms shaking. Closer. 
And there it was. My nose was mere centimeters from my dad’s crotch. I could 
smell salt. Sweat. Musk. I inhaled deeply. It was a familiar scent, but I’d never had the 
chance to stop and enjoy it. A ragged sigh escaped my lips, and his sheath twitched. 
My eyes snapped to his face. No change. He was sleeping peacefully, so I returned my 
attention to better things. My nose lightly touched the fabric, and I breathed again. He 
twitched against the contact, harder this time. 
Panic continued to rise in my guts. Even the smallest touch from me was 
making him stiff, he might wake up at any moment. It must have been a while for him, I 
mused. My cock was diamonds, a painful reminder that it had been a while for me, too. 
Well, I’d come this far. I stamped down the feeling and slid closer, more bold, 
gently dragging the tip of my tongue over the outside of Dad’s underwear. He made a 
small gasp, but another frantic check confirmed that he was still asleep. His dick was 
starting to press against the cloth in front of my face. I gulped. Resisting my shakes as 
much as I could, I grasped his fly in two fingers, and gently lifted it aside. His tip was 
poking out of its sheath, a bead of pre greeting the night air and multiplying his scent 
tenfold. This was it. The point of no return. I reached down with my tongue. Salty, 
slightly sweet, but most importantly, ​his​. I needed more, and he was already leaking it 
for me. I crawled forward for another taste. 
My intestines turned to ice. I already knew what I’d see, but I looked up anyway. 
A pair of dark eyes sparking in the dim light, a look of confusion and concern as he 
woke up with his son’s tongue on his cock. I had gotten carried away, I stopped 
checking his face, I was so selfish, I- 
So many emotions welled up at once. I stopped thinking. I bolted. Out of the 
motel, I slammed the door behind me, and threw open the car door. Behind the wheel, 
I grabbed the keys, and put them in the ignition. But I couldn’t start it. I couldn’t run 
away from this. From him. Tears started to pour down my face. What would I say? 
What ​could​ I say? I couldn’t believe how I had treated him, how I had let my feelings 
get the better of me like that. I was stupid, ​stupid​. I rested my head against the steering 
About five minutes of quiet sobbing passed before the door to the room opened 
up. Dad stepped out, still in his ridiculous Batman briefs, and tapped on the passenger 
“It isn’t locked,” I croaked.  
He popped open the door, and sat down next to me. Awkward silence hung in 
the air, almost palpable. Two guys, father and son, sitting in their underwear in the 
dead of night in a motel parking lot. Totally not weird. Dad opened the glove 
compartment, and pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, taped to the top of it. I 
hadn’t seen him smoke in years, but he lit one up with unsteady hands. 
A puff of smoke filled the car with the smell of tobacco. “Y’know, Charlie-” 
“I’m so sorry, Dad!” I cut him off. Tears were coming out freely again. I couldn’t 
look at him. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that, it wasn’t fair to you, I just- I’m so 
sorry.” My voice was strained and raspy. 
He put his arm around my shoulder. “Heyheyhey, Charlie, it’s okay, I’m not 
mad.” He took another drag of his cigarette. “Though I usually prefer to get blowjobs 
while I’m awake!” he laughed.  
I pulled back to finally look at him. He was… smiling at me, the same grin he 
always had on his face when he told a terrible joke. He raised his hands defensively. 
“What, too soon?” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.  
“You- wha- why aren’t you furious? I’m your son, I touched you in your sleep, I- 
I- I-” I stammered.   
His finger pressed to my muzzle, interrupting me. “Exactly. You’re my son, 
Charlie. You know I will always love you. Nothing you do will ever change that.” The 
dread was starting to lift, leaving only shame behind. He paused, grinding his cigarette 
out in the car’s ashtray. “I have to be honest with you, I didn’t mind what was going on 
in there.”  
What. This had to be a dream. There was no way he actually said that.  
“It was weird, but it wasn’t a bad-weird. We’re both adults, and-”, he chuckled, 
shaking his head. “Damn, that sounded a lot less cliche in my head.” He turned to face 
me. “Listen, I haven’t been with anybody for a long time. Not like that, anyway. The 
idea of doing that with you… it’s kind of exciting.”  
“Dad, what are you saying?” 
He placed a hand on my bare thigh. The touch sent an electric shiver coursing 
through my body. “What I’m saying is that we should go back into that room, with both 
of us awake,” he winked. “And see what happens.” The tent in his briefs caught my 
eye, and I blushed. He was certainly excited.  
This was a dream come true. How could I say no? Hopefully nobody saw us slip 
back into the room in our underwear.  
“Now then, where were we?” He sounded confident, but even in the dim room I 
could see him shiver. He plopped himself onto the bed, giving me an ample view of his 
crotch. With my tail wagging uncontrollably, I settled down between his legs. 
“I- I think we were about to get these off,” I said, sounding much less confident 
than he did. I reached forward to his waist. I hesitated. “Are you sure about this, Dad?” 
My hands were shaking.  
“Not at all,” he smiled reassuringly. “Keep going. I’ll stop you if it gets too 
weird,” He pulled his shirt over his head. My eyes wandered from his nipples poking 
through his fur, down to the trail of gray fur that went from his chest, over his gut, and 
down to the point now leaking through his underwear. 
That’s all the encouragement I needed. Once the briefs were around his ankles, 
he was completely exposed, cock almost fully hard. For a moment, I felt like that boy 
who saw his dad step out of the shower. I didn’t realize his balls were this huge! He let 
out a pleasured sigh as I cupped them, or tried to cup them, in one hand. He must cum 
like a bull, and there was only one way to find out. 
I ran my tongue up and down his length, cleaning him off. He was leaking like a 
faucet, and made noises I had never heard him make before, moans and gasps that 
made my heart flutter knowing I was their cause. I pressed my muzzle where his crotch 
met his thigh, breathing in the scent that clung to the short fur there and teasing the 
sensitive skin with my tongue. When I looked up next, his knot had made it out of his 
sheath. Time for the main course.  
I sat up and lowered my head onto him, letting my lips touch the top of his knot. 
I pulled my head back up, swirling my tongue around the tip. Dad yelped, and bucked 
up into my mouth. I gave him a quizzical look, and his face flushed.  
“Sorry, hah, you certainly know what you’re doing,” he panted.  
I smiled wickedly. “You haven’t seen anything yet, Dad.”  
I knew I was good at this, and I wanted to impress him. This was my element. I 
took a deep breath and, just as slowly as before, bobbed my head downward, only this 
time I didn’t stop. I took his knot into my mouth as well, letting him tie my face and 
slide all the way back into my throat. My nose was buried in his pubes, and I went to 
work shoving my tongue in and out of his sheath below the knot. 
He couldn’t control himself. Few guys could. Thirty seconds without air was well 
worth feeling him squirm underneath me and grind against my maw and press my head 
harder into his crotch, hearing the gasps and yips he let out as I hit every spot along 
his entire length. Spurts of pre hit my throat as Dad writhed in bliss. Controlling my gag 
reflex is pretty easy for me, so I could sit here for a while, if I needed to. Gods, I 
needed to.  
“Wait-wait, Charlie, hold on!” I felt him try to push me off of him, breaking my 
concentration. I grinned at him as I caught my breath.  
“Too much for you, Dad?” I wiped some drool from my chin as his cock 
twitched impatiently, demanding more attention. He groaned as he sat up, scooting 
next to me at the foot of the bed. I think he was panting harder than I was.  
“That was… amazing. You’re amazing.”  
I beamed, too proud of myself to realize what he was doing before it happened. 
He pressed his mouth to mine, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me deeper 
into the kiss. Before that moment, I had thought that describing a kiss like fireworks 
was just people being poetic, but when our lips touched, every nerve in my body lit up 
at once. My shakes were gone. Just the feeling of lightning lacing up my spine and 
melting into the embrace of the man in front of me. 
An eternity later, he broke the kiss. “I just didn’t want to cum just yet. Not like 
that, anyway.”  
He moved back onto the bed, leaving me still stunned where I was. “I haven’t 
done this since college,” he called, “but I always preferred being on the receiving end 
of things, if that’s alright with you.” 
I looked back at him, and my jaw dropped. He was on his knees with his tail 
hiked high, one hand pulling aside his asscheek and revealing a shock of pink flesh. 
His balls dangled loosely between his legs, and I could see pre dripping onto the bed 
beneath him.  
“Like what you see?” He wiggled his backside at me. 
Wordlessly, I sidled up behind him, spreading his cheeks apart. I needed a taste. 
Starting at his balls, I dragged my tongue all the way up to his hole, slathering it in 
saliva. He moaned perversely as I worked my tongue along the outside of his entrance.  
“Aah, I’ll take that as a yes.” His pleasured sounds continued as I loosened him 
up, thrusting my tongue inside, partially to lube him up, partially to feel him shudder 
every time I did. Still, better safe than sorry. I blindly dug around the side of the bed, 
rooting my wallet out of my pants and producing a condom with a small packet of lube 
attached. I tossed the condom over my shoulder as I tore open the packet with my 
teeth, spreading the cold gel over my rock-hard cock.  
“Just go slow,” he gulped. “I haven’t exactly had a lot of practice lately.” 
I took whatever leftover lube was left on my hand, and started to coax a finger 
into his ass. “Let me know if you want me to stop,” I reassured him. “Relax.”  
He grimaced, but followed my instructions, and I slid my finger inside. Then a 
second. I spread them apart a few times to make sure he was good and stretched, 
then slowly moved my fingers aside and lined myself up. “Take a deep breath, Dad,” I 
soothed. Slowly, I slid into him. He was extremely tight, but the added lube was just 
enough to let me slip through. I stopped at my knot to give him time to adjust, admiring 
the view of my cock half-buried in his round ass. I slid my hand down and squeezed 
his knot, eliciting another moan. 
After a few moments, I felt him lean into me, pressing himself against my knot. 
He smiled broadly over his shoulder, giving me a thumbs up. “Alrighty, you can move 
now.” Didn’t have to tell me twice. I drew my hips back, almost pulling out, then 
steadily sunk back into him, nice and easy, savoring every sensation. He took a deep 
breath, and I went again, this time with more force behind it. It was hard to go quickly 
without hurting him, but with every thrust he relaxed a bit more around me. Soon, I had 
a steady rhythm going, and every time I hit the right spot, he let out a little whine, 
clenching around me. Adorable.  
It was starting to be too much for me. My body was screaming at me to go 
faster, to take him as hard as I could. I could feel pressure building up somewhere 
deep inside. If I didn’t knot him soon, I might go crazy. I gripped his hips tightly, leaned 
back, and slammed my knot into his hole. He yelped in pain, but I didn’t stop. I 
couldn’t stop.  
I pulled out barely an inch, but threw all of my weight forward again and again, 
forcing him open a little wider with each thrust. His cries of pain soon shifted to cries of 
pleasure. I swung one of my legs over his, then the other, standing hunched over him 
and driving each and every rapid-fire thrust into his prostate. He howled underneath 
me, his legs shaking, and I could feel him start to tighten up around my thrusts. He was 
getting close. So was I. 
With a grunt of effort, I grabbed him around the middle and finally pushed my 
entire length into him. His ass clamped hungrily around my knot, tugging me deep 
inside him with a squelch. I could feel the rhythmic pulses of his orgasm around my 
dick as he came hands-free, covering the sheets below us in spray after spray of sticky 
fluid and milking my cock at the same time. That did it. I don’t think I’ve ever cum so 
hard in my life. It rang all the way down into my toes as I unloaded deep inside, waves 
of pleasure crashing against my body with every spurt. I counted eight before they 
started to taper off. Pressure started to build as my load filled him, but my knot was 
stuck firmly in place. We weren’t going anywhere for a while. 
We collapsed sideways, still tied together, chests heaving. I was stuck spooning 
him, not that I was complaining, so I just wrapped my arms around him and held him in 
the afterglow, waiting for the knot to go down. 
“...Thanks, Dad.” 
“Hm? Oh, you’re welcome, Charlie. That was… wow.” 
“No, not for the sex.” He lifted his head, and quirked an eyebrow at me. “Well, 
yes, for the sex, but for more than that. You’re such an amazing man, and I’m so glad I 
have you. You have no idea how long I’ve felt this way and worried about what you 
might think, but even after learning my darkest secret, you don’t hate me. Thank you 
for being the best… Are you crying?” 
“No,” he lied, wiping tears away from his face. I laughed, and squeezed him 
tighter, planting my lips in the nape of his neck.  
“I love you, son.”  
“I love you too, Dad.” 
“...We can’t ever come back to this motel, can we, kiddo?” 
“Nnnope, I don’t think so. If the loud sex hasn’t already gotten us blacklisted, I 
think the sheets will.”  
Exhaustion began to creep over me. Between the long drive, the intense 
orgasm, and my dad’s gentle breathing in my arms, I didn’t stand a chance. The last 
thing I remembered before passing out was Dad beginning to snore, and thinking how 
lucky I was to have him.  

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