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Name : Inggrid Desianasari

NIM : 170110101055


My name is Lucy, 17 years old. And now I am in second year of High School
student. Since I was a kid, I always saw strange things that cannot be seen by anyone other
than me. Yes, you’re right, I am an indigo child.

And now I here in summer camp event that held by my school. If I have to choose, I
will never come to this summer camp. Unfortunately, the entire students have to join this
event. We are camping in cottages in front of a lake. And behind the cottages is a forest.
There are several cottages there. One cottage for teachers and five other cottages are for
students, each cottage contains 12 students. This summer camp event is divided into several
schedules and each schedule is held for three days. My class, 1-A and class 1-B get the first
schedule. There are night journey event through the forest tonight and I don’t like it
because I will see ‘them’.

‘Hey ... do you want to hear a story?’ Accidentally, Sarah and I overheard a
conversation of some students when we prepared the things for the event tonight.


‘Do you know that during the summer camp a few years ago, there were two
students from our school who had disappeared here and still haven't been found yet. Their
names are…'

'Enough! Do not scare me! Tonight we will have a night journey.’

I've never heard of such a thing before. Stories like that should have been
widespread at school, but this is the first time I've heard a story like that.
"Did you thinking about that story? Don’t think about it. We are here to have fun. ”
Said Sarah, and patting my shoulder.

“You are right, Sarah.”


All the children gather in the front yard of the cabins to prepare night journey event.
Sarah looks excited because she likes something like this. In contrast, I am little bit worry.

"All of you make a group of two people and take the lottery numbers. The number
you choose is the order of your departure. Make sure you are always together with your
partner and walk following the signs. Do not exit the route. And don't forget your
flashlights. ” Mr. Robert, who is also the homeroom teacher of Class 1-A, gives instruction
to us.

After my teacher gave instructions, all students looking for their partners and take
the lottery number. Ah ... actually I don't really like this. I will see ‘them’ during my night
journey. As long as I staring straight ahead without looking away maybe everything will be
fine. While waiting for my turn, I tried to calm my mind until our turn come.

When our turns come, we slowly walk into the forest area. We hold our flashlights
tightly without turn my head to other direction. We both hold on tight. Actually, there are
lanterns in both side of the route and signs so we wouldn’t get lost. We walk in the
direction of the lantern and the signs. Since I enter the forest area, a lot of 'them' are
watching us. I try to pretend I cannot see it even though it feel difficult. And I can feel
something has been following us all this time, but I really can't look back.

"Wait a minute, Lucy! My shoelaces are loose. "Sarah immediately fixes her
shoelaces. I watch Sarah for a moment then look forward ...
"AAAKKKHHHH ... !!!" I shout as I take a step back and fell backwards in surprise
to see something right in front of my face. That was the scariest form I had ever seen. I was
surprised because it suddenly standing in front of me with a face like that.

"Is there any something wrong, Lucy? Are you okay? "Sarah asked worriedly.

I hold Sarah's hand immediately and run. ‘They’ are realize if I can see ’them’.
When they realize if I can see ‘them’, something bad will happen. Sarah keep asking me
why I am like this but I didn't answer and keep running. From all of ‘them’ in this forest,
just him who dare to come near to human. I feel the horror that came from that creature. I
also feel something was strange. Since the beginning why 'they' notice us and some of them
laugh at us. Something wrong here.

"AAAAA ..... !!!!!" Suddenly Sarah scream, I turn and find ‘something’ that bring
Sarah into the dark.

"SARAAAHH ... !!!!" Without thinking, I chase after Sarah even though I exit from
the route.

"LUCYY ... !!!! HELP ME ... !!!"

I continued to chase Sarah, I continue to highlight my flashlight at Sarah so that I

would not lost her trace. I was on my limit but I keep chasing him. I run faster without
caring about anything.

I have to help Sarah…


The atmosphere of the students in class 1-A looked noisy because some students not
return from night journey. The class leader immediately reports to his homeroom teacher
for what happened.
"Mr. Robert, some students not return yet. We've been waiting and checking the
number of students in our class. The number of students in our class is 30 students but after
I count only 28 student return." Mr. Robert immediately ask for help from other teachers
and villagers to find them.

Time has passed, it’s already 12 o'clock but they still not come back. Many students
in grade 1-A can’t sleep because they feel worry. Then, the searching team come back and
bring two students. Two missing students have been found, students of class 1-A
immediately hugging them.

"Rose, Jane, finally you guys come back… sobs ... sobs…“said a student who start

"Is everything complete?" Ask Mr. Robert to his students. The class president
counts the number of students and checks them by calling his name.

"Everything is complete, sir." The class president answered.

Isn't the missing student named Lucy and Sarah?

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