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The Relationship between Retinal Microvascular

Abnormalities and Coronary Heart Disease: A Review
Benjamin R. McClintic, MD,a Jedediah I. McClintic, BS, BA,b John D. Bisognano, MD, PhD,a
Robert C. Block, MD, MPHa
Department of Internal Medicine, Cardiology Division, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY; bPenn State Hershey
College of Medicine, Hershey, Penn.


Heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the United States despite decades of advancement in
its diagnosis and treatment. Because of the limitations of traditional risk stratification for heart disease,
evaluation of the retinal vasculature has been proposed as an easily and safely measured adjunct to
commonly used screening methods. This article provides a comprehensive review of the literature
concerning the relationships between retinal microvascular abnormalities and coronary heart disease. We
outline details of the most recent large epidemiologic studies and discuss their potential implications for
clinical practice. Finally, we propose a change to the current guidelines regarding the screening of
“low-risk” women, a group that is often failed by traditional evaluation algorithms.
© 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. • The American Journal of Medicine (2010) 123, 374.e1-374.e7

KEYWORDS: Coronary heart disease; Retinal microvascular abnormalities; Retinopathy; Risk prediction; Screening

Despite enormous advances in its diagnosis and treatment density lipoprotein cholesterol, age, cigarette smoking, di-
over the past decades, heart disease continues to be the abetes mellitus, kidney disease, and others, are well estab-
leading cause of death in the United States.1 The high lished in both the literature and clinical practice as ways to
burden of disease results in human suffering, lost produc- identify and treat susceptible individuals.7-12 However,
tivity, financial strain, and countless other costs that have there continues to be interest in finding methods and other
led to an increasing focus on risk assessment and primary markers that will allow us to further risk stratify patients.
prevention of coronary heart disease.2-6 Risk factors for This is especially important for some subgroups of the
coronary heart disease, such as hypertension, elevated low- population, such as women, in whom traditional predictors
of risk might not be adequate. For decades, the retinal
Funding: This publication was made possible by Grant Number KL2 vasculature has been proposed as an easily and safely mea-
RR 024136 from the National Center for Research Resources (NCRR), a sured surrogate for the coronary circulation, but there is
component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the NIH Road- conflicting evidence as to its utility in this area.13-17 This
map for Medical Research. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the
authors and do not necessarily represent the official view of NCRR or NIH.
article examines the current body of literature regarding the
Information on NCRR is available at Informa- associations between retinal microvascular changes and cor-
tion on Re-engineering the Clinical Research Enterprise can be obtained onary heart disease, and explores the potential implications
from for clinical practice.
Conflict of Interest: None of the authors have any conflicts of interest
associated with the work presented in this manuscript. OVERVIEW OF RETINAL MICROVASCULAR
Authorship: All authors had access to the data and played a role in
writing this manuscript. ABNORMALITIES
Reprint requests should be addressed to Robert C. Block, MD, MPH, A detailed description of the pathophysiology of retinal
Assistant Professor, Department of Community and Preventive Medicine, microvascular changes from both hypertension and diabetes
Clinical Lipidologist, Department of Medicine, University of Rochester
School of Medicine and Dentistry, 601 Elmwood Avenue, Box 644, Roch-
is beyond the scope or purpose of this review and has been
ester, NY 14642. described in depth by others.13,18-21 However, a basic un-
E-mail address: derstanding of terminology is necessary to proceed with a

0002-9343/$ -see front matter © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
374.e2 The American Journal of Medicine, Vol 123, No 4, April 2010

discussion of relationships between retinal vascular changes perfusion and presumably better microvascular function
and coronary heart disease. In a comprehensive 2001 review in the myocardium.34 However, more direct and quanti-
of retinal microvascular abnormalities and their associations fiable methods calculate coronary flow reserve, which
with systemic cardiovascular disease, Wong et al13 de- is the difference between flow at maximal hyperemia
scribed useful working definitions for different aspects of (vasodilation with adenosine or dipyridamole) and basal
retinal vascular pathology, and flow. Coronary flow reserve can be
those same definitions will be measured using multiple modalities,
used in this article. Retinopathy including positron-emission tomog-
specifically refers to changes that raphy, magnetic resonance imaging,
are not directly arteriolar, such as ● Current data indicate a strong relation- and transthoracic echocardiog-
cotton wool spots, hemorrhages, ship between retinal abnormalities and raphy.35-37
microaneurysms, macular edema, coronary heart disease, especially in It is hypothesized that because
and hard exudates. Retinal arte- retinal vessels are approximately
riolar changes such as general- the same magnitude as coronary
ized and focal arteriolar narrow- ● In women previously deemed “low risk” microvasculature (⬃100-250 ␮m
ing, as well as arteriovenous for coronary heart disease by traditional in diameter), they can serve as
nicking, refer only to pathology risk factors, screening retinal evalua- representative of processes occur-
involving the retinal arterioles. tion may identify individuals who need ring in coronary microvessels, and
Despite early recognition of the more agressive primary prevention. therefore serve as a marker for
relationship between retinal mi- subclinical or microvascular coro-
crovascular abnormalities and sys- nary disease. As discussed below,
temic vascular disease,22,23 exam- however, data are inconsistent
ination of the retina by ophthalmoscopy has not been proved about whether retinal microvascular abnormalities can be
to be a reliable method of assessing the coronary circulation. used as surrogates for systemic or coronary macrovascular
This is likely due in part to the fact that ophthalmoscopy or microvascular dysfunction.
is not objective or quantitative.24,25 In the last few de-
cades, digitized retinal photography and other methods
have become accepted as more standardized and objec-
tive techniques for characterizing retinal microvascular MICROVASCULAR AND MACROVASCULAR
phenomena. 13,26,27 DISEASE
Despite the growing preponderance of evidence associating
retinal microvascular abnormalities with coronary heart dis-
OVERVIEW OF CORONARY MICROVASCULAR ease, there still remains a significant lack of understanding
DISEASE about the pathophysiologic mechanisms underlying the re-
A discussion of the relationship between retinal microvas- lationship between microvascular and macrovascular dis-
cular abnormalities and coronary disease necessitates a brief ease. Several studies have attempted to elucidate the rela-
overview of coronary microvascular disease. In the last 2 tionship between retinal microvascular dysfunction and
decades, significant study has been directed at discovering large artery atherosclerosis. By using data from the Hoorn
the pathogenetic mechanisms of coronary microvascular study, a population-based cohort with varied degrees of
dysfunction and the clinical implications of microvascular insulin resistance, VanHecke et al17 hypothesized that mi-
disease. This line of inquiry developed partly because crovascular dysfunction might lead to atherosclerosis by
of observations that many patients experience typical angina inducing endothelial dysfunction of the large vessels. In 256
symptoms in the absence of coronary artery disease detect- adults aged 60 to 85 years, they compared findings of
able by angiography or evidence of structural heart dis- retinopathy and arteriolar and venular diameters with bra-
ease.30 This condition, which has become known as syn- chial artery endothelium-dependent, flow-mediated vasodi-
drome X, is relatively common: Between 10% and 30% of lation and carotid intima–media thickness. After controlling
patients undergoing angiography for typical angina symp- for other risk factors, this study found no significant asso-
toms have “clean” epicardial coronary arteries.31 Most cases ciation between retinal microvascular abnormalities and en-
occur in postmenopausal women, and long-term survival dothelium-dependent, flow-mediated vasodilation (a marker
and left ventricular function are usually not adversely for endothelial function) or carotid intima–media thickness
affected.32,33 (a marker for early atherosclerosis). Despite the relatively
To further assess coronary microvascular dysfunction, small size of the study, the authors concluded that retinal
numerous approaches have been tried with varying re- microvascular disease is not associated with subclinical
sults. During angiography, the Thrombolysis in Myocar- atherosclerosis. In contrast, a smaller Chinese study com-
dial Infarction myocardial perfusion grade can be used pared central retinal artery blood flow and endothelial-de-
to measure the intensity and rapidity of radio-opacity of pendent, flow-mediated vasodilation between 25 patients
myocardial tissue, with higher scores indicating better with angiographically confirmed coronary artery disease
McClintic et al Retinal Microvasculature and Coronary Disease 374.e3

and 30 normal controls. This study found significantly de- pathologic retinal vascular changes but did not provide data
creased central retinal artery blood flow and decreased bra- on cause-specific mortality rates and often did not control
chial artery flow-mediated vasodilation in the patients with for confounders.13,49-52 However, in the last decade more
coronary artery disease, suggesting a relationship between data on the relationship between retinal microvascular ab-
abnormalities in retinal microcirculation and endothelial normalities and incident coronary heart disease, as well as
dysfunction.38 Other studies also have explored the rela- cardiovascular mortality, have been forthcoming. As sum-
tionship between retinal microvascular abnormalities and marized in more detail in Table 1, multiple large population-
markers for cardiovascular risk and atherosclerosis. In the based studies have found significant associations between
Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) population, retinal microvascular changes and incident coronary disease
generalized arteriolar narrowing was associated with carotid or cardiovascular death. These trials vary somewhat in the
plaque (but no other markers of atherosclerosis) and smok- specifics of the retinal abnormalities measured. In the large
ing and inflammatory markers, such as white blood cell trials of the general population (ARIC, Blue Mountains
count, fibrinogen, and low albumin. Arteriovenous nicking Eye Study, and Beaver Dam Eye Study), smaller arteriolar
also was associated with smoking and inflammatory mark- caliber and smaller arteriole to venule ratio consistently
ers, but inconsistently with markers of macroarterial dis- showed higher risk of coronary events in middle-aged
ease.39 Another cross-sectional study, the Multi-Ethnic women but not always in men or elderly subjects.53-55 The
Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA), examined the relation- consistent associations in women are important because this
ship between retinal vascular caliber and multiple cardio- group is more often classified low/moderate risk by tradi-
vascular risk factors. This study found that smaller retinal tional risk scores and may be a good candidate for further
arteriolar caliber was related to hypertension and higher screening. Of note, the ARIC study included more than
homocysteine levels, whereas larger venular caliber was 9500 subjects, more than all of the other studies combined.
associated with diabetes, current cigarette smoking, obesity, And although it is beyond the scope of this review to delve
dyslipidemia, and systemic markers of inflammation, such deeply into more specifics about the diabetic population or
as C-reactive protein, fibrinogen, and interleukin-6.40 Sim- other populations at high risk for coronary heart disease,
ilar associations between larger retinal venular caliber and some studies also have shown associations between retinal
systemic markers of inflammation have been found in other microvascular abnormalities and incident coronary disease
populations.39,41,42 in the diabetic, hypertensive, hyperlipidemic, and elderly
subgroups even when controlling for other traditional risk
The gold standard for the diagnosis of coronary artery RETINAL MICROVASCULAR ABNORMALITIES
disease is coronary angiography, but its hazards and costs AND SUBCLINICAL/MICROVASCULAR
preclude its use in the early evaluation of at-risk patients. CORONARY DISEASE
Other methods to further risk stratify these patients have Given the consistent relationship between retinal microvas-
been developed and continue to be explored.43,44 This arti- cular abnormalities and incident coronary heart disease and
cle will summarize the data for and against the use of retinal cardiovascular mortality as evidenced by large population-
microvascular abnormalities in the evaluation and risk strat- based cohort studies in the last decade, a few recent studies
ification of patients with coronary artery disease. have attempted to further prove a relationship between the
A few studies have found a positive association between retinal microvasculature and subclinical as well as “micro-
retinal microvascular abnormalities and coronary artery dis- vascular” coronary disease and cardiomyopathy.
ease diagnosed by angiography.16,45,46 However, these trials In a 2005 study using the ARIC cohort, Wong et al59
did not use objective or quantitative measures of the retinal examined the associations between retinal microvascular
microvasculature, and many did not include a multivariate abnormalities and incident congestive heart failure events in
analysis to control for potential confounders. Furthermore, 11,612 adults aged 49 to 73 years over a 7-year follow-up
despite the above positive associations, one Brazilian study period. After controlling for traditional risk factors in mul-
in 96 subjects found no association between funduscopic tivariate analysis, they found a 2-fold increased risk of
evidence of retinal arteriolar changes and angiographic ev- incident heart failure in all persons with signs of retinopathy
idence of coronary disease.47 and a 3-fold risk in subjects without preexisting coronary
Many more and larger studies have examined the rela- heart disease, diabetes, or hypertension. This risk was as-
tionship between retinal microvascular changes and the sociated with signs of retinopathy only, and no significant
harder end points of incident coronary heart disease events relationship between arteriovenous nicking or focal/gener-
and death (Table 1). In general, most of the more recent alized retinal arteriolar narrowing was found after multivar-
trials examining these end points used standardized grading iate adjustment. More recently, Cheung et al60 analyzed
protocols for quantification of retinal microvascular param- 4593 adult men and women aged 45 to 85 years without
eters as described briefly above. With a notable exception,48 preexisting cardiovascular disease in the MESA cohort.
earlier trials found increases in mortality associated with They compared findings on retinal photographs with left
Table 1 Summary of Selected Studies Examining Relationship Between Retinal Microvascular Abnormalities and Incident Coronary Events and Death
Study Population Study Type Retinal Vasculature Examination End Points Conclusions Reference

1524 adults with type 2 Population-based prospective Standardized retinal photographs using Primary: Incident CHD event (MI, Signs of retinopathy associated with 2-fold Cheung et al56
diabetes, no known CHD cohort (ARIC) the Early Treatment of Diabetic death, or revascularization). risk of incident CHD and 3-fold risk of
or stroke Retinopathy Study severity scale. Secondary: fatal CHD fatal CHD (association persisted across
subgroups and after controlling for
potential confounders).
3340 men and women Population-based prospective Standardized retinal photographs with Primary: CHD-related death After multivariate analysis, larger retinal Wang et al53
aged ⬎49 y cohort (Blue Mountains computerized assessment of venular caliber was associated with a
Eye Study) arteriolar and venular calibers, and 1.5-2⫻ increased risk of CHD death in
AVR. men and women aged 49-75 y, but
smaller arteriolar caliber only predicted
higher risk of fatal CHD in women. No
association in those aged ⬎75 y.
1992 men and women Population-based prospective Standardized retinal photographs with Primary: incident CHD (MI, In multivariate analysis, larger retinal Wong et al57
aged 69-97 y (mean age cohort (Cardiovascular computerized assessment of death) venular caliber was associated with
79 y) Health Study) arteriolar and venular calibers, and Secondary: incident stroke increased incident CHD and stroke,
AVR. Focal retinal microvascular whereas smaller arteriolar caliber was
signs also examined using associated with increased incident CHD
standardized light box protocol. but not stroke.
126 patients aged 43-74 y Population-based nested Standardized retinal photographs with Primary: CHD death or stroke After multivariate analysis, impaired Witt et al65
who died of CHD and 28 case-control (Beaver Dam computerized assessment of death(defined cases) bifurcation optimality and reduced
patients who died of Eye Study) arteriolar and venular LDRs, arteriolar tortuosity was associated with
stroke compared with 528 tortuosity, bifurcation optimality, incident CHD. Increased arteriolar LDR

The American Journal of Medicine, Vol 123, No 4, April 2010

controls and bifurcation angles. was associated with stroke, but not
independently of blood pressure.
417 patients (CHD or Population-based nested Standardized retinal photographs with Primary: cardiovascular disease After controlling for traditional risk Wong et al54
stroke death) aged 43-84 case-control (Beaver Dam measurements of retinopathy based death (CHD or stroke) factors, retinopathy had an OR of 1.8 for
y with 1202 age- and Eye Study) on Airlie House classification, focal any cardiovascular disease death, but
gender-matched controls and generalized arteriolar narrowing, only younger subjects (aged 43-74 y)
AV nicking, and AVR using showed associations among
computerized techniques. focal/generalized arteriolar narrowing,
AV nicking, and CVD death.
9648 men and women Population-based prospective Standardized retinal photographs with Primary: incident CHD event (MI, In multivariate analysis, each SD decrease Wong et al55
aged 45-64 y with no cohort (ARIC) computerized assessment of AVR and death, or revascularization) in AVR was associated with an RR of
known baseline CHD evaluation of retinopathy per the 1.37 for incident CHD events in women
light box protocol. but not men. Also, retinopathy was
associated with an RR of 1.83 for
incident CHD in women but not men.
560 hypertensive, Prospective cohort Direct ophthalmoscopy to identify ⱖ1 Primary: incident CHD event (MI After multivariate analysis, hypertensive Duncan et al58
hyperlipidemic men aged (LRC-CPPT) of focal/generalized arteriolar or CHD death) retinopathy was associated with an RR
35-59 y narrowing, AV nicking, widened of 2.1 for definite CHD events.
arteriolar light reflex, retinal Generalized or focal arteriolar narrowing
hemorrhage and exudates, was associated with an RR of 2.9 for
microaneurysms, and disc swelling. CHD events.
CHD ⫽ coronary heart disease; ARIC ⫽ Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities; MI ⫽ myocardial infarction; AVR ⫽ arteriole to venule ratio; SD ⫽ standard deviation; LDR ⫽ length:diameter ratio;
AV ⫽ arteriovenous; OR ⫽ odds ratio; RR ⫽ relative risk; LRC-CPPT ⫽ Lipid Research Clinics Coronary Primary Prevention Trial.
McClintic et al Retinal Microvasculature and Coronary Disease 374.e5

Table 2 Proposed Modification of Prevention Strategies Based on Framingham Risk Score

Framingham Risk Class Men Women

Low (0-1 risk factors) Traditional management Traditional managementa
Consider retinal examination (especially if 1 risk factor)
Moderate (ⱖ2 risk factors) Traditional managementa Traditional managementa
High (CHD and CHD risk equivalents) Traditional managementa Traditional managementa
CHD ⫽ coronary heart disease.
Traditional Management denotes risk factor modification as outlined by National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III9,10 and the
Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee7 guidelines.

ventricular mass, volume, and remodeling as evidenced by CONCLUSIONS

cardiac magnetic resonance imaging. Their analysis showed Despite the best efforts of the medical community and signif-
an independent association between retinal arteriolar nar- icant advances in diagnosis and management, heart disease
rowing and retinopathy with magnetic resonance imaging remains the number one killer in the United States. Traditional
findings suggestive of left ventricular remodeling. Also, a risk factors such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes
significant association between larger retinal venular caliber allow physicians to treat high-risk patients, but a substantial
and left ventricular remodeling was noted in women only. proportion of cardiovascular disease is not explained by tradi-
Although they differ in the specifics of the retinal findings tional risk factors alone. Examination of the retinal vasculature
showing significance, both of these recent trials provide has long been proposed as a noninvasive and cost-effective
further evidence that the retinal microvasculature may pro- means of further risk stratifying patients with coronary heart
vide information about subclinical heart disease, with espe- disease. In the past 2 decades, an increased awareness of the
cially strong associations in women. contribution of coronary microvascular disease to the overall
Coronary artery calcification measured by computed to- heart disease burden has heightened interest in using the retinal
mography has been shown to represent subclinical coronary microvasculature as a marker for coronary disease. This is
artery disease and predict future coronary events.61 In an especially true for women, who might have a larger component
effort to determine whether retinal vascular changes are of microvascular processes contributing to their coronary heart
associated with subclinical coronary disease, Wong et al62 disease.64
examined 6147 adults aged 45 to 84 years from the MESA Over the last 8 to 10 years, the introduction of multiple
cohort. They found a significant and independent associa- large, prospective cohort studies examining the relationship
tion between retinopathy and increased coronary artery cal- between retinal vascular changes and clinical end points of
cium score when controlling for age, gender, race, and coronary disease has provided strong evidence for a positive
traditional risk factors. This association did not extend to correlation between the two.53-58,65 Also, some more recent
studies have shown an association between retinal microvas-
changes in retinal microvascular caliber. In further study of
cular abnormalities and markers of subclinical or microvascu-
212 persons in the MESA cohort, Wang et al63 sought to
lar coronary disease.59,60,62,63 Of note, all of these trials used
relate retinal microvascular caliber with changes in mag-
highly sophisticated and standardized methods of grading the
netic resonance imaging measurements of myocardial blood
retinal microvasculature. Also, there is some discordance
flow and perfusion reserve. They found an association be-
among the major trials in terms of the specific retinal changes
tween lower hyperemic myocardial blood flow and perfu-
that showed positive correlations. For example, in the ARIC
sion reserve with smaller retinal arteriolar caliber that was cohort a decreased arteriole to venule ratio and retinopathy was
significant after adjustment for age, gender, and race, but associated with increased incident coronary disease in women
that lost significance after adjusting for traditional coronary but not in men.55 In the MESA cohort, retinopathy (but not
disease risk factors. These associations were only evident in retinal vascular caliber) was associated with increased coro-
subjects with no evidence of coronary artery calcium, which nary artery calcium scores.62 Given that MESA also showed a
makes sense, because myocardial blood flow and perfusion correlation between retinal arteriolar narrowing and decreased
reserve are thought to depend mostly on the degree of myocardial blood flow and perfusion reserve,63 the argument
upstream epicardial coronary stenosis, unless this is ab- could be made that retinopathy signs may be markers for large
sent, in which case they correlate with coronary micro- artery atherosclerosis whereas retinal arteriolar narrowing and
vascular function. This study provided further evidence large retinal venular caliber might be markers for coronary
that retinal arteriolar narrowing correlates with coronary microvascular disease.
microvascular dysfunction and might serve as a marker So when should clinicians start using retinal visualiza-
for coronary microvascular disease in patients who would tion for coronary disease risk stratification? We propose that
otherwise be deemed low risk by traditional risk factor there might be value now in certain subsets of the popula-
assessment. tion (Table 2). According to data from the Third National
374.e6 The American Journal of Medicine, Vol 123, No 4, April 2010

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