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Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the relationship between the coping mechanisms, and level

of adversity quotient® of middle-aged adults. 

Specifically, it sought to answer the following research question:

1. What is the Coping Mechanism of Middle-Aged Adults in terms of; 

1.1. Active Coping

1.2. Use of informational support,

1.3. Positive reframing

1.4. Planning,

1.5. Emotional support

1.6. Venting

1.7. Humor

1.8. Acceptance

1.9. Religion

1.10. Self-blame

1.11. Self-distraction

1.12. Denial

1.13. Substance use

1.14. Behavioral disengagement

2. What is the level of adversity quotient® of Middle-aged adults in terms of: 

2.1. Control

2.2 Origin & Ownership

2.3 Reach
2.4 Endurance

2.5 Overall adversity quotient®

3. Is there a relationship between the coping mechanism and adversity quotient® of Middle-

Age Adults? 

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