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Chapter 6

Application Assignment

Legislative Hearing

Watch the Senator Ben Sasse testimony at the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearing and
answer the following questions.

1. Why does Senator Sasse say Supreme Court confirmation hearings don’t work?

2. What does Senator Sasse invite his colleagues to do if they think Supreme Court Justices
serve as Democrats or Republicans? Why?

3. What does Senator Sasse say Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings should be?

4. What does Senator Sasse say about where our political battleground is right now? Why?
Where should the political battleground be? Why?

5. What Constitutional Articles does Senator Sasse reference?

6. What does Senator Sasse say about how the legislative body got to the place of giving
away power? What is the impact?

7. What is Senator Sasse’s suggested solution?

8. What does Senator Sasse say should be the key to evaluating Supreme Court Nominees
for a lifetime appointment?

9. What do you think of Senator Sasse’s opinion?

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