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Monday March 6: Flood Safety, Preparedness, and Awareness

Having a plan can greatly reduce the risk of injury to your family. After your plan has been put
together, sit down with every member of your household and ensure that they know what to do.

Tuesday, March 7 – Turn Around, Don't Drown

Flood water is very dangerous and should never be tested, if you find your path blocked by
moving flood water it is best to get away and find higher ground until the water level falls.

Wednesday, March 8 – Flood Hazards:

You can never be sure of what a flood has brought with it, the water could contain harmful
diseases and chemicals. Always wait until the water has gone away and take care in sanitizing
your home and belongings.

Thursday, March 9 – NWS Water Resources and Services:

By visiting the websites of the NWS, NOAA and FEMA you can find the best way to stay
informed based on where you live. Many of these organizations can send alerts directly to your
phone now if you allow it. You can also also use tips and resources from these websites to help
develop your emergency flood plan.

Friday, March 10 – Partners and Partner Services

Flood insurance is a great way to maintain peace of mind if you live in a designated flood zone.
If your mortgage is backed by the federal government it will be a requirement although it is
highly recommended for everyone. having flood insurance means you have more time to rebuild
and take care of your family rather than worrying about money.

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