Midterm #1

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1. You are training for a marathon.

What organelle do you need to increase in number the most

in your muscles?


2. What is the long shaft of a bone called? ​Diaphysis

3. Maintaining the shape of a cell and organizing intracellular contents is a function of the:


4. The view of the skull shown in this image is a: ​Lateral view

5. On the diagram above, the best way to describe the position of the acromion with respect to
the carpal region would be:

6. What tissue-type is shown here? ​Adipose tissue

7. The butterfly-shaped bone shown in green in this image is the: ​Sphenoid bone which is
cranial bone

8. Much connective tissue including cartilage has the ability to draw in water to provide an
aqueous environment to allow nutrients, gasses, cells and growth factors to easily diffuse
through the tissue. What component of the extracellular matrix makes this possible?


9. What bone consists of 5 fused vertebrae and makes up part of the pelvis? ​Sacrum

10. In which bone do you find the sella turcica and what is it's function? ​In the sphenoid bone to
house the pituitary gland.
11. This is a photomicrograph of epithelium from the kidney tubules. The epithelium is an
example of:

Simple cuboidal epithelium

12. The parts of your vertebrae that you can feel as you run your hand along your back are the:

Spinous process

13. Why is the hyoid bone unique? ​doesn’t articulate with any other bones

14. The whole bone shown on the left is the: ​Sternum

15. Why is compact bone organized into structures called osteons? ​To ensure the encased
osteocytes can receive oxygen and nutrients
16. Classify the epithelium shown here.


17. Why don't we get any taller after puberty? ​Because our growth plates close at puberty

18. Which is your most superficial organ? ​Skin

19. The head, neck and trunk make yo the ____________ region of the body.


20. What type of vertebra is shown? ​Atlas which is C1

21. Which of the following would you expect to see at the light microscope level? ​Nucleus

22. A protein undergoes post-translational processing in the rough endoplasmic reticulum and
the golgi complex. However, the protein is incorrectly folded and won't be functional. What will
happen to it?

It will be transported to the lysosomes in vesicles for destruction

23. Which of your ribs are floating ribs? ​11 and 12

24. The most inferior part of the bone shown on the left is the: ​Xiphoid process

25. The term differentiation with reference to cells means: ​To become more specialized

26. The suture that lies between the occipital and parietal bones is the:​ Lambdoid suture

27. The temporal bones have long thin projections that serve as attachment points for muscles
and ligaments. These are termed:

Styloid process

28. Which cells are responsible for laying down osteoid? ​Osteoblasts

29. How do the bones of the cranium and mandible develop?

Intramembranous ossification

30. A professional fighter hit in the mental region would both likely have damage to his: ​Jaw

31. The section of the kidney tubule shown is an examples of a: ​Cross-section or transverse

32. Scoliosis, kyphosis and lordosis are conditions in which: ​There are abdominal curvatures in
the vertebral column
33. The vertebra shown is an example of:

Thoracic vertebra

34. What are the two proteins that make up elastic fibers? ​Elastin and fibrillin

35. When standing in anatomical position, what is the most lateral part of your body?

Select one: ​Thumb

36. Which organelle is very important in cell division? ​Centrioles

37. What type of connective tissue fibers form a fine network like a fishing net?

Reticular fibers

38. The ethmoid bone is an important component of the: ​Nasal cavity

39. In the image shown the boy is bouncing the ball off his: ​Left patellar area

40. The crista galli is named because it looks like a crested rooster and is a bone marking on:
THE ETHMOID BONE for the attachment of the membranes covering the brain

41. On the diagram above the best way to describe the position of the sternum with respect to
the ribs would be:


42. The endoplasmic reticulum is either smooth or rough depending on the presence of?


43. The image shows a goblet cell in the wall of the gut. What type of microscopy is this?
Transmission electron microscope
44. The surface of the epithelium in contact with the lumen is referred to as the:

apical surface

45. What is the mandibular fossa?

A depression on the temporal bone that forms part of the temporomandibular joint

46. What is the anatomical term that refers to your armpit?


47. In the image of the boy, it would be anatomically correct to describe the length of his socks

Distal to the knee

48. Which of the following cell-types does not come from a mesenchymal lineage?


49. One difference between male and female skulls is that:

Supraorbital ridge is more prominent in male

50. What are alveoli?

Tooth socks on the mandible and maxilla

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