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Exercises 1

Chapter 1: DIODE
Problem 1. Determine the level of VO for each network of Fig. 1.

Figure 1.
Problem 2. Determine VO1 and VO2 for the networks of Fig. 2.

Figure 2.
Problem 3. Determine VO and I for the networks of Fig. 3.

Figure 3.
Problem 4. Determine the level of VO for the gate of Fig. 4.

(a) (b)
Figure 4.

Problem 5.
a. Given Pmax = 14 mW for each diode at Fig. 5, determine the maximum current rating of each
diode (using the approximate equivalent model).
b. Determine I max for the parallel diodes.
c. Determine the current through each diode at Vimax using the results of part (b).
d. If only one diode were present, which would be the expected result?

Figure 5.
Problem 6. Sketch vo for the network of Fig.6 and determine the dc voltage available.

Figure 6.
Problem 7. Determine vo for each network of Fig. 7 for the input shown.

Figure 7.
Problem 8. Determine vo for each network of Fig. 8 for the input shown.

Figure 8.
Problem 9. Sketch vo for each network of Fig. 9 for the input shown.

Figure 9.
Problem 10. For the network of Fig. 10:
a. Calculate 5t.
b. Compare 5t to half the period of the applied signal.
c. Sketch vo.
Figure 10.
Problem 11.
a. Determine VL, IL, IZ, and IR for the network of Fig. 11 if RL = 180 Ω.
b. Repeat part (a) if RL = 470 Ω.
c. Determine the value of RL that will establish maximum power conditions for the Zener diode.
d. Determine the minimum value of RL to ensure that the Zener diode is in the “on” state.

Figure 11.
Problem 12. For the network of Fig. 12, determine the range of Vi that will maintain VL at 8 V and
not exceed the maximum power rating of the Zener diode.

Figure 12.

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