Speaking Test

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Question 1:
Many thing can cause stress in our lives suggest some ways to reduce

Intro: Feeling of stress are normally by things happening in your life

which involve being under lots of pressure, worrying about something
or it might be a build up of lots of smaller things.There is a lot of
ways to reduce stress.

Point 1: Exercise rugarlary

 One of the most effective ways to reduce stress is exercising
regurlary.Regular exercise can increase our self
confidence,improve our mood,help you relax and lower
symptoms of mild depression and anxiety.Physical activity
can help lower our overall stress level and improve your
quality of life both mentally and physically.Example we can
do activity like jogging,playing badminton and playing

Point 2: Listening to music

 Music is effective ways to reduce stress because is good for
relaxation and stress management.Music can be used as a
therapeutic tool to not only reduce stress but too also promote
healing and improve one overall emotional well being.When
we listening to slow music we can more relax our mind and
forget about all the problem.Likes example you can listen to
Taylor Swift song because is really good and not too heavy.
Point 3: Keeping a pet
 Pets especially dog and cat can reduce stress,anxiety and
depression,ease loneliness.Owning a cat can encourages us to
improve our activities level as you need to walk it regurlary
and you probably play with them at home.The unconditional
love of a pet can do more than keep company

Point 4: Spending time with friends

 Friends prevent loneliness and give you a chance to offer
needed companion ship too.Friends also can increase your
sense of belonging and purpose boost our happiness.Spending
time with friends and loved one had a strong positive impact
on our mental health.It makes us feel closer to others and can
forget about our problems.You can hangout with your friend
and do a lot of activities like shopping,hiking and camping.

 The conclusion, stress should not be allowed to dominate
because the implications are too big.People who are under
extreme exercise often cannot control themselves.If we are
experiencing stress,try to overcome it as soon as possible

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