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Script for St.

Mark International Academy

Seminar Work – Shop for Teachers

I. Invocation & C. National Anthem

Please all rise and let us seek Divine Intervention, may we invite Ms. Fe Tatoy to lead us all the prayer
followed by the singing of Philippine National Anthem to be conducted by Ms. Ronalyn Almenario.

II. Words of Welcome

Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen and to all my fellow teachers, it is my pleasure to be a moderator
for today’s seminar. On behalf of Saint Mark International Academy and all the people behind this programme,
I would like to extend a most cordial welcome to all of you to the 1st day Seminar – Workshop for Teachers. We
appreciate you taking time off your busy schedules to join us today. We hope you will learn a lot, we have
lined-up for you to be fruitful and engaging.

Ladies and Gentlemen, to formally open and to give us the words of welcome, it is my distinct privilege
to introduce to you, our honorable school Principal, Dr. Wilson D. Getalado. Let’s give him a round of applause.
Thank you so much Doctor Wilson for that heartwarming remarks. (adlib)

III. Introduction of Resource Speaker

And finally, to do the honors of introducing today’s resource speaker, may we have on stage the
registrar of SMIA, none other than Ma’am Melvie A. Tana.

(At this point in time, we will momentarily cut the program. Let’s enjoy our food/snack because we
will be having a 30-minute break.)

Thank you so much Dr. Maria Elizabeth T. Tolentino. We have learned so much for you this day. Once
again, let’s give her a round of applause. We couldn’t have done this successfully without you Ma’am, and also
to all of you my fellow teachers and participants who spared your time attending this seminar. Let’s give also
ourselves a round of applause.

III. Awarding of Certificate to the Resource Speaker

As a token of appreciation for her time and valuable contribution, may I call upon Mrs. Melvie A. Tana
and Dr. Wilson Getalado for the Awarding of Certificate to the Resource Speaker.

Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now approaching the last part of this programme.
It is my honor to introduce to you our last speaker, our respectable and highly regarded School
Principal, bringing the marking of our identity in the person of Dr. Wilson D. Getalado. Let’s acknowledge him
with a round of applause!

(Thank you so much Sir.)

For the Closing Ceremony followed by Awarding of Certificates, may we have once more
on stage Mrs. Melvie Tana and Dr. Wilson Getalado.

Well, I believed that’s about everything ladies and gentlemen. We have finally come to the
end of our programme. It has been a great day and a wonderful afternoon with all of you. Again thank you all
for your presence. God bless and good day to each and every one of you.

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